Grow Your Business | طور عملك

مرحبا بكم في بودكاست طور عملك مع عبدالقادر جراب، مدرب ومستشار في تطوير الشركات الناشئة والعلامات التجارية من خلال التسويق اونلاين أنا متخصص في التسويق الرقمي ولدي أكثر من 12 عامًا من الخبرة في مجال وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ، وتحسين محركات البحث ، والتسويق عبر محركات البحث والتجارة الإلكترونية. مهمتي هي مساعدة الشركات والأفراد في العثور على النجاح والحرية المالية عبر الإنترنت تابعوني على الانستغرام

What are Facebook & Instagram different audiences?

There are different audiences available for Facebook & Instagram which help businesses target better in their advertising campaigns. In this episode, I will mention in detail what are these audiences and how we can use them for our campaigns. هناك جماهير مختلفة متاحة لـ Facebook و Instagram والتي تساعد الشركات على استهداف أفضل في حملاتهم الإعلانية. في هذه الحلقة ، سوف أذكر بالتفصيل ما هي هذه الجماهير وكيف يمكننا استخدامها في حملاتنا. --- Send in a voice message:


Why Google Ads? What is Quality Score?

Why Google Ads is considered to be the best performing type of ads on the internet? Why? It is simply because of the human intent nature of it when you’re advertising to people who are searching for you! How powerful is that 💪🏻 Listen to my podcast to know more how this works. Check my website for some more resources --- Send in a voice message:


Importance of Paid Search Google Ads! أهمية اعلانات غوغل على محرك البحث

In a world where everything is digital and everything is about advertising people still give their biggest attention to social media ads and I don't blame them since almost everyone is there and it's always easier than other channels to promote on. So I have dedicated this podcast to show the importance of Paid Search Google Ads which represent a huge opportunity especially in the region we live in, the Middle East. في عالم أصبح فيه كل شيء رقميًا وكل شيء يتعلق بالإعلانات ، لا يزال الأشخاص يوجهون اهتمامهم الأكبر إلى إعلانات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعية ولا ألومهم لأن الجميع تقريبًا موجودون هناك ، كما أنه من الأسهل دائمًا الترويج عبر هذه المنصات. لذلك خصصت هذا البودكاست لإظهار أهمية إعلانات Google المدفوعة على محرك البحث التي تمثل فرصة كبيرة وخاصة في المنطقة التي نعيش فيها ، الشرق الأوسط. --- Send in a voice message:


New Year, New Decade! Focus on what matters in 2020

First of all Happy New Year :) This episode is dedicated for all of you out there who haven’t started yet, what are you waiting for? We just jumped into a new decade so take this chance to really build something beautiful this year. Listen to this podcast where I highlight the things you really need to focus on this year in order to grab a good market share (a share of voice). --- Send in a voice message:


What is a payment Gateway for Ecommerce websites?

Cybersource, Blom Bank, Net Commerce, Areeba, Bank Audi, Payfort --- Send in a voice message:


Why businesses like Exotica can go out of business in the next 5 to 10 years!

Why businesses like Exotica can go out of business in the next 5 to 10 years! Innovation and being digitally aware is the key for success. Traditional marketing doesn’t work anymore as much as it used to be 10 years ago. --- Send in a voice message:


How to become a Certified Digital Marketer - Ep. 8

This episode is dedicated for the people who’s looking for a career shift. I’ve seen this so many times through my humble experience at Morgan International, tens of people come from different backgrounds (biology, engineering, lawyers, etc) hoping to get some hands-on in the digital industry and learn some basics to kick off with a new opportunity. Listen to my podcast and get to know about this Certification from the Digital Marketing Institute in Dublin, Ireland. --- Send in a voice message:


7 Advices to become an influencer

I’m sure almost everyone would love to be an influencer and it is nothing but normal. Just make sure to follow these extremely important tips for your journey 😉 --- Send in a voice message:


LinkedIn is the New Hip Hop / Personal Branding

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The importance of Target Audiences!

I’m sure you know what is target audiences, but are you targeting your ads to reach the right audience? Are you using the available tools out there? Listen to my podcast and give me your thoughts 👍🏻 --- Send in a voice message:


Do I need a website?

It is 2018 and in my opinion it is stupid to think or to question if a business need a website or not, it is a MUST Have and not a nice to have. Want to know why? Listen to this episode and give me your thoughts ;) --- Send in a voice message:


Ecommerce? What are you waiting for?

In this eposide I am talking about Ecommerce, it is not that detailed but just wanted to highlight some of the misconceptions we think about. While listening to this podcast you can visit my new website and let me know your thoughts. --- Send in a voice message:


Digital Marketing is not Social Media!

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My first podcast 27 Mar 2018

Check out my first podcast ever, im super pumped and excited about this new audio tool and I believe it is the future of social interaction! --- Send in a voice message:


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