Grace On Fire with Keri Stanley

Grace On Fire conversations are all about how boldly believing in your inner intuition and the voice of God allows the most successful people to courageously take BIG risks in life. Faith over logic. My intention is that listeners give themselves the permission to walk through the fire with a grounded grace by operating under a deep level of crazy faith and never giving up on themselves and the voice within, regardless of what it looks like on the outside and what others may be telling them.

How to Stay Committed to Your Goals with Wendi and Keri

How to stay committed to your goals with Wendi and Keri  Have you ever started something and then a few days in you stopped and didn’t follow through?   Well Wendi and I are talking about our personal journey right now of what steps we are doing to follow through on some things we’ve each felt were important….BUT, we weren’t following through.  We’ve teamed up to support each other and are sharing our journey with you.  And most importantly….how you can do this process too! Maybe you’ve set a priority for your health this year and find yourself not staying committed consistently.  Or maybe this was the year you wanted to skyrocket your business but you find yourself in the same patterns.  Or maybe you’ve been telling yourself you wanted to take up a new hobby but find yourself consistently not making time for it.  Then this episode is for you.   Listen in to see how to set yourself up for success and create a breakthrough for yourself and your commitments over the next couple of months.   Be sure to send us a message or tag us on social media if you’re committing to doing this with a friend as well.  @wendiwmckenna   @keristanley_adventures


Unlocking Your Capacity with Wendi McKenna and Keri Stanley

We are back with another Just Between Friends episode.  Wendi is joining us again today as we jump into today’s topic of challenging our bodies to go outside of our comfort zones.   That’s right.  We are diving into the conversation that we left off from in our previous episode as we share all the ways that making our health a priority has unlocked new levels of capacity for us both.   We discuss the unique ways we each take on physical challenges, as well as how we find small ways to win each day even on those really tough days.  And finally, the benefits that we’ve experienced in ways that may surprise you.  Because it’s definitely not just about getting healthy…it’s about who we are becoming. 


From Depressed after Divorce to Serving in Guatemala with Deonne Johnson

Have you ever had a time in your life when you knew you needed an extreme change?  Where you are questioning everything so much that nothing less than drastic will suffice?   Well, you are not alone.  And these times are typically where big life changes become a catalyst for our futures.   Today I’m sharing the mic with Deonne Johnson.  She’s a Passionate leader devoted to making the world a better place with the intention of living an inspired and inspiring life. However, that’s not where her story started.  She went from having the covers pulled up over her head, depressed and alone for the holiday season to saying YES to an experience far out of her comfort zone to go volunteer in Guatemala over Christmas because she knew she had to do something drastic to change her life.   This one experience completely changed the trajectory of her life and now she lives a life full of passion, purpose, and service.   Tune in to this incredible story and you’ll be sure to be inspired for your next adventure.  To connect with Deonne:  Website: LinkedIn: Instragram: And if you’re interested in learning more about the Humanitarian adventures, check this out here:


Life Lessons I've Learned From Running So Far

I had a biz coach tell me one time that whatever you face in training for something will show up in other areas of life.  So if you want to have a breakthrough in life, train for something and create the breakthrough there. It will transcend the rest of your life.   Not only have I found this to be true, I’m continually finding lessons during my training through my process of qualifying for the Boston Marathon that affects my daily life.   In this episode, I break down the lessons I’ve learned over the past 18 months of being committed ALL IN to this goal and how they apply to all of life. Take one or several and see which ones you can apply to uplevel your life too.  To follow along with me and connect on Instagram: @keristanley_adventures To learn more:  ⁠


Creating Extrarodinary Friendships with Wendi and Keri

We are back with another Just Between Friends episode where the one and only Wendi McKenna is on the show again.   Wendi and I are diving into this conversation about having meaningful, authentic friendships.  It’s all too common that women in their 40s and 50s have full, successful lives yet feel that real friendships are a missing piece to the puzzle.  Women in this world are CRAVING REAL CONNECTION.  And Wendi and I are bringing this convo to life on how to actually find besties you can grow in life with.   —----------------------------------------------- Let’s connect…I’d love to hear from you.  Are we friends yet on FB?  Well if not, connect with me here: Or maybe you’re more of an Instafriend…if so, connect with me on the gram  @ keristanley_adventrures


