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Hannah and Erik Go Birding

Hannah and Erik Go Birding

Author: Hannah Buschert and Erik Ostrander

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Hannah and Erik love to spend their free time adventuring and birding. Join them as they discuss their most recent adventures and other birding topics. They are not experts but are always game to learn and experience new things. Connect with us on all the socials or send an email to:
175 Episodes
We had a day off from the Morro Bay Birding Festival, so we decided to see what else the surrounding area has to offer. It did not disappoint! Elephant Seals to the north, Monarchs and the Madonna Inn to the south, and a whole bunch of wild landscapes to the east. Main Story Begins at: 6:20 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Spring Chirp Piedras Blancas The Life of a Female Northern Elephant Seal Carrizo Plain National Monument Pismo Beach Monarchs Madonna Inn eBird ...
The Morro Bay Birding Festival along the California Coast has been around for over 28 years! This year, we decided to see what the buzz is all about. Main Story Begins at: 10:37 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Spring Chirp Spark Bird Morro Rock Morro Bay Bird Festival Rose’s Bar and Grill Three Stacks and a Rock Bobolink festival app eBird Trip Report Birds/Animals mentioned Sea Otter Peregrine Falcon White-throated Swift Intro Bird Call: Canyon Wren (Recorded: Morro B...
Hannah has always wanted to visit the famed Sandia Crest on the mountains overlooking Albuquerque, New Mexico for the chance to see three species of Rosy-Finch. Well, we finally had our chance! Listen in to see how we did. Main Story Begins at: 8:37 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Spring Chirp Sandia Crest history of feeding station Hotel Zazz Great Backyard Bird Count Bosque Brewery Tractor Brewery Flying Star Bakery eBird Trip Report Birds/Animals mentioned Gray-crowned Rosy-Fi...
More Birds, Less Mosquitoes

More Birds, Less Mosquitoes


The Hawaiian Honeycreepers are facing extinction, and there are some great researchers and conservationists working hard to do something about that. We talked with a few of these folks to hear what they are doing to conserve these species and then went out to see what honeycreepers we could find. Main Story Begins at: 3:52 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Flock To Marion AGAIN Spring Chirp Jen Kindell Art Kauai forest bird recovery website American Bird Conservancy Alakai Swamp Trail Koke’e ...
Kauai has a lot to offer: exciting birds, scenic views, good surf, and more! The island's north side has some excellent birding spots where we saw a few lifers. Thanks to Jen Kindell for sponsoring this month's Bird Nerd Giveaway! Main Story Begins at: 9:07 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Flock To Marion AGAIN Spring Chirp Jen Kindell Art Albatross Network Video Kilauea Lighthouse Hanalei NWR Hawaiian state fish Erik Abel Art The Plight of the Nene Tahiti Nui eBird Trip Report Bird...
Hannah and Erik met up with renowned albatross conservationist and advocate, Hob Osterlund, to learn all about Laysan Albatross and their status in Kauai. Main Story Begins at: 9:22 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Flock To Marion AGAIN International Conference for Women Birders Spring Chirp Shorebirds being uplisted Albatross network video Birds/Animals mentioned Laysan Albatross Intro Bird Call: Laysan Albatross (Recorded: Kauai, Hawaii December 2024) ...
We've been to the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival for many years and each one is different! This time we were able to explore the Bahia Grande unit of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge and see more of the Santa Margarita Ranch. No matter how much you explore the Rio Grande Valley, there is always more to see. Main Story Begins at: 8:33 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Flock To Marion AGAIN International Conference for Women Birders Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival Bahia G...
On first glance, Willacy County in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas doesn't have much to offer. The surrounding counties have many more birds and eBird checklists to fill your time. But these country roads are filled with oases and lots of birds. Main Story Begins at: 9:30 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Flock To Marion AGAIN International Conference for Women Birders Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival Extinction of Slender-Billed Curlew Station 1 Bar and Grill Hugh Ramsey Nature Park L...
We finish up our Brazil adventure by checking out the famed Meeting of the Waters, head up to Balbina to work with some budding birders, and then finish it off with rodizio pizza. Brazil is an incredible birding destination with so much to see and do - add it to your list! And a HUGE thanks goes out to Kowa Sporting Optics, ABA Birders' Exchange program, and many of our listeners who donated supplies that will make a difference in the lives of the Associação Guarda Parque do Amazonas, ...
Birding from the forest floor only gets you a small view of what's going on in the canopy. Forest towers are a great way to see more of the birdlife up and down the trees with hawks and swifts up in the sky, foraging flocks mid-canopy, and woodcreepers below the crown. Maira, Alen, and Hannah also chat about their experience on an all-women birding trip. Main Story Begins at: 9:07 Interview with Maira and Alen at: 45:30 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Birding is the world Brazil Oc...
Did you know that the Amazon Rainforest is home to one-third of all species on earth? It has incredible birds, bugs, mammals, plant-life, and more! Listen in as we tell you about exploring Novo Airão and Rio Negro. Show notes Buy me a Coffee Birding is the world Brazil October Big Day 2024 trip report for gobirdingteam Flock To Marion Again IC4WB RGVBF Cirandiera Bela Lodge eBird Trip Report: Birds/Animals mentioned Spot-breasted Woodpecker: ...
Birding in Brazil has been on our schedule for more than a year... and it's finally here! Our first stop: Presidente Figueiredo. Located in the state of Amazonas, Presidente Figueiredo is known as the Land of Waterfalls due to its abundance of water, jungle, caves, waterfalls (over 100!), and geological sites. Ecotourism is growing in this area for it's stunning natural sites and incredible birding. Main story begins at: 13:20 Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival Morro B...
Finishing up our last few days in Costa Rica, we spent a day at the beautiful Hotel Quelitales (including an incredible lunch) and then headed west for some backcountry road birding. Relying on eBird hotspots, we found a few interesting spots, including an overgrown adventure park. Main Story Begins at: 5:30 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Birding is the world Brazil Flock To Marion Again IC4WB RGVBF Hotel Quelitales Sandy Komito eBird Trip Report Birds/Animals mentioned Barred Antshrike ...
We had a free day when we first arrived to Costa Rica. So we scoped out a cool botanical garden, a coffee farm that works towards being bird-friendly, and an amazing hotel with birding gardens! FYI we talk a lot about the logistics of our first-time in Costa Rica on our own with cars and driving. Main Story Begins at: 10:35 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Birding is the world Brazil Flock To Marion Again IC4WB Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival Café Cristina Hotel Bou...
Most birders know that Costa Rica is the place to go. So many birds in a diversity of habitats - you could spend your whole life exploring it! We spent several days at the world-renowned Rancho Naturalista and were lucky to see so many beautiful birds and places. Main Story Begins at: 6:50 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Birding is the World Brazil Flock To Marion Again International Conference for Women Birders Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival Rancho Naturalista Bocadito Del Ciel...
Adam Cayton-Holland is known for his stand-up comedy (most recent special Wallpaper can be found on Amazon Prime); his sitcom, Those Who Can't; or tragi-comedy book, Tragedy Plus Time. But did you know that he is also a birder? Listen in as he tells about how he going into comedy and birding, the celebrity birding scene, and how birding has impacted his life. Main Story Begins at: 11:26 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Birding is the world Brazil Flock To Marion Again IC4WB Rio Grande Vall...
Central Oregon has so much to offer! Woodpeckers, empids, and owls - galore! The Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival takes place at the end of May and highlights some of the great birding spots in the area. We lead a few trips as part of the festival, drank good beers, and did a bit of birding on our own. Main Story Begins at: 11:32 Show notes: Buy me a Coffee Birding is the world Brazil Flock To Marion Again IC4WB RGVBF AOS Checklist proposals AOS Checklist proposals simplifi...
We explored a variety of quality levels of the Sagebrush Steppe ecosystem in central Oregon to see how conservationists are working towards improving areas for Greater Sage-Grouse. Stu, a retired physician and passionate botanist, showed us what to look for in quality habitat and what the conservation work being done. Main Story Begins at: 6:50 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Birding is the World Brazil Flock To Marion Again International Conference for Women Birders Rio Grande Valley Bi...
In advance of our repositioning cruise, we had a few days to bird around LA. We've been there a few times before to bird, so we were searching for new spots and new birds. That drew us to Chino Hills State Park which is a great place for wildflowers, hiking, and Black-chinned Sparrows. Before jumping on the cruise, we had some time to spend at El Dorado Regional Park. *the name of the museum we were trying to recall is Arizona Sonora Desert Museum - thanks Taylor! Add...
I know what you are thinking: "another cruise, really?!?" Hear us out - this one is birdy. Spring repositioning cruises along the west coast of the US offer a good chance at seeing some of the pelagic species that are tough otherwise. Listen in for our trip on the Sapphire Princess in search of petrels. Main Story Begins at: 12:05 Show notes Buy me a Coffee Venmo Birding is the world Brazil Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival Flock To Marion Again Amberwing Studios Bin...