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Author: Sam Bowker

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Live your life HappyAF with weekly podcasts from Sam Bowker
18 Episodes
They say that Procrastination is the Thief of Time. In this episode Sam shares the poorly kept secret that she is a Master Procrastinator.As always Sam finds the positive in this time-wasting habit: as a superstar procrastinator she’s learned how you can overcome the habit and, in the process, turn your life around.If you have ever thought you should put off till tomorrow something you know you should do today, then this is an episode you should watch immediately, don’t put it off, watch it now. 



How do you decide what to focus on? Do you have clearly defined goals or do you let others set your priorities. Do you write your goals down? Are they SMART goals?In this episode, Sam talks about a recent goal she achieved and the process she used to achieve a long standing ambition.If you ever wanted to achieve something but fell short, or if you have a burning ambition but you're not sure where to start the journey. Tune in to this episode of HappyAF.
How do you experience happiness?What rules do have for experiencing happiness?Are your rules setting you up for success or are your rules making happiness illusive.In today´s episode Sam talks about the rules that we impose on ourselves and how they affect every aspect of our lives. Learn how to create rules that support your mission, set yourself up for success, and make your life better in the process. Listen now and get on the happiness bandwagon.
Ask any photographer, change your lens, and you will change the picture.We all view life through our own personal lens, Every lens is different, fashioned by our unique experience.How clear is your lens? Does it mask your Kryptonite?In this episode, Sam talks about the many lenses we use to look at life. How we can adjust our vision and how our lenses can highlight the things in our life we need to change. When we look at life and feel uncomfortable, is it just a poorly wrapped gift, just a sign that we are growing?If you're feeling discomfort in any aspect of your life, this is an unmissable episode.
What's Your Poison

What's Your Poison


Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll, Porn, Alcohol and Tobacco the list is almost endless, and most people suffer from one or more addiction. Is addiction always negative? Gym Junkies for example, train obsessively to make their bodies super fit and there are people obsessive about improving their mind.In this episode, Sam unpacks the addiction conundrum and asks What’s Your Poison. Don’t miss it.Watch Happy AF Show every Thursday at Mindset Warriors. #happyaftv#HappyAF#episode31#addiction#sambowker#mindsetcoach#happyuhq
Unlimited Confidence

Unlimited Confidence


Building Confidence is a  powerful step towards achieving all your goals, all your dreams, the life you desire. Follow the steps in this PDF and build the confidence you need to sustain your progress. episode talks all about Confidence and how you can go from Limited to Limitless. Enjoy Watching x
When you have a Vision the rest of your life falls into place. You know where you are going, you know what to do and you are confident of reaching your chosen destination. Follow the steps in the PDF and don't forget to share your successes with me and the rest of the HappyAF Tribe.You can download the Vision PDF and Ultimate Vision Hypnosis session with this link. Enjoy XXX



Showing Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to increase your store of Happiness. Its a technique that has a long history. It was practised by the Greeks, and it's a cornerstone of the major religions. In this episode, Sam talks about the positive effects of Gratitude and how we can add this useful technique to our lives. She has also created a PDF and Hypnosis session to complement the podcast. You can download it here
2003 Challenge

2003 Challenge


Its already the last day of January, Christmas is long gone, and for most of us New Year with its solemn resolutions is long gone too. In this episode, Sam suggests that now, when the dust has finally settled, is the right time to make a serious change to the habits that are not serving us.One way is to swap the bad habit for a good one. Do it for thirty days, and there is a good chance you will continue. Don't miss this episode.
You will miss 100 percent of the opportunities that come your way if you don't take them up. Some will be good opportunities, some not so good, but worrying about what other people think about your actions means you will miss too many opportunities. In this episode, Sam talks about how you overcome the fear and do it anyway.
We all have an Inner Critic, an annoying little voice that pipes up in our heads whenever we are about to do something interesting. Your Inner Critic is driven by fear.  It's job is to keep you safe, and more often than not its in overdrive whenever you do anything is new.In this Podcast, Sam talks about the Inner Critic and how you can keep it in check. In fact, if you follow her suggestions, you can make Fear your Superpower. 
 If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.But, even when you know where you are going, having a desire, a dream, a vision is not enough.Life will test your commitment; life will weigh your desire; life will evaluate your vision.And when that happens, you need to show life your totally focussed, unequivocal self.In this episode, Sam talks about the power of commitment, the ability to take life on, and win.Don’t miss it. 
 There are so many things in life that are out of our control. We can react against them, or we can let them go. We can get angry, get even, or get on with the one thing we can control, ourselves. Learn to honour your emotions, learn how to self-sooth and become like Teflon, impervious. In this episode, Sam talks about how you can become a self-soothing superstar. 



Life, as John Lennon famously noted, is what happens when you're making other plans.  You can either break down, or break through. In this episode, Sam talks about the quality of being RELENTLESS, moving forward, focused on your goals, despite all the barriers that life inevitably puts in your way.
 What does happiness mean to you? What is the meaning of success? Are they the same thing, two sides of the same coin, or can you have one without having the other? This episode talks about Happiness, Success, and how you can create a vision and successfully manifest it. A vision that will make you HappyAF, don’t miss it. 
What are you prepared to do to get where you want to go?What is the most important thing you can do today to move your dial forward?Do you say Yes, then figure out the details?or, do you need all your ducks in a row before you commit?In this episode, Sam shares some insights about playing the game of life at full speed. Making a commitment and doing whatever you need to do to make it happen. What crazy things are you prepared to do to achieve your dreams? Don´t miss Sam´s take on playing to win!
Most of us try to sleep 8 hours a day. It should be part of our self-care program, but when things go sideways, or even when they don't, the first thing to go out the window is our self-care program. We stop eating correctly, indulge a bit too much, and often we trim back our sleeping. In this episode, Sam talks about self care and the recent epiphany she had with regards to sleep. If you're struggling with self-care or feel guilty about wasting time in bed, Sam's advice will put you back on track.
 How do you measure your success?Do you compare your achievements with your friends, your family, or even your heroes?Or do you embrace your unique self?Does comparison help or hinder your progress?In this episode, Sam talks about the importance of accepting and celebrating your own unique identity. How to avoid the trap of comparisonitis. How to create your own path, one that will lead you to a successful HappyAF life. 