GrowthFit by

What is the most exciting aspect of a marketer's work? Turning a boring piece of content into a clickbait? OR Keeping pace with the changing algorithms? We know a marketer's life is not easy. It's an interesting mix of data, stories, failed experiments, as much as it is about the "Aha Moments" or the success of a viral piece of content.  We, at, wanted to hear the most interesting stories of transformations and growth from leading marketers across the world and that's how GrowthFit happened. GrowthFit is a series of podcasts where marketers share their interesting stories.

Acing Business Development and Partnerships

Business development touches many aspects of a company like sales, marketing and revenue generation. It’s all about identifying opportunities on how to pivot or open new lines of businesses. We discussed the various aspects of business development with Javier Ortiz, BD & Partnership consultant. Highlights of the talk- The growing potential of digitization and business development Working with various businesses, teams and cultures Must have qualities for a business development manager Catch the full interview here-


Creating a Distraction-free User Journey with CRO Experimentation and Prioritization

In CRO, prioritizing ideas for experimentation is as crucial as generating them. However, it’s not an easy process. But putting a structure to it can make the job easy. Iqbal Ali from Turing Labs shared  valuable insights about best practices in CRO on our #growthfit interview series. Highlights of the talk- Journey from designing and developing to CRO Eliminating distraction on the website The process of experimenting and idea generation The concept of PIE for CRO Read the full blog here-


Prioritize Goals, Solve One Problem at a Time — a Mantra for Product Marketing

As a b2b marketer, are you often troubled by the high number of leads bouncing off your campaigns? It could be because of a weak lead nurturing strategy. In fact, it’s observed that many marketing plans don’t give as much importance to lead nurturing as they give to lead generation. This is what happens when marketers have too many problems to solve at once. As a marketer, prioritizing these problems and picking up one at a time to solve is a great idea. We had an insightful discussion with Rony Vexelman, VP of marketing at Optimove and we delved deep into many topics around website conversions, lead nurturing and more. Highlight of the interview- A mantra for SaaS marketing- solve one problem at a time Prioritize lead nurturing as much as you prioritize lead generation Create an engagement that makes your audience comfortable buying your product Be available to your team members by managing time effectively Read the full blog here- 


Demand Generation is a Number-driven Role with an Art and Science to it

Websites are an important component in lead nurturing.  One can  understand the visitor/buyer's journey. You can clearly see the movement  from the funnel from stages like the unaware to aware.   In our latest episode of Growthfit, we discussed the various aspects of  demand generation, lead nurturing and the role of the website in these  with Bryant Lau from Flockjay.    The highlights of our talk-   👉 Points to focus on as a SaaS marketer  👉 Lead generation strategy   👉 Strategies to drive quality traffic to the website  👉 Components crucial to inbound marketing    Read the full blog here- 


Making marketing conversational with Mark Kilens from Drift

Modern day marketing is all about your audience finding a connection with your brand and creating a high brand recall value.     In this episode of GrowthFit series, we discussed how to nurture and engage Customers, Content and Community for effective marketing. Mark Kilens from Drift (a leading conversational platform) talks about making marketing look like natural conversations.      Highlights of the  talk:   👉 Personal operating system   👉 Improved personalized experiences for your customers   👉  Content Strategy that has worked   👉 6 types of cornerstone content assets   Read the blog here- Let us know in the comments what you think about conversational marketing.     #digitalmarketing #b2bmarketing #productmarketing #learndigitalmarketing


Carving a Niche in Growth Marketing is all About Maintaining Consistency

“If you speak your customer’s language, they’ll definitely listen to  you.”   Strategizing website messaging has a lot to do with customer journey and  the type of users visiting the website.  This makes the website actually  speak to the person.    Also keep in mind what stage or user journey the visitor is at. What  prompted the person to get to your website? Having the right message for  every category of user definitely boosts conversations.   In our #growthfit interview series, we discussed many aspects of growth marketing and it’s challenges with Tawab Jabar.   Read the full blog here -  #growthmarketing #growthhacking #productmarketing #marketing #websitepersonalization #conversionrateoptimization


