Happier Hour

<p>Grab a drink. Schedule a therapy session. Text your ex. 23 hours of your day may have been miserable, but the hour you spend with Greyson Hoelzel, will always be a Happier Hour. </p>

Episode 1: Oh Boy, Another Straight White Male Podcast.

Welcome to the first inaugural episode of Happier Hour. I am so glad you made it. If you didn't listen to the full episode, why do you hate me? This first episode is not my best work but I promise I will get better! Follow me on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/greysonhoelzelFollow me on Tik Tok:https://www.tiktok.com/@greysonhoelzelWatch on Youtube:https://youtube.com/@greysonhoelzel_live?si=_fPwVX33e1kySt0AIf you love me you'll tell your friends!


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