DiscoverGrandpa Hill's True Stories
Grandpa Hill's True Stories

Grandpa Hill's True Stories

Author: Grandpa Hill

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Grandpa Hill’s Stories are told by Grandpa Hill, usually with a live audience of one or more of his twenty two grand children. Each story is based on his memory of what truly happened to him.
Marshmallow and his friend Gorf, often review the story from their perspectives as a raccoon and a frog. They hope that by them talking about the story it will help the listeners, young and old, to talk to each other about their thoughts and experiences. Lessons are learned, as we laugh (or cry) and listen to Grandpa Hill’s stories.
81 Episodes
Merry Christmas! Did you know Grandpa Hill saw the real Santa Claus? (Or at least, he thought he did.) Grandpa Hill tells the true story of one cold Christmas night in his family's old house, way back in 1961. At the end of the story Grandpa Hill shares two of his favorite Christmas movies. Executive Producer: Grandpa Hill Producer: David Richman Music: Michael Steele Art: David Richman Grandchildren in the audience: Sarah, David, Anna, Miriam, Raymond and Naomi
In 1989 the Don and Mary Hill family start trusting God more and more.  In the process of trusting they learn to be content. Convinced that they should be homeschooling, and open to more children they jumped right in. In a short period of time their homeschooling, a tubal reversal,  a move over 900 miles, the birth of the 5th child, 6th child, 7th child and 8th child. And the misscarriage of three children. While that was going on Mary resumed having epileptic seizures. Don changed jobs again and they bought a Catholic Church and a Rectory for a place raise their family.    To Don and Mary contentment is realizing God has already provided everything they need for their current happiness.  The set backs, and, the trials at times kept them from being content.  Then they would remember that “contentment” is realizing God had already provided everything they needed for their current happiness.   Grandpa Hill encourages the listener to spread Grandpa Hill’s True Stories. Share! Share! Share! Find his stories on podcast platforms and on the website  Think laugh and live!
In 1991, Grandpa, Don, was a development engineer by day and homeschooling and homesteading Dad at night.  Some persistent and relatively large creature was eating the animal feed intended for the ducks and rabbits.  As the battle with the creature continued, Don came to realize that it was a RAT that he was dealing with.   A very big and very smart RAT.  Don outsmarted that RAT, or so he thought he had, by storing the grain in the family car.  The mystery developed as Don would keep seeing the RAT, on, or running to, the side porch of the house to greet him as he came home from work.  It was as though the RAT expected to be fed by Don.  Eventually Don does figure out the schemes of the RAT.  When Don figures it out he needs to apologize to his children.  The RAT was just trying to survive and really wasn’t that smart.  Grandpa was trying to get the RAT and really wasn’t that smart either. Grandpa encourages parents and grandparents to tell their stories to their children and grandchildren. Please share this story with families and friend and remember to follow the podcast or to follow on the web at Think Laugh and Live!
When Grandpa was a seven year old boy in 1964  he visited his Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Bob in Cheboygan Michigan.  Upstairs in a hot room a fan was spinning trying to cool the room and boys were playing and the fan was interesting. As Don was considering putting his fingers into the fan, perhaps to slow or stop it, his cousin John held up his finger that wasn’t!  A few months earlier part of his pinky finger was lost by putting it into the very same fan that Don was exploring.  Since then Don has considered fans to be spinning knives for cooling or clearing the air.  Not as toys!    His message to his children, his grandchildren and all children is the same.  Fans chop and mutilate fingers when they are misused. Please share this podcast with your friends and relatives.  It will make a difference. 
In 1974 Grandpa Hill, Don Hill, was clearing stump logs around Karl Greimel’s Estate.  He was 16 years old and the blade on Mr. Greimel’ssaw was 16 inches long.  When the blade entered his leg he knew he was in trouble. As he drove himself to the hospital his left leg was warm and wet as his boot filled with blood.  At the hospital Don collapsed.  He came to and was soon being stitched half way up.  There was an interruption in the stitching and  a lack of Novocain that made it a very memorable experience. Grandpa shares this story with his grandchildren, his children and all children hoping that they won’t make the mistakes he did.  Don’t work alone, especially with dangerous things like chainsaws in the snow on a hill.  Never cut up hill.  Don’t touchany of the tools or supplies  when you are laying on the bed getting stitched by a very busy Doctor. Please share this story, with your family and friends.  Maybe it makes a difference to their futures as they Think Laugh and Live. Grandchildren In the Audience (I think):  David, Annette, Breandan, Kyla, Lawrence, Edmund, Levi, Emma and Eoghan. Author and Producer Grandpa Hill; Artist Amy Steele; Pickin Michael Steele.