How Impactful Personalization Optimizes Conversions

Not just personalization but IMPACTFUL Personalization !!  Since everybody is being bombarded with a lot of messages, it's important that you stand out and create brand recall value. Brainstorm on what are the engagement steps so that you also retain the customers.  We discussed with Sumantha Shankaranarayana how personalization when done right impacts the CRO processes and experimentation.  Highlights from the talk:  👉Learning from successes and failures in experimentation  👉Studying and removing the hurdles in Conversions  👉Experimenting with personalization at small and big level  👉Prefer building a competent team over relying on tools   Watch or read full interview here- #websiteoptimization #websitepersonalization #customerexperience #productmarketing #growthmarketing


Failed Experiments are Loss Preventions in CRO

In Conversion Rate Optimization, not all of your ideas will create a better user experience. The unsuccessful ideas help you prevent losses. CRO adds value to business by preventing loss and optimizing the wins. We discussed experimentation on websites with Maurice Beerthuyzen from ClickValue.  Highlights of the conversation-  ⭐ Experimenting in digital marketing from ground zero  ⭐ Learning from failed experiments to prevent loss to business  ⭐ Learning theoretically Vs practically   ⭐ Prioritizing test ideas with respect to high impact pages   Alternatively, read the blog here- digitalmarketing #business #userexperience #conversionrateoptimization #productmarketing #b2bmarketing #growthfit


The best hyper-personalization techniques in b2b marketing

Every customer is unique and marketing is all about making him feel special. Personalization is a key factor in marketing and often a tough thing to implement. In this episode of GrowthFit, we discussed the right practices in personalization without making it look creepy. Watch this conversation with Lucy Literado Tsotsorina, VP Marketing at   Highlights you should not miss:  👉 Knowing customer sentiments and using them for better marketing  👉Levers required to create a community around a brand  👉 Including personalization into your marketing strategy   👉Content Strategy as a whole   Alternatively, read the blog here- #digitalmarketing #b2bmarketing #productmarketing #learndigitalmarketing #saasmarketing #websitepersonalization #websiteoptimization #conversionoptimization


Customer-centric product marketing: How to strategize and implement this approach?

Product marketing is more effective and relatable when customer-led journeys become the main focus.  It's also about implementing the right personalization tactics.  So, what differentiates customer-led journeys from product-led journeys? and what's the "secret sauce" to get personalization right?  We discussed the nitty-gritties of product marketing with Rony Vexelman, Director or Product Marketing at Optimove.   Key highlights of the interview-  👉 Planning your day as a product marketer  👉 Crafting a brand story  👉 What is a Hyper-personalized CRM marketing plan?  👉 Why customer-led journeys?   Alternatively, read the blog here- #digitalmarketing #b2bmarketing #productmarketing #learndigitalmarketing #growthfitseries #growthfit #saasmarketing


Why localization in marketing in important?

Determining the right strategy and techniques in marketing makes all the difference. Local SEO and multilingual content are also crucial for an effective outreach. We have with us a young entrepreneur and a leading marketer, Alex Price. He is the founder of 93digital/93x/FINITE. He speaks about making the right choices from tactics to technology.   Here are some highlights:  👉 How to convince to invest into strategic projects?  👉 Using multi-lingual website for SEO  👉 Adding personalization to a B2B MarTech Stack  👉 Advice to next-gen marketers   Alternatively, read the blog here- Let us know in the comments what you think about local SEO.    #digitalmarketing #b2bmarketing #productmarketing #learndigitalmarketing


How to leverage marketing data through in-depth analysis

You must have heard that "data is the new oil". There's lot of buzz around data these days.  If you are curious to know how to make the most out of data to increase conversions, specially in the B2B sector, then listen in to this conversation with Arun Pillai, Senior Vice President - Enterprise Customers and Global Reseller Channel, LakeB2B.    Highlights of the talk:  👉 Demystifying the vacuum between data and customers   👉 Choosing Channels and Marketing Mix   👉 4 approaches to Product positioning   👉 Marketing as a Career   Alternatively, read the blog here- #digitalmarketing #datascience #b2bdata #saasmarketing #dataanalysis #marketingtips #websiteoptimization #conversionoptimization #growthfitseries #growthfit #growthmindse


How to conceptualize website content strategy?

