Grit Happens with Glenn Stearns

Learn from your new mentor Glenn Stearns — 'The Undercover Billionaire'.

Live with John Elway

John Elway joined "Grit Happens" in a special live stream at this year’s Kind Vibe Event. Glenn Stearns and John Elway get a chance to talk to the attendees and answer questions. You will love their candid responses. John Elway even signed an old school Bronco’s Jersey for one of his biggest fans.


Live with Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone joined "Grit Happens" in a special live stream at this year’s Kind Vibe Event. Glenn Stearns and Grant Cardone go head to head and debate the real estate market and the mortgage industry, and Grant gives his best advice for today’s entrepreneur.


What To Do in a Crisis with Roshini Rajkumar

Roshini Rajkumar is a former TV-Broadcaster, Licensed Attorney, and Specialized Crisis Coach. There is crisis preparedness, crisis prevention, crisis management, and crisis mismanagement. With her sage advice, we learn what to do when adversity hits personally or professionally, and you will take away some great tools that can save you from a sinking ship, and pull you back up to smooth sailing. She tells us how to communicate with positivity not panic with Crisis Diversion 101.


Peak Performance with Walter Bond

We take a deep dive with someone who is used to Swimming with Sharks, in business that is. He is a Hall of Fame National Speaker, former NBA Player, and best selling author of “Cultivate,” “Swim,” & “All Buts Stink." He talks about how every company should be a Leadership & Development Center. How to have a mastery mind-set, and learn how to recalibrate and motivate your team all the way to the top. You don’t want to miss his “Sacred 6” strategies and hear how his business coaching transformed the "Jersey Mike’s” brand to become the top franchise it is today.


"The Heart of an Olympian" with Blake Leeper

We talk to the extraordinary gold medalist Paralympic runner. Blake Leeper tells us that the biggest disability people can have is a bad attitude. You will be inspired by his determination, and his infectious enthusiasm, and view of the world. He has an a powerful message and has just release a documentary called "Abled" that is being showcased in Film Festivals right now.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #12: Title, “The R.O.A.D. It's How We All Get There” Guest: Keith Harkin

Glenn and Mindy have an intimate chat with long time friend Keith Harkin. A very accomplished singer/songwriter from Derry City, Ireland. From shows at the White House with President Obama to Necker Island With Richard Branson. David Foster signed him as one of his first artists with Verve Records and he became #1 on the Billboard Charts. Their friendship has taken them around the world, and they talk about their role models, and favorite mentors. But who he admires the most may surprise you.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #11: Title, “Chapter 17 You’re Not That Special” Guest: Dr. Neil Gross

Glenn opens up about his cancer story with Dr. Neil Gross, Head & Neck Surgeon with MD Anderson in Houston Texas


INTEGRITY EPISODE #10: Title, Connection, Healing, and Mindfulness

Def Leppard Drummer Rick Allen & wife Lauren Monroe join in a lovely discussion about the charity so close to their hearts, as the founders of "Raven Drum Foundation"Both Glenn and Rick have been recognized for their charitable work with Veterans and Wounded Warrior. Rick Allen openly shares his accident that resulted in the loss of his arm. They shared stories of adversity and surviving trauma, having grit, then inding spirituality and clarity. How being of service to others, mindfulness, and mindset helped pull him out of depression and find purpose.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #9: Title, “Embracing Your Past” Guest: Donna Schuller

Glenn & Mindy have a very vulnerable talk about embracing your past and your flaws with Donna Schuller Author of “Fearless Women - Transform Negative Emotions into Positive Realities” Whether you're struggling with self-doubt, anxiety, or uncertainty, Fearless Women offers a roadmap to help you navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience with 40 short stories.



We chat with Tim Warren the Show Runner of the Discovery Networks Hit Show “Undercover Billionaire” and you get to hear all the behind the scenes stories of what it took to film the show.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #7: “Breaking through adversity and giving back” Guest: Nido Qubein

Horatio Alger is an organization closest to Glenn’s heart. We talk to Nido Qubein who is also a member. He is the President of High Point University, an author, businessman, and motivational speaker. They share their passion for giving back, and helping the next generation overcome their own adversity and become a victor instead of a victim.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #6: “A Hall of Fame Type of Friendship" Guest: John Elway

John Elway and Glenn share many memories as friends and they’ve joined in business ventures together. They couldn’t be more opposite, and more alike! They talk about their unique friendship and what bonds them most is their love for family, friendship, and Integrity. They both share a similar passion for people who never say never. You will be sure to laugh and be inspired.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #5: “Words Matter” Guest: Laura Morton

We talk to Laura Morton the co-writer of Integrity. We find out about the woman behind the name, and the genius behind the writer. We talk about what inspires us. Laura shares her Check off List of 3 that she requires to say “yes” to a new project. She shares what all Titans of Business have in common, and what surprised her most in learning about Glenn’s life journey.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #4: “The Art of saying NO!" Guest: Katherine Le

We talk with one of the most powerful woman I know. She was the President of Stearns Lending. She shares her own journey of Grit, and how that has impacted how she moves through adversity in business. She played an intricate role in getting our company not only to survive the financial crisis of 2007, but actually thrive. She also shares her secret to the art of saying no in business. How to approach every person with compassion and give your very best to make it work.


INTEGRITY EPISODE #3: Title, “Be Still and Know That I am God." Guest: Robert A. Schuller

Robert A. Schuller is a paster and author, he has a deep rooted history in Orange County as the only son of Crystal Cathedral Founders Robert H. Schuller and Arvella Schuller. . He comes up a great deal in the book because he’s been such a guiding light in my adult life. He married me and my wife, he helped me through the financial crisis, and my battle with cancer. He’s also introduced me to some of the most amazing people who’ve since become my mentors for over a decade. We talk to him about how to show up for someone, and how to just be there for someone going through hard times. He teaches us how to create a powerful meditation around the Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God"


INTEGRITY EPISODE #2: Title, “The Early Years on growing up and learning the hard way." Guest: Shane O'Malley

In this episode we talk to my best friend of 45 years. We talk about the early years that were full of teenage angst, alcohol, and getting in trouble. We also talk about addiction and the true meaning of friendship, and how success is all about relationships and integrity.


Integrity Book Series EP #1 "The Process of writing this Memoir"

I have six beautiful kids and two amazing granddaughters, but I'm about to have a new baby! Well, it's not a real baby, but it feels like I gave birth to this book, though! What a process, and it wasn't exactly in my wheelhouse. I wanna share with you, my three-year grueling process of putting my life stories on the pages.


Save Your Way To Financial Freedom with Aimee & Brian Ostick

There's a common myth out there that ALL DOCTORS are rich — but it simply isn't so! Aimee and Brian Ostick struggled with financial security due to massive debt, and after years of planning and sacrifice, finally found their way to FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Join us on today's episode of Grit Happens as we find out HOW they did it!


The Road To Success with Manny Khoshbin and Leyla Milani-Khoshbin

NEVER GIVE UP! That’s the motto of Manny and Leyla Khoshbin, multi-millionaire power couple and social media sensations. On today’s episode, Leyla and Manny share the stories of their overwhelming struggles against adversity. Listen in, and they’ll reveal how they started with nothing... and forged their own road to success.


Making The Most Of Opportunity

When the door of opportunity opens... Glenn and Mindy want you to DIVE through! This week, the dynamic power couple shares how you can move beyond fear and make the most of opportunities that would otherwise pass you by. Success is only one word away — YES!


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