Grandpa Hill was recently in the Latrobe  O’Reilly Auto Parts Store. An incident occurred.  It turned out to be a timely end to his search for sanding discs for his son John.  Then just a few weeks later it happened again but differently and better.  This time he was sent there by his son Michael to get studs a nut and a stud installer and to secure a price match.  Well, Grandpa Hill got a new hat out of the deal, $10 off in a price match that his son appreciated.  Grandpa, Don Hill, recognized how well he had been treated.  He wished he had started shopping at O’Rielly’s when they first came to town two years ago.  O’Reilly Auto Parts will be his first stop and likely only stop on his frequent runs for maintenance and replacement parts. Share this story about O’Rielly Auto Parts with anyone you think should give them a try.  Share the story with anyone you think would like to improve their retail business by understanding the value the people behind the counter bring to the business.   As you do so, you will probably feel pretty good, as Grandpa does right now as he posts this Grandpa Hill’s True Story.   Remember to Think Laugh and Live! Grandpa Hill and David Richman produced. Amy Steele did the portrait. Michael Steele did the pickin.
In 1983 Grandpa Hill, Don Hill, a young metallurgical engineer was assisting with an investigation to find the root cause of a gas line explosion in the Bayous of Lousiana. He expected adventure, success and a lot of work. Dr. Ray Fessler was the lead investigator. Highly experienced, Ray came highly prepared but carried no tools. Don had the tools of the failure analysis trade, with him but never got to use them. Instead Ray’s piece of string was used to solve the problem. While in New Orleans and In the Bayous and on Bourbon St. Don saw and did and thought things he didn’t want to see or do or think again. They weren’t worth it. Think laugh and live! Share your stories and share Grandpa Hill's True Stories around the world. Story told by Grandpa Hill Production: Don Hill Artwork: Amy Steele. Background music clips are from Spotify. Intro Rhythm Boogie, Piano Brotherhood; Outro, When the Saints go Marching In, Rebirth Brass Band. Grandpa Hill recommends you play their music often and put them in your playlists.
Grandpa Hill, Don starts out fearful of the virus and puts on his mask, and, distances himself some from family and even has some of his friends die from COVID.   At the time Don thought he probably would survive the illness just fine but didn’t look forward to finding out.   Then strange things started to happen the people that promoted early safe and effective treatment were ridiculed and removed from the internet.  Finally, when Kenny at work gets COVID and he gets zero treatment for it, Don gets motivated to take action.  Grandpa Hill was determined to be ready for all viruses by becoming healthier and more robust against upper respiratory viruses. In this Grandpa Hill’s True Health Story, Grandpa shares the heart of what happened to him and what he did.  He did not get COVID, and, he has not even had a fever since January of 2021.   Grandpa Hill was influenced by Dr. John Campbell to get good on his Vitamin D3, by Dr Peter McCullough to regularly kill off his viral load with nasal rinses by Desert Review’s website regarding the use of Ivermectin in Peshwar India.    Grandpa is not a Dr..  Grandpa is not in the medical field.  Grandpa is just a good critical thinker that is so grateful for his family and for how healthy he has been since the COVID Pandemic.
Grandpa Learns to Fish at Keystone Lake - Faith and Family Story. Grandpa goes to Keystone Lake in Pennsylvania.  He is repeatedly out fished 10 to 1 by people standing or sitting right next to him at the lake.   Inspired by his grandson Breandan, and his wife, Mary Lee, he is inquisitive and talkative and eager to learn how to fish.  He meets Adam who was out-fishing him 20 fish to Grandpa’s  1 fish.  Adam teaches Grandpa how to fish at Keystone Lake.  Grandpa knows this empowers him to catch many fish and to teach others.  Now he can catch hundreds of fish in his retirement right alongside of his children and his grandchildren, if they are only eager and patient to learn the skill of fishing at Keystone Lake in Pennsylvania. 
It was Halloween and Grandpa was 19 years old in 1976 in Rochester Michigan.  He wore his mummy/robber costume into a liquor store in Troy Michigan.  It was a dumb thing to do. Grandpa Hill’s Grandchildren beg for stories of when he does something stupid or gets in trouble. Gorf and Marshmallow discuss how Grandpa Hill learned tohave empathy.   Marshmallow reveals why Grandpa Hill bothers to tell such embarrassing stories about himself to his children, his grandchildren and all children in yet another Grandpa Hill’s True Story.  During this Lenten season, Marshmallow and Gorf encourage us all to practice more empathy. Being empathetic is a virtue that Grandpa Hill wants to have more of.  He hopes others will learn what empathy is and be able to have more of it too. Grandpa Hill advises, “As you think about your situation, do what you can to make yourself  better, then laugh and live a lot.”  Please share Grandpa Hill’s True Stories with your children and grandchildren, friends and anyone that you think needs to think, then laugh, and live.
Grandpa Hill and Grandma Hill homeschooled their eight children from 1989 to 2016.  Grandpa had been disappointed, he had wished for a surge in homeschooling coming out of the whole Covid 19 scene.  It never seemed to have happened.  Then he met Melissa at the Y.  Her story motivated Grandpa Hill to check out the recent data on homeschooling. He was pleasantly surprised!  If Grandpa meets Melissa again he will be giving her information about PHAA, Pennsylvania Homeshoolers Accreditation Agency and a monthly square dance with homeschooling families.  Getting good and many connections was always helpful to Don and Mary for those 27 years of homeschooling and they want more homeschoolers to have similar connections to strengthen what they are doing in their families.
In 1974 Grandpa was 16 years old and was cleaning the outside steps that went up through the woods to the front door of Mr. Griemel’s house.  There was to be a party that night and the steps would be clean of dirt and debris. As he sprayed the water to clean the railroad ties and stones he discovered an in-the-ground nest of yellow jackets.  It was easy work to spray the bees and flood the nest.  Soon Grandpa discovered something he will never forget.  Yellow jackets always have an alternate exit to their hives.  Soon there was a stream of angry bees after Grandpa.  He had become a BEE Target!   The hose was dropped and he was running at top speed towards his car.  A glance over his shoulder revealed a long string of bees in hot pursuit.  He had enjoyed getting rid of the pests.  He was now in fright and flight and could be easily overcome by dozens of charging bees.  Grandpa tells his true stories for your benefit to help you think laugh and live, and maybe avoid his mistakes.   This is the 80th episode.  Some are more serious faith and family and health stories.  This is a “fun” one where Grandpa became a bee target and lives to tell the story.  Please share one of Grandpa Hill’s True Stories today. 
When Grandpa Whined to Grandma – Children’s Story In 1989 in December Grandpa was all alone in his little room above the Saltsburg Supply Company.  Itwas cold!  Way too cold for Pennsylvania in December!  He had made a huge mistake, he was lonely, and he was cold!  He called Grandma in Savage Minnesota to whine about his troubles. Grandma decided to fix everything by telling Grandpa a story about shopping at the big mall in Burnsville MN.  In no mood for a story, especially about shopping, Grandpa listened. After the story he changed.  He stopped his whining!  Whinning wasn’t working for him at all and it never should work for anybody, not for little insistent children and not for Moms and Dads and definitely not for Grandpa Hill.  Gorf and Marshmallow help Grandpa Hill discuss whining  with some of his grandchildren.  Grandpa Hill appreciates that help as he promotes Thinking, Laughing a lot, and Living life fully.  It so much better for your children, the children’s children and for all children if whining is never allowed to work. Please share your stories with your children. Please share Grandpa Hill's True Stories to the world!
In the fall of 1975 Grandpa (Don) climbed into a T33 Trainer Jet for what he thought would be a short 5 minute ride.  His “ride” turned out to be a scare, a thrill, and much more than just a ride.   Don was eighteen years old. He had never been in a small plane before.   Now he was climbing into the cockpit of a military training jet. They were off! Just a few minutes later he had the stick in his hand and the right pedal under his foot and was making a turn up in the sky over Pikes Peak Colorado at a few hundred miles per hour. Wow!  The whole event gave Don a new perspective on his life and, and, a high respect for the pilots of our world.  As the “pilot” for his own family, Grandpa knows everything he does or doesn’t do makes a difference for his future, that of his wife, their eight children and their 23 grandchildren.  It even makes a difference to people he doesn’t even know. Enjoy the story.  Please share this story far and wide.  Think, about the story, tell your own stories, act on the truth the best that you can, then laugh a lot, and live! 
Grandpa Drinks With a Bat – Children’s Story Grandpa Hill has done many unusual things and many of them happened on his annual Hill and Richman Family back packing trip. For the past 30 years he has gone backpacking with his family and the Richman family.  On this trip Grandpa comes eye to eye with a bat.  Grandpa was alone.  They both wanted the same watering hole. Think laugh and live, and, share share, share, these stories you will be glad you did.   Thank you for sharing and thank you for listening.  Grandpa Hill of Grandpa Hill’s True Stories.
In 1989 Grandpa (Don) and Grandma (Mary), lived in Savage Minnesota with their four children.  Three of them attended St. John the Baptist Catholic School.   Don while teaching catechism is informed by his student, Sarah, that things have changed since he was a boy in catechism. Her claim: Today’s children need to decide for themselves what is right and wrong for them. Don was surprised.  He learned that Sarah was right about what the school was teaching.  St. John’s was now using “values clarification” texts for teaching morals and virtues.   Students would indeed be taught in catechism, and in the school that virtues and morals are relative, and subjective.  The training would be all about clarifying your values and deciding what’s right for you.   No right nor wrong way to believe. Don objects!   By accident Don and Mary learn there is such a thing as homeschooling.   They also learn that they too were practicing “values clarification”, ‘doing what was right for them, which really wasn’t right at all.' Grandpa saw the fruits of homeschooling in 1989 and wanted them so much for his own family that Don and Mary decide to homeschool their children.  Don and Mary decide to teach Godly character traits and values to their children.   The family stops watching the TV.  Mary gets a tubal reversal.   Together they make the sacrifices and changes needed as they put their trust in God.   The family grows to eight children.  Two of the eight children become religious sisters.  Six of them are happily married.  From those six marriages there are twenty three grandchildren!  All of the children and grandchildren have kept their Catholic faith. Grandma and Grandpa Hill are so glad they made those decisions of 1989, homeschooling, the tubal reversal and turning off the TV! As promised this is the link to a recommended article by William Kilpatrick 
Welcome to 65th of Grandpa Hill’s True Stories.  Don and Mary are going up North to Michigan Tech in 1977.  They were off to secure a place up at the college for Don to stay at with Bruce for Don's last year prior to getting married.    Late at night as they travel along interstate I-75 near the intersection with M-72, Mary sees a light in the distance and slams on the brakes.  The car shakes hard as the old brakes struggle to slow it down!  Then it appeared,  there was a wreck.  There were injuries.  Soon Grandpa was off down the hill to rescue one of the drivers that had been in the collision. Don is so grateful for Mary’s super sighting of a tiny light, late at night on the freeway. Her quick and accurate reaction had saved the day, and probably the lives, of several people.
When Grandpa Lies to the Policeman, Is the 64th  Episode of Grandpa Hill’s True Stories.  This is what truly happened to him and Grandma in Latrobe Pennsylvania in June of 2010.  After Mass and a party on the grounds of St. Vincent's in Latrobe Pennsylvania, Don and Mary were driving home.  That’s when it happened Don ran a red light, right in front of the police station!  Soon after that more traffic violations occurred and Grandpa ended up lying to the police officer about what had happened.  It was the strangest lie ever and the children and grandchildren in the audience get to weigh-in regarding Grandpa’s honesty. Please share these stories, they are as true as Grandpa can remember them.  Please tell your own true stories to your children, grandchildren, and all children.  It’s surprising how much listening goes on when you share your mistakes and what and how you have learned from them.  Remember to think about your situations, act as you are able, and then laugh, and live. Thanks for listening and sharing Grandpa Hill's True Stories! Check on all episodes at
This episode of Grandpa Hill’s True Stories took place in May of 1989 along the Western shore of Lake Superior.   Grandma and Grandpa (Mary and Don) take their four children on a long Memorial Day camping vacation.   The story is of five precious memories that make up the five chapters:  Mittens in May; Short Sheets at Gooseberry Falls; Cascade River Trout; Bears Bears, Bears; and Grandma and the Ostrich.  This story is being told to four little excited children about when their aunts and uncles were the four little excited children.  The story was told to them shortly after their little sister, Emma, our 23rd grandchild was born.  As you think laugh and live your life, maybe you will remember a story and tell it to your loved ones or share it with someone that hungers for or just enjoys the simple and beautiful family life. Please share Grandpa Hill’s True Stories far and wide.  It is a good gift you have discovered.  Pass it on!
Grandpa Hill shares another true personal story of fishing with a four year old.  Grandpa claims to have always caught something on every fishing trip, even this one.  Caleb his grandson challenges Grandpa when he seems to contradict himself,  ‘Sometimes never even getting a bite, yet always catching something.  Come on!  Which is it?’ In this true story Rebecca is the four year old, the gear is a bamboo pole, the catch….. well you will have to listen to the story!  Grandpa assures the audience that this trip like every fishing trip or family adventure gave him and his children precious memories that have lasted a life time.  This one "Fishing With A Four Year Old" was exceptional fun and excitement to live and to remember.  Grandpa Hills Children Stories and Health Stories are listened to in dozens of countries, dozens of States in the USA, and dozens of communities in Pennsylvania.  The website is Please spread these stories far and wide, it will probably help make the world a better place.  You will probably never know exactly how, but one thing affects another and then another and then another and then surprise you are telling your own stories, and, learning from Grandpa Hill’s true stories and the world is better. Think. Do what you can.  Then laugh and live.