Crystal's Journey of Courage, Faith, and Cancer

Imagine having two young kids, one being less than 6 months old and receiving the phone call you never want to get. Today, my dear friend Crystal Weber courageously shares her story with us and how she navigated “the thing you never think will happen to you”.  She takes us through what she leaned on the most, what she learned, and how support became a game changer for her in multiple ways.  She’s fierce and faithful and I have no doubt you’ll be inspired by her story.   Crystal went through 5 rounds of chemo, 5 surgeries, a double mastectomy with reconstruction during her cancer journey and has now been in remission for a couple years all while creating a deeper connection in her marriage, raising her two beautiful kids, working in healthcare, and building a business sharing her passion for natural skincare and makeup to keep our bodies as healthy as possible.   Check out the products here: Connect with Crystal here: ________________________________________ To get my free toolkit with all my favorite podcasts, books, yoga, and more, go to: Let’s connect: Instagram @keristanley_adventures  Facebook:


Making God a Higher Priority

In this episode, we dove headfirst into the profound theme of strengthening faith and exploring practical insights, and actionable tips to fortify one's belief system based solely off of my personal experience as well as what I’ve witnessed in others.   So if strengthening or even curating a relationship with God is something that’s been tugging at you,  then this episode is for you. I’m a big believer that spirituality is a personal journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding what resonates with you and making it a part of your unique lifestyle. In this episode we cover:  The Being Too Busy for God Kind of Life The 3 Ways I’m Strengthening my Faith This Year*Additional Tools I’ve Used in the Past to Deepen My Intuition Insights I’ve gained along the way Faith is a dynamic and evolving aspect of life that can be nurtured and strengthened through intentional practices.  I’m a big believer that the more women we have in this world that are powerfully and spiritually grounded in who they are and their gifts rather than their identity in their title, the more effective leaders they can become.  Sign me up for more of that.  To Attend Amy Yamada’s Workshop on Creating VIP Experiences:  Links Referenced in the Episode:  Chase the Lion Book: Draw the Circle, 40 Day Prayer Challenge: The Bible Recap: @thebiblerecap on Instagram To follow along with me and connect on Instagram: @keristanley_adventures To get my weekly newsletter Divine Downloads:


Real Talk On How I First Learned to Dream Bigger

Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your inner dreamer?   Well today’s episode is for you my friend.  It’s easy to get tied up into the land of the “let’s be realistic” that we don’t even realize where we may be cutting ourselves off with limitations we didn’t even realize we were letting stop us.  In this episode I go through the first exercise I do every single year that I started back in 2015 that taught me to dream bigger and unleash my limitations.  And here’s what I’ve discovered over the years….we have sneaky little hidden ways of not owning our dreams.  And I want to pull back the curtains of how that’’s shown up for me.  Last but not least, have you had dreams that seem like they are taking FOREVER to happen…well we are touching on this today too!. Let’s dream bigger TODAY!   ------------------------------------------------------------------ I love to connect with listeners…if we haven’t connected yet.  You can find me here:  Instagram: @keristanley_adventures   Facebook:


Creating Your Extraordinary 2024 - Part 2 of 2

Do you ever set goals for yourself at the beginning of the year and then they just fall off?  Well, this episode is all about showing up differently this year and changing what you’re focusing on.  So often we start with the doing.  How we are going to achieve a goal.  And that’s where we go sideways.  In this episode we are going to talk about first defining YOUR extraordinary and then talk about who you get to become in the process.  And, oh by the way, what makes it really extraordinary is that we actually enjoy our days in the process.  So tune in if you’re ready to change up the way you’ve been experiencing your years and want this year to be YOUR EXTRAORDINARY 2024. Learn more about Keri:


Creating Your Extraordinary 2024 - Part 1 of 2

Welcome to 2024.  This episode is about taking a moment to take inventory of where you are…right here, right now, in the present moment of this snapshot in your life.  As we kick off this year, I wanted to share with you a couple key tips to create your extraordinary year as well as a couple tools to assess where you are.  This is Part 1 of 2 as we set up some basic foundations of awareness so you actually focus on what you truly desire to create this year.   Enjoy the episode and stay tuned for part 2!


29029 Everesting... The Debrief Story with Keri, Emma, and Tammy

What happens when a group of friends choose to hike the vertical equivalent of Mt Everest in 36 hrs? Well, it turns out you each confront not only the darkness of exhaustion hiking a mountain in the middle of the night but also the dark parts of yourselves that hold us back in our lives that we finally get to let go.  Tune into the first of a couple episodes on the after effects of one of the biggest endurance challenges I’ve ever done. On this episode, two of my friends (Emma Frowine and Tammy Kersten) join in the conversation as we discuss each of our journeys on our recent hiking endurance challenge…..29029 Everesting. 


