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Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid

Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid

Author: Head-ON

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Join the Hillbilly Liberal Elite squad with Robyn Kincaid - Weekdays 5-8 PM Eastern
1464 Episodes
Sometimes, we just have to talk ....
Guilty, Guilty, GUILTY!
I'm back and Podbean sux

I'm back and Podbean sux


Missed y'all!
Louisiana goddamn. Nullification is a thing . . . a thing that must needs be stomped . . . or burnt. General Sherman, where are you?
Sammy BadBreath apparently has more flag problems. The House is in ever increasing MAGAT chaos. Mullah Moses Mike is hemorrhaging staff. Former ethics czar for Dim Leader says Sammy BadBreath and Fappy Thomas must recuse themselves. Ireland, Norway, and Spain all recognize Palestinian statehood. Netanyahoo throws a fit. 
Chicken Don chickens out. The jury will get the case after they've been bored to tears, er, instructed. Jasmine Crockett stays on the offensive against Sporkfoot. Israel's fascist crackdown against journalists continues. PsychoBibi declares that his arrest warrant is "the new antisemitism." Sure, Bibi. Court documents show the  Saudis were up to their eyes in 9/11. North Carolinastan attacks cancer patients. MAGAT J6 terrorist tells Judge Chutkan he ain't a'feared of prison cuz Trump's gonna pardon him.
Hopefully, this time it works.
Y'all, I apologize. I put this up on Friday evening and . . . something.  Thanks to those who let me know it never made it to the online universe. 
No trial news today, but Nitwit Nero still has problems. Dragging all those MAGAT politicians to NYC to kiss his hairy, orange toe may not have been such a good idea. The NY Times gets called out in a big way for its rotten polling. Democrats are feeling their oats in the House and throwing so much shade at Gym "Jacket Off" Jordan that he may freeze. Biden's now actively daring Tangerine Tiberius to debate. 
File's an hour short. I was kinda addled. Sorry. Your 'umble 'ostess went across the river to watch her returns.  Then she left., Better to watch this stuff at home.   
This trial, this exercise in showing the world the vulgar ugliness of one rotten human being is, frankly, exhausting. Unlike OJ, we don't even have his past athletic glories to appreciate. All we have is the long con and the perversions of Melanie's Husband. Yeah, cuz SHE came up with "locker room talk." Melanoma has never NOT been toxic, but she just keeps getting worse. She may actually finally morph into Joann Rowling. Who knows? Wouldn't she be funny with a posh British accent?
Friday. Last day of the week of Nitwit Nero going to pieces . . . and taking his lawyers with him.  Hoping to see the Aurora Borealis for the first time this evening. 
When life imitates art . . . and not in a good way. Nitwit Nero throws a bash for the rubes. Little Borron enters the political fray. Brainworm Bobby gives the game away babbling at Ari Melber. Sekint Minmint Feedum breaks out all over the place. A Covidiot doc gets her medical license back in THE Buckeye State.  A dummied up "controversy" ensnares Justice Engoron.
Big news from President Biden. He's stated publicly that he will end arms shipments to Bibi's fascist government if they invade Rafah. Other big news: Sporkfoot gets humiliated in her fool's errand to oust Mullah Moses Mike. Workplace hell in Virginia, Iowa, and Florida. We had child labor laws for a reason. Workers need water in hot workplaces for a reason. Israeli Knesset Member declares "the U.S. doesn't deserve to be called a friend of Israel. The opioid crisis finds more victims in a tiny West Virginia county. Russia possibly planning micro-incursions in to NATO member territory.
It got ugly today in a certain Manhattan courtroom. Tangerine Tiberius was cussing loudly enough at his liars, er, lawyers, that the jury could hear him. Judge Merchan "warned" his pettifogger that it was "contemptuous." Cicada broods are amazing. Who knew chickadees were "insects?" Editors weep (though they be an endangered species). 
Sometimes Moran MoNdAy feels like something automatic. Oof. It's getting weird(er).
Klannie Grannie gets juiced. Keep your children the hell AWAY from "Youth Ministers." Utah bigots get  punked, Hopey cries. Kristi didn't stare down Kim . . . before or after she wasted her puppy. 
Previous upload didn't take.  Sen. Foghorn Leghorn of Louisianastan gets his potty mouth on . . . in a Senate Hearing. It's ugly when a fossil fool feels the heat. Citizen Grump gets another day closer to visiting local incarceratory facilities. Anti-genocide protests find their way all the way to Tuscaloosa. Joe Scarborough of my Filthy Morning Habit may have a baby live, on-air. 
Sometimes a hero is a mama who's had enough of a MAGAT state government. The utter disdain of the state of Oklahomastan for people with disabilities is repulsive. Roman Catholic Archdocese under investigation as an ongoing criminal conspiracy. Methodists vote to stop tormenting gay people and allow gay clergy. Tangerine Tiberius goes to Waukesha and proves he's getting more and more unwell. His minions, meanwhile, are trying to convince themselves they can keep him out of gaol when he finally force Judge Merchan to slap him and make it sting. Stevie Three Shirts finally faces the music in court, before Judge Merchan. 
Hey! Did you know that a member of the Israeli cabinet that PsychoBibi actually hugs in public was convicted EIGHT TIMES of incitement and TERRORISM? No? Apparently, no one in the Multi-millionaire ForProfit Media did, either. But he did. And he easily calls for unarmed prisoners to be murdered. Friends of Bibi. In the meantime, young people on college campi object to genocide. It may take a couple of generations, but they'll be proved as right as the same kids, at the same age, who raised hell over slaughter in Vietnam. Of course, by then, all the old people who barked "Get off my lawn," will long since be dead.  Count me with the kids and their morals.   P.S. How fun is it to see Sporkfoot get taken to school?!
Comments (5)

Michael Hamilton

great show Robyn!

May 9th

Michael Hamilton

another great show Robyn!

Mar 9th

Michael Hamilton

Another great show Robyn!!

Mar 6th

Michael Hamilton

Very, very good!

Feb 23rd

Michael Hamilton

great show!

Jun 3rd
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