Guides' Own

Two Guiders sharing their love for Girls Guides! We talk about program, traditions, songs, special women in the organization, and so much more.

Episode 58 - Guiding is here, there, and everywhere!

This week we talk about how guiding has influenced our lives outside of Girl Guides! Interests, hobbies, skills that we were introduced to and honed have grown into so much more.   Then we talk about an Indigenous businesswoman who is working to educate the rest of Canada about the indigenous ways of life, and how they see the world through reading.   Finally, we sing a song to help cool you off doing the hot summer days - Have you ever seen a Penguin come to Tea? a silly song to help you stay cool!


Episode 57 - Guiding Symbols

This week we talk about the symbols that have helped define guiding over the last 100 years - from insignia to pins to flags. Then we talk about one of the founders of Guiding, Olave Baden-Powell, and her long life in Guiding.  Finally, we sing Our Vision For Tomorrow, a sweet song about the hope guiding has for the future


Episode 56 - Across the Pond

This week we travel across the pond and learn about our sister organization - Girlguiding UK! Then keeping with the UK theme, we talk about another royal and her ties to Guiding - this week, its Kate Middleton!  and finally, we warp up with a short song based off the Westminster Bells, Big Ben - The Little Bells of Westminster


Episode 55: Guiding Guest: Rachel

This week we chat with another Guiding Guest - Rachel!  Rachel and Marissa go way back to their time in Rangers together and we hear some great stories from Rachel about her time in the unit. Then we talk about a star who has worked hard to get her voice back, while still being a fierce as ever - Taylor Swift! And finally we cover a Canadian childhood favourite (Times 3!!!) - a song that didn't even need to be taught to a generation of children - Fish & Chips & Vinegar


Episode 54 - Campfires: Part 2

This week, we finish our campfire, and talk about Mariah Carey, a music star that we have all listened to at some point. And we wrap up our conversation about campfires with a all-time favour song - Fire's burning.


Episode 54 - Campfires: Part 1

As we head into summer, we are starting to think about all the great parts of camp - including Camfires! a great way to spend a evening singing and sharing stories and skits!  This week we talk about how to plan the perfect campfire and some of our favourite songs!  Then, tune in next week to learn about our She Was a Girl Guide You Know: Mariah Carey, and our campfire song - a classic - Fire's Burning!  


Episode 53 - Around the World

We mention on the episode that it was our 50th show, however, we had others that we wanted to share ahead of this one.  This week we are going to fly around the world and learn a little about the 5 WAGGS regions. We talk about Jillian van Turnhout an honourable member and influential member of WAGGS and world politics. Finally, we sing Join in the Game, a short kids song about playing together.


Episode 52 - Kusafiri

We complete our World Centre tour this week stoping in Africa looking at the exciting, although short history of Kusafiri!  We then stay in Africa and learn about the first trainer Guider in Africa, Marjorie Kabuzi. And finally we wrap up with our campfire song the World Centre Song, a useful song to help younger girls learn the 5 centres and where they are! 


Episode 51 - Pandemic Guiding a Century ago

While this global pandemic is changing how Guiding is happening today, the Flu Epidemic in 1918 also changed Guiding! Come with us and see how the world reacted to that epidemic, and how guiding tried to make the world a place then. Then we talk about Dr. Kathleen Ross, the former president of Doctors of BC, taking a leadership role in medicine in Canada. And finally, we sing a unhygienic song - Black Socks, a favourite for all!  


Episode 50 - The Secret Guides

This week we talk about Guiding during WWII in Germany and talk about an example of guiding life in a Nazi Work camp.  Its a truly wonderful story about how guiding can unite people, and can make a difference. If you want to skip ahead to She Was a Girl Guide You Know - it starts at 43:40. Our She Was a Girl Guide You Know, we cover the founder of the Royal Canadian Legion, and original maker of the Canadian Poppy - Lillian Bilsky Freiman. Finally we wrap up with a beloved campfire song in Canada with a history that surprised both Taryn and Marissa! 


