Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid

Join the Hillbilly Liberal Elite squad with Robyn Kincaid - Weekdays 5-8 PM Eastern www.HeadOn.live

Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-On With Robyn Kincaid, 6 September 2024

Cops endorse repeat felon. Evidence of Nitwit Nero's accelerating cognitive decline. We now know who assaulted the Federal worker at Arlington on August 26 and it's both no surprise and thoroughly revolting. Georgia MAGAT congressman says shot up students need god in their lives.


Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 5 September 2024

Sometimes I'm happy to be wrong. On Wednesday, I said Georgia would never charge the school killer's father. I was wrong. They threw the book at him (as they should have). Nitwit Nero's pettifoggers got schooled by Judge Chutkan. DonOLD serves up a word salad of truly demented status . . . over . . . child care. But he swears he and Hilbillie Ella G aren't weird. Sure, Jan.


Prayer Meetin' Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 4 September 2024

The NRA Roulette Wheel o' Death stops in Winder, Georgia and tragedy ensues. What is "postliberal Catholicism?" It's plain old theocratic fascism dressed up in machismo and Shady Vance is a big fan. Gin-Gin Thomas gets caught fangirling yet another gang of theocratic fascists.


Titanic Tuesday, Head-On With Roxanne Kincaid, 3 September 2024

Sorry about yesterday's upload. Hopefully, the corrected filing solved the issue. Kudos to Isaach Hayes' son for stopping Nuitwit Nero using his music. Fred Trump, III offers an explanation for his uncle's disdain for the military. Byron Donalds can't answer a simple question. Pete Doocy can't ask an intelligent one. 


Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 30 August 2024

Another day, another weird, creepy moment with the Real Dim Shady. Rudy Ghouliani's about to have his stuff taken from him by the women he slimed. Nitwit Nero calls for a government shutdown. We finished August $1,795 in the hole. If you can help keep independent, progressive broadcasting on the air, this would be a great time for it. Thank-you. 


Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, 29 August 2024

<Tech Issues> <Your 'umble 'ostess distracted.> Anyway, the MAGA vulgarity proceeds apace. Say it with me: "There's No Bottom." Oyster.


Prayer Meetin' Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 28 August 2024

Who knew Ted Pantload Nugent's wife's is "Shemane?" The last time I heard that name was at a drag show. OTOH, MAGAT mean girls are . . . just gross. Ick. "JD and the Donut Of Awkwardkban."


Friday-On-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 23 August2024

Live from the road, we find ourselves basking in the afterglow of the single most momentous Democratic National Convention in my lifetime. Naturally, the MAGATS were simply awful.


Agnostic Meetin' Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 21 August 2024

"Welcome to 'Sneakin' Into the DNC' With Mr. Meth Pillow and Rudy Ghouliani." Jesus, these people. Everyone is catching up with this little radio community in realizing where Nitwit Nero is concerned, "He Ain't Gonna Make It." Did Orange Julius Geezer pull a Reagan and conspire with PsychoBibi to keep the Hamas hostages in custody to get him elected? Would anyone put it past him? Michelle and Barack brought down the house on Day 2 of the DNC. The enthusiasm is still higher than I've ever seen.


Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 20 August 2024

DNC Day Two. Because Day One made the MAGATS lose what little they have that passes for minds.


Moran Monday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 19 August 2024

"Morans. Ye have them always." Go, Hilary!


Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 16 August 2024

Welcome to a conversation like no other,  Join it.


Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 15 August 2024

At this point, the entirety of Nitwit Nero's campaign is one long Chewbacca Defense: "It don't make no sense." He babbled away at his tacky golf motel in New Jersey today. Project 2025 gets outted in a big way, along with the lie that Trump knows nothing of the nefarious details. 


Prayer Meetin' Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 14 August 2024

Weird. It's an evergreen word in the latter months of 2024.


Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 13 August 2024

"Titanic," indeed! Somebody's punking Orange Jeebuss. Who uses the theme from "Titanic" at a political rally?! Project 2025 "training" videos are every bit as creepy as you could possibly imagine. Ick. Yuck.


Moran Monday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 12 August 2024

JD Vance: The Gift Who Keeps On Giving 


Thorn-In-the-Side-Porch-Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 8 August 2024

"He Ain't Gonna Make It." -Todd, Sage Of South Carolinastan, who is more right than he knows.


Michael Hamilton

great show Robyn!

05-09 Reply

Michael Hamilton

another great show Robyn!

03-09 Reply

Michael Hamilton

Another great show Robyn!!

03-06 Reply

Michael Hamilton

Very, very good!

02-23 Reply

Michael Hamilton

great show!

06-03 Reply

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