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Guitar Music Theory

Author: Desi Serna

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This podcast features free audio guitar lessons taught by Desi Serna, author of Fretboard Theory and Guitar Theory For Dummies. Learn how scales, chords, progressions, modes, and more get applied to the fretboard and familiar songs. Hear how to best get your playing skills in order. Begin to improvise and compose. Understand why your favorite songs sound so good. ➝ What do you specifically need to do in order to play guitar better? Visit the website to get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. Discover how to progressively play and sound better—today, in as little as 33 minutes!
171 Episodes
In episode 170 of the Guitar Music Theory audio podcast, I look back at some of the top songs from 2024 with a very special guest, my 12-year-old daughter, Lila! 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
In episode 169 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I review some Christmas song guitar lessons I’ve previously posted on YouTube. These lessons feature great Christmas songs to learn, and I’ll break down the nuggets of music theory wisdom each one provides. Topics include passing chords, chord melody, playing in sixths, and more. Join the email list by subscribing at the website. 
In episode 168 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I announce my new coaching program and answer listener questions about bass playing, playing with confidence, the difference between 3/4 and 6/8 time signatures, my old cover band setlist, and the song "Runnin' with the Devil" by Van Halen. Are you ready to invest in a structured coaching program to take your guitar playing to the next level? Fill out the contact form on my website and share your music goals with me:
In episode 167 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I guide you through my process of learning songs, using "It Hit Me Like a Hammer" by Huey Lewis and The News as an example. This track showcases chunky '80s rock power chords and a bluesy minor pentatonic guitar solo. I play it on my new PRS SE NF3 guitar, using a profile of a Mesa Boogie Mark 3 amp. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
In episode 166 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I answer listener questions about rhythm and timing, playing horizontal pentatonic patterns, selecting good bass notes, and more. I also recap my recent gigs and discuss how I prepare for performances.
In episode 165 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I prepare to play upcoming gigs with the Huey Lewis and The News tribute band, The Heart of Rock and Roll. I walk you through the process I go through when I'm reviewing for a show and discuss the songs I'll be performing. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. The Heart of Rock and Roll info and schedule: 
In episode 164 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I interview Scott Williamson, a top-tier studio drummer in the Nashville area for decades. In addition to his drumming career, Scott is a mixing engineer and music producer. He'll provide insights into life as a studio musician, answer listener questions, and reveal his favorite guitar parts. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
How does the song "Jack and Diane" work? Listen to episode 163 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast to hear how this John Mellencamp classic features memorable acoustic guitar riffs that make great use of different chord shapes and chord voicings. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
"Knights of Cydonia" by Muse is an epic rock anthem that blends various musical influences to create a unique and powerful listening experience. The song stands out for its grandiose and cinematic feel, drawing inspiration from progressive rock, space rock, and spaghetti westerns. In Episode 162 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I break the music down and explain how its puzzling chord changes follow a logical pattern.   🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.   Music Theory 101 Group Zoom Class  
In episode 161 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I answer listener questions about Hot For Teacher, multitracks, bass rigs, Funk #49, mastering songs, major and minor pentatonic, CAGED, hand soreness, Knights of Cydonia, and more.  🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. #musictheory #musictheoryforguitar #guitartheory #fretboardtheory #desiserna #guitarlesson #guitarcourse #guitarteacher #guitartechnique #guitaronline #learningguitar
In episode 160 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I demonstrate a technique for improvisation over jam tracks, drawing inspiration from the iconic song "Refugee" by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. Leveraging guitar licks from renowned tracks like this can infuse your improvisations with creativity and flair, elevating your playing to new heights. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. #musictheory #musictheoryforguitar #guitartheory #fretboardtheory #desiserna #guitarlesson #guitarcourse #guitarteacher #guitartechnique #guitaronline #learningguitar #guitarsoloing  
In episode 159 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I discuss every type of seventh chord and how to use it. Seventh chords are made when you extend a triad with an additional third. There are five qualities of seventh chords that appear in music. They are Major seven, Minor seven, Dominant seven, Minor seven flat five (a.k.a. Half diminished), and Diminished seven (also called fully diminished). I explain how these chords are built and which familiar guitar songs use them. I play songs from the Eagles, the Doobie Brothers, Garth Brooks, and more. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. #musictheory #musictheoryforguitar #guitartheory #fretboardtheory #desiserna #guitarlesson #guitarcourse #guitarteacher #guitartechnique #guitaronline #learningguitar 
In Episode 158 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I discuss the harmonic minor scale and its use in familiar guitar songs. This includes common harmonic minor chord progressions and how to incorporate the scale in your lead lines and guitar solos. For more information, see my book Fretboard Theory Volume 2  or my video course Fretboard Theory Video Pro Pack. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
In episode 157 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I answer listener questions about the circle of fifths, playing left-handed, Squier guitar mods, playing and singing, intervals, and more.  🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. #musictheory #musictheoryforguitar #guitartheory #fretboardtheory #desiserna #guitarlesson #guitarcourse #guitarteacher #guitartechnique #guitaronline #learningguitar #guitartheoryfordummies
In episode 156, keyboardist Scott Sheriff and I break down the song "Biggest Part of Me" by Ambrosia. We talk about the chords used in this song and how they’re based on a chromatic line cliché and include various extensions common to jazz and R&B music.  ********************************* Scott's Links Spotify:  Apple Music:  Classic Tribute Bands  ********************************* Free Video Course 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. ********************************* #musictheory #guitartheory #fretboardtheory #guitartheoryfordummies #desiserna #jazzchords
In episode 155 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, I answer listener questions about modes, major scale patterns, memorizing songs, effects pedals, foot tapping, Rocksmith, and the song "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. #fretboardtheory #guitartheoryfordummies #desiserna 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
"Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses features prominent guitar work by Slash, including the iconic opening riff and memorable solos. The song uses the guitar scales D Mixolydian mode, E Aeolian mode, E harmonic minor, and E minor pentatonic. In this podast episode, I explain each scale and its use in this quintessential rock anthem. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
Which guitar scales, amps, and effects does Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash use? Matt Reviere and I discuss Slash's style and break down his tone in episode 153 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast.  🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Answer the questions about your playing at and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level. Tone Junkie INSPIRED BY SLASH (HELIX) Tone Junkie INSPIRED BY SLASH (KEMPER)
Why does Keith Richards use open G tuning, what's the difference between a cheap and expensive acoustic guitar, should songs be memorized, and what are sus4 chords? Get answers to these questions and more in episode 152 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast.  🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Visit - answer the questions about your playing and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
In episode 151 of the Guitar Music Theory podcast, Carrie Underwood guitarist Matt Reviere and I talk about our favorite Christmas songs. We play together and analyze some holiday classics that are rich in music theory and composition techniques. 🎸 What do you SPECIFICALLY need to do to play guitar better? Visit - answer the questions about your playing and get FREE custom video instruction calibrated to your current level.
Comments (26)

