Grateful Goddesses
Author: Karen Pulver
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"You had the power all along my dear."- Glinda the Good Witch
We are all valuable and have abundant potential. However, there are roadblocks everywhere that bombard us and convince us otherwise. This potential in the core of our being is our inner goddess. Once we can tap into the goddess within us - along with faith, courage, and support from others - we can do wonders.
Welcome to Grateful Goddesses with Karen Pulver. Join Karen on this journey of self-care and self-discovery to unleash your inner goddesses. Take a leap of faith and expand your comfort zones to explore various topics on your life journey. Be vulnerable, be real, and get empowered as you realize your highest potential as a Grateful Goddess.
Karen and her Goddesses are on a path of discovery, and are searching for self-awareness and enrichment of their lives to reach their purpose. Karen is a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a friend, and a cancer survivor. She has her own fears and challenges, but she is a doer who loves bringing people together and pushing them to explore things.
She is a Grateful Goddess who is on a journey of discovery and enlightenment, but she is not alone on this ever-evolving journey. She has been lucky to have been joined by like-minded women, all of which are synergistically sharing a spiritual purpose of realizing their potential. Each has a Grateful Goddess within that wants to be nurtured and listened to and, ultimately, shared with the world.
On the Grateful Goddesses podcast, you'll hear about women who are trying out new things that they've never done before, exploring things maybe that they've taste-tested but haven't really dove in. Women who are reaching beyond their box and experimenting with new things, supporting and empowering each other through these experiences! Join the conversation about gratitude, self-care, meditation, self-defense, nutrition, fitness, health, dreams, and bevy of soulful, compelling topics.
Every woman has an inner goddess that needs to be unleashed – an inner self that wants to try things and get past the fear and the roadblocks. The Grateful Goddesses Podcast is your opportunity for you to gain knowledge about yourself from what other women are doing to expand themselves. Be a part of this gathering of women for spiritual enrichment and friendship around various interesting topics and activities. Join Grateful Goddesses with Karen Pulver today!