
<p>A Come Follow Me supplementary. </p>

Doctrine and Covenants 20-22 with Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and Sister Lani McCoy | March 10-16

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me and Sister Lani McCoy as we study: The Church is Officially Restored, True Doctrine, Understood, Changes Attitude and Behavior, and The Purpose of the Priesthood for Women and Men is to Serve. Weekly d...


Doctrine and Covenants 19 with Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and Lori Newbold | March 3-9

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me and Lori Newbold as we discuss: Asking, Seeking, and Living Truth, Worth and Worthiness, and Responsibilities of Individuals and Leaders. Weekly download to enhance your study of Come Follow Me: coming...


Doctrine and Covenants 18 with Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and Amy Rees Anderson | Feb. 24 - Mar. 2

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me and Amy Rees Anderson as we discuss: Asking, Seeking, and Living Truth, Worth and Worthiness, and Responsibilities of Individuals and Leaders. Weekly download to enhance your study of Come Follow Me:&n...


Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; Joseph Smith--History 1:66-75 with Barbara Morgan Gardner | Feb. 17-23

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me from Historic Harmony, Pennsylvania as we look at: what the priesthood is, the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, and the priesthood power and authority of men and women. Grounded Podcast Instagram...


Doctrine and Covenants 10-11 with Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and Maria Eckersley | Feb. 10-16

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me and Maria Eckersley as we discuss: Do Not Run Faster Than You Have Strength, My Wisdom is Greater than the Cunning of the Devil, and Seek, Cleave, Treasure, and Receive. Weekly download to enhance you...


Doctrine and Covenants 6-9 with Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and Julie B. Beck | Feb. 3-9

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me and Julie B. Beck as we discuss: God Will Give Liberally, Increasing Your Capacity to Receive Spiritual Revelation, and Doubt Not, Fear Not. Purchase this weekly download to enhance your study of Come...


D&C 3-5 with Barbara Morgan Gardner, Janette Wong Xia, and Michelle Broadbent | Jan. 27 - Feb. 2

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me, Janette Wong Xia, and Michelle Broadbent as we discuss: God's Work Cannot Be Frustrated, Called to the Work, and Stop and Stand Still. Grounded Podcast Instagram:


D&C 2 and JS-H 1:27-65 with Barbara Morgan Gardner and Bonnie L. Oscarson | January 20-26

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me and Bonnie L. Oscarson as we discuss: Why Would the Earth be Wasted, What Priesthood Authority did Elijah Reveal, What is the Sealing Power, and How are We Saviors on Mount Zion. Grounded Podcast Insta...


Joseph Smith--History 1:1-26 with Barbara Morgan Gardner | January 13-19

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me at the Smith , as we discuss: I Have Learned for Myself, Women are Leaders, and The Family is Ordained of God. Grounded Podcast Instagram: Grounded Podcas...


Doctrine and Covenants 1 with Barbara Morgan Gardner and Shannon Foster | January 6-12

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me and Shannon Foster as we discuss: Listening To and Speaking For God, Out of Obscurity and Darkness, and Establishing Power and Authority. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instag...


The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Barbara Morgan Gardner | December 30-January 5

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women and men of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds gather together with me, Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner and my guests as we strive to build a bedrock understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and become more like him. Today, join me in the Sacred Grove, as we discuss: God Speaks to His Children Today, and Wants Us to Speak Up Too, The Restoration Continues, and Living Up to Our Privileges. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon...


Episode 46 - Christmas, Jenny Oaks Baker and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: Scriptures that Prophecy of Christ's Birth, Behold Thy Mother: Mary's Connection to the Savior, and Giving Back by Magnifying Our God-given Gifts. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram:


Episode 45 - Moroni 10, Elaine S. Dalton and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: Spiritual Gifts, Awake and Arise, and Brought Forth Triumphant. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram: Grounded Podcast Facebook:


Episode 44 - Moroni 7-9, Michelle Schmidt and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: Discerning Between Right & Wrong and Truth & Error, Becoming a Child of Christ According to the Promise, and Angels, Miracles, Faith, Hope, and Charity. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram:


Episode 43 - Moroni 1-6, Kathryn Davis and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: I Will Not Deny the Christ, Taking Upon Us His Name, and Why Church. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram: Grounded Podcast Facebook:


Episode 42 - Ether 12-15, Noelle Pikus-Pace and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: When we Come unto Christ, His Grace is Sufficient, Hope Cometh from Faith and Anchors Our Soul, and Prophets' Words will Always be Fulfilled. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram: Grou...


Episode 41 - Ether 6-11, Romanna G. Remor and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: Commending Ourselves to the Lord, The Influence of One Person's Christlike Covenant Leadership, and Corruption and Captivity VS. Righteousness and Freedom in Government. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.c...


Episode 40 - Ether 1-5, Gaye Strathern and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: The Context of Ether, God's Step by Step Manner of Teaching, and Transformation. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram: Grounded Podcast Facebook:


Episode 39 - Mormon 7-9, Jenedy Paige and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: The Relationship Between Truth and Happiness, Strength in Loneliness, and A God of Miracles. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram: Grounded Podcast Facebook:


Episode 38 - Mormon 1-6, Mariama Kallon-Olayemi and Barbara Morgan Gardner

Send us a text Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: Acknowledging God's Influence and Tender Mercies in our Lives, Maintaining Hope in Difficult Times, and Recognizing that Christ Stands with Open Arms to Receive Us. SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTS: Coming Soon... Grounded Podcast Instagram:


Filicity M Van Rhyn

As a sister on the African continent, my love and admiration for your resolve and love for the Saviour, has inspired me. I will be better in serving the Lord and be swallowed up in His will. Thank you sisters for this lesson today. I am overwhelmed with awareness of Jesus Christ and The Book of Mormon. I love you.

10-29 Reply

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