Happier with Hazel

Wouldn’t it be great if you could be more calm and relaxed, less anxious and stressed, feel happier and live your best life - but self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, anxiety, stress, phobias and unhelpful habits just get in the way. Each week Hazel McCallum, experienced Coach and Hypnotherapist, will give you tips and techniques, and occasionally invite experts in their field, to help you overcome the challenges you face, manage anxiety and stress and take the first steps on the road to being a happier, healthier version of you. If you know you’re not living as your best self then this is the podcast for you!

Surviving and Thriving After A Breakup

Are you licking your wounds because someone broke up with you or did you do the breaking up but you’re still sad.  In this podcast I’m going to tell you how you can survive a break up – it doesn’t have to be the end of the world, destroy your confidence or leave you scarred.  I’m going to help you navigate the choppy waters of true love.  ‘Breaking up is hard to do’ as the song goes and it can feel like that.  First of all, whether you’re the one who did the breaking up or were broken up with accept that you are going to experience a roller coaster of emotions.  Even if you were the one who wanted to leave, even if it’s the best thing you could have done, even if all your friends and family are popping the champagne as they always knew that he/she wasn’t good enough for you, there’s still loss.  But there are things you can do to make it easier so listen up.  


How to know if you're stressed so you can get better at it.

Stress has a habit of creeping up on us and it can easily go unnoticed because we have busy lives and its only when its causing real problems with our health, relationships, in work that we are forced to acknowledge it.  But by recognising it as early as you can,  knowing the various guises it shows up as means you can think about doing something about it.  We can’t change what we don’t know so being aware is the very first, important step to managing your stress in a whole new way - and even learning to use it to your advantage!  In this episode I’ll tell you about the signs and symptoms of stress then, next week, I’ll go through ways you can turn stress around and begin to take control of IT instead of it controlling YOU.  


Procrastination; the real reason you do it and how to overcome it.

Do you put things off, then miss your chance or you’re scrabbling at the last minute? Sick of never getting things done and wasting energy on worrying about it? In this episode I explore why we procrastinate and how you can overcome it to get done the things you want to – to get the life you want. What are you waiting for? Listen now!


Easy Mindfulness (even if you tried and failed before!)

Would you like to try mindfulness but don’t know how? Or you’ve tried and found it too hard and you’ve given up?  Listen here for easy ways to practice mindfulness without sitting and struggling for hours. With suggestions for short practices you can fit into your daily routine and a couple of longer, guided meditations for you to try.  Get the benefits of increased focus and concentration, be more present and alert and enjoy mindfulness without the stress.   


Are you lonesome tonight?

We all feel lonely from time to time. I know I have in the past and more recently too. Feelings of loneliness are personal, so everyone’s experience of loneliness will be different.One common description of loneliness is the feeling we get when our need for rewarding social contact and relationships is not met, it can be like a physical pain affecting our focus, our decision making and even our health. But loneliness is not always the same as being alone.You may choose to be alone and live happily without much contact with other people, while others may find this a lonely experience.Or you may have lots of social contact, or be in a relationship or part of a family, and still feel lonely – especially if you don’t feel understood or cared for by the people around you Learn more about loneliness and what you can do about it in this recent episode.   


Have yourself a peaceful little Christmas – how to do Christmas without strangling anyone or losing your mind.

Take the stress out of Christmas.  Learn how to be less stressed, more calm and contented over Christmas.  We put so much pressure on ourselves to get Christmas right that it can take all the fun and pleasure out of it.  We run around decorating, shopping, socialising so that by the time Christmas arrives we’re all knackered.  Do it differently this year. Take the drama out of Christmas so that you can actually enjoy it.  I will give you four techniques to help you to be more calm, less anxious, less stressed and less likely to blow a fuse over the festive season. 


Even more Happy!

Last week I gave you suggestions for changes you can make to raise your set point for happiness, your Happiness Quotient.  This week I continue on this theme with yet more suggestions so that you can pick the right one for you. Or maybe you want to try more than one.  It’s up to you – but listen in for great tips to make stunning changes to your life and your happiness, and how this can help you to be less anxious and stressed. 


How to be happier, more of the time.

Being happy is good for us and good for society. Happy people generate feelings of acceptance, appreciation, openness, gratitude, and trust and less hostility, defensiveness, resentment and judgement. We have a set point for happiness, our Happiness Quotient that we return to after good or bad things happen to us. Some have a lower HQ because of genetics or environment.  But you can cultivate a higher HQ and that’s what I’m going to talk about for the next two shows because there are so many ways you can  learn how to raise your HQ and experience greater happiness, less stress and less anxiety. 


Is striving to be happy what we should be doing or is it making us more unhappy?

If I asked you if you’re happy, what would you say?  Yes, no, sometimes, never, always?  When people are asked what they want for their children, their family, their friends it’s usually ‘I just want them to be happy’.  But what is happiness and should we be spending so much money, time and energy in order to pursue it? Why are some people happier than others, no matter what life throws at them?  In this episode I'll talk about why we’re all under so much pressure to be happy, that we shouldn’t even be happy all the time and how struggling to reach happiness is doing the opposite - and making us all anxious, stressed and unhappy. But it’s not all gloom and doom – listen in to learn how you can be happier.  


Are You Burned Out? 10 Ways To Tackle It And Feel Better

If you feel stressed, anxious, exhausted, starting to hate your job, and beginning to feel less capable at work, you are showing signs of burnout. But what causes it and what can you do about it?  Listen to this week’s episode when I’ll be discussing burn out and 10 practical tips to tackle it. 


Successful Women 50% More Stressed than Men. Is This You?

Success seems to be more stressful for women, but it often goes unrecognised and undiagnosed leading to burn out, stress related illness and exhaustion.  Find out if you have signs of dangerous levels of stress and what you can do about it. Whether it’s you or someone you know that’s under pressure, man or woman, you need to know how to understand stress so that you can do something about it – before it’s too late. 


Why strong emotions make us stupid and how you can ‘do’ emotions better

Have you ever been swept away with emotion.  It feels like you can’t control it and you can’t think straight, it feels overwhelming.  Maybe you freeze or burst into tears and afterwards you feel silly, exhausted and embarrassed.  You see strong emotions, when we don’t manage them, make us stupid and hijack our thinking. But it doesn’t have to be like this.  You can get better at recognising and managing your yourself so you understand your emotions and you never have to risk being paralysed or swept away by them again. 


Easing Anxious Thoughts - How to still the negative chatter in your head

Have you ever struggled with negative, internal, incessant chatter? A brain that just never seems to shut up or tire of beating you up? And do you ever worry about how many negative thoughts you have?  Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to talk about this week where I’ll be telling you why you get this radio gaga in your head and what you can do to make it a little bit more helpful and less destructive. 


Get a Grip on Anxiety!

Have you ever struggled with anxiety or maybe you’ve got some stuff going on and you’re wondering if it’s anxiety related? Well, if the answer is ‘Yes’ then you’re in the right place as that’s exactly what I’m talking about on this week’s show.  Anxiety can show up in many different ways so you may not realise that what you are going through is anxiety related – or maybe you know you have anxiety and you want some help to manage it more effectively.  Listen in to learn more about anxiety and I’ll be giving three tips you can use so that from today you can start to take control of your anxiety, instead of it controlling you.   


Do Holidays Make You Anxious?

Have you ever struggled with anxiety about going on holiday?, Maybe you get nervous booking it, stressed about the packing and everything there is to do before you go and then when you get there you go and get sick. Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to help you with on this week’s show, where you’ll learn ten top tips to help you look forward to holidays as a fun time, instead of dreading them. If you’re about to head off on a well-deserved, much needed holiday - but are feeling strangely stressed about it rather than excited, don’t worry, you’re not alone - it’s more common than you might think. 


Coming Soon! Happier with Hazel

Wouldn’t it be great if you could be more calm and relaxed, less anxious and stressed, feel happier and live your best life. I’m Hazel McCallum, an experienced Coach,  Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and wise woman, and I want to invite you to my podcast where each week I’ll give you tips and techniques to help you overcome the challenges you face  - so that you can take the first steps on your journey to being a happier, healthier version of you.  So subscribe now and let’s get you on the way to being Happier with Hazel. 


Surviving and Thriving Despite Loneliness

If you’re lonely then you’ll know how physical it can feel, how painful.  Maybe you don’t know why, and you’re not even very comfortable talking about it, then you’re not alone.  It’s a subject we don’t care to discuss much, even with our friends, because people often feel a sense of shame confessing to it.  It can feel like admitting to the world that you’re a failure, a loser, you’re not enough, not normal, not like other people, there’s something wrong with you. But, it’s so common and it’s reaching epidemic proportions, affecting our health and wellbeing, and society too, but it’s something we often avoid bringing into the open. In this episode I’m going to help you better understand the loneliness you feel.


Surviving and Thriving In A Pandemic

If you’re sick of the restrictions, struggling with anxiety and feeling despair because you can’t see any end of it stay with me because I’m going to talk about something that can help you to get through the pandemic and emerge stronger than before.  I specialise in helping people with anxiety, overwhelm, low self-confidence and any other issue that stops them from living their dream life and in this episode I’m going to talk you through an exercise that will help you through this challenging time.  If you’re sick of the restrictions, struggling with anxiety and feeling despair because you can’t see any end of it, stay with me because I’m going to talk about something that can help you to get through the pandemic and emerge stronger than before. I’m going to talk you through an exercise that may help you through this challenging time. 


Surviving and Thriving In Winter

 If you can feel your mood plummeting and you are tired of winter already, If you can only see the dark, the cold, the rain, gloom and doom and can’t wait for it to be over, you’re in the right place.  I’m going to tell you how you can make winter much more bearable. And even enjoy it! In this episode I’ll help you reframe how you think about winter so that you could enjoy it more and not wish your life away - and how doing this can help with any challenge you face in life. So listen in for top tips on how to survive and even thrive this winter. 


Heading in the right direction? Or do you need to change lanes?

Have you ever had the sensation of looking at your life and wondering – what happened? How did I end up here?  Or maybe you know you are not in the right lane, there’s another life you want to be living.   You can see it but its are just out of reach and you ask yourself, why am I here, why am I not there?In this week’s episode I’ll be sharing my story of how I radically changed lanes and what may be holding you back from finding your true direction – and what you can do about it.This is for anyone who may be at a crossroads of their life, or lost their way and doesn’t know what to do next or just woken up to the fact that the life they are living is not their authentic one. 


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