Healing In Your 20's

Welcome to healing in your 20’s, the ultimate podcast for all the beautiful souls out there on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Together, we'll let go of limiting beliefs, conquer fears, and cultivate confidence and unconditional self-love while reprogramming our minds. Join me as we take our inner children by their hand and navigate the ups and downs of our 20s and unlock the life we've always dreamed of.

How to make friends as an adult + Free Guide!

In this episode I will talk about my own journey making friends in my 20's. I also answer some of the questions you asked me on Instagram, like: - Why is making friends as adults so hard? - Why can't we get past the 'small talk' and have a deeper connection? - How exactly can we find new friends now? Don't forget to grab your FREE GUIDE HERE:


How to feel & let go of emotions

The biggest changes in my mental health started to happen when I stopped trying to control, analyze and intellectualize my emotions and instead - just started feeling them. This episode is about that and how you can do the same.  Links: People Pleasing journal prompts (free):  Book a consultation:   ALL MY LINKS:  TikTok:


REAL self love habits that changed me

Self-Love Habits Homework: Daily: 3 affirmations + 1 self-compassion reframing Gratitude journal + mealtime thanks 5 min mindfulness meditation + 3 mindful breaths Healthy breakfast + workout/stretching Weekly: Set + celebrate 3 achievements (reward!) Unsubscribe from 3 comparison triggers Forgive yourself + self-compassion letter Grow: small step + inspiring content Connect with support + therapy (if needed) Bonus: Self-massage (5 min) Creative challenge (15 min) Digital detox (daily/weekly) Gratitude shower meditation Nature immersion (10-20 min) Remember: Be kind, be patient, and enjoy the journey! Links: People Pleasing journal prompts (free):  Book a consultation:   ALL MY LINKS:  TikTok:


How to discover