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Good Little Church Girl Rebels

Author: Rebecca French

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A safe space for those whose lives have been affected by organized religion. It can be difficult to walk away from a church family or cult that has been such a big part of your life and who you thought you were. Some of us leave due to a set event or disagreement with others, but many of us leave due to a deep feeling of no longer belonging in that space. Finding yourself after leaving organized religion is a process. It takes time to sort out what self-beliefs are yours and which ones are indoctrination. In this podcast we'll discuss those beliefs, the challenges of life "on the outside" and support one another on the path of remembering who we really are. Podcast episodes may contain (in no particular order) self-reflection, laughter, tears, journaling exercises and a little bit of rebellious action.
21 Episodes
In this episode we explore what meditation is, the various ways it can look for different people and some tips to get started on meditating. This episode contains my personal views on the matter which may differ from other "experts" or gurus. I'm all about making mindfulness and meditation accessible and easy for anyone. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story or ask a question, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassing Moments


Time to lighten things up a little around here. This week I share one of my most embarrassing moments that occurred when I was a good little church girl.  Listen along and laugh with me as we go back in time to the late 80's. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story or ask a question, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
What did dating and marriage look like in your old religion, or what does it look like for you now?This episode looks at the expectations, bias and judgement that occurs around this hot topic, specifically in relation to the fact that my husband and I had a speedy (8 weeks) turn around between dating and engaged and we changed our wedding date to sooner *shock, horror!*All told, from our first meeting to our wedding was less than a year. We caused a lot of controversy in our church, and not just around the speed of everything.  Have a listen to see what rebels we really were!If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story or ask a question, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Time to reveal the big secret part of myself I've been holding back thus far in the podcast. I'm letting my freak flag fly and encourage you to do the same. Life is too short to pretend to be something we aren't.  We also chat about accepting others, even if we have different "freak flag" parts of ourselves. The world needs more love and connection. :-) If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story or ask a question, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
*Trigger Warning* Very generalized discussion of sexual assaultIn this first episode of the new season, we delve a little deeper into who we are and doing what makes our hearts happy.  We'll discuss why I disappeared for a couple of months and what I learned during that time of self-reflection.  I share my learnings in the hopes that they will help you as well. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story or ask a question, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Trigger warning, we will be discussing suicidal thoughts/ideation in this episode. If you or someone you love is struggling, please visit or call 1-800-273-8255.This week we are doing something a little different, as this is such a sensitive topic. I will read from chapter 6 of my book "Good Little Church Girl Ascends" about the first time I considered suicide and what stopped me from going through with it.  I will add some thoughts which were not included in the book. You can purchase your own copy on in any Amazon store in paperback or e-book format. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story or ask a question, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
This episode looks at the BITE method as discussed on this blog (Dare to Doubt), to determine if an organization is a cult.  We go through the detailed list of questions to ask yourself about an organization.  We will analyze them on the basis of the religion I left and others that we have awareness of. It is NOT intended as a diagnostic tool, but rather as a way to reflect and ponder that which is around us.  While there are many cult experts, one truly doesn't understand what it's like to leave an extreme religious group without having been part of one themselves. Let's start this conversation and see where it takes us. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story or ask a question, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
It's often difficult to discover that friendships we felt were unconditional, came with rather huge conditions. This is the case for many of us when we leave the church and find out that we've lost many friends who we felt would be with us through thick and thin.  Join us in this episode as we ponder what friendship really means, and how it's okay to release old friendships and make room for new friends! If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Anxiety in life can look like anything from a stressful situation to a full blown inability to function in daily life, particularly when we are faced with certain triggers. In this episode we discuss what anxiety looks like, how we can help ourselves when we feel anxiety coming on and the huge anxiety episode I had recently.  By sharing our stories, we learn that we are not alone and that we can come together for support and understanding.  As always, this episode ends with a brief healing meditation. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
There has been a lot of talk lately about purity culture and the affects it has on our young people and even adults today. For me, not only did it deeply affect my relationship with God and my understanding of the church when I was assaulted, but it left me with profound guilt and a feeling of loss.  Join us in this episode where we discuss the soul-searching that occurs when "losing your virginity" is a choice which is taken away from you and how to find the positive, even in these dark times.  If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
We are often told in church to be self-less, to put others first, to put the church needs before ourselves. This not-so-subtly teaches us that to care for ourselves, make time for ourselves or want to do something that makes us happy is wrong, evil, or something that would bring guilt. Well, we are going to smash those useless beliefs away and focus on ourselves! Be self-FULL, put yourself first, do what makes you happy. It's okay! Get our your journals and pens, we're going to do some self-care today.To order your own personalized meditation, as mentioned in this episode, visit:  If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Trigger warning: In this episode we will be talking about depression, panic attacks and sexual assault. Please follow your own intuition as to whether you will be okay listening. My viewpoint on life is that we can always learn something from our experiences, whether they be wonderful, neutral or horrible. I share my story for several reasons, to normalize mental health and asking for help, to show that you can make it through the other side and live a fulfilling life and to help those who have not had mental health issues to understand those of us who do. While there are hard parts of sharing my story, there are also the highlights, the people who helped me, the lessons I learned and the hope that I share with you. As always, there is a beautiful, short meditation at the end and a quote to ponder this week. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate:  Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Parenting & Potlucks

