Good Dog!

Good Dog offers expert advice on dog behavior, training, breed choices, care, feeding, and more about our 4-legged friends hosted by Joanne Greene.

Pet Friendly Restaurants

Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant, hosts of the podcast "Stuff You Should Know", discuss traveling and dining with dogs. Ever wonder why it's OK to bring your dog to dinner in Paris but not in any American city? There's no federal law prohibiting pets in restaurants and, recently, dining establishments with outdoor seating have been growing increasingly tolerant of our furry friends. Hear all about pet-friendly restaurants in this episode of the "Good Dog" podcast with Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant hosts of the podcast "Stuff You Should Know" and writers/editors at


Prolonging the Lives of Our Dogs

Ted Kerasote, author of "Merle's Door", "Out There" and "Why Dogs Die Young and What We Can Do About It"When a 10-year old Sussex spaniel won 'best in show' at Woodminster, the world applauded. After all, if 60 is the new 40 for humans, then 10 is the new 7 for dogs. Author Ted Kerasote contends that we can prolong the lives of our dogs and keep them both sharp and agile by working them physically and mentally, just as we do ourselves. His book, "Why Dogs Die Young and What We Can Do About It" charges inbreeding, environmental pollutants, commercial dog foods, and vaccinations as factors which cut short our dogs lives by giving them, among other diseases, cancers.We really appreciate your feedback and value your opinion. Could you please let others know what you think of the Good Dog podcast by writing a review in iTunes?


Choosing, Training, & Caring for Your Adopted Shelter Dog

Kim Saunders, author of "The Adopted Dog Bible" on choosing, training and caring for your sheltered or rescued dog.Adopted dogs generally arrive with baggage, so one should be prepared and never make an impulsive decision when adopting a rescued or sheltered dog. Of course, it always makes sense to know what you're in for before getting a pup. Kim Saunders, VP of Shelter Outreach and PR for has written "The Adopted Dog Bible" and on this episode of the Good Dog Podcast, Joanne speaks with her about the kind of up front research that really helps to insure that you make the right decisions. It helps to realistically consider your time and money constraints before you take the leap, as well as the kind of environment and exercise you'll be able to provide for your new family member.


Selecting The Right Dog Breed for Your Family

Dog trainer Laurie Williams on how we and the Obamas should choose the right breed of dog. Many factors should be considered when choosing the right breed of dog for your family or personal situation. Dog trainer Laurie Williams, perhaps best known for her role on the CBS reality show "Greatest American Dog", talks about everything from shedding to the need for exercise that set some breeds apart. On this historic presidential inauguration day, we focus on the dogs that the Obamas are considering as well as the issues that should be considered when selected a breed. We also talk about what it's like to be on a Survivor-style television series with a tiny Chihuahua.We really appreciate your feedback and value your opinion. Could you please let others know what you think of the Good Dog podcast by writing a review in iTunes?


Puppy Potty Training For People

Pooch Coach Beverly Ulbrich provides the basics on housebreaking dogs. If you do everything by the book, expect that housebreaking your puppy will take at least a few weeks. Generally, according to Pooch Coach Beverly Ulbrich, it can take up to a couple of months to insure that your dog understands where and when to go. On this episode of the "Good Dog" podcast, we learn how to reward appropriate behavior, how to handle mistakes, and how to reinforce what you've taught your puppy or dog.


Courthouse Dogs

Courthouse dogs provide emotional support in Seattle's criminal justice system. Imagine the difference it could make to a child giving testimony about her sexual abuse if she could be petting a trained dog. In Seattle, Courthouse Dogs are calming witnesses, reducing stress for defendants and their families, and greeting members of the jury. In this episode of "Good Dog" podcast Courthouse Dogs founder, prosecuting attorney Ellen O'Neill-Stephens, explains how the organization began, how the dogs are trained, and shares inspirational success stories.


Veterinary Second Opinions & Pet Insurance

When and how to get a second opinion and medical insurance for dogs. When a vet recommends a serious and costly medical procedure, it often makes sense to seek a second opinion. How to ask and whom to ask are issues worthy of discussion, which is what we do on this episode of "Good Dog" with veterinarian Dr. Nancy Kay. We also explore when it's appropriate to purchase medical insurance for dogs and how to determine which policy is best for your needs.


First Aid for Dogs

Veterinarian Dr. Nancy Kay shares tips on first aid for dogs. When a dog is injured, your first moves should be defensive. On this week's "Good Dog" episode, Dr. Nancy Kay explains the importance of getting a muzzle on an injured dog before attempting to move him. Hear numerous tips and insights on how to handle a medical emergency before you're able to get professional medical attention.


Raw Food Diets for Dogs

Kymythy Schultze shares what she's learned about canine nutrition and why for many dogs a raw food diet is the best way to go.There's a lot of talk about raw food diets being the best way to go for dogs. After all, it's what they eat in the wild. But it's not right for every dog or every dog owner. On this week's "Good Dog" episode, Joanne Greene speaks with Kymythy Schultze, author of “Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats", about canine nutrition and how to determine the best diet for your particular dog.


Campaign to Stop Puppy Mills

Stephanie Shain, director of the Stop Puppy Mills Campaign for the Humane Society of the United States, completed an 8-month investigation and the results are grim. We've all heard about the conditions in puppy mills but were you aware that most pet stores buy their puppies from these sorts of enterprises? On this week's "Good Dog", we hear from Stephanie Shain, director of the Stop Puppy Mills Campaign for the Humane Society of the United States.


