Good Enough Gaming Pod

Welcome to GoodEnoughGaming! Where a group of 30 something nerds who were raised on a healthy diet of video games and superhero cartoons get together and talk about our experiences in gaming and pop culture. Join Darrell, Jordan, Kyle and Trevor as we take a look at our gaming pasts, present and future.

Add it to the List!

We just got absolutely spoiled and had the summer showcase of games from the major players and there are some titles that have us pretty excited to play some games in late 2024 and into 2025. So let's break down the top of our lists of things to play from the Playstation State of Play, Xbox Showcase, Nintendo Direct and Summer Game Fest. Like we said lots has been released over the last month, so let's see if we have the same lineup of games to play as you, or if we missed anything that we should take a second look at!


I am A-Rao-sed

How many of you grew up on the works of Akira Toriyama? If you don't know who that is, then you need to get out more, just Saiyan! He is none other than the creator of the esteemed manga and anime Dragonball. That isn't all that he developed in his time, as we have been graced by a new rendition of his work on Disney+ and in video game format. That title is none other than Sandland! The show has Bred some life into the animated drought of our lives, celebrating some more beloved creations and moments, Ann showed what a ragtag bunch of Beelze-buds can accomplish with a little perseverance and demonic powers. We got the Peanut Butter and they got the King Jam, let's make a Sand-wich and get this party started.


DL-See You Again Soon

Ever played a game, and just knew immediately that if another chapter or additional content was added to it, that you’d immediately come back to it? We have had a few over the years that brought us back, and we wanted to see if you have had any similar experiences with any of our choices or if we missed any outstanding games you would recommend. In any regards, today is a celebration of the games that keep giving and do justice to the fans and players, but let's be honest we are definitely going to bring up some bad DLC too. So GEG’s let's break down the additions and extras that make us content, or have us DLCing Red.


Gamecon 2024 Special Edition

Holy sh*t! GameCon Canada 2024 is almost here and we are incredibly stoked about it! We would be remiss if we didn't do this right, head to the studio and bring back Chris and Marc to tell us all about the amazing things planned for our country’s biggest mega gaming event this year. That's right you guys, we are doing it big here at Good Enough Gaming and have some exciting announcements of our own to tell you when it comes to GameCon Canada 2024 in Edmonton. So grab an Alley Kat, crack that sucker open and indulge with us as we prepare for the event of the year coming to us all June 14-16. Be sure to check out Gamecon!


We Love Hands On

Some things are just better in the palm of your hands, you know what I'm talking about; a nice cold beer, your first paycheck, a set of dice, and immersive handheld systems and games. Today we are here to talk about the best things to ever grace our hands, in terms of games!! You filthy minded f*?ks. So let us know if we got it right, missed some absolute gems, or just made the worst list of games you’ve ever heard. We are here for it all. For more GEG content be sure to find us! Youtube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Instagram: Join our Discord:


He Gave Me The Shifty Eye

Welcome back Good Enoughers, we are back with a very special guest tonight. We are so lucky to have the CEO of Shifty Eye Studios based in Calgary here tonight to discuss the journey and the dream of making wonderful, immersive and impactful games right here in our city. So get your conglomerate together, dial up the Operator 41 and get ready to Sail and Explore the Cursed Islands on this faithful Earthnight, as we get the chance to interview and talk about all things gaming with Tuncer Deniz from Calgary’s own Shifty Eye Games! For more GEG content be sure to find us! Youtube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Instagram: Join our Discord:


97' Problems But an X-Man Ain't One

We have spoken many times about what needs to come back into the fold, what we hold near and dear to our hearts and what nostalgic bliss we wish we could get back. Like a Phoenix from the ashes of a beloved series, We have been ever so spoiled with the newest Disney+/Marvel Series X-Men 97’. This show has been a Mastermold of a story so far, brewing up a Storm of emotions, and cards they are holding up their sleeves for the future. This show is a Beast of a good time, so join us as we Forge our newest obsession and what we think the finale has in store for us all, we know the results might be Sinister. You won’t catch THIS series on Cable. See the X-men Cartoon recap here! For more GEG content be sure to find us! Youtube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Instagram: Join our Discord:


