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Good Morning, VOGUE China

Author: VOGUE China

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VOGUE China presents “Good Morning, VOGUE China”: your window into Chinese creative culture through the lens of fashion. Join VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, for their deep-dive into the world’s biggest fashion market. From captivating conversations with industry giants and upcoming fashion disruptors to exclusive insights into the China market, industry trends, and local social phenomena, stay tuned on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts, in both English and Mandarin. 

这里是《早,VOGUE》,一档由《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang和VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan共同主持的播客栏目。




37 Episodes
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节目迎来了终章,两位主持人《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang、VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,共同回顾了这段非凡的播客旅程。在过去十个月的《早,VOGUE》节目当中,我们共上线了35期播客,先后对谈了近40位嘉宾,而本期节目当中,VOGUE六月刊封面摄 影师夏永康、以及近期登上PhotoVOGUE封面的Kim Kardashian,同样也分享了他们与VOGUE拍摄发生的趣事。 此外,节目中两位主持人还深入探讨了《服饰与美容VOGUE》在过去几年间的一些突出成就,包括对中国新生代 设计师及摄影师的支持,比如PhotoVOGUE、Open Casting你好新面孔活动以及Vogue China Fashion Fund等等。收听完整播客内容,了解更多精彩内容。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Final Episode

The Final Episode


Join Margaret Zhang, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue China, and Yiling Pan, Associate Editorial Director of Vogue Business in China, for the final English language episode of "Good Morning, VogueChina." As Margaret wraps up her tenure at Vogue China and transitions to new ventures, this special episode reflects on the past three years, particularly the most recent 10 months of impactful conversations and dynamic guests that have defined the podcast. From industry icons like Anna Wintour and Donatella Versace to creative disruptors like Kim Kardashian and Eileen Gu, Margaret and Yiling share memorable moments and behind-the-scenes stories. Hear Margaret's reflections on her final projects, including the groundbreaking June Issue featuring Liu Wen, her final VOGUE+ issue with Rihanna and the innovative PhotoVOGUE campaign with Kim Kardashian. Tune in for a must-listen farewell and stay in touch! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
"Legend" is a term used all too loosely in the fashion indsutry in our hyperbolic digital era, when but a handful of living industry figures can really live up to the title. In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, sits down with two truly legendary guests: true supermodel and 1960s cultural icon, Twiggy, and one of the world’s premier hairstylists, Christiaan Houtenbos. Join us as the two reminisce on the unforgettable moments throughout their careers and their hindsight on what it takes to hit legend status. As Christiaan puts it, "The thing about it is that you have no idea that it is happening until everybody later starts saying, hey, you are legend." VOGUE China presents “Good Morning, VOGUE China”: your window into Chinese creative culture through the lens of fashion. From captivating conversations with industry giantsand upcoming fashion disruptors to exclusive insights into the China market, industry trends, and local social phenomena, stay tuned on wherever you get your podcasts, in both English and Mandarin. � Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节⽬中,两位主持⼈《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang, VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,与两位嘉宾深⼊探讨时尚与可持续发展的关系, ⼀位是擅⻓于将可 持续概念融⼊到其设计和创意之中的,中国设计师胡颖琪Caroline Hu,可持续理念也是她品牌DNA的⼀部分;另⼀位嘉宾则是时尚⾏业⾥关注可持续发展的元⽼级⼈物Andrea Rosso,他是Diesel品牌的可持续发展⼤使、Diesel Living的创意总监,还曾于2015年创⽴了⾃⼰的可持续时尚品牌MYAR,他的⽗亲Renzo Rosso也是OTB集团的创 始⼈。 本期我们分别从服装设计师和消费者的⻆度、以及时尚⾏业的层⾯,全⾯剖析可持续时尚。CarolineHu分享了她在设计中如何通过⼿⼯艺和循环利⽤废弃材料,创造独具⻛格的时尚作品,其可持续实践不仅是个⼈创作的延伸,也对整个时尚产业具有启发作⽤。⽽Andrea则从企业可持续管理和消费者的⻆度,分享了他多年来实践与推进时尚可持续发展的⻅解和⼼得。 6⽉5⽇是世界环境⽇,⽽我们也选择在这个时间邀请⼤家与我们⼀同感受可持续时尚的⼒量,从中收获⼀丝启发,成为环保时尚和可持续⽣活⽅式的践⾏者。收听完整播客内容,了解更多精彩内容。