Regular To

Three words...God bless you 😊

Oct 14th

Ehsan Ebadi

This course is the best course for a basic and complete introduction to guitar theory. Desi Serna has presented a very valuable and complete work in this collection. Thanks. Good luck, Mr. Desi Serena ​

Nov 20th

Randy Nordquist

Desi, I love your podcasts! I have learned so much. I have been playing guitar for about 8 years but never really explored what I could do beyond open and bar chords! I have ordered your book Guitar Fretboard Theory to continue learning. Thank you! Randy

Apr 9th

Marc Watt

look at Jack white. almost deformed small hands... and he can play

Oct 23rd

Jim Watts

This is a GREAT guitar podcast. Desi is a born teacher and he has mastered the tools of internet instruction. Highly recommended! Only one caution: may lead to increased guitar-playing and expanded musical enjoyment.

Aug 27th
Reply (1)

Preeti Sharma_Career guide

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Apr 10th

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Apr 9th

ClearExam Directory Submission

Very nice article! I'm Preeti, I write for educational blogs. I make a collection of wonderful educational blogs from where I could take inspiration for writing. This article really inspires me though it is a little different from my domain but nonetheless it is a good writing. I sometime write for a education site blogs Let me know your thoughts if I could contribute to your blog too.

Apr 9th

Jim Watts

Great episode! Thanks!!

Feb 27th

Jeremy Campfield

This is great stuff. In looking at scale diagrams, there doesn't seem to be consensus on what those position names mean. You mention 'Position 1' with first note E has second note G... yet I've seen diagrams showing only two frets on string 6 for position 1. What is the purpose of giving the positions numbers, and where can I find diagrams for the positions you are referring to? Thanks!

Jan 17th

M Morr

yes the person with small hands can get a mini guitar the frets are closer together. It is designed for kids and people with small hands. it is a thing and something people with small hands needs to look into. they are pro guitars and awesome. is a mini scale, scale is about 22.5 and they come in 24 frets.

Sep 17th

M Morr

this was an amazing lecture. thank you. just what I needed to hear.hekps me with align my music goals... applies to a career crisis as well

Jul 13th

M Morr

hi Desi. I gave up guitar in 2016 because I had terrible swelling in hands and joints. including thumb. I finally got it sorted. not arthritic. it was finger tenosynovitis ( trigger finger) from years of computing, driving and guitar. I now do hand therapy, take Meloxicam ( not for everyone) and apply diclofenac sodium cream. I don't like meds but I can play now!!! it was so bad that I would not be able to play. now ok. many musicians get it ... some know what it is, some never figure out what it is. some are plain arthritis. saw an article recently about a musician that has this..and has to resort to singing when the flare up happens.

Jul 13th

M Morr

pretty interesting. I thought learning music through podcast? to my surprise I am learning a ton. so cool and thanks all the hard work you are doing. I am growing.

Jul 11th

Non Ficsean

we're what, 3 questions in? and all I keep hearimg about is your courses. why did you bother with a Q&A? shameless man

Jun 23rd

Non Ficsean

sounds like a commercial not a Q&A

Jun 23rd

Preston Heath

I was worried that I wouldnt be able to follow you without a visual medium, but you explain it in such an accessible way. Thank you so much!

Apr 7th

Alarick Mueller

this is sooooo helpful

Mar 26th

Kalvin Clauer

like this podcast but this episode was disappointing. only played 2 modes and I have no idea how they work. obviously you dont just play one chord for a whole song. what about the song causes it to center around a given chord creating a mode? can you do another explanation?

Mar 17th

kevin ryan

Great podcast been trying to learn this in work the audio actually helps as opposed to video because you have to imagine the fretboard in your head which mikes the content more memorable.

Feb 14th