Final 5 Alive

The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S are 5 years old now….yeah let that sink in for a moment, and we wanted to take a look at this half decade and appreciate some of the finest games we have played within that time frame. Now before you get upset that we haven't mentioned some of your favorites, and some highly rated games; these are only things we have played! Games being discussed tonight will only be newest gen-releases, no remakes/remasters, no Switch or mobile games (cue groans), this is exclusive to Xbox and Playstation. Enjoy and let us know what your top 5 are on Instagram, Discord, YouTube and wherever else you indulge in our bullsh!t. For more GEG content be sure to find us! Youtube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Instagram: Join our Discord: #podcast #gaming #gamingpodcast #gamer #xboxseriesx #xboxseriess #playstation5 #currentgen #playstation #xbox #comedy


S.P.E.C.I.A.L Edition

Ever wondered what you would be like as a character in a game? What would your stats be, what class would you be, and how would you be perceived by others. No? Well we have been pondering this as a group and decided that we are going to give each other stats and classes that we think best suit each other. It's bound to cause some laughs, some hurt feelings and maybe a sprinkle of praise. Please let us know if you think we nailed it, and we must know if you have done this with your friends or plan to now. We woke up and chose violence today, so prepare for one hell of a SPECIAL episode. See the full length feature of Fallout's SPECIAL perks here: For more GEG content be sure to find us! Youtube: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Instagram: Join our Discord: #podcast #gaming #gamingpodcast #funny #comedy #playstation #xbox #pcgaming #bethesda #fallout #fallout4 #fallout76 #special


Crawl Out Through The Fallout

First off we would like to take a second and thank our sponsor for this episode, Jim’s Limbs: the veterans choice! Now back to business. Alright you vault dwellers and surface people, get ready for a radiating critique of the newest video game franchise turned into a S.P.E.C.I.A.L television series. We are of course talking about Fallout! Is this series Cods-worth it to watch? Are we getting Siggi with it? Or is it time to Ma-clean the slate and say good-bye to another piece of Chet rendition of a beloved game series come to life. Find out today as we brave the elements, and biohazardous opinions of others and make our own claim about Fallout. For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Youtube - Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord -


Mash-up Potatoes

What happened to the games that gave us the match-ups of our dreams? Ryu vs Captain America, Scorpion vs Batman, Wolverine vs MegaMan, Akuma vs Kazuya. This week we wanted to take a look back at the greatest mash-up fighting games of all time and come up with our own dream mash-up games that developers can gladly pay us royalties for coming up with. Who else wants to see good crossover fighting games make a comeback? What two franchises would you like to see pit against each other? Do we have the same opinion or idea, or do you just want to acknowledge our genius? All will be answered, so wrap those hands, throw on the gloves and get ready for a bash-up mash-up of epic proportions. For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Youtube - Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord -


Cloudy With A Chance Of Materia

Imagine the world is plagued with overconsumption of natural resources and corrupt governments pulling strings behind the scenes to further their own agendas, and subjugate the general populace. Guess that's not so hard to imagine…but this is about Gaia where we have Sephiroth breaking the rules of the Genova convention. That’s right we are here to discuss Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the latest installment in the retold, yet revamping, remake and now rebirth of one of Sony’s most prestigious and signature titles. Join us as we limit break this game down and the future of the beloved Final Fantasy franchise. For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord - #podcast #gaming #gamingposts #gamingpodcast #funny #comedy #playstation #xbox #pcgaming #finalfantasy #finalfantasy7 #finalfantasy7rebirth


Return of the Macula

Welcome to the Plague you don't want to avoid. Well the game that is. You are still very much trying to avoid the plague, and all the various crazed rats carrying the disease, but this time the stakes are far less and you don't have to witness the global disaster that occurred in the 14th century, unless you really want to, you sick f*ck. So if you thought the Black Death was something you could buy at the adult toy store, you are in for a shock tonight as we break down Plague Tale: Requiem, the prequel Innocence and the future of the series. This is gonna be sick! For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord -


The Ol' One and Done

Ever wondered where Smash Mouth would be if they had more than one All-star track? Trevor does all the time, he has shed 96 Tears over it before. In the gaming world we have seen some games that could have been the next Barbie girl styled takeover franchise, but it just didn't find its Seasons in the Sun. What caused this Tainted Love for the games, and what games do we think could use a second chance to deliver us some Afternoon Delight? Join us as we Jump Around the games that didn't quite get its due, leaving us wondering if and when there will be More, More, More. For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord -


A Dead Bug's Life

Ever wondered what would happen if you went to a new planet and tried to bring them the gift of democracy and they met you with nonstop universal attempts of violence and hostile planetary takeover? Well, the answer has recently been found. All you need to do is serve up the most bitchin’ cup of Liber-tea and spread Super-Democracy like its peanut butter on toast. Justice and democracy is apparently best served with copious amounts of air strikes, turrets and human cannon fodder taking more unnecessary shots than Michael Porter Jr. No this is not the plot to Starship Troopers… or is it? Who cares, on today's episode we are talking about 2024’s first game that broke the internet, Helldivers 2. For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord - #helldivers2 #helldivers #podcast #gaming #comedy #playstation #xbox #pcgaming #arrowheadgamestudios


Forgive me Father for I have Hal-sinned

Welcome back to another season of the Good Enough Gaming Podcast! This first episode of Season six is sure to warm your Shadowhearts as we take a look at the game that took the world by storm in late 2023, and well into 2024 for many of us. If you Karlach the knowledge or available friends to play DnD, but have always had the Wyll to try new things, then we can't wait to talk to you about Baldur's Gate 3 (no that is not where half of the podcast goes to get their haircut). Hopefully you can wrap your Elderbrain around all the things we will be discussing as we re-Gale you with our experiences so far, it's guaranteed to be an Absolute blast! For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord -


Final Four Loko

Season Finale Part 2 of 2! Can you believe it? We made it to EPISODE 100! The Sweet 16 Games of 2023 were decided in the last episode and tonight we go through each of the bracket matchups to decide the final 4! We will need the audience's help with the overall winner that will be announced on our Instagram account next week! The Baldur’s floodgates have opened, and it's about to get real as we Engage in debate and argue over the Sea of Star studded titles that get to Web-swing into the next two rounds, and who is shedding Tears of the Kingdom as they get eliminated. We won't quittage until we get to the Hi-Finalists. We hope there are some Remnants of our sanity and our friendship left when this is all over, ideally there will be no Fatalities. Enjoy the madness friends! For More GEG Content be sure to find us! Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Instagram - Join our Discord -


Who’s making all that Bracket up there?!

Season Finale Part 1 of 2!! If you like March Madness, Get ready for December Sadness,  because Santa is about to piss in your stocking this year with some of the most contentious arguments for game of the year you’ve ever heard. We need your help on whether or not we got this right, so feel free to let us know how stupid we are, what we neglected, or how much meat we did not ride for Legend of Zelda. It's time to decide the game of the year Good Enough Gaming style. So put your crocs in sport mode, or prepare to have your socks blown off halfway across the room as we break down our picks for game of the year and set up our own sweet 16 this year. Can you feel that? Is it getting hot in here? Be sure to tune in next week for part 2 of the season finale along with a giveaway from our good friend Retro Edge Art! Be sure to check out his page to see what kind of specialty cube you could win!!


Time for that way back Playback

Close your eyes, imagine a simpler time in life, you just got home from the video rental store with a couple VHS tapes, a DVD and a couple games in hand (now on disc!), you also picked up a couple piping hot grease wheels from your favorite pizza place, you finally got your hands on a case of cherry coke, and your buddies are coming over to shred some couch co-op games with you. Life is good! How vivid was that imagery? Now tell me you are imagining the 90s without telling me you’re thinking about the 90’s. Well tonight we are feeling especially nostalgic, so pop a squat in the old bean bag chair, pop in your favorite burned CD, and relax as we chat about the epic games of the 90’s.


Don't get Antsy we got Nancy!

Van-Guard (En-Garde)! There is going to be a fight, a Cardfight! Well not really, but we will be talking to someone that might be a bit more familiar with the premise. We have a genuine Voice Actor on the pod with us today, to put us all to shame in sound and accomplishments in life. Nancy Situ, a Canadian Voice actor extraordinaire has graced our presence to talk about all things that go on in the world of voice acting, whether it's in a popular animated show or in a video game, Nancy has lived many of our dreams and now she gets to rub it in and make Jordan cry. Be sure to check out Nancy's work here! On the Line Podcast Series


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