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Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast

Author: Tom Luongo

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Handing Out Red-Pills on the Street Corner of the Culture War
217 Episodes
This is a roundtable discussion between myself, Marco from and Joe Hoft, author and brother of Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit.  We discuss the impending end of LIBOR on September 30th, and why this is so very important for the European sovereign debt markets, Europe's banking system, and the US's ability to weather the resultant storm.  You know this issue is important because no one is actually talking about it.  Show Notes:Mittdolcino
Trader, market analyst, and writer Vince Lanci of VBL's Goldfix joins the show again to give us his perspective on what's happening surrounding the European Central Bank's move to cut interest rates recently.  From the Christine Lagare's neck scarves to Janet Yellen's bowl cut we skewer everyone as we decode the epic, international move to rig global debt markets in the face of Jerome Powell simply telling everyone to "Shut the Fscking door."Show Notes:VBL's GoldfixVince on Twitter/X
Oil Analyst Ben Kelleran of Kontrarian Korner joins me for a talk about where the value proposition is in the oil space, given the open hostility from the Biden administration as well as the European Union.  Ben and I go through investment strategies for different styles of investors based on their risk tolerance and needs.  Show Notes:Kontrarian Korner SubstackBen on Twitter/X
Cornell Professor and raconteur Dave Collum joins me again for a Rogen-esque 2.5 hours covering all of our obsessions in a nearly futile bid to stave off the worst effects of the demoralization campaign we are all living through to rob us of our humanity and allow the worst people in the world (TFP!) to retain power.Show Notes: Dave on Twitter/X 
Host of the Coin Stories podcast and Bitcoin advocate Natalie Brunell joins me for a lively hour long discussion about bitcoin and the role of it in reasserting the sound money impulse back into our financial system.  Show Notes:Natalie:YouTube InstagramWebsite: Talking Bitcoin
Journalist and Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Kris Sims joins me to discuss the seen and unseen effects of Canada's latest iteration of Davos' carbon tax and the broader implications for the US and Canada in setting us up for a better future.  Show Notes:Kris on XCanadian Taxpayers Federation
Bitcoin Enthusiast and Entrepreneur Dave Bradley joins me for a lively discussion about Bitcoin's place in the societal upheaval events were going through from the short, mediam, and long term perspective.  Dave Bradley on Twitter Bitcoin Rodeo in Calgary (promo code: Goats)
Wall St. veteran and co-host of the Future's Edge podcast with Jim Iuorio Bobby Iaccino joins me for a hour to discuss our paths to maintaininng our independence and retain our control over what comes out of our pie holes.Show Notes:Future's Edge Podcast With Tom Luongo
Vince (VBL) Lanci joins me again to discuss some interesting parallels and crucial differences between gold miners and bitcoin miners.  Vince shares his thoughts about the real world of how the banks insert themselves into any trade they can to make their vig and why what they've done with gold miners in the past is not the prologue for bitcoin miners in the future.Show Notes:Caitlin Long Interview on The Bitcoin LayerVBL's goldfix (with coupon)Episode #166 - Vince and Plumbing the Depths of the Fed's "Pivot"
Author Richard Poe returns to the podcast after too long a hiatus to help give us an historical accounting of the influence of British trade and foreign policy on the evolution of the United States and how it has led us to the moment we are in today. Show Notes:Richard Poe SubstackHow the British Created Communism (and blamed it on the Jews)GGnG Episode #146 Richard Poe
Brent "Dollar Milkshake" Johnson (though I know he hates that term) comes back to the cast to update our conversation from last year. Brent and i take a good hard look at the state of global dollar liquidity, the state of our bond markets and who is most vulnerable to a stronger dollar over the next two years.Show Notes:Episode #152 Brent Johnson and Why the Dollar Has a Long Road AheadSantiago Capital
Author, former UK diplomat and owner of Conflicts Forum Alastair Crooke returns to the podcast to discuss his recent articles on the religious and cultural imperatives surrounding Israel's response to the October 7th attack by Hamas. Crooke's analysis, I believe, is essential in picking up some of the nuances of the conflict while also highlighting why there no easy answers here.Show Notes:Crooke at SCFNetanyahu’s Shape-shifting ‘Endgame’ – It Is No Ploy, but a Reversion to Earlier Zionist StrategyThe Tragic Self-Destruction of an Enraged Israel
Podcaster and commentator Pete Quinones joins me for a discussion about what's going on with libertarians and why in his opinion they've lost the plot. Stuck in a fugue of reflexivity of their own devising, much of the libertarian movement has willingly taken themselves off the gameboard of not only politics but the culture war itself. Show Notes: Pete's blogPete's substack -- By Any Meme's Necessary!
Former CIA Analyst and commentator Larry Johnson joins the podcast to discuss the fundamental problems of our bureaucracy and how that translates into horrific policy decisions. Show NotesLarry's Substack
Vince Lanci returns to the show to try and make sense of the changes happening in the bond and repo markets as we start 2024. There's a lot of really technical stuff going on and Vince and I try to do our best to bring it down to the "layman plus" level. Show Notes:Vince: VBL's GoldFix (w/ coupon code)Luongo: 10 Dreaded GOAT Predictions for 2024 Part I and Part II
Blogger Mark Wauck joins me for a get-to-know-you about a lot of the issues hitting us in the face to start 2024. Mark and I work through a number of topics ranging from Syria to Yemen to the strange domestic policy of the current president, the less said about whom, the better.Show Notes:Mark Wauck - Meaning in HistoryWauck's - Theory of Everything PostsLuongo - The Dreaded GOAT Predictions for 2024 Part I — Where Do We Go From Here?
Author, gadfly and podcaster James Delingpole returns for another round of dueling pills of the vaguely black and whiter shade of pale. We try and make sense of our own biases and previous programming of the earlier stages of the war against humanity, while acknowledging that yes, indeed, Virginia there is an evil Santa Klaus trying to make us crazy.Show Notes:The Delingpod
Alex Krainer returns to the podcast to update us on the state of the war for gflobal collateral and how that informs all the geopolitical moves happening as we end 2023. Every time I sit down with Alex it's an opportunity to riff off previously presented ideas and fill in the cracks with gold, kintsugi-style.Show Notes:Alex on Substack@NakedHedgie on X/TwitterTom:Patreon@TFL1728 on X/TwitterGold Goats n' Guns Blog
Frequent guest and raconteur Dave Collum is back to discuss everything from what we're not allowed to say about Israel/Palestine to why the path to concert violinist isn't a straight line
Vince Lanci of Gold Fix returns to the show to discuss, unconscious bias, Japan and the Fremen... among other things. If this conversation leaves you with anything it should be that brick layers make the best piano tuners... esp. if they are Italian. :)Show Notes:Vince on Substack The "Inciting Incident" Tweet about Japan's "Stimulus"
Comments (4)


Brilliant Tom, Thanks. Dave's a blast

Jun 14th

Brad Burkley

I've enjoyed Tom's show for a couple of years. Glad Larry is on to straighten his out on this point: No part of the U.K. is leading anything except perhaps their own demise. Actually being familiar with U.K. means understanding they have one of the weakest and impotent government's in the west. People are afraid to say who's really running things and they have to fill in the blank with, chi-coms, City of London, Russia, D.C., etc. Obviously not. It's never been more clear who's giving orders.

Jan 31st

Jonathan Rosas

great show! keep up the great work Tom

Nov 29th

Andre Ferrer

amazing interview! I wonder if there is a place for doctors in Fort Galt

Sep 21st