Episode 49 - Guiding Guest: Devon

This week we chat with another Guiding friend - Devon.  Devon and Taryn go way back to high school, and then became Co-Guiders as they got older and took on a unit of their own. We talk about a Honorary Girl Scout - Michelle Obama, who as First Lady was the president of Girl Scouts of the United States!  And for our campfire, we sing a classic - the Quartermasters Store! A song that taught Girl Guides and Scouts what a QM is, and how when they can't see funny things happen! 


Episode 48 - Green Girls

This week for St. Patrick's Day, we are going GREEN! We are talking about the history of Pathfinders and the path the group has taken in the last 40 years! Then we talk about another Honourary Girl Guide. This week it's Sinead Burke, a woman from Ireland who hasn’t let her disability stop her, and is making fashion something that is for everyone. Finally, we talk about 2 campfire songs this week! The Pathfinder’s Song and Pathfinders! With some surprising history, but you have to listen to find out why we have two songs this weekend!


Episode 47 - Crystal Palace, Part 2

This week, we are finishing up our Thinking Day two-parter. After last week's exploration of Crystal Palace, we are staying in London and diving into the life of Anges Baden-Powell, the women who got guiding started in 1910 in England and helped it move around the world. Then we sing the Guiding Law Song, a great little song to help you earn and remember your law!


Episode 47 - Crystal Palace, Part 1

This week, we have another two-parter for Thinking Day! In the first half, we are talking about Crystal Palace and the Crystal Palace rally in 1909.  There is so much more to the Crystal Palace than either of us knew! Make sure you tune in next week to hear about Anges Baden-Powell, the woman who got Guiding started and sing the Guiding Law Song, a great way to remember the law!


Episode 46 - Knot Again

This week we are talking about knots! How to tie them, where to learn how how to tie them, what they are good for! So many great things about knots! Then we talk about J.W. a former Girl Guide who is now taking on the world with her creative writing books, taking photos, and leaving a positive impact on the world And finally, we sing our campfire song about camping in BC with the BC Campfire Song, a lovely song that invokes the history and beauty of the province.


Episode 45 - Our Girl Scout Neighbours, Part 2

In a continuation of last week's episode, we are containing our conversation about GSUSA. This week we talk about Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of the movement. And we sing G for Generosity, a campfire song that every Girl Scout should know!


Episode 45 - Our Girl Scout Neighbours, Part 1

This week we start a two-parter all about GSUSA!  There was just so much information about Girl Scouts and Our SWAGGYK, Juliette Gordon Low we just had to split it into two episodes! This week we cover the history of Girl Scouts of the USA Make sure that you check in next week to hear all about Juliette Gordon Low and our campfire song, G is for Generosity


Episode 44 - Cooking with Quartermasters

This week make sure you have snacks on hand as we talk all about food and Girl Guides!  We talk about camp menus and some of our fav menu items, and how they have changed over the years!  In our SWAGGYK we talk about Marilyn Smith who is not only a Second City alum, but also a cookbook author, and former Girl Guide in Canada And finally, we talk about the “Fast Food Song” or “Pizza Hut Song” a fav for girls to let their sillies out! 


Episode 43 - Keep Calm and Carry On Guiding

 This week talk about the scary world that we are in right now and COVID!  How guiding has changed to deal with on-line and socially distanced meetings, and no camping or singing! For our SWAGGYK, we talk about Karen Katen, the former president of Pfizer, and put the company in a position where it was able to make a vaccine so quickly! And finally, we sing It’s a Small World to remind us all how connected we all are no matter what is happening


Episode 42 - A Life of Learning

 This week to start off our New Year, we look at how guiding inspires and encourages you to keep learning for your whole life, in school and beyond. Then in SWAGGYK, we talk about soon-to-be First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, a lifelong learner and teacher of lifelong learners. And finally, we learn our days of the week with our campfire song, Today is Monday!


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