In a conversation with Hannah Sackett, product marketing manager at, we discussed the best practices in conceptualizing and creating an optimum brand message on a B2B website.    Highlights of the interview-      👉 Getting the positioning and messaging right for a product     👉 Branding journey of       👉The Do’s and Don’ts in personalization      👉Marketing metric that matters   Read the blog here-


Focus on personalizing customer centric communication the right way

Getting success with account based marketing in B2B is all about doing your customer research well. Building a great product is the journey of putting your customers' needs first and therefore personalization here is focusing on communication the right way.    In this episode of GrowthFit series, we have Bethany Stachenfeld, CEO of SendSpark.   Highlights of the talk-  👉First few customers sets the baseline for future customers  👉 Adopting a product-led marketing strategy and implementing it the right way  👉 Diligently building a product that customers love  👉 As a marketer, believe in your strengths and avoid being influenced by too much advice  Read the blog here-


Why understanding user behavior matters in CRO experimentation

It's interesting how CRO experiments consists of many hits and misses.  Each experiment gives us insights into user behaviour and preferences.  It's all about learning consistently 🚀 🚀 🚀  We chatted with Ruben de Boer from Online Dialogue & Conversion Ideas and understood his approach towards testing and experimenting for CRO.   Highlights of the talk-   👉 Learning from hits and misses and setting up a proper process  👉 Align CRO with business goals  👉 Brainstorming testing ideas with team members   👉 Prioritizing ideas using an evidence based model   Read the blog here-  #conversionrateoptimization #experimenting #productmarketing #growthmarketing #growthmindset


The Right Mindset for Marketers- Creative Problem Solving

Marketing requires a mindset that lets you crack recurring problems in innovative manner. However, this important aspect is often overlooked.   In this episode, we have with us Shri Mithran from Chargebee discussing his marketing mantras to creating and executing effective marketing strategy.   Highlights of the talk-      👉 Strategies to understand customer segments and website visitors      👉 Objectives that make sure that the sales team gets quality leads from marketing team      👉The first approach for designing experiences for different personas landing on your website.      👉 Defining revenue marketing   Read the blog here-


Applying Psychology and User Research in CRO

CRO is not only about increasing conversions but also about meeting business goals other than conversions like market share and customer lifetime value. We had a discussion with Guido X Jansen (psychologist, CRO specialist and the host of CRO.CAFE) about the various aspects of conversion rate optimization.    Highlights of the talk-  ⭐️Applying educational background of cognitive psychology and economics in CRO ⭐️Prioritizing user’s psychology in CRO  ⭐️ Focusing on profit, market share and customer satisfaction  ⭐️Comparing online and offline purchases and overcoming barriers   Read the Blog here- #conversionrateoptimization #CRO #digitalmarketing #websiteoptimization #websitepersonalization


Getting Buy-ins from Decision Makers is Important for CRO Processes: Jeremy Epperson

As a CRO professional, one thing you have to often deal with is  “resistance”. Resistance within the organization. Another crucial but  difficult part is coming up with relevant hypotheses corresponding to  ideas for testing.    Does any of the above sound familiar to you?    For this new episode of GrowthFit, CRO expert, Jeremy Epperson joined  us. We delved deep into the various challenges and rewards of Conversion  Rate Optimization.       Highlights of the talk-  ⭐ Adoption of CRO and getting the buy-ins are crucial  ⭐ CRO as a team sport and coordinated process  ⭐ Prioritizing and testing hypotheses  ⭐ Getting started in 90s, overcoming roadblocks Read the full blog here-


Make it All about your Customer, Not your Product

Don’t skip the hard work of knowing your customer. If you know them well, you can execute personalization effectively. In this episode of Growthfit, we discussed buyer persian and psychology with Talia Wolf from Getuplift. Read the blog here- Highlights of the talk- ⭐️ Understand why the buyer decides to make the purchase ⭐️ Make your message stand out with personalization ⭐️ Understand the goals of your client and the psychology of the buyers ⭐️ Make it about your customers not about your product


Busting the Common Myths about Testing for Conversion Rate Optimization

The power of CRO experiments lies in making changes in the way the business is run with the learning from these experiments.  The ingrained vocabulary of “positive” and “negative” outcomes from experiments can be misleading.    All outcomes lead to learning and thereafter making the necessary changes.    We had an interesting discussion with Jonny Longden, Conversion Director at Journey Further, about various aspects of CRO.    Highlights of the talk:  👉 Developing a mindset to ‘Test Everything’ 👉 Approaching experiments scientifically 👉 A strategic website optimization plan  👉 Importance of statistics in CRO   Read the blog here-  #conversionopitmization #digitalmarketing #B2Bmarketing #productmarketing #marketingtips


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