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, get real about sustainability in fashion: what is it really? Is it possible? Who is responsible for being environmentally responsible? This World Environment Day, we hear from Caroline Hu - the Chinese independent designer with craftsmanship and upcycling are at the core of her design process - and Andrea Rosso - a group-level changemaker at OTB. VOGUE China presents “Good Morning, VOGUE China”: your window into Chinese creative culture through the lens of fashion. From captivating conversations with industry giants and upcoming fashion disruptors to exclusive insights into the China market, industry trends, and local social phenomena, stay tuned on wherever you get your podcasts, in both English and Mandarin. 🎧 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节⽬中,两位主持⼈《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang、VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,就近期时尚⾏业⼀些⼈事变动以及发展趋势展开讨论。对于⼤多数品牌来说,在当下这个讲究速度、效率的互联⽹时代,若想要在市场营销与品牌真实性之间找到平衡,着实不易。⽆论你是何种创意⼈员,对于品牌的营销与定位之间的平衡总是复杂的。 ⽽在本次节⽬中,我们对话了两组嘉宾——法国设计师品牌Coperni的两位创意总监 Sébastien Meyer和Arnaud Vaillant,以及中国设计师品牌Shushu/Tong的两位设计师Shushu(雷留树)和Tong Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang sits down with one of the most photographed women on the planet: Kim Kardashian. While the 43-year-old media personality and businesswoman interfaces with cameras in almost every part of her life - her carefully curated social media selfies; red carpet photographers; tabloids whenever she steps out of the house; campaigns for her myriad contracts; crew for her reality show, marketing assets for her portfolio of brands; and more recently, as an actor on set - Kardashian elects to relinquish her usual need for creative control when it comes to editorial projects. "If I’m shooting for... a photographer... and I don‘t hire the photographer and I don’t put [the shoot] together for one of my brands, I want to see what they want from me,“ Kardashian tells Zhang from set of her PhotoVOGUE cover shoot. ”I want to see something different, even if I don‘t really like it and I’m not comfortable with how I look in it. I know someone will resonate with that. I know someone will want to see a different side of me.“ Tune in for more on Kim Kardashian's first experience working with a Chinese creative team for Margaret's final edition of PhotoVOGUE as Editor-in-Chief of VOGUE China. VOGUE China presents “Good Morning, VOGUE China”: your window into Chinese creative culture through the lens of fashion. From captivating conversations with industry giants and upcoming fashion disruptors to exclusive insights into the China market, industry trends, and local social phenomena, stay tuned on wherever you get your podcasts, in both English and Mandarin. � Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, explore the fine balance between marketing and brand positioning in fashion and, more importantly, what makes a successful fashion brand in China. As traditional avenues for consumer visibility evolve in their relevance or role in making that final sale, Margaret and Yiling break down what is actually worth the investment. Our co-hosts sit down with two pairs of designers who have achieved considerable success in their brand marketing endeavors: Sébastien Meyer and Arnaud Vaillant from Coperni, who have adopted a more-is-more approach to hype marketing moments, reaping flow on rewards in the China market; and Liushu Lei and Yutong Jiang from beloved Shanghai-based brand, Shushu/Tong, who have drawn fans including Olivia Rodrigo, Ayo Edebiri, and Jennie from Blackpink.  VOGUE China presents “Good Morning, VOGUE China”: your window into Chinese creative culture through the lens of fashion. From captivating conversations with industry giants and upcoming fashion disruptors to exclusive insights into the China market, industry trends, and local social phenomena, stay tuned on wherever you get your podcasts, in both English   and Mandarin. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节目中,两位主持人《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝 Margaret Zhang、VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,将与两位嘉宾深入探讨中 国美容品牌——C-beauty在过去几年间的迅猛发展与壮大。第一位嘉宾是与《服饰与美容 VOGUE》有过多次合作的中国化妆师Valentina Li,另一位则是来自英国的著名化妆师 Isamaya Ffrench,她也是我们第一届VOGUE美容大奖的特邀评委之一。节目当中她们分享 了各自对于中国美容产品、品牌及市场的看法,“令人愉悦的是,我认为中国的美容产品真的 在一定程度上致敬了你们的文化历史,眼影盘、口红和其他产品的包装设计,很多都真正体 现了这一点。”化妆师Isamaya如此说道。 回看中国美容市场的发展,不难发现其经历了不同阶段的成⻓,⻄方美妆巨头在1990年代首 次涉足中国市场,而后日本和韩国的流行文化也一定程度上也影响到了中国的美容市场。反 观当下,一众中国美容品牌如雨后春笋般涌现,其中更有不少品牌已经占据了不小的市场份 额,C-Beauty的影响力与日俱增。收听完整播客内容,了解更多精彩内容。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What is C-Beauty?

