Grace Reformed Church

The newest sermons from Hexon J Maldonado on SermonAudio.

The Return of Christ

When will Christ return-- What will be the sign of his coming-- And what will happen to Christians who are still alive when he returns--


The Finish Line of Sanctification

What will the believer's resurrected body be like-- Will our bodies be the same or different-- If so, how will they be different-- And why does it really matter-- Listen as Pastor Hexon explains.


Article 12: Christ's Work as Mediator

Christ is the mediator between God and man, but how does he do the work of mediator-- What does that entail--


The Certainty of the Resurrection

The certainty of the bodily resurrection of all believers is not simply based on faith, but on the overwhelming evidence supporting the historical resurrection of Christ and on the power of God.


Walk with the Wise to Become Wise

The believers in Corinth had gone off course by listening to the wrong people. Paul warns them to be careful about who they listen to and not be easily led down the wrong path.


Article 11: Eternal Mediatorship of Christ

That Christ, the second person of the Godhead, would be the mediator for his people was something agreed upon among the persons of the Trinity from before the foundations of the earth.


Christ's Resurrection Gives Meaning to Everything

The resurrection Christ is the most significant event in human history. This is not only because Christ's resurrection validates the Christian faith, validates everything Christ said and did, but because Christ's resurrection gives meaning to every aspect of life. If Christ did not rise from the dead, then all humanity is back at square one, wondering where did we come from-- What is wrong with the world-- And where are we all going--


Palm Sunday: The King Has Come to Bring Peace

Christ came as the humble king, riding on a donkey, to mediate an eternal peace between God and man, for those who place their faith in Christ, and bow the knee to his kingship.


Article 10: Christ as Mediator

The mediatorial work of Christ in establishing the new covenant was accomplished via his offices of prophet, priest, and king.


The Effects of Christ's Resurrection

Christ's resurrection is not just definitive proof for what has happened in the past, but is the guarantee for what will happen in the future.


The Necessity of Christ's Resurrection

This historical, bodily resurrection of Christ is absolutely essential to Christianity. Without it, there is no Christianity.


By the Grace of God

The difference between loving Christ much and loving him little is not the difference between being forgiven much or being forgiven little. It is the difference between understanding the depth and magnitude of our sin and God's amazing grace and not.


Article 8: The Scriptures

The Scriptures are not just a record of what God has spoken- the Scriptures are God speaking.


The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The gospel is the 'sine qua non' of Christianity. That is, it is the thing without which there is no Christianity. We can be wrong about a lot of different biblical truths and still be inside the covenant community, but the gospel is not one of them. Get the gospel wrong and we lose everything.


Life Begins and Ends with the Gospel

The gospel is all-encompassing. Not that the gospel is all that is needed, but it is the glue which binds everything together, the thread which weaves together all other doctrines, the doctrine upon which the church stands or falls.


God Desires Reverence and Obedience

God desires to be revered and obeyed, which means that within the church God desires all things be done decently and in order.


Gender Roles Matter to God

The Church belongs to God. Therefore, God has the right to determine what we can and cannot do in church. And within corporate worship, gender roles matter to God.


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