When It Doesn't Go Like You Expected... Tina's Story

Do you know that feeling when you step into something new and then have a HOLY S moment of what did I just do and it begins to not turn out like you expected? EVEN when it’s saying yes to something you desire.  Our minds, our fears, and our egos can be so tricky in this way.   Today we’ve got the next powerful story of my beautiful friend Tina Paulus-Krause sharing her lessons from her experience of going to the most recent Costa Rica retreat.   The power, the vulnerability, and the tears shed in this episode reveal to us all how when we are doing something new RESISTANCE can be so real.   She shares what it was like to move through it kicking and screaming….not once but multiple times.  She had me in tears multiple times as she recounted and taught us what it means to give permission for the truth of our deepest selves to emerge.  Even when our minds are fighting hard not to listen.   No matter where you are in your journey, there is a reminder for us all to embrace the power of the pause to get a reset on our greatest visions for our life.   READY NOW for a radical pause to fast track the rest of your year? DM ME TODAY @keristanley_adventures to join us on the Ignite Italy retreat beginning Friday, June 10 or email me at —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are interested in making one of these breakthrough experiences a priority for pre-planned  space on your calendar, book a retreat discovery call here: • Ignite Italy-June 2023 • Zion Nat’l Park - September 2023 • San Diego–October 2023 • NYC–December 2023 • Ignite Italy–June 2024 So many opportunities to find the perfect retreat to create community, discover the next step on your path, and open up to your next breakthrough to uplevel your life and your biz/career.  Follow me on Instagram @keristanley_adventures  for all the behind the scenes adventures as I take off to Europe and would love to have you on the ride.   And be sure to DM me when you love something you hear on the show!!!  I love hearing from GOF listeners!


The Bridge to Courage... Kristi's Story

Have you ever felt the urge to do something you’ve never done before that feels SO scary but you just know it’s got so much for you when you say YES? Well, today I brought on Kristi Packer….an amazing woman who said YES to herself to attend my very first retreat in Costa Rica in 2018.   Listen in as she reveals her story of discovering courage she never realized she had.  She reveals “Before Kristi vs. After Kristi” looks like and feels like in this life.   Her discovery and ownership of her innate worthiness is such a powerful reflection for us all.   Enjoy this fun convo as she shares the deep parts of this journey and how she says YES to herself on the regular now.   You can follow Kristi on FB and reach out to her here: ____________________________________________________________ If you are interested in joining a retreat adventure experience with me as well, book a retreat discovery call here: Ignite Italy-June 2023 Zion Nat’l Park - September 2023 San Diego–October 2023 NYC–December 2023 Ignite Italy–June 2024 So many opportunities to find the perfect retreat to create community, discover the next step on your path, and open up to your next breakthrough to uplevel your life and your biz/career.  Follow me on Instagram @keristanley_adventures  for all the behind the scenes adventures!  And be sure to DM me when you love something you hear on the show!!!  I love hearing from GOF listeners!


Unapologetically Owning Your Big, Scary Goals with Wendi McKenna

Have you ever had a goal so big you had no clue how it was going to happen?  Well, we are back with the one and only Wendi McKenna on another episode of Just Between Friends!  Today we chat about Wendi’s gigantic goal she just declared that’s making her shake in her boots as she’s stepping into something she’s never done before.   We talk about being courageous enough to go for something new and how to get connected back to vision and possibility when you might flounder a bit.  As in typical Wendi/Keri fashion, we cover a variety of topics as we share some real things coming up for both of us in our lives right now and where we want to shrink but are going for it anyway.  We cry, we laugh, we talk about how to pronounce a word.  And we invite you into the conversation with us on how we can be bolder on truly owning our seat at the table. We were actually laughing so much before we hit record that we have a messy start.  But that’s our motto of this message…Just Do It!  Enjoy the convo and let us know what your big goal is!  DM me on instagram @keristanley_adventures.  I always love hearing from listeners and it’s so fun when you’ve got a topic you’d love for us to talk about. 


ELEVATE Your Running with Sara Manderscheid

Are you a beginning runner or maybe even in the zone of “I’m not a runner”..but secretly wish you were?  Well today, I brought on my own running coach who’s supporting my goal of qualifying for Boston.  She not only coaches those who want to BQ, but also those who are running for fun and just getting started.  Just coming back from running her second Boston marathon herself….Sara shares the good, the great, and the challenges of running. Plus she’s answering all your questions on getting started or started back up.   Sara Manderscheid is a running coach in Boulder, CO who is the founder and leads the Elevate Your Running Community.  The mission is to lift athletes high, create wins, joy, confidence, AND to most of all….remember to have FUN!  Follow Sara on Instagram @elevateyourrunning and @sayrahrunshappy


