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Author: Brown Green Blog Productions

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The Grounded podcast Is a podcast about Green living, Eating, Permaculture and sustainable practices and so much more.
74 Episodes



Jenny gets Grounded!

Jenny gets Grounded!


In a bit of a reset for the Grounded podcast Tony introduces a new Co-host Jenny, and within this episode we dive into Jenny’s history around gardening and much more!
On this episode of the Grounded podcast Tony and Michelle sit down and discuss some of the most popular gardening myths, and debunk them.
In part 2 Tony and Michelle continue chatting about the little things we can do on a daily basis to help slow climate change and lower our carbon footprint.
Weird Bonus Episode

Weird Bonus Episode


This is a strange episode I’ll admit, but a great departure from the regular show, it’s almost like this episode is a time slip.
On this episode of the Grounded podcast Tony and Michelle sit down to talk Climate Change and the small things we can do to make huge impacts to fight climate change.
Blue Zones Ep:59

Blue Zones Ep:59


On this week’s episode of the Grounded podcast we’re discussing the Blue zones located around the world, regions where people have the highest concentration of those that live beyond 100 years of age.
Vegan Myths Debunked! Ep.58

Vegan Myths Debunked! Ep.58


On this episode of the Grounded podcast Tony and Michelle dive into some of the myths rampant in the Vegan community and dispel some of its myths.
Add a new favorite podcast to your podcasts! You won’t regret!
This is an encore episode of The Green Blog Podcast, now known as the Grounded podcast. Updates on the podcast moving forward and everything that’s happened in the garden and in life in general, and why i seemingly fell off the face of the earth for the last 7 months. New episodes are coming this January, stay tuned!
Gardening Books Ep.57

Gardening Books Ep.57


In this episode of the Grounded podcast I’ll introduce you to a few great gardening books I’ve read over the Autumn, Winter and early Spring seasons.
In this episode of The Grounded podcast Tony talks about the Dirty dozen and the Clean Fifteen, fruit and Veg you should buy strictly Organically and produce it’s ok to buy in a conventional way that’s grown in a sustainable, organic way by local farmers.
In this episode of The Grounded podcast we’ll talk about reasons we should eat with the seasons.
In this episode of the Grounded podcast, Tony talks about Home gardening tools to make gardening easier.
In this episode of the Grounded podcast Tony talks about 8 of his favorite tools that he likes to use in the garden.
In this soft encore update episode of the Grounded podcast we take a look back at home to start seeds properly for the best rate of success.
In this introductory episode of the Food Politics podcast, Crystal and I will discuss some of the books we’re reading about the food we eat, grow and the politics surrounding them. We’ll also briefly discuss some of the upcoming topics coming to the Food Politics podcast, stay tuned.
In this episode of The Green Blog Podcast Tony talks about why planting trees, shrubs and bulbs is better in the fall versus Spring/ Summertime.
In this episode of The Green Blog Podcast we’ll discuss what the Persephone Period is and why it’s important.
In this episode of The Green Blog Podcast, Tony and Crystal sit down and continue the conversation about the book Organic Manifesto.