Caring for Disabled Dogs

Vicki Tiernan shares the touching story of how her disabled dog inspired others. Caring for a disabled dog takes time and patience but it can provide endless inspiration to both you and others. Vicki Tiernan's dog, Ruby, lost the use of her hind legs, but with the help of a special harness with wheels, she was running on the trails. Vicky's story is just one that appears in the anthology " Almost Perfect - Disabled Pets and the People Who Love Them", available for purchase


Teaching Inner City Kids to Train Dogs

In "Good Dog", the book, kids teach kids about dog behavior and training.Learning to train and care for a dog is a plus for most any child. For inner city kids, rarely if ever exposed to well cared for pets, it's a tremendous opportunity. Lynn Loar, PhD., got a 3-year grant to bring shelter dogs to tough SF neighborhood apartment buildings to teach children to train dogs. The program was a great success and two of the students went on, with Lynn's help, to write and publish a book entitled "Good Dog". Hear the full story on this week's episode of the "Good Dog" podcast.


Being Your Dog's Medical Advocate

Veterinarian Dr. Nancy Kay helps you make health care decisions for your dog.Each of us should be our dog's medical advocate, according to Veterinarian Dr. Nancy Kay, author of "Speaking for Spot." We know our dogs best, can read their behaviors, and are best equipped to make health care decisions that will maximize the chances that they'll lead longer, healthier lives. In this episode of "Good Dog," Joanne and Dr. Kay discuss some of the basic medical issues that dogs face and what we as pet owners can do to provide the best possible care.


Keeping Your Dog from Destroying Your Garden

There's lots to know about dog-friendly landscaping and author Cheryl Smith provides great tips.Many of us love our dogs AND our gardens. But dogs, by nature, like to dig and patrol and engage in behaviors are often unkind to tender plants. There's much that can be done in the planning to insure that your emerging garden is dog friendly and your dog, if you're selecting a breed, is better suited to your mature garden. On this episode of "Good Dog", Joanne Greene speaks with Cheryl Smith, author of "Dog Friendly Gardens; Garden Friendly Dogs" and Cheryl provides lots of information for dog and garden loving listeners.


Visiting the Dog Park: Having Fun & Staying Safe

Dog book author Cheryl Smith shares the advantages, unspoken rules and risks of visiting the dog park.The advantages of dog parks are many. They offer opportunities for exercise, play and socialization, both for the dogs and their owners. But not all dogs are cut out for all that freedom and interaction and not all dog parks are safe environments for your dog. In this episode of the "Good Dog" podcast, dog author Cheryl Smith tells us how to evaluate both your dog and the park to determine if there's a match and how to prepare your pup for a great dog park experience.

09:05 Publisher Charlene Woodward

Cutting-edge information from the publisher who focuses on dogs only, Charlene Woodward of the Dogwise label, Charlene Woodward has published more than 70 books about dogs. On her e-commerce site,, she sells over 2,000 dog titles, along with hand selected toys, foods and supplements that are recommended by experts. On this episode of "Good Dog", Joanne discusses current trends in the dog world with Woodward and how the role of the dog is changing in American society.


Play with Your Dog: How & Why

Pet columnist Pat Miller discusses the importance of playing with dogs and the types of play that dogs enjoy.Dogs need play and as your dog's #1 person, you're elected for the job. Dogs play differently than humans which is why we've devoted this episode of "Good Dog" to the ways in which dogs play and how to make most of your games, both for your dog and your relationship with her. Different dogs enjoy different styles and amounts of play so it helps to be able to assess each individual dog. Pat Miller, pet columnist for national dog publications, dog trainer and the author of four books, including "Play With Your Dog" provides tips and insights for keeping your dog engaged and happy. For more go to


Angel Dogs on a Mission

Co-founder of the Angel Animals Network Linda Anderson talks about angel dogsIn her book, "Angel Dogs with a Mission", Linda Anderson shares touching stories about dogs that have served humanity in extraordinary ways. Breeding and training aside, these animals tune in to people and make conscious choices to nurture and heal and, in some cases, save lives. In conversation with host Joanne Greene, Linda talks about a chihuahua police dog, a spaniel who comforted students at Virgina Tech after the shootings, and her dog, Leaf, who helped her husband through critical brain surgery. Learn more at


The Joys & Challenges of Small Dog Ownership

Dog trainer Kim Moeller offers tips and insights for owners of small dogsSome of us see ourselves as "big dog" people; others of us like nothing more than to have a small dog curled up on our laps. Speculation about what this says about us aside, there are plenty of differences worth noting to keep your small dog safe and feeling secure. On this week's "Good Dog" podcast episode, Joanne Greene explores some of the unique joys and challenges of training and living with small dogs in conversation with dog trainer Kim Moeller of


Knocking Out the "Sport" of Dog Fighting

Pit Bull advocate Kris Crawford teams up with mixed martial artists, including Anthony "Rumble" Johnson to 'kock out' dog fighting.Sadly, dog fighting is alive and well in the U.S. It's estimated that there are currently 40,000 professional and another 100,000 amateur dog fighters, including children and gang-affiliated teens. The Michael Vick case brought this to national attention and showed that pit bulls are often victimized in this sadistic activity. Kris Crawford, founder of For Pit's Sake, has now launched "Knock Out Dog Fighting". With the help of fighters like Anthony "Rumble" Johnson, she produces public service announcements and visits schools and juvenille detention facilities to break the cycle of violence. In this episode of "Good Dog" podcast, Kris and Anthony speak about dog fighting and their efforts to eradicate it.


Alvaro Mathis

Assuming you meant "good dog," a good dog is typically one that exhibits positive behavior and is well-behaved. This includes traits such as obedience, loyalty, friendliness towards people and other animals, and a calm demeanor. Additionally, a good dog is often well-trained and properly socialized, which can help prevent negative behaviors such as aggression, destructive chewing, and excessive barking. See Here:

04-11 Reply


Just started listening to this podcast, and really enjoyed this episode. Thought both the host and guest were great.

06-20 Reply

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