Thriving through the Canyon with Sara Schulting-Kranz

If there is one trait you could have navigating this world as a woman, it is the art of resilience.  So today, I brought on my dear friend Sara Schulting-Kranz to take a deep dive in what it really takes to go from victim, to survivor, to thriver.  Two years ago last summer, I hiked down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon on a women’s retreat that was life-changing in more ways than one…..the person who led that retreat…was Sara.   She’s a proud mom to 3 wonderful young men, a business owner, a mountain and ocean adventurer, an artist, and a former teacher. She has become is a resilient woman and person, who survived and thrived from multiple traumas During her healing journey, she made a point everyday of getting outside, navigating through anger, pain, and grief while hiking 14,000 ft mountains and paddling 4-miles out to sea with whales and dolphins. Somatically healing her heart, mind, and body through nature while practicing the art of resiliency and forgiveness. As a result, she began finding a new version of Sara. A version with a larger smile, a longer laugh, and a love for her present life. The gift of her trauma was finding her most important relationship: the one within herself.  And today, she and I have a heart to heart and what it means to both of us to truly live open to the curiosity and the relationship you can build with yourself and nature.  Learn more about Sara and her very last Grand Canyon retreat here: Find Her book here:  Walk Through This: Harness the Healing Power of Nature and Travel the Road to Forgiveness She is most active on LinkedIN: @Saraschultingkranz or Instagram @saraschultingkranz


How to Get Out When You're "In It"

You know those days.  When your inner mean girl has totally taken the wheel.  When you are in a funk and you wouldn’t even avoid yourself on those days if you had a choice.  Yeah, you know the ones…. Well today’s episode is all about how to get out of those moments when you’re in “IT”.... I have had several people asking me lately….”do you ever feel off or have a bad day or get into a Negative Nelly vibe”.  Oh, yes I sure do, and sometimes it’s a full temper tantrum crying on the floor kind of moment feeling like I’m the worst failure in the world.   Today, I’m sharing not only that we all have these days, so give yourself grace….also, I’m sharing how I’ve learned to move through them and navigate them so they no longer take me out.   Plus, how you can reframe them to see why they are actually helping you more than you think when we start paying attention.   ____________To join the Elite Coaching Masterclass that I referred to on the show…be sure to click here and get signed up for FREE today.


Why we chose to "Everest" with Emma Frowine and Tammy Kersten

The journey begins….myself and 3 other friends decided to embark on our biggest challenge yet.  29029 Everesting….an event where we will climb the vertical equivalent of Mt. Everest over 36 hours on a mountain in Utah.   And we decided to share the journey of it all with you.  Two of my friends, Emma and Tammy, join me as we talk about why we each chose this crazy challenge.  This episode airs on week 1 of our training and there will be at least 4 episodes documenting our journey.  Sharing the ups and the downs, the challenges and the victories, the growth and the struggles and the becoming for each of us along the way.   Join us as we get real on what we are up to and ready to face, not only on the mountain…but in the journey that begins right now.  You can follow Tammy Kersten on Instagram @tammy_healing_journeys  You can follow along with Emma’s journey on Facebook at Emma Frowine And you can follow all my behind the scenes of the journey as well @keristanley_adventures 


The Magic of Authentic Partnerships with Wendi McKenna

She’s BACK!  On the next episode of the Just Between Friends Series, Wendi is back on the show as we peel back the curtain on building authentic partnerships in our lives….Including how it’s shaped our friendship.   If you are desiring true heart to heart connections in your life that build authentic partnerships that stand the test of time, this episode is for you!  Wendi and I are committed to bringing you our behind the scenes conversations where we keep it real and share what works and also what doesn’t work in our lives because we believe that the world is a better place when we are authentic, lead with love, and….are in it together.   Enjoy this episode and as always, send us any questions you’d love for us to discuss on a future episode of Just Between Friends.   If you’d love to join Wendi and I for a weekend of authentic connection, we are co-hosting a retreat in San Diego where you can Embrace You, Empower All, and Experience Epic.  Get all the details here:  Experience Epic Retreat-San Diego ________________________________________________ To follow along with Keri’s adventures, be sure to follow on the gram @keristanley_adventures      I love getting messages from listeners so drop me a message there as well.   You can learn more about upcoming retreats as well as free resources by hopping over to


Sacred Beauty with Anastarr Ricketts

In this busy full world, it’s easy to take for granted our skin that is constantly exposed to all of the elements.  Today, I brought on the show my dear friend who is an amazing artist as we dive into how we can truly take a few moments to nourish our skin. This conversation is so powerful on how we as women can get more grounded within ourselves through taking moments to honor the sacredness of our beauty and live into grace. She designed this amazing Sacred Skin. Sacred Art. especially for women like you to have A regenerating, experiential journey that will ignite your senses, awaken your soul, bring coherence to your mind and reconnect you to the timeless radiance of your inner Being. Inspired by her innate love for nature, Anastarr specializes in consciously hand crafted sacred geometric designs, and has creatively fused her passion for both beauty and art here. ‍Sacred Skin, Sacred Art. You can learn more about Anastarr here:


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