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Author: John Teague

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Horse’s mouth is a conversational podcast that delves into the life & journey of artists, surfers and beautiful people alike
95 Episodes



Tom Robb is such a good soul and I truly believe if the world had more Tom Robbs than,,,,IDK fill the blanc on Baddies in the world, corporate soul-sucking vampires we'd actually have a shot at world peace, Tom is a self-development coach who works with individuals, schools, and Corporates, runs workshops all over Australia, he's a true humanitarian who has a real taste for adventure, a true inquisitive soul, I hope you enjoy our chat. If you'd like to know more about Tom his website is or Insta @lifeis_theway



What a pleasure it was meeting David and his wife Claudia, thanks so much for the amazing experience and being so welcoming and awesome with me.  David is from Colombia, he now resides in Melbourne with his wife, and what a journey it has been for him, and how life throws us curve balls, David's dream from a young age was to become a Doctor, and he got there with flying colors, But was it enough ? were the lures of prestige and modern world too much? David went to the edge of life and death and is back to tell the story from an amazingly full and rich place he now resides in, in his heart, wiser, happier and still on a healing and being of service to others journey.  Feel so blessed to have met David and Claudia  I hope you enjoy our chat



This chat I had the amazing fortune of speaking with none other than Jack McCoy, For those of you who don't know who Jack is you need to pull your head out of the bloody sand and slap yourself around the face, Jack is probably the most influential surf filmmaker of the past 50 years, his films, the cinematography in and out of the water, music choice and humor all have been game-changing in the industry.  Jacks a long time hero of mine, his films shaped me at a time of my life when I was desperate for an anchor, and my imagination of living a life somewhat like what Jack was portraying in Bunyip Dreaming and The Green Iguana was second to none.  When Jack said yes to having a chat with me I was beyond stoked.  So if you're out there Jack, Thanks so much ! I super enjoyed the hang.  On May 1st Jack starts Australian tour - The 25th Anniversary of the 'Occumentary' , I'll drop a link in here - I'm going to Lorne screening can't wait



Cheyenne is such a present-in-the-moment amazing human, Truly a seeker and or searcher of her soul and the natural world around her. I first noticed her playing with a friend of mine's daughter at the beach and she seemed so free and uninhibited, and I was like is she on Mushrooms, in a joking manner, and my friend laughed and said noooo that's just Cheyenne - She's just free and doesn't care, refreshing yeah, she's on a journey and she's just been in India studying for three months, now visiting Australia, she's hugged 35 million people --- What I spat out ! will she come on the podcast ? Cheyenne is a true beautiful open soul that is going deep with healing and what it means to be a human who truly is connected to a deeper aspect of self that is rarely seen in Western society. I thank you so much for coming over and having a chat Cheyenne



Jamie Powell  I first met Jamie Powell at the Jan Juc Boardriders many moons ago, He told me He like the Horses Mouth so I instantly liked him, it was 3 to 4 ft wild onshore day and He was in my first heat, it was one of those surfs where its hard to see where people are sitting and what they are doing, bit of a washing machine, I managed to see him take off on one and watched him race a section and boost a nice punt, and I thought fuck! who the fuck is this guy.  Jamie is a musician and is in the band 3 Humps on Spotify...check em out they rock ! day he's a civil engineer who works super hard and knows how to grind it out and when he's finished with work ( by night ) he's a rogue underground slab hunter, forever on a mission to jag a cooking left. This podcast is bit of a two-part series, All business up front and party at the back.  I admire the way Jamie gets about and gets it done Thanks heaps for coming over Jamie Powell  Yeeeew



Gerard Black is such a wonderful human, I feel honored to have had a Yak with the great man.  I do love talking to an artist, but especially when they are so connected to land and lineage, there is a real awareness Gerard carries.  Gerard is originally from Worimi Country Newcastle area But has spent most of his time on Wadawurrung land around Torquay, till his latest shift a bit further west. Gerard's art can be found far and wide, to name but a few - Geelong Art Centre, Newcastle Knights jersey, The Australian Open, Xavier Rudd, Patagonia, and on Bodys alike as he and his wife also have a Tidal Tattoo in Torquay. I loved having a yak with Gerard - I hope you enjoy  Cheers Geeeeerrrraaarrd.



Eva hails originally from Sweden but San Fransico is home,  She's an awesome human, driven and on a mission to help others while enjoying her own peace of mind, it hasn't always been this way !!!  we are lucky to have her here in Australia at the moment, and I'm super lucky our lives crossed paths! She's so straight up, authentic, and warm and is doing her best to help people change their lives and move through whatever blocks that may be holding them back. She's had over 30 years in the field of helping and educating people to heal on a multitude of levels but truly loves Somatic healing. I really enjoyed chatting with her. I hope you enjoy our chat.  If you enjoy our chat she can be reached through her website



Hi there welcome to 2024 Horses mouth,  and it's my great pleasure to introduce SHANE RAYMOND, What a bloke, Family man, Boss man at ST Raymond Plumming Torquay, skater, Surfer, Motocross Maddog, Bush Lover, Crossfitter, Boxer, Throw in a bit of Jiu jitz and you've got yourself a modern-day Spartan warrior, with an epic outlook and on life, Raymos a great mate of mine, he's such a rock, no bullshit kinda guy - not scared to talk about the hard things and challenges day to day life throws at us all! He's lived his life thus far on his terms with the throttle on full noise, I don't think he's ever taken a backward step and if I didn't know him the way I do, I'd be a little scared, but scratch the surface and he's one of the most caring and giving people I know.  Hope you enjoy our yarn  yeeew



Robbo hails from the deep southwest of Victoria, yup the hairdresser murder town of Portland, it's a tough old Victorian town that has shaped Robbo you might say, He's one of those guys, head down and gets about his business, And he's in the business of destroying waves, if fact he's so good at doing so that he very nearly won Bells Beach WCT event in 2009 coming through from a wild card with fire in the belly to be pipped at the post by mr smooth Joel Parkinson  - more will be revealed -, His knowledge of destroying waves also had him voted Australian Surf Coach of the year in 2021, huge accomplishment and honor when you think how many surfers and coaches there are on our gigantic island home, he's currently CEO of Surfing Victoria loves his job and family and was an honor to have as a guest in the Horses Mouth  Thanks, Robbo



Hi There and thanks for Tuning in, This Episode I talk with Graeme Stockton, Graeme is the real deal when it comes to walking the walk. He does so much behind the scenes to care for the land we live and love on! He is a super-intelligent human who is so intune with the Natural world we tramps around on, he cares so much for the natural world and the Symbios it represents to humanity and our plight. Think Global Act Local is Graeme to a Tee.  As we press on and heat up I think these conversations are paramount ! I hope you enjoy our chat  Thanks Graeme



Xavier Morello is one of those guys, I like bumping into, He is a family man, who's always up to something and always has something funny to talk about.  He's always on a family adventure of some sort, mold certainly doesn't grow under the Morello's feet or he's driving around in a hugely pimped and colorful Wildlife Xposure van - a Bit of a local Steve Irwin you might say ! quite enthusiastic like Steve too !!!  We chat in the surf a lot and Xav is always up for a creative yarn, he's got a wide scope of intelligence and intuition and often leaves me scratching my head --- But I didn't quite know exactly what he was doing with all the animals I'd see him with in pictures on the social medias, So I thought what better opportunity than to get him in for a chat on Horses Mouth! So chat it up we did! I hope you enjoy our yarn and idle through Xav's life with a few laughs along the way ! Thanks Xav



Sean Doherty is a journalist, surfer, father, partner, corporate watchdog, owner of Surfing World magazine ( now longest running Australian surfing mag ), head of brand engagement at Patagonia Australia, he's chairperson at Surfrider Foundation Australia, he's seriously a force, with close to 50k followers @seano888 Instagram he's a real pain in the ass if you're in the fossil fuel industry or a politician who's not got our best interests at heart. Seans is a real humanitarian - who really cares about the planet we inhabit and our connection to it, and I love talking to him, the cut of his jib is no bullshit and stands behind his words.  I hope you enjoy our chat  Cheer again Sean



This week I had the good fortune of chatting with Sue Brooks, Sue is such an amazing creative, gentle soul that loves storytelling and all that goes along with it, She's a Director, Writer, Producer, Photographer, and Gardner -  lover of nature and the coast. She's directed some amazing films such as Japanese Story and Looking for Grace to name but a couple and worked with some of Australia's best Actors, writers, and producers.  If you'd like to see Sue's and Alison's Film Japanese Story which is screening at the Melbourne Film Festival which starts next week. it's screening on the 6th Aug 4.30 pm below is the link. She's a force of nature if you look at the body of work behind her and know the industry it's truly impressive. I really feel honored know and to have had Sue pop in for a cuppa and chat with me in the Horse's mouth, so thanks Sue, and hope you enjoy our chat. She's a force of nature if you look at the body of work behind her and know the industry it's truly impressive. I really feel honored to know and to have had Sue pop in for a cuppa and chat with me in the Horse's mouth, so thanks Sue, and hope you enjoy our chat.



Mark Willett is a dude whos been on one hell of a ride ! literally and figuratively. Such a great guy is Mark, I met Mark through surfing and chatting at 13th Beach and have kept in touch ever since., He's been a super supportive person to me on my journey with Horse's Mouth which I just love. Helps keep me inspired.  During this chat Mark tells me about his growing up and how in a way following his heart and finding a life on and around the ocean has given him a life beyond his wildest dreams, He's surfed all over the world and been  / still is a professional sailor who's raced sailboats around the globe, in waters and storms that'd have you wishing you were curled up at the feet of your parent's bed wishing it was just a bad dream! Alas it isn't and you gotta pony up ( my words not his )  Mark, Mick Sowry, and Jock Serong have an amazing magazine called Great Ocean it truly is a beautiful publication  This one will be a blockbuster, showcasing the Great Southern Reef alongside all those regular GOQ morsels of deliciousness: Featured Feathers and Fins, the Church of The Open Sky, Bandini, Mislaid Books and more. Get your pre order at



Welcome to episode 83 where I had the pleasure of talking with none other than BUTTERS - Dave Butterworth is such a good lad, living a life of creativity, following his heart through school, Modern dance, Uni, Band life, the 90s, RRR radio host, Surfer - Butters is a man after my own heart !!! Seemingly always lived just going with what the heart wants for better or worse.  It was such an Honour to have Butters in, He really is a rockstar whose thirst for music and creativity is palpable, we meander conversationally through Dave's life and his latest life-changing challenge, he's truly had his back up against it. To see him yesterday totally up and about knowing what his last few years have been like is truly inspirational - BUTTERS Thanks so much for coming over    *Just for clarity early in the piece, we chat about Joy Clarke's podcast and I couldn't remember the schools that witnessed the biggest  UFO sighting in Australian History  - Westall - !!!   *The Double Agents, Best bits so far... Album launch  - The Northcote social club Friday 14th July 8.30 pm  Be there or be square    *The Great Ocean (Quarterly), Get Around the Boys - Mark Willett Mick Sowry, and Jock Serong head to and get your pre-order today



Darren Dickson 'Surfboards' is one of those guys - who is human after all ! the guy for as long as I've known him has a smile on his face and is always stoked and up for a chat! But when I bumped into him late last year he was more than stoked -  it was his first surf back after a pretty heavy procedure in Hospital and it was his first surf back! in 6 months and he was soooo STOKED ! Dicko is one of those people on the coast who the grommet inside never left, He's a wealth of knowledge and a master craftsman of as they say in the industry 'Mowin foam' shaping surfboards.  He's always on the go, so when the doctors told him to take it easy, I've no doubt it was a tough pill to swallow.  But he's back and up to his usual self mowin foam and hitting the road in search of uncrowded waves... I hope you enjoy our chat on the life and times of Darren Dickson



Michael Judd is one of those guys, just one of those guys, now I hate to use the pun or the phrase or even manifest such an ordeal BUT Juddy is just one of those guys you'd like to have in the trenches with you if it ever came to that, he's a scrapper, hard worker, noble, honest caring and knows the fragility of life,,, he's a hard at it kinda guys which you will soon realise listening to our chat. He works hard for his family and the community we call home, he's the founder of a group here called Diig Wellbeing, its to help blokes out on many levels, including nutrition, knowledge on many levels of growth and conversation based on the pillars of life, with guest speakers from far and wide or just somewhere to go and have a yak on a Sunday night, this movement has been sporn out of tragedy for the Judd family and its Juddys mission to help his fellow man after losing his daughter Estella. I hope you enjoy our chat as much as I enjoyed having it  yeeew



This Horses Mouth I had the pleasure of speaking with non-other than the creator of Mind head Magazine Olie Georgiou, Olie is truly living his dream, He has spawn an amazing magazine that focuses on art and Culture, it's a non-commercial look at what's real and great between the cracks of an ever marching corporate sensitive and at all cost please the sponsors kind of world, Olie doesn't subscribe to such horse shit, and if you don't either go to and grab yourself a quality publication or some merch you won't regret it.  Olie is such a vibrant dude always a pleasure to bump into in the surf or out and about, he's always out there milking the day. I hope you enjoy our chat



Doug 'Claw' Warbrick  Recently turned 80 - hard to believe! he still has a cheeky and energetic demeanor who still cares about the ocean and the future of surfing today as much as he did probably 65 years ago. Claw is an enigmatic soul whose vision and dedication have helped further / Shift and pioneer professional surfing where it is today. He co-founded Ripcurl in 1969 with Brian ‘Sing Ding’ Singer and they truly never looked back. Claw's vision is apparent from a young age and through hard work and dedication the stars seriously aligned or maybe it was just written in the stars! It seems he was hell-bent on an ocean way of life long before there was an industry or a pot to piss in.  I still remember Claw coming into the shop ( Ripcurl ) when I worked there in the late 90s just to ask how everything is going and showing interest in all levels of the business and I remember thinking through red eyes how impressive that was. I hope you enjoy our chat 



In this Horses mouth I had the pleasure of chatting to Western Australian charger Ollie Henry, He's a professional surfer sponsored to chase waves and do his thing by Rusty - Ollie is one of those guys who gets the job done. Example we were chatting cars after our chat out on the street - I asked him if he had a duel battery as I know he spends a lot of time on the road camping and chasing slabs, he said no,,, would like one but its bucks at the moment I don't wanna spend - you can still go bush and camp and do all the things you need without one ----- I love this attitude as I thought ahhh I cant go long range without one --- get the job done with what you have at hand !!! you don't need all the bells and whistles you just need a sense of adventure and a set of gonads If you're chasing the sort of slabs Ollie is after !!! Not to be sexist but the guy is next fucken level and it's a saying more than anything re Gonad Man... bla bla bla  Ollie is good fucken people and I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out and chatting - I hope you enjoy our yak !
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