What is C-Beauty?


In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, zoom in on China's burgeoning homegrown beauty scene - otherwise known as C-Beauty. Greater support of buying local during the pandemic kicked off a surge in consumer interest in C-beauty brands, who have spent the past few decades leveraging their manufacturing capabilities and digital agility to steadily grow their market share. What are the key drivers in this growth? What do C-Beauty brands need to do to make a lasting impact at home and abroad? Margaret and Yiling sit down with two special guests, one of China's leading makeup artists, Valentina Li, and internationally renowned makeup artist (and jury member of Vogue China's inaugural Beauty Awards), Isamaya Ffrench, to discuss these key questions. VOGUE China presents “Good Morning, VOGUE China”: your window into Chinese creative culture through the lens of fashion. From captivating conversations with industry giants and upcoming fashion disruptors to exclusive insights into the China market, industry trends, and local social phenomena, stay tuned on wherever you get your podcasts, in both English and Mandarin. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, sits down with our latest VOGUE China Beauty Paper cover star-Saoirse Ronan to discuss her career to date and her outlook on beauty. As the four-time Academy Award nominee ventures beyond acting into producing, she reflects on the process of preparing to be front-of-camera with a new clarity. “I am not someone who feels confident at all in how I look,” Ronan tells VOGUE China. “You start off in such a vulnerable place, because you’re at this point where you’re like, ‘I want to become this thing’ or ‘I want to bring this thing out of myself which I don’t feel I am at this particular point.’ ... Whether I’m suddenly made to look pretty for a photo shoot, or I just look different to myself in some way, I’m able to tell myself, ‘OK, it actually doesn’t matter what I look like, because this is a character now.’ It gives me this confidence to continue and to focus on the work.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节目中我们邀请到了一位非常特殊的嘉宾,近日在澳网公开赛中晋级四强的中国选手——郑钦文。两位主持人《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang、VOGUE Business编辑副 总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,不仅在本期节目中与郑钦文聊起了其作为一名职业网球运动员的成⻓心路历程,也探讨了 焦虑,这种在当下时代,很多人共有的心理情绪,而谈及此,郑钦文则表示自己也已经总结出了一套自己的调节方 法,而她面对比赛输赢的心态对当下的年轻人来说,也十分具有借鉴意义。 赛场之外,郑钦文同样也是一位刚踏入20+的年轻女孩,对于时尚,她有自己的理解——“我觉得时尚就是展现每个人自己心中对于美的定义”。在她看来,时尚本身就自带“多元”属性,无论你是什么样的年龄、什么样的体态,你都有权利展现出属于自己独一无二的美。收听完整播客内容,了解更多精彩内容。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
欢迎大家来到我们2024年的第一期《早,VOGUE》播客节目。自2023年8月份上线以来,已经有23期播客内容与 大家⻅面,这其中也收到大家很多反馈和留言,因此在这期播客里将由两位主持人《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体 编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang、VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,对于刚刚过去的几个月,大家提 出来的问题做出回应。 过去一年间,我们邀请到了包括路易威登现任创意总监Pharrell Williams、Versace掌舵人Donatella Versace、传奇 导演Luc Besson以及知名演员龚俊等多位行业明星做客节目,两位主编也将为大家揭晓诸多幕后花絮。除此之 外,在本期节目当中我们也回顾了过去一年间,时尚行业所发生的一些大的变化和趋势,娱乐、体育等不同产业与 时尚产业的合作与共赢,以及关于前阵子完美落幕的VOGUE Forces of Fashion活动精彩花絮,可谓看点颇多。欢 迎收听完整播客内容,了解更多精彩内容。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节目中,两位主持人《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang、 VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,与路易威登现任创意总监Pharrell Williams展开了一次深度对话。 