Parenting & Potlucks


As parents, we often carry guilt and worry that the decisions that we make will negatively affect our children. In this episode, we dive deep into this topic, with the assistance of my teenage son, who was around 7 years old when we left the church for good. He shares his perspective on all things from belonging to the church, leaving and living without organized religion in our lives. And, I may be a little biased, but I feel his viewpoints are rather insightful and helpful to parents and children alike. Even if you don't have children, or they are fully grown, there are gems of thought-provoking information in this episode. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
While the act of baptism can look different depending on the church you belong to, the ritual and ceremony, the status that being baptized (or not) has within the organization can come with confusion, conformity and trauma.  In this episode, we look at the beliefs, traditions and indoctrination around the "importance" of baptism as well as how to give ourselves the time and space to heal around this issue after leaving the church. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
In the process of leaving the church, we often find ourselves feeling a little lost and confused about what does matter to us in terms of our beliefs. Do we leave organized religion but still believe in God? Or do we walk away from it all and become an atheist? Each one of us has a very personal path to take and each answer will be as unique as that individual. This episode will start you thinking about this process, no matter where you are in your leaving journey. Join the Rebecca's Rebels family at to support this podcast. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated! If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
There are conversations, books, movies and events that shape our lives. Some help us to find comfort in a time of worry, others help us to be brave enough to take the next step. Yes, a Disney movie was part of my "leaving story" and gave me the courage I needed to remove a final mask I was hiding behind at that time. Are you ready to stop hiding behind one of your masks or think about how life may look without it? Delve into this topic with us! If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Are you able to forgive yourself for things you felt you shouldn't have done or do you feel you need a priest, pastor or higher power to help you to release any guilt, sadness or remorse around an event? This episode is a small intro to this topic, followed by the extended episode story which was hidden from episode 2 which deals with the time I stayed in the church well beyond the time when I was ready to go.If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Often in the church, we are guided to trust the wisdom of others, the bible or our elders.  This can lead to not trusting our own intuition or gut feelings about things. Do you find it difficult to determine what is the "right" path for you to take? In this episode, we discuss all things intuition, what may happen if we do or don't listen to it and how we can learn from those experiences. If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
Preconceived notions are somewhat unavoidable in life.  We experience things or see things and then apply what we learned from that experience to drive us forward in life. However, when those notions or beliefs get in the way of relationships, healthy debates or moving forward, they can cause more harm than good. Each one of us is going to be coming to this space with preconceived notions of what different terms or different references might mean or refer to.  So let's dive in and discuss them!If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok:
We each have our path through life and we have things happen to us.  Some might be awesome, some might be horrible, some might be neutral.  They shape us and change us and awaken us to really considering and ponder who we are. What does authenticity mean to you?If you'd like to be a guest on this podcast and share your story, please reach out at any of the socials below.Become a member or donate: Email: rebeccasrebels@protonmail.comInsta: Good Little Church Girl Rebels | FacebookTikTok: