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Gravity Fitness Transformation

Author: Max Posternak

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Discover the TRUTH about losing weight, burning fat, getting rid of that stubborn lower belly fat, and building muscle naturally. You'll find weight loss motivation, six pack abs workouts, and fat loss meal prep. Hear enough of my weight loss and muscle building tips and you'll figure out the best way to lose weight for yourself. After all you're a unique individual. If you're looking to get lean, ripped, jacked, swole, shredded, cut, and totally swoltastic NATURALLY then you will benefit from this podcast. Most of the content is about burning fat and gaining muscle mass fast and efficiently. There are also intermittent fasting, ketogenic, and all types of other meal prep plans. Entire weight loss diet plans done for you for free. Also if you're a skinny guy trying to bulk up, build muscle, and gain mass naturally my audios can help.


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If you're wondering if you should take creatine or which form of creatine is best then check out this video. You'll learn what creatine is good for you and which is bad. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: I'm going to go over if you should be taking creatine and which creatine is best for your particular goals. First let's start by acknowledging the fact that you do not NEED creatine. You don't really need any kind of supplements to get results but creatine is one of the few supplements that can actually help. It is also one of the most widely researched supplements available on the market with one of the highest proven success rates. So what are some reasons for you to take creatine? If you're trying to bulk up your muscles and you want to help your muscles grow faster then that's a good time to take creatine. If you're trying to increase your strength and set some new PRS then that's a good time to take creatine as well. If you want to increase your energy to perform higher intensity workouts, again that's a good time to take creatine. There is also even some evidence that creatine can help reduce inflammation after a workout which can help speed up your recovery. Some studies also report that creatine has neuroprotective functions, and it can Enhance bone regeneration... so if you break any bones you know what supplement to turn to. Now if you're cutting or trying to look like you have really defined muscles then you may want to be careful with what creatine you take because certain types of creatine can increase your water weight and make you look bloated, which will take away a lot of that definition that your striving for. Creatine monohydrate is a type of creatine that actually is known to have that bloating effect. Even though it does have this side effect, I usually recommend creatine monohydrate because it is the type of creatine used in the majority of the creatine research and studies. Also even though there are many new types of creatine.. monohydrate is still the most widely used. Regardless it is still worth it to take a look at the other types available on the market. Micronized creatine is probably the second most popular form. The only difference is that the creatine molecules have been cut up or divided. This makes it easier and faster for your body to absorb and also reduces any kind of stomach discomfort. Next we got creatine phosphate which is supposed to give you more energy than regular monohydrate. The reality is that creatine phosphate has never been shown in studies to be more effective than monohydrate and it's much more expensive. Another form of creatine is creatine citrate and this is supposed to be one of the more absorbable forms of creatine. If you have a lot of stomach discomfort when taking creatine give this one a shot. As you can see there's a whole bunch of different types of creatine and we're not even close to done yet. Creatine ethyl Ester is a form of creatine that is supposed to be ten times as absorbable as monohydrate. Unfortunately there are no studies to back this claim up. However many do claim that you don't need as much of a dose, it's easier to absorb, and you don't get that bloated look when taking it. Next is kre alkalyn which is supposed to be the most absorbable form of creatine. Reported benefits include a faster absorption rate, no loading phase, no creatine bloat, and immediate results. Another form of creatine is creatine serum which is reported to have mixed results. Some people say it works and some people say it doesn't work at all. This creatine has been dissolved in water and usually has added vitamins and amino acids. Then we got Creatine hydrochloride which is creatine bound with hydrochloric acid. It's turned into a basic creatine molecule in your stomach and while it may be more water soluble than creatine monohydrate, no research has yet proven it to be any more effective. Creatine nitrate is similar except its bound to a nitrate group making it supposedly again more absorbable. And Once again theres no research to back this up. The last form of creatine that I'm going to talk about today is creatine effervescent which is basically creatine combined with sugar salt and a chemical that makes it bubble which supposedly helps with its absorption. Again not proven and It's also extremely expensive. Okay so now that I've laid out all the different types of creatine I know that you're probably more confused then before you started watching this video. And that's understandable but basically all these different forms of creatine are the same except some claim to be more absorbable.
Ever wonder how many sets and reps you should do per muscle group, per workout, and per week to build muscle? Learn how you can have muscle mass & strength growth through periodization. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: very common question that many people have is how many sets and reps are you supposed to do for each muscle group to build the maximum amount muscle? In today's video I'm going to dive deep into answering this question and really the fact is that, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to sets and Reps. In case you're an absolute beginner let me start by clarifying what a set is. A set is a group of consecutive repetitions. So what that means is that if you do 10 reps of let's say a shoulder press and then you put the weight down that's considered a set. Now the reason why I can't just be like just do 6 sets or 9 sets or 20 sets is because building muscle is not simply dependent on the number of sets. Building muscle is a function of total training volume. And volume is your sets times your reps times intensity. At this point you already know what sets and Reps are. Intensity in regard to building muscle is usually defined by how much weight you're using during that set. So you could generally view volume as sets X reps X your weight load. For the most part the more volume you do the more your muscles will grow. So your goal has to be to increase your volume overtime if you want to gain some muscle mass. Something else that you should know is that different people have different ratios of muscle fiber types in their body. We have slow twitch muscle fibers which are mostly used for longer duration activities such as running at a steady pace and performing exercises at higher rep ranges. And we also have fast twitch muscle fibers which you would use when you're going really heavy with lower reps and when you're doing something explosive such as sprinting. The percentages of slow and fast-twitch muscle fibers is highly dependent on your genetics. One isn't necessarily better than the other however each requires a different approach to stimulate growth. Fast twitch require less sets less reps and heavier weight, while slow-twitch will require the opposite, more sets more reps and lighter weight. When I say lighter weight I still mean you should go heavy. You should be going heavy enough to where you're still failing at the end of your set. All I mean by lighter weight is that you're obviously not going to be able to lift the same weight for 15 reps that you could lift for 6 reps. But again if you have mostly slow twitch muscle fibers that doesn't mean that you pick a weight that you could easily do for those 15 reps it should still be heavy and you should be failing by the 14th or 15th rep for sure. You may be wondering what type of muscle fibers you have. And really it's not that important what type you have. THE REASON FOR THat is because you have both, so the important thing is to understand that you have two different types and you should train both types of muscle fibers. You can do this by doing periodization. A simple way to define periodization would be to mix up your rep ranges. So for 3 weeks you would do three reps then for 3 weeks you would do 6 to 8 reps and then for 3 weeks you would do 10-15 reps. This will guarantee that you stimulate both of your muscle fiber types. when choosing how many sets to do, generally the heavier the weight that you lift and the less reps... believe it or not you'll usually have to do less sets because you're getting a lot more volume from the higher intensity. And the opposite is true for when you go for the higher rep ranges and the lower intensities... you're going to have to do more sets. With periodization the reps, sets, and the length of time for which you do it for is not set in stone. For example a different popular approach is to do 2 days of higher reps and sets like 8 to 12 reps for 6 sets and then one day of heavier weight for less reps and sets like three to six reps for only three sets. Periodization is just another way of saying mix it up. You could do smaller cycles of mixing it up like the two lighter days and one heavy day that I just mentioned, or you could do larger Cycles like the 3 week cycles that I was talking about earlier. Both approaches work and you should try both.So I still haven't given you guys a solid amount of sets that you should be doing to grow your muscles. Like I said it's not a very straightforward question. But what I could do is give you guys an answer based on my experience. I explain in the video.
How much weight can you lose in a month? How about a week? Or a Day? How fast can you burn the belly fat? Find out in this video! 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: much weight can you lose in a month? How about a week? What about a day? These are all questions and I'm going to answer in today's video and believe it or not these questions aren't as straightforward as they seem. For example you could lose a ton of weight in a month but are you going to be able to keep that large amount of weight that you lost off? After all what's the use of losing weight if we gain it all back again? Generally speaking its believed that the more weight you lose in a shorter period of time the more likely you'll gain that weight back. So many trainers and fitness professionals recommend that you take a slower approach to fat loss. The accepted Norm for healthy sustainable fat loss is 1-2 pounds a week. For those of you looking to drop 30 pounds in a month I'm sure this isn't great news. But if you are looking to lose more weight than that, I wouldn't exit out of this video just yet because I have a lot more information for you. At 1 to 2 pounds a week this means that since we have a little over 4 weeks every month, on average we'll be able to lose 5 to 10 pounds a month and keep it off. After working as a trainer for a long time when I hear numbers like this I get pretty excited. A 5 - 10 pound weight loss in a month is considered an excellent result in my book. However some of you may still want to lose weight faster. And you might have clicked on this video to find out what's actually possible beyond the 1-2 pounds a week. Well luckily we have crazy TV shows like The Biggest Loser to show us what's truly possible when we kick Health to the curb. On this reality TV show one contestant lost 100 pounds in 7 weeks. That's a ridiculous amount of weight to lose in such a short time frame. Another contestant lost 34 pounds in a week. Again absolutely absurd. But there you have it faster weight loss is technically possible. The reason why I say technically and the reason why I call this absurd is because losing so much weight so fast is not only dangerous but chances of weight regain are huge. And if you don't believe me just take a look at the percentage of people that regain their weight after the Biggest Loser is over. On top of that for the premiere of season 8 two patients were hospitalized after collapsing during a 1-mile run.So even though it is possible to lose a hundred pounds in 7 weeks and it is possible to lose over 30 pounds in one week it usually isn't applicable to regular people in the real world. And allow me to explain why. First of all most of the contestants on the Show start off extremely heavy. one contestant was even 526 pounds. Most of you are not starting off at such a high weight. Without getting too in-depth into the reasons why, all you gotta know is that the higher your starting weight the faster you'll be able to lose a larger amount of weight. But even with the higher starting weight aside, these contestants are forced to work out 5 to 6 hours a day while eating strictly supervised diets. That's what gets them losing double-digits every week. I've been training for a long time and sometimes I would do double sessions in one day. Which would mean I would do a workout and then come back later to work out again. Maybe at the most I worked out three and a half or four hours in 1 day. And I would never do that back to back for consecutive days. Also my body was already in great shape to handle that kind of stress. But working out that much would still absolutely kill me. How in the world these people on this show are able to work out that much without straight up dying is beyond me. But something that you can be sure of is that the average person is not going to be able to maintain that kind of pace. Even the advance person will not be able to maintain that kind of pace especially because as you become more fit it's harder to lose more and more weight. The risks of losing weight that fast easily outweigh the benefits. You run the risk of developing gallstones, mineral deficiencies, and you can end up in the hospital like many biggest loser contestants from exhaustion. On top of that even if you don't care about your health and you only care about your looks, well losing weigh that fast, your looks will suffer too. You're definitely going to lose muscle mass and there's a much larger chance of having excess skin and stretch marks when your done. Don't forget weight and body fat are not the same thing.
How much muscle can you build naturally? Who's on steroids and who is natural? Kinobody? Athleanx? Simeon Panda? Kali Muscle? Kai Greene? Ulisses Jr? Which of these bodybuilders are natural?🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: after lifting weights for a while and already laying down a solid foundation of muscle it can still be pretty challenging to get an accurate idea of what to expect as a natural. What's actually possible? For beginners forget about it you're navigating through a sea of infinite bullshit that makes it almost impossible to be able to tell how much muscle you can build as a natural lifter. In the public View when a bodybuilder or someone that's trying to build muscle takes steroids they lose points for effort. Even though any unnatural bodybuilder might have worked very hard to get to where they're at, steroids are still looked at as cheating by the general public. For that reason in an effort to look more credible to the public you have a bunch of bodybuilders that are on steroids that swear that they are steroid free and achieved their physique naturally.Unfortunately there's no 100% accurate way to be able to determine who achieved their physique naturally and who achieve their physique with steroids. Or is there? I mean with some bodybuilders it's clearly obvious no matter how much they claim that they never took steroids you could tell these people were on steroids at least at some point. But with many people you just can't tell and I think that this is a very important thing for you to determine cause it's the only way that you're going to be able to set realistic goals and expectations in regard to building muscle mass. If we're setting goals and expectations that can only be achieved with drugs and we're not taking those drugs then we're going to end up being disappointed because our measurement of success is flawed. Well luckily there is a way that we can figure out what's possible while being a hundred percent natural and the only real way to do that is by going back in the past. To be sure that we're looking at a physique that was built naturally we have to look back to a point in time in which steroids weren't even around. Steroids weren't developed until a little under a hundred years ago. It wasn't until the late nineteen-thirties that steroids were developed, so we have to assume that any bodybuilder that we have records of before the 1930s had a natural physique. Eugene Sandow was one of these bodybuilders. He was born in 1867 and became known as the first natural bodybuilder and is now known as the father of modern bodybuilding. At only 5 feet and 9 inches tall Sandow weighed over 200lbs, had a 48" chest only a 30" waist and had 18 1/2" biceps. That's impressive for someone that you know had no possible access to steroids. Edward aston was another strongman of the 1920's and he had a one arm clean and press of 243lbs and had an excellent physique with clear visible blocky abs. Another strongman and boxer of the time was Charles Atlas. He was 5'10" weighed 180 pounds and had 17 inch biceps. And the last Iron man of this age that I'm going to mention today is George Hackenschmidt. This guy looked a lot like modern day bodybuilders and he did it all naturally. Measurements of his upper arm where estimated to be anywhere between 18 to 19 and a half inches. Those are some big arms for a natural bodybuilder.So all these guys achieved some pretty amazing results for being completely natural. This was also during a Time in which not much was known about bodybuilding. These people didn't know how to set up a bulking program they didn't know how to set up their Macros, they probably didn't even know about macros. They didn't have access to the abundance and variety of food that we have access to today. They grew up in a time where very little was known about nutrition and fat was demonized and believed to be the cause of weight gain. They didn't have a local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, yet they all got outstanding results in a time that we know steroids weren't around. So based on this it's pretty obvious that today with all the abundance of information available on bodybuilding and the availability of over the counter creatine, protein powders, and access to supermarkets stocked with all the food you'll need... it's pretty obvious that you can get really far as a natural lifter. The strongmen that i used in the examples today were just a few of the many successful natural bodybuilders in an era before steroids. I see a lot of idiots making steroid accusations at people just because they have a great physique.
Learn how to do cardio for fat loss. In today's video I talk about if there really is a best cardio workout to burn belly fat and for weight loss. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: most people think of burning fat through exercise the first form of exercise that always comes to mind is cardio. It's almost naturally assumed that a cardio workout will be the most efficient way to burn more fat. So is cardio really the best form of exercise for fat loss? What is the best form of cardio for fat loss? And how often should we be doing those cardio exercises for the most amount of fat loss? I'm going to answer all these questions in today's video and I think you're going to be really surprised with some of these answers. Let's start first with if cardio is the most effective way to burn fat. Cardio believe it or not is not in any way shape or form directly linked to burning fat. What I mean by this is that when you hop on the treadmill and do half an hour 45 minutes an hour or even an hour and a half of cardio it doesn't at all guarantee that you're going to burn any fat. In reality cardio is linked to burning extra calories. Just because you're burning calories doesn't mean that you're burning fat. As I always say we need to create a calorie deficit to burn fat. Even after burning 500 600 or even lets say a thousand calories during a cardio session we can easily eat way more calories later in the day and completely negate the effect of cardio. So to answer the question about whether cardio is the best form of exercise for fat loss the answer is it depends. If you add cardio to your workout and you continue keeping your diet clean and low in calories then doing that cardio could definitely speed up your fat loss results. On the other hand if you run for half an hour burn 400 calories and then get really hungry after and eat like a ravenous animal you'll probably end up taking those 400 calories right back in if not more. In this situation it would probably be better for you to just not do cardio and to skip out on all those extra calories. Another example is if you do 30 minutes of running and you compare it to 30 minute weight training circuits. The 30 minutes of running might even burn more calories then a slow-paced weight training circuit however lifting weights has shown to continue burning calories long after you're done. As you can see when comparing these two once again it depends which one will burn more overall calories. Realistically it doesn't matter at all which one burns the most calories during the workout.What really matters and determines if you burn fat is if your able to create an overall calorie deficit or not. Cardio can be a tool to help create a larger calorie deficit however cardio workout itself will never directly burn fat without that deficit. It's all about our total daily energy expenditure versus our total daily caloric intake. To decide which form of cardio is best 4 our fat loss there are a lot of things to consider. For example does the cardio just burn calories during the workout or does it continue burning calories afterwards. Does that form of cardio stimulate your hunger response and make you eat like crazy afterwards or does it give you a chance to burn some extra calories without taking them right back in. How long are you able to do that specific cardio exercise before throwing in the towel and going home? How long do you want to be doing cardio for? Short sessions? Long sessions? How intense of a cardio workout can you handle. Let me give you some examples to help drive home my point. Running will burn roughly 300 calories per half-hour while walking will burn 300 to 400 calories an hour. If you hate running to the point where you can't stand doing it for longer than half an hour you might be better off just going out for an hour long walk especially if you enjoy it. Take your dog for a brisk walk it counts as cardio. Then there's also cardio workouts that burn a lot more calories like jumping rope which can burn up to a thousand calories an hour. Meaning if you do this for 15-20 minutes you'll be able to burn roughly the same amount of calories that you burn in 30 minutes of running. And there are individual benefits to each form of cardio. Almost All forms of cardio will make you breathe heavier helping you detoxify through your lungs and will make you sweat. again this is another form of naturally detoxifying your body. But then running for example will increase the endurance in your legs. Where as rowing and swimming will help increase endurance in your upper body a lot more.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
Learn what the worst workout and nutrition mistakes people especially beginners are making at the gym. Don't make these yourself. Avoid these gym exercise and workout myths.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: Reps 0:31Foregoing results for comfort 1:30Not hitting failure 3:32Anabolic window 5:15Not using cheat reps 6:22We all know that everybody makes mistakes and mistakes happen in the gym just as often as anywhere else. I've made many of these mistakes before myself. Most of these mistakes come from believing in exercise myths that are completely untrue. what's really great is that today you can learn from someone elses mistakes to make sure you're not making the same mistakes in your workouts. The first mistake is using High Reps to build toned and defined muscles. Many people especially women are afraid of going heavy because they think that going heavier will build bulkier muscles. This is definitely far from the truth going heavy will not build bulkier muscles especially for women because your testosterone levels are much lower then for men. Bulking up is influenced a lot more by how you eat and your hormones then by your rep range. Saying that High Reps can do a better job at building Defined muscles is completely false and isn't backed by any kind of scientific or logical evidence. To get more defined muscles we simply have to lose body fat. And going for High Reps with lighter weight will not help us burn any more fat then going with lower reps with heavier weight. The way that you get defined muscles is by focusing on your nutrition not your rep range.The second mistake is one in which we forgo results for comfort. You see the truth is that there are only a handful of exercises that truly determine if you'll see results from your workout program. Whether your goals are to build big massive muscles or to burn more body fat the exercises that are most effective are oftentimes the hardest to do. These exercises put the biggest strain on our muscles, our nervous system, and our will, which leads us straight to making mistake number two and that is substituting these proven effective challenging exercises with ineffective useless exercises. The handful of exercises that will truly make a difference are exercises like pull ups barbell squats, bent-over rows, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead military presses, lat pull-downs, clean and presses, snatches, and lunges. There are a bunch of other great free motion free weight exercises that I didn't mention Like barbell curls and Skull Crushers that can really help get you the results you're looking for out of your workouts. The key is to stick to barbells dumbbells and cables with a free range of motion and to stick 2 proven old school basic lifts. The exercises that we want to avoid and maybe only supplement a workout program with are all of those selectorizer machines and Hammer Strength machines that are locked into a range of motion at the gym. You see people that want to get in and get out of the gym sit on one machine then move to the next then the next then the next and then come back the next week and do the same thing again and again and they never get any visible results. Point is stop choosing the easy exercises over the ones that count. Stop doing squats on a Smith machine or leg presses and get under a barbell and do some real squats. It might hurt more but it will yield way more as well.The third and probably one of the biggest mistakes that I see people making in their workouts is not hitting failure.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
Learn how to burn fat faster and the most aggressive fat loss strategy to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks! 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: you want to burn fat but you don't have a lot of time to do it and the problem that you're running into is a lot of the fat burning strategies out there are designed to have you lose fat slowly overtime. Burning fat slowly over time is by no means a bad strategy in fact for long term sustainable fat loss going slower is probably the best strategy out there. However there are certain situations that justify a faster approach to fat loss. First it's very important to realize that more of an aggressive fat loss strategy is not appropriate in all situations. For example if you're a hundred twenty pounds and you want to lose 10 pounds in the next week by dieting and then keep it off forever even after going off the diet... that is probably not realistic and it's not an appropriate circumstance 4 faster weight loss. So what exactly would be an appropriate situation? One example would be if you have some kind of an event that you have to look lean for and it's coming up very soon like in 2 weeks. And you're kind of caught off guard by this. In this example it's important to recognize that if you diet perfectly and get into great shape for this event you won't be able to maintain that shape by going back to eating however you want after the event. You won't need to restrict calories as intensely as you would to lose the weight fast but some form of calorie restriction would have to be in place to maintain your new weight. Another example would be if you are very heavy and you have a lot of body fat to lose. Here you probably have plenty of stored body fat and you have enough room to kick start your fat loss at a faster rate. Doing this can help you experience a lot of success in the beginning which can help really motivate you to follow through and achieve your longer-term fat loss goals. Whether you have a lot of fat to lose or not as much fat to lose, burning fat at a faster rate is generally a shorter-term fat loss strategy. This means that you're not going to be doing this forever. Sure everyone would like to burn fat at a super fast pace all the time, but due to what's required for faster fat loss it makes it unsustainable in the long run. Just to clarify I'm not saying that you can't keep the results you get from burning fat fast I'm saying that you can't continue burning more & more fat at a fast pace forever.Your body prefers to get its energy from the food that you consume. And the only time that it'll really pull from fat stores is when it absolutely has to. this means that the only time that you're going to be burning a substantial amount of body fat is when you're not getting enough energy from the food that you eat. Normally to burn fat at a relatively quick pace you would reduce your calories by 25% from maintenance. However if you have to lose a bunch of fat in a short amount of time then a 25% reduction may not do the trick. In this situation we would want to aim for a 40 to 45% reduction in calories. Now this is quite a large reduction which is why it is not a sustainable long-term strategy. Again this is for the short-term, very few people will be able to keep their calories that low for extended periods of time and it definitely wouldn't be best for you to keep your calories that low for extended periods of time. By reducing your caloric intake by 40 to 45% from maintenance your body will now have to find those calories somewhere else AKA your fat stores. And this is the exact process that leads to faster fat loss.Now we don't want to just be concerned about calories because certain calories will help our body composition more than others. For example due to the thermogenic effect of foods roughly 30% of the calories you get from protein will be used just to digest that protein source. Also protein and the amino acids that make up protein are responsible 4 repairing and building muscle. By having more muscle on your body your metabolism increases which could help you create a larger deficit. Protein is also very filling which could help curb your food cravings while maintaining a large calorie deficit. For these reasons and many more we want to keep protein consumption somewhere between 30 to 40% of our total daily caloric intake. Then the other 60 to 70% of your calories will come from fats and carbs. 20 to 30% of your calories coming from fat is a good place to start.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
This video explains how to do intermittent fasting for fat loss. If you're looking for an intermittent fasting diet for fast weight loss you got to check this video out. Everything you need to start an intermittent fast is explained and benefits are included.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Diet/Workout Calculator: fasting is becoming more more popular and there is a lot of information out there on the topic but what I intend to do today is really simplify all of this information for you into one easy-to-follow guide. And what I would really like for you to get out of this video would be the principles behind why intermittent fasting works so you can apply it to your diet in a flexible way. So what is intermittent fasting? It's a way of structuring your eating plan in which you spend a portion of time not eating anything at all and then that's followed by a portion of time in which you can eat quite a bit more then usual. There are a bunch of popular ways to setup your feeding and fasting Windows. For example the lean gains otherwise known as the 16/8 method is one of the most popular approaches. Here you would spend 16 hours of the day fasting and then you would use the other eight hours of the day as you're feeding window. In this method it's usually popular to just skip breakfast and curb your appetite with some coffee and sparkling water. Then there's another one called The Warrior Diet. Here it's recommended to have an 18 to 20 hour fast and then a four to six hour feeding period. Another method is the alternate day fast. Here you would fast for one day and then eat more of what you wanted the next day. And the last one that I want to mention in this video is the 5-2 diet which is a form of intermittent fasting in which you spend two days at a very low deficit like under 25% of maintenance and then 5 days of eating normally.Now the crazy thing is, that even though these methods are pretty different from each other they can all work. So what does this tell us about intermittent fasting? Does this tell us that we can eat whatever we want during our feeding windows and still burn fat just because we fasted. Not exactly. The reason why all of these different intermittent fasting plans work is because by having a period of time in which you don't allow yourself to eat very many calories you are likely creating a calorie deficit. In case you don't know what that means a calorie deficit is when you take in less calories then your body needs to maintain its daily functions. This lack of energy causes your body to pull energy from your fat stores to make up for what it's not getting from your diet. It's literally that simple. Combine this with the fact that when you eat all your food in one to two meals you can only eat so much before you start to feel full and that will create even better conditions for an overall caloric deficit. Now the reason why this doesn't mean that you could eat whatever you want to whatever excess you want is because if you eat so much that you take away that caloric deficit then you won't lose weight. In fact if during your feeding period you eat so much that you put yourself into a state of a caloric Surplus then you may even put on fat on an intermittent fasting plan. This is the thing that is often times misunderstood and neglected by many people that start an intermittent fasting protocol. What intermittent fasting does do for you is by limiting your eating only to a smaller period of the day you save calories and have more room 4 more of those calories to be consumed at once. If for example you're only eating two meals in the day you're going to be able to eat a lot more calories during those two meals. Which gives you more room to eat higher calorie foods like junk food for example. Pretty much a good way to sum up most intermittent fasting protocols is to eat larger meals less frequently. Now that's not taking anything away from the effectiveness of these plans. I just want you guys to understand the bottom line behind why they work. Because if you can understand that then you don't need to be bound to any kind of one diet not even intermittent fasting. Your diet can be more adaptive based on your life and it could work for you rather than something that you have to obsess over. The whole point of intermittent fasting is for us to see that obsessing over meal frequency and losing muscle mass and about our diet in general is unnecessary to have success. However you see a lot of people doing intermittent fasting obsessing🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
In this video I talk about why and how to diet to get to 6% 7% or 8% Body Fat and I compare Kinobody Macgregor Aldertons Dexa scan.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: you're trying to get down to 6 to 8 percent body fat. And in today's video I want to focus on exactly how you should eat to hit the lowest body fat percentage possible. Throughout the last 10 years my body fat percentage has consistently remained low, and at certain points really low through the methods I'm about to share with you today. First I want to solidify in your head that when we're aiming to reduce body fat, the main way to do it is through diet. Weight training is still very important throughout a cut for you to maintain muscle mass and keep your metabolism elevated while burning fat. However for your body to actually use stored body fat working out takes a backseat to diet. Now before I give you the exact way that you should be eating let's first quickly talk about what 6 to 8% body fat looks like and what it actually means. There are a bunch of different ways to test out your body fat percentage but one of the most recognized and most accurate ways is through a dexa scan. There are a bunch of people that have already posted YouTube videos in which they get their dexa scan results and i want to provide a side-by-side comparison so you can see how body fat percentages are one inaccurate even on a dexa scan and 2 they're kind of irrelevant. You'll see what I mean in this comparison. Im going to compare Conor McGregor a ufc fighter to Greg Gallagher a popular intermittent fasting advocate to Jamie alderton whos a natural bodybuilder. All these guys got their dexa scan results and McGregor came up at 7 %. Gallagher came up at 8.1% and Jamie Alderton came up at 10.8%. If I were to line up these guys pictures I would assume that a competitive bodybuilder like Jamie alderton would have the lowest body fat percentage. And I would also assume that Conor McGregor would have the highest body fat percentage. These are just three examples but there are tons of these examples in which even the more accurate dexa scan doesn't seem very accurate at all. On top of that many people are under the impression that the lower the body fat percentage the more ripped and jacked you look. However part of looking "shredded" is about how much muscle mass you have on your body and how you hold your overall body fat. There are people that truly are 7% yet they look worse than someone that's 12% just because of the way that the fat is distributed across their body and how their muscles look. With all that said I'm imagining that you're probably not going to get a dexa scan. To track your body fat percentage you're probably going to be using either calipers or a bioelectrical impedance analysis both of which are considered far less accurate then a dexa scan. Even though any one of these tests can be used and progress can be measured as long as you stick to the same testing method they are inaccurate. One thing you don't want to do is you dont want to track via bioelectrical impedance and then a month later use the calipers. You gotta stick to one test. But even though they can be used as a comparison to measure progress the actual number that you get as your result doesn't really mean all that much in relation to Aesthetics.There are so many marketing campaigns aimed at convincing guys that unless their body fat percentage is in the low single-digits they have to buy a certain product to get there. However something that you should know is that being at a low body fat percentage 4 a competition and maintaining it on a daily basis are two completely different things. Our bodies need a certain percentage of fat in order to be able to function: Women need about 13 percent body fat and men about 3 percent. This is considered your essential body fat that you need to survive. In addition to essential body fat, a body also needs stored fat. With stored fat taken into account, when overall body fat levels drops lower than 14 percent for women and 8 percent for men, health risks increase, including everything from reproductive dysfunction to dehydration, starvation, loss of muscle tissue, premature osteoporosis, and organ and nerve damage. So first of all you should ask yourself why you want to be at such a low body fat percentage to begin with? And the second thing you should do is recognize that maintaining such a low body fat percentage on a day-to-day basis is unrealistic overrated unhealthy and completely unnecessary.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
Would you like to learn How to Eat HEALTHY on a BUDGET & Lose Weight and Gain Muscle while in College or High School. Are you unemployed or maybe you're a teenagers that needs to save money. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: Out Your Meals: 0:51Cook Meals At Home: 1:06Buy Generic Brands: 1:34Meat: 2:01Less Processed Foods: 2:30Avoid Junk Food: 2:54Buy in Bulk/Use Coupons: 3:01Frozen Fruits & Veggies: 3:21Stick To Outside Aisles/Grocery List: 3:33Protein: 4:00Carbs: 5:34Fats 6:00Fruits: 6:30Vegetables: 6:40Today I'd like to give you some ideas of what food you can eat to burn fat and build muscle on a budget. So whether you're unemployed, a college student, or maybe even still in high-school, and money is a little tight, this video will serve as the ultimate guide for you to get the healthy body you want without breaking the bank. The way that I want to do this is by first giving you some general guidelines on what you can do to save money while still eating a healthy diet that helps you look the way you want to look. And Also I will be listing the most affordable food you can eat to get every macro and micronutrient you need into your budget-friendly plan. So lets jump right in with the first tip which is to plan all of your meals ahead of time and only buy what you know you're going to use. By planning ahead of time you avoid buying a bunch of food that never gets eaten. The second tip is to cook all of your food at home. It is way more expensive to eat out at a restaurant then it is to cook the meals yourself. Also you have no idea how much extra oil and other ingredients the chef is adding in the kitchen so that makes it pretty hard 2 track your calories correctly. Another benefit of cooking the food yourself is that you'll end up with plenty of leftovers saving you more money. The next tip that can save you a ton of money at the grocery store is to buy generic brands. Usually generic brands are available for almost any product and the majority of them will include the same exact ingredients as the more expensive brand name counterpart. Make sure you compare the ingredient lists and as long as they look close enough you should be fine going with the cheaper brand.An area that you could save a lot of money in is meat. Certain meat and certain cuts are way less expensive than others. When trying to save money you want to go for the cheaper cuts. You can also replace fresh cut meat with other cheaper sources of protein. I'll be going over the specific examples of what exact foods you want to get at your grocery store but first I want to give you a few more General tips. The next tip is to buy Foods that are the least processed and do the work yourself. For example instant rice is more expensive then regular unprocessed rice in a bag. It may take longer to cook but it will save you more money. Another example is lets say you need shredded cheese. You can buy the block of cheese and shred it yourself. Also a great tip is to avoid junk food. Junk food is expensive and it contains very little nutritional value. You can also buy in bulk to save big big bucks. Whether it's buying your water, your grains, or even your meat and then freezing it, buying in bulk will save you a lot of money. Couponing can also save you a good amount of money at the store, it just requires you to take the time to go through and find the coupons you need. Also another tip even though I don't usually recommend this you can buy Frozen fruits and vegetables for really cheap and you'll still get pretty much the same nutrition out of them. However If you know you're going to use them, keep in mind that fresh fruits and vegetables that aren't organic are still pretty cheap. The last General tip that I want to give you is to stick to the outside aisles of the grocery store and stick to your grocery list. The worst thing you could do is go shopping while you're hungry and start an Expedition through all the inner Isles. Most of the food there is processed, unhealthy and expensive.Okay so now i want to give you specific Foods you can get for each macronutrient. Let's first start with protein. Protein is very important to repair your muscles and help you recover for your next workout. Most healthy meal plans oriented towards helping you burn fat and build muscle will include a good amount of protein. Many people think vegetables are expensive but the truth is that protein can be one of the most expensive things on our grocery lists. The good news is that there are a couple budget-friendly alternatives. Beans are one of the cheapest sources of protein especially if you make your own and don't buy it in a can. But..🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
Want to know how to create your own workout routine to gain muscle and lose belly fat at the same time?🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: guys in today's video I want to go over how you should construct an ultimate workout routine to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. So real quick before we start a couple things that you should know right off the bat is one you can't burn specifically belly fat. I've said this a million times. To lose belly fat you're going to have to burn fat away from your whole body. As it comes off your whole body it'll come off your belly as well but there's no way to Target fat burn specifically from the belly or any other specific area. Another thing you should know is that once you've been working out for a substantial amount of time and once you've already put a decent amount of muscle mass on it's going to be very hard to add muscle while burning fat at the same time. After your body has already adapted to resistance training if you want to add muscle you're going to have to create a calorie Surplus. On the other hand anytime that you want to burn fat you have to create a calorie deficit. There is however an exception to this rule. If your a beginner or you haven't consistently exercised for a year or more or you stopped weight training and are now looking to get back into it there is potentially a good chance for you to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.To accomplish this goal it's very important that you structure your workout and you're eating accordingly. A traditional weight training plan with moderate to long breaks between sets is not going to help you burn very much fat at all during a workout. On the other hand a cardio-based workout will not help you build muscle mass and without resistance training, cardio alone can even make you lose some muscle mass. So when creating a workout that's supposed to help us burn fat and build muscle at the same time we have to come up with a routine that incorporates a little bit of both. Now one way to do this would be to do a weight training workout and then immediately follow it up with a cardio workout however this is definitely not the most effective way to go about it mostly because it takes so much longer to accomplish what can be done in much less time. After all I'm assuming the whole reason why you want to build muscle and burn fat at the same time is because you want the results faster. Which could be a problem in itself but the goal of this video isn't to change your mindset it's to provide the most effective muscle building and fat burning workout in the shortest amount of time possible so I'm not going to preach about the importance of patience in this process.So there are a couple principles that we want to follow 2 come up with most effective workout for burning fat and building muscle fast at the same time. Number one you want to perform pretty much only compound exercises that require you to use multiple joints and multiple muscle groups. An example of a compound multi joint exercise that's great for fat loss and building muscle is a barbell clean and press. In this exercise we're using a ton of different joints and muscle groups in the body at the same time. What that's going to do is 1 you're going to be able to work on a lot of the muscles that you're trying to build at the same time. And 2 because of the amount of muscles and joints involved in the movement as long as you pick an appropriately challenging weight your heart rate, your breathing, and the calories that you burn from just one exercise will all shoot up. Compare this to a regular bicep curl. With a regular bicep curl you're only working on the elbow joint and using a very small bicep muscle. That's not going to burn very many calories and it's not going to Target very many muscles in a short time frame. Even a compound exercise like bench press won't burn anywhere near the amount of calories as any standing multi joint Olympic type of lift. That's not me saying that you shouldn't do bench press it's still a great compound exercise that you should include in your routine when trying to burn fat and build muscle butt I'm just using it to demonstrate a point that generally speaking the more joints and muscles that you recruit in a lift the more calories you'll be burning during that movement.So we want to shoot for compound exercises and we want to get as many joints involved in the movement especially if you're low on time. Another principle you should follow to make your workout routine burn fat and build muscle at the same time is PHA🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
These are the best top Trx exercises for beginners and weight loss 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: TRX Exercise: The TRX Squat 0:56#2 TRX Exercise: TRX Knee Tucks 1:28#3 TRX Exercise: TRX Chest Press 1:55#4 TRX Exercise: TRX Rows 2:35#5 TRX Exercise: TRX Planks 3:08#6 TRX Exercise: TRX I,Y,T’s 3:26#7 TRX Exercise: TRX Curl 3:57===================================“Affordable TRX” by G-Strap ►►► TRX EXERCISE VIDEO:    • Advanced TRX Workout Routine for WEIG...  1. Trx Squats2. Trx Knee Tucks3. Trx Chest Presses4. Trx Rows5. Trx Planks6. Trx I,Y, T's7. Trx Multiplanar curlsHey guys what's going on in today's video I'm going to be going over the top 7 exercises that you could perform on a Trx if your a beginner. I've already made an advanced version in which there are 10 exercises and the reason why the beginner version only has 7 is because I really want you guys to focus on mastering the key movements on the Trx. These basic movements are pretty much where all the other exercises stem from. As a beginner something that you should know is that in any exercise on the TRX we want to make sure that we keep our core really tight. Not only will this ensure that we get a good ab workout but it'll also prevent a lower back injury. This workout will help you learn the basic TRX movements and it'll help increase your core strength your stability and your balance. So let's get right into this with the first exercise the TRX squatFor the Trx squats you want to start with your hands on the straps and you want to walk your feet in 2 about a 60 degree angle. If you walk your feet in too far then you won't be able to squat low enough and if you don't walk them in far enough then you're these are going to be going over your toes. Once you find the right position you want to squat down as low as you can and stand back up. This is a great exercise to work the glutes quads and hamstrings.Alright moving on we have TRX knee tucks which is the regression for trx pikes. In this one we're going to put our feet inside the straps of the Trx. And then we're going to walk our hands forward until we're in a push-up position. Make sure that you stay in a straight line and don't let your hips sink. Tuck your knees to your chest and keep your core tight for the whole exercise. This is a great exercise for your core and your ab muscles.Up next we got a Trx chest press grab the straps and walk your feet back until you're in more of a leaning push-up position. The further you walk back the harder the exercise gets. Come down until your hands or even with your chest and then extend back out to complete the movement. This is a great exercise for the chest shoulders and triceps. Be sure to keep your core tight and your fuels butt and the back of your head should be in a straight line. A big mistake that I see is that people will drop their upper body and bend at the waist to make this exercise easier. If you find yourself doing this just walk your feet forward.Now for this next one we're going to hit the antagonist muscles with a TRX row. Here the further that we walk her feet in the harder the exercise gets. Again you're going to grab the straps walk your feet in and you could do this exercise on your heels or with your foot flat on the ground it's really a matter of preference. Then you're going to pull with your elbows not your hands and really squeeze your back on every rep. This is a great exercise for your upper and middle back and for your biceps. Again you want to stay in a straight line while doing this.Next we have a TRX plank. This exercise will help you develop the stability that's necessary for a lot of advanced TRX core and upper-body exercises. Put your feet inside the straps and hold yourself up in a push-up position on your hands. If you can't hold yourself up on your hands and then hold yourself up on your elbows exercise will help you develop the stability that's necessary for a lot of advanced to your core and upper body exercises. Put your feet inside the straps and hold yourself up on your elbows. You want to do your best to keep your hips from sinking down. try to keep your tailbone your heels and your head in a straight line.Now we have the TRX Iyt's here you're going to stand in front of the Trx and grab the straps. Walk your feet in not too far but far enough for the exercise to be challenging. Start with the eye by raising your hands directly over your head while keeping your body in a straight line. Then 4 the Y you're going to open up the angle between your arms a little more to resemble a y and then...🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
Ever wonder why you can't lose weight? If you stopped losing weight and you think, "why can't I lose my belly fat?" Watch this video.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: Weight and fat aren’t the same thing – 1:00#2 Not tracking the amount of calories correctly 4:25#3 Burning less calories at rest after weight loss – 4:35➞ Lose Weight Fast Part 1:    • How to Lose Weight Fast ★FOR REAL★ at...  ➞ Lose Weight Fast Part 2:    • How to Lose Weight FAST #2 ➟ MACROS t...   Hey guys welcome to part 3 of how to lose weight fast if you haven't seen parts 1 and 2 yet the links are in the description. Today I want to go over exactly what you're going to do when you plateau and stop losing weight. No matter what you can be confident that your weight loss will come to a halt. It's not about if you'll stop losing weight it's a matter of when. So since this is so expected and common it doesn't mean that you're doing something wrong when you stop losing weight. It just means that adjustments may have to be made due to the fact that throughout the fat loss process things in your body are constantly changing. Before I give you the steps that you're going to take to break through a weight loss plateau let's first make sure that what you're experiencing is actually a plateau. First let me bring back a point that I made in the first video weight and fat aren't the same thing. If your weight isn't going down but your clothes fit better and you've been tracking your waist and hip measurements and they're going down too you may have put on some muscle or you might be holding a little more water. It's extremely important that you measure your progress to be successful and it's also important to use multiple methods of measurement. So if you see that your waist is getting smaller but the number on the scale isn't falling, that wouldn't be considered a weight loss plateau.Another thing that wouldn't be considered a weight loss plateau is if you weigh yourself every week and one week you don't lose weight. Many people are delusional when it comes to their beliefs about what kind of results are possible within a certain period of time. I mean i can't blame them because there's so much hype and quick fixes out there that most people really do believe that there's something wrong with them if they can't lose 5 pounds in a week. It's important that you understand that progress in Fitness in regard to both losing weight and building muscle is not linear. It's going to go up and down due to a ton of reasons many of which are completely out of your control. The problem is most people don't understand this very important fact. So what you get from most of these people that don't lose weight or maybe even worse, gain some weight for one weigh in. You get one out of two responses . Response 1 is to Crank it up. Crank the cardio way up dramatically reduce calories and stress over your weight 24/7. Response 2 is to say screw it, you tried, and the diet didn't work and now to feel better about yourself you get to binge eat which leads right back to a vicious cycle. Both response 1 and response 2 are incorrect responses. If you don't lose weight or even gain weight between one of your weekly weigh- ins the correct response is to continue doing exactly what you've been doing without stressing over it one bit for at least another week. Sometimes I would recommend waiting even longer before changing anything if you don't have a deadline or an event that you have coming up. And the reason for that is simply because sometimes your weight loss will stall and pick right back up again, I've seen it so many times before. And again the reason why people are unaccepting of this is because they have false Notions of what's possible in a given time frame. When you weigh yourself if you lose even a pound in a week then that's really really good. If you don't lose a pound but your waist goes down half an inch then that's really really good . Okay so let's say that you've waited it out you got on the scale for a second week or may be even a 3rd week and you measured yourself and still no progress. Why is this happening? Well there are number different reasons but usually the two biggest ones are that you're not tracking the amount of calories you're taking in correctly or you've already lost some weight and because you are a smaller person now, even if only by 5 pounds you now burn less calories at rest. This is why it's important to always be recalculating your BMR or your...Pilots Of Stone by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
What are the perfect Macros to burn belly fat overnight? Find out in this video. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: guys welcome to part two of how to lose weight fast the comprehensive no BS full truth Edition. If you haven't seen part 1 yet there's a link in the description that you can click on. So for those of you that have seen part 1 you already know that the first 3 days are critical. After the first 3 days you will still need willpower to stay away from the Barrage of junk food and advertisements that you're going to encounter on a daily basis. Unfortunately science has shown lately that our will power is not so reliable. To make our willpower more effective all we can pretty much do is limit ambiguity. We have to make sure that our fridge is packed with healthy options and we want to also make sure that we take healthy options with us to work and wherever else you will be spending a lot of time. Don't give yourself too many options as this has shown to tax willpower as well. You want the decision making process to be as simple and straightforward as possible when choosing what to eat. When you have to cook a meal from scratch or interrogate a cook at a restaurant it makes it a lot more complicated to make a healthy decision. It also causes you to spend more time thinking about what to eat while hungry which increases the chances of eating the wrong thing to satisfy your hunger. This is why you want snacks and meals already prepped ready to go.In this guide I'm not going to give you a structure of how many times a day you should eat or what specific food you should eat. Because meal frequency and specific food doesn't really matter as much as how much food we're eating in regard to weight loss. I only advocate real healthy food because it fills you up and reduces your hunger without any addictive additives, but make no mistake you can lose weight with poptarts the same way you can lose weight with brocolli. We all know what healthy foods are. We all know what foods are processed...And there are literally 100s if not thousands of healthy grocery lists online that list the same exact foods. I promise you there's no secret Food that you don't know about that is magically healthy for you that nobody has ever told you about. And that actually reminds me to mention once again that so many people are looking for a way to lose weight fast that's like a cheat code or a qyick fix that allows you to eat all the junk you want and still lose weight. Even though there are tons of these cheatcodes out there i can confidently say that they are all bs and dont work. The only way to do it isn't even so much through exercise but more so through eating less calories than you burn daily. I recommend clean real natural single-ingredient food, only because when you can only consume a limited amount of calories you're going to have to be eating clean the majority of the time to maintain muscle mass and to get all your vitamins and minerals in. Also the reason why I say it doesn't have as much to do with exercise is because we've all seen the examples in which it's shown how long you have to exercise to burn off one french fry. Even though exercise is very necessary to maintain muscle mass and to burn off some additional calories...For weight loss diet is the number one key to losing and keeping weight off. And by diet I mean what and most importantly how much you're eating. How much you're eating is so important because even if you have just one donut a day or one cookie a day you will still lose weight and a lot of it. You won't look like you have a great body composition but you'll still lose weight.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
Learn how to lose weight fast and at home🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: you want to lose weight fast and you want to do it at home you've just found the buried treasure of fat loss videos. Seriously this video is going to be divided into multiple parts and it's going to give you everything you need to know to actually truthfully lose weight. I should charge money for the information that I'm about to give you, but not only is this information going to be free, there's also no sale at the end. Why am I doing this, because there's so much bullshit confusing information out there and I'm an expert that's been in the industry for over ten years and I actually want to help. so I'm going to give you the best strategy to truly lose weight fast whether you're a man or a woman, and you're going to be able to do it at home. It's going to be a no bs, straight to the point type of video, and because of that some of you may not like what you hear, but I guarantee you it's the truth. Most people are looking for a cheat code to eat whatever they want and still lose weight. Well that cheat code doesn't exist...and you might as well exit out of this video now if you don't want to hear the bottom line truth to burning fat. Alright let's get right to a major fact that you have to know. The majority of really fast weight loss leads to binge eating afterwards, which leads to weight regain. So we're gonna aim to lose weight fast, but we want to try to do it in a way in which we can actually keep the weight off. I hope that makes sense to everyone. Another important concept that you have to understand is that there's a difference between weight and body fat. 99.9% of you are looking to lose body fat, but you're really identified with your weight. You're only concerned with a number on the scale, and that number is hugely fallible. You're weight can vary day to day due to a variety of reasons. Water weight alone can be affected due to eating, drinking, using the bathroom, and exercising. That's not even mentioning the effect that exercise has on your muscles over time. The longer you exercise correctly the more muscle you'll put on, which could increase your weight as well. Beginners are usually the ones that gain muscle the fastest believe it or not, which means if you haven't consistently exercised before you will likely gain some weight on the scale pretty fast. So my point is that you can weigh yourself, but I don't recommend doing it everyday and I don't recommend basing all your progress on your scale. always remember that the goal that you actually have is to lose body fat not necessarily weight. Your goal needs to be aligned with changing your body composition rather than just losing weight. Lets define that real quick, body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle in your body. We want to effect body composition in a way that causes us to have a higher percentage of muscle and a lower percentage of fat. So try to fit into smaller size clothes and if possible take circumference measurements with a tape measure to help you measure your progress a lot more accurately.Okay now that we've established that super fast weight loss is no good and we know the goal is to burn body fat let's get to step one for transforming your body at home. Step one is to make it through the first 3 days. And these first three days is pretty much the topic of part 1 of this video series. That's how important the first 3 days are. If you've been eating like most Americans then you've been eating a lot of sugar, artificial additives, flavor enhancers, high fructose corn syrup, and a bunch of other highly addictive ingredients. Multiple studies have shown that this stuff is actually addicting and it triggers reward centers in our brain to fire. In the same way that drug addicts feel a reward from drugs, food addicts feel the same from food. Guys this stuff is actually addicting and chances are that you're one of the people that are addicted. The majority of the food at the supermarket has these additives to get you hooked so you buy more. Because this food is so enhanced it makes real food not as stimulating. This is why the first couple days are so crucial. It'll feel like you're almost going through withdrawal from all these horrible additives. You have to reset your palate you have to reset your taste buds. You don't think that healthy food tastes good enough because you can't get the same level of stimulation out of real food the same way that you can get out of flavor enhanced food.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
These are the best exercises to build a big chest fast and naturally. You can do this at home or in the gym with dumbbells🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: Best Exercise: Incline Press W/Dumbbells 1:00#2 Best Exercise: Incline Hex Press W/Dumbbells 2:09#3 Best Exercise: Wide Grip Flat Barbell Press 2:31#4 Best Exercise: Standing Incline Cable Flyers 2:48#5 Best Exercise: Decline Barbell Press 3:13Do you want to build a bigger chest. Awesome. We're going to take care of that today. In Today's video I'm going to give you my 5 favorite chest exercises along with some great strategies of how to really grow that chest fast. We're going to do some compound lifts some isolation and we're also going to throw in some supersets. The chest has a couple different parts to it but what you have to know is that it has an upper and a lower part. Many times you will have to work on one part of your chest more than the other. depending on what you need more of. Some people find it easy to build the lower part of the chest like me and some people find it harder to build the lower part of the chest. Incline movements will hit the upper part of the chest whereas declined and flat movements will hit the lower and middle part of the chest. There's also the Center part of your chest as well and there are specific ways to target that. I'll be going over exercises to target each of these parts so let's jump right in to the very first and the best exercise for chest.The inclined barbell or dumbbell press is the ultimate chest exercise. With the barbell you will help increase your overall power which will allow you to grab heavier weights for chest and that will help the muscle grow. With the dumbbells which I'm going to demonstrate today you're going to hit your chest even more than the barbell because of a free range of motion. Start by pinching your shoulder blades really tight then lay back and press straight up. Bring the weights back down slightly higher than your nipple line and make sure you get nice and low to give that chest stretch. If you want to keep the tension on your chest don't lock out all the way. Make sure you go heavy with this one and as soon as you're done drop the weight and you're gonna do a superset with some incline dumbbell flyes. Keep your elbows slightly bent bring your arms out to the sides like you're about to give someone a big hug and then bring them back in. Stop right before you get the dumbbells straight up over your shoulders to keep the pressure on your chest.Next we got an exercise for the center of your chest. We're going to take two dumbbells hold them together against each other and you're going to lie down on an inclined bench. Press with dumbbells straight up and bring them down at a level where the top part of the dumbbell is hitting your chest. Squeeze the dumbbells together really tight to hit the center of the chest even more.Next we're going to do a flat wide grip barbell press. Here I like to grab the rings on the barbell with my pointer fingers. List of the barbell and bring it down to your nipple line and then press straight up. Again if you want to work on your chest more then avoid the lockout.On this next exercise were going to hit the upper chest again you going to grab two cables and position them a decent amount lower than your shoulders. Grab both the cables walk out a little bit and bring your hands up and together really squeezing at the end of the movement. When I do this movement I always keep my hands open as much as I can because doing this makes me feel it more in my chest.Now we finally have a movement for the lower part of the chest. We're going to grab a barbell and we're going to use it on a decline bench now. We're going to bring the barbell under our nipple line at about the start of our rib cage. Again press straight up and don't lock out if you want to keep the pressure on the chest.So that's pretty much it guys those are my favorite exercises for chest. I usually won't do all of them in one workout so make sure you spread them out. Also make sure that you pull back your shoulders and really pack them together nice and tight for all of your chest exercises as this will help you focus more on the muscle that you're targeting. I hope this video has helped you guys out if you enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe like and comment I'll see you guys next time.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
This is the best back workout & that you can do with dumbbells. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: Pullups2. Long Angle Dumbbell Row3. Incline Dumbbell Rows4. DB Pullovers5. Face PullsLet's get right into this back workout the back is an amazing muscle especially for guys. It's very important for giving you that V shape holding your shoulders back and helping your posture. And nicely defined back looks really good as well. Before we get started there's something that I have to make absolutely clear for you guys. If you're using your mostly your biceps in your back exercises your back is not going to get the results that it could be getting. The bicep is almost always an assistant muscle when you're working your back so it's very easy to incorporate it into the movement. This is what you have to know to not incorporate into the movement. All you got to do is for you're pulling exercises pull with your elbows and not your hands and try to pretend like you're pinching something with your shoulder blades. Like you're trying to hold a pencil in between your shoulder blades. This will help you build your back a lot. Any kind of pull down movements that we're going to do today where we're pulling above us is going to hit the lights and give us that V shape. And any kind of row that we do is going to be mostly hitting the upper and the middle part of the back. I tried to include some dumbbells in these exercises because I know that a lot of people have access to dumbbells. So let's get started first with the good old pull up.With a pull up if you can't do it I'm going to show you some Alternatives so don't worry. But the goal is to eventually be able to do pull ups. Pull ups or one of the classic exercises that will just never be beat in regard to what it can do for your back. This is the exercise that will give you that V shape. We want to try to go nice and wide to hit those lats more to achieve that v look. when you're pulling remember to pull with your elbows not your hands and keep those elbows flared out. You can't do pull ups you can take a bar and put it in a lower position and pull up with your knees bent and your feet on the floor and use your legs to support you on the movement. Also you can get certain resistance bands for really cheap that you could tie around your pull-up bar and they'll help you up.Next we have a dumbbell row but we're going to do this row a little different. I've shown this in a video before for the back of the shoulder but it's also one of the most amazing upper back exercises that I've ever done. Instead of rowing straight back towards your belly button. You're going to row towards your hips as if you're trying to put something into your pocket. And then bring it straight back down and repeat. Really make sure you're squeezing the back on this one.Next we got an inclined dumbbell row. Are you going to take a bench incline it stand straight up and lean against it. Grab two dumbbells and row them both back at the same time while really squeezing your back together. Extend your arms straight down and make sure don't have tension in the front of your shoulder, relax your shoulder.The next one is the dumbbell pullover this one is excellent for giving you that V shape and hitting your back mostly your lats. This doesn't look like an exercise for your back because you're laying down on your back but I promise you this one is one of the most effective. Make an L shape with your hands grab the dumbbell and stack one hand over the other and then pull over your head while laying across the bench. You can get more of a stretch by dropping your hips. Make sure you don't bring the dumbbell straight up over your chest because that'll take pressure off of your lats. You want to stop at a little bit further than a 60 degree angle and then go back down nice and far to get a good stretch. Keep your elbows slightly bent the whole time to protect your joints.For the last exercise you're going to use a cable for face pulls if you don't have the cable I'll show you a different way to do it with dumbbells. But with the cable you going to grab a rope I'm using this blue harness and you're going to row to your face with your elbows up nice and high. Really squeeze your back and pull at the elbows. You're aiming to pull your hands to your ears. You can do this exercise with dumbbells as well you would bend over and have two dumbbells and row towards your ears with your elbows up. Doing this with the dumbbells you want to make sure that you're at a 90 degree angle so parallel with the floor.That's about it guys those are some of my favorite exercises for the back.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
These are the best exercises to lose belly fat and lose weight at home fast🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: Crunches Here!: 0:16Myth Buster: 0:47Step Up & Overs + Mountain Climbers: 2:03Mayweather Stand Up: 2:46Alt. Kneel Down + Squat Jump: 3:22Sprawl & Alt. Sit Throughs: 3:58Dumbbell Weighted Burpee: 4:46Regressions: 5:31Circuit: 6:491. 4 Step Up & Overs + 4 Mountain Climbers2. The Mayweather Standup3. Alternating Kneel Downs + Squat Jump4. Sprawl & Alternating Sit Through5. Dumbbell Weighted BurpeesSo you have some excess belly fat, that's cool...I can help, but I'm not gonna tell you the same bs that you've probably seen and heard a millions times. I'm not gonna tell you to lie down on the ground and start doing crunches. In fact there's not gonna be a single crunch in this whole video because crunches and abdominal exercises are not what will help you lose belly fat. Let me repeat that crunches and ab exercises will never ever ever be the best exercises for you to lose belly fat. The exercises that I show you today are going to be far better and much more effective at burning fat at a faster rate. Before we get started there's a huge myth that I want to bust especially for the beginners watching this video. It's a myth that you can target a particular area of your body for fat burning. What I mean is that there's no exercise out there that will target specifically belly fat. No such exercise in the world. There are exercises that are better at burning overall body fat, and I'll go over those exercises with you today, but your body is going to pull from fat stores from all different areas. Also unfortunately medial areas of the body like the belly, butt, upper thighs, and love handles are last spots to go. You're likely to lose fat off your face before you start losing it from your belly. Don't worry though as you burn away more and more excess body fat, you eventually start burning fat from those problem areas, and that's when you'll lose the belly fat. The point is to lose belly fat you have to concentrate on losing overall body fat..that's all you can do, and these exercises are the best body fat burning exercises that I know of. So let's get started. As always I will be going over regressions at the end, so if you're a beginner and you can't do some of the exercises don't worry there will be alternatives later. For the first exercise all we need is a platform to step up on. You're going to face the platform sideways at a ninety degree angle, and step up with the foot closest to the platform. As you come up you want to explode off of that foot and hop up & over as you switch your feet. Repeat this 4 times and then immediately hit the ground and perform 4 mountain climbers. Make sure you jump your feet far enough in on the mountain climbers, remember we want to be climbing mountains not anthills. Repeat this cycle of 4 and 4 for 10 reps. You can make this exercise far more effective by adding some dumbbells to the movement. This should definitely get that heart racing.On the next one we're gonna do a mayweather stand up. They're actually called Maywhether situps but I said no crunches, so I'm sticking to it. This exercise has fat burning benefits not because there's a situp involved, but because it's working a lot of large muscles and getting your heart rate high. You're going to get your feet under something that will hold them down and hold a weight directly above your head. Swing the weight toward your feet as you situp, bring the weight out in front of you, and stand up. Squat and sit back down to the floor to repeat the movement for at least 10 reps. Moving on to the next one we have a real leg blasting exercise. You're going to start by lunging backwards and kneeling down on one knee. Bring your other knee back so that you're kneeling on both knees. The same foot that you used to Lunge backwards steps up into a forward lunge. Stand up and bring both feet together shoulder-width apart squat down and jump up as high as you can. As soon as you land backwards lunge now with the other leg and perform the exercise on the other side. If it gets confusing and feels like too many steps you can just stick to doing one side at a time until you get the hang of it.Next we have one that looks really complicated but once you get it its a piece of cake. Try to take it Step by step and remember if you cant do it there will be regressions at the end. Start standing and perform a sprawl. Put your hands on the ground and jump out with your feet wide and elbows locked out while simultaneously dropping your hips, now raise your hips into a downward dog position...pick one hand and..🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
How many days a week should you workout?🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: people tell you to only workout 3 days a week others tell you to work out as much as possible and do something active every day. so what is the right answer? Well in today's video I intend to fully explain how to structure your workout schedule and how often you should be working out. There are a couple things that influence how many days you should be working out every week. For example your goals, your age, your level of fitness, and how much time you're willing to dedicate consistently to working out all play a role in selecting your weekly workout schedule. Let's start first by talking about goals because your goals highly determine how often you should be working out for optimal strides towards that goal.Let's say for example that your goal is strictly to build muscle. If you're trying to grow your muscles and build some size more is not more. This is a huge mistake that I made many times. We automatically assume that if we do more, if we work out for longer, and more often we'll get to the destination faster. With building muscle that's definitely not true. To build muscle first of all you have to be in a state of caloric Surplus which means that you're taking in more calories then you're burning. If you're working out all the time then you're going to be burning away a lot of calories that could have been used to help your muscles grow. Rest and Recovery is also critical not only for your muscles to repair themselves and grow but also to allow your nervous system to fully recover. This will allow you to come back into the gym stronger and lift heavier weights than before. By lifting heavier weights you'll build more muscle. When strictly trying to build muscle you really don't need more than 3 or 4 days of heavy weight training.On the flip side if you're trying to burn fat it's a little different. To strictly burn body fat it sometimes makes more sense to work out more days per week. When trying to burn body fat you want to continue doing your weight training for those 3 or 4 days and then add on some cardio days in between. When I say cardio days I don't mean that you have to go running or get on an elliptical there's plenty of ways to do cardio with body weight training and hit style workouts. You would want to do more days when strictly trying to burn body fat because the more calories you can burn off overall the more of the calorie deficit you will create which is the prerequisite to burn fat. Keep in mind this doesn't always hold true a lot of this depends on how you structure your workout. For example people that do cardio after their weight training or earlier in the day and come back in to weight train later will burn just as many or even more calories than people that spread it out throughout the week. So this shows us that you can workout less by increasing the intensity levels on the days that you are working out. The intensity of your workouts will determine how many days a week you have to work out to achieve the same result. For fat burning if you come in and do an incredibly intense workout you can burn more calories than you would burn in two days of doing lower intensity training like joggingYour age, your level of fitness, and the speed at which you recover will all be very important factors to consider when planning how many days per week you're going to work out. If you're older you're not going to recover quite as fast as somebody that's younger so you may want to take more days off. The same is true for if you have a low level of Fitness versus somebody with a high level of Fitness obviously the person with the low level will probably need more time off to recover and not feel as sore. Recovery in general many times depends on your individual genetics some people recover faster than others so if your recovery is slow then you may need to take more days off, if it's fast then you could probably squeeze in more workouts throughout the week. So as you can see this is a highly individual thing and it's going to require you to do some trial and error and feel out what works best for you.Something that most people don't even consider is that even if you do decide to workout six to seven days a week then you burn out and stop working out entirely you would have been way better off just consistently working out 3 days a week. consistency is key for you to achieve your goals so when picking how many days you're going to work out make sure it's a number you're actually going to stick to. Everyone has different lives and preferences, some people don't want to workout a lot. Its ok!🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
Learn how to build muscle faster with proper recovery. Recover after a workout without overtraining.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:📲 Fat Loss Calculator: your lifting weights, playing a sport, or training with your body weight the working out portion of the process is very important to develop your muscles and to increase your strength. There really is no other method quite as effective as exercising to achieve your physical goals. However most people don't fully understand and appreciate just how important recovery is, in this process. So, In this video I'm going to go over the importance of recovery, how long you should recover for, and how you can speed up your recovery. Let's start by talking about one of the most major reasons why recovery is so important. When you workout, whether you're lifting weights, playing soccer, or doing push-ups your going to breakdown muscle tissue in the process. This might sound like a bad thing but it's actually totally okay. We're not talking about full out muscle tears, but instead tiny microscopic tears in the muscle. These tears are what will end up leading to an increase in our muscles size, strength, and functionality. However the tears themselves are not what leads to all these improvements. In fact a worn out beaten up muscle is usually less capable than it would be fully healed. So the critical time for growing and strengthening your muscles is when you're out of the gym resting, not during your workout.When you recover from a workout it takes some time to repair all those microscopic tears. Exactly how much time varies from person to person and is also dependent on how intense your workout was. For example in a low-intensity workout such as jogging at a steady pace you're not going to need quite as long to recover and some people can be ready to go for another run within 24 hours. On the other hand if you do a power lifting workout it could take you anywhere from 72 hours all the way to a full week to recover fully, especially from heavy exercises involving large muscles groups like squats. In general when using weights it is recommended that you take at least 48 hours off before working the same muscle group again. So you can go and workout the next day, but just try to work on a different muscle group. Another factor that influences how long it takes you to recover is the style of the workout. Does the workout involve a lot of eccentric lifting where you're slowing the weight down or is it mostly concentric where you are accelerating the weight. If you're doing mostly concentric exercises where you drop the weight such as Olympic lifters or many crossfitters then recovery is faster. Bodybuilders and power lifters would be categorized as doing more eccentric lifts so they may take longer to recover... And the last factor that effects recovery time, is age. If you're older you're going to have a tougher time recovering than if you're younger, and you may need more time off. Keep in mind that you regardless of your age your muscles aren’t the only thing that need time to recover. Your connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments need time to recover as well. The thing about tendons and ligaments is that you may not even feel sore, but that doesn't mean that they are fully recovered. Especially because tendons and ligaments receive less blood than the muscles so it takes them longer to fully repair. Therefore, do not base whether you need time to recover or not only on soreness because it's not the best indicator. It's important to also realize that when training intensely you have to worry about your nervous system recovering as well. If you do an extremely intense leg workout and then the next day do an extremely intense upper body workout, you may not be at your best for your second workout. Even though you are working different muscles, doing a high intensity workout will take a toll on your nervous system. Chances are high that it won't be ready to go all out for another intense workout the next day. Your CNS or central nervous system is responsible for generating muscular contractions in all types of training, so when you stack workout upon workout, eventually it can tire out. To help your central nervous system fully recover it may be a good idea to not only take a day off between working the same muscle groups again, but instead to just take a day or two off in general. This will allow your body to fully recover. I've been surprised so many times when I would take a few days off of working out and come back even stronger. This definitely had to do with my nervous system finally being allowed to fully recover.🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred:
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