前不久,Pharrell Williams在香港维多利亚港畔为大家带来了一场精彩绝伦的大秀——路易威登早秋2024男装秀, 在本期节目当中他也与我们分享了路易威登时装秀首度落地香港的幕后故事。 回顾在路易威登工作期间与各个部⻔以及工匠们的合作经历,Pharrell将自己比喻为一个大型管弦乐队的“指挥官” ⻆色,他的职责是确保和谐统一,消除创作过程中的不和谐。同时,作为一个多领域跨界艺术人才,Pharrell也为 当代创意人才提供了一些建议,他鼓励大家要专注于自己独特的创造力,并强调在当代的互联网时代背景之下,有 趣且引人注目的作品总是可以找到自己最好的观众。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节目中我们将视线聚焦于大荧幕,两位主持人《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章 凝Margaret Zhang、VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚Yiling Pan,与法国知名导演Luc Besson展开深度对谈。 《这个杀手不太冷》、《第五元素》、《超体》......此前这位传奇导演曾缔造过诸多口碑之作,近期,他也带来了 新作电影《狗神》,该片根据真实事件改编,讲述了主人公在饱经命运摧残后,通过对狗狗的爱找回自我并奋起反 抗的故事。在本次对话过程中,导演也与我们分享了这部作品诞生的幕后制作故事。 在Luc Besson执导的多部电影作品中,鲜明而又充满力量的女性⻆色曾引起许多中国观众的共鸣,而此次对谈 中,他也分享了自己对于性别⻆色的理解与刻画灵感。同时对于中国当代电影创意人士们,这位有着丰富创作经验 的导演也给出了自己的一些建议,收听完整播客内容,了解更多精彩内容。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, sit down with Pharrell Williams in his capacity as Louis Vuitton’s Creative Director of Menswear, off the back of his recent Pre-Fall show in Hong Kong and China ‘campaign trail’. Aside from the polymath’s ongoing appreciation for cultural influences of the Eastern Hemisphere, Pharrell, Margaret and Yiling dig deep on what the role of a creative director really means in today’s attention economy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》播客节目迎来了一位特别嘉宾他就是不久前担任VOGUEplus十月刊客座编辑暨封面人物-龚 俊。当两位主持人《服饰与美容VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang、VOGUEBusiness编辑副总监潘 奕羚Yiling Pan,与龚俊谈及前不久和VOGUEplus的共同推出的关爱孤独症儿童公益胶囊系列,他也认为”这是一 次非常愉快的合作,也是次非常有意义的合作”。 龚俊表示这次合作更加打动他的是能够用自己公众人物的影响力,去为孤独症儿童这么一个弱势群体发声,让大家 更加了解到他们,听到他们的声音。值得注意的是,本次胶囊系列的设计也邀请了四位在VOGUE China Fashion Fund发起的"VOGUE中国⻘年设计师扶持计划"中入围决赛的新生代中国设计师,与龚俊以及VOGUEplus共同创作 完成,该系列也将在接下来11月24日- 25日在上海举办的VOGUE Forces of Fashion现场设有专属区域展示。 同时,在本期节目当中龚俊也与我们分享了自己近期的动向,例如前不久第一次巴黎时装周之行的感悟最近看的一 部印象深刻的电影以及接下来的工作计划,收听完整播客内容,了解一个更加真实且温暖的龚俊。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this English language episode of《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan, sit down with Donatella Versace in Shanghai. The fashion icon reflects on her learnings from her time with this year's young VOGUE China Fashion Fund finalists, her outlook on fashion's contribution to culture and the future of Verace in the Chinese market. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this bonus English language episode of 《Good Morning, VOGUE China》, VOGUE China Editor-in-Chief, Margaret Zhang, and VOGUE Business China Associate Editorial Director, Yiling Pan sit down with designer Stella McCartney. As brands flock to China to run extravagant repeat shows, Stella recently closed Shanghai Fashion Week, introducing her brand ethos to a saturated market in which she is considered relatively niche. Tune in for Stella's learnings, frustrations and excitement around sustainability in the fashion industry. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
本期《早,VOGUE》时装周播客特辑来到了最后一站——上海时装周。两位主持人《服饰与美容 VOGUE》全媒体编辑总监章凝Margaret Zhang 、VOGUE Business编辑副总监潘奕羚 Yiling Pan ,在节 目当中谈及这一季历时9天的时尚盛会十分兴奋,近百个海内外品牌参与,其中COMME MOI发布的品牌 10周年大秀是本季上海时装周最受瞩目的一场大秀,我们也与曾经的国际超模、如今的品牌主理人吕燕进 行了对谈。 值得一提的是,本季上海时装周当中还有许多海外的编辑和买手参与其中,例如VOGUE Runway的编辑 José Criales-Unzuêta就从纽约赶来,与中国设计师们进行了交谈,并为他们撰写了精彩的秀评。另外, 这一季特别邀请了致力于可持续时尚的“OG”英国设计师品牌Stella McCartney献上闭幕大秀。在本期播客 节目中,José Criales-Unzuêta与设计师Stella McCartney也跟大家分享了他们这次上海时装周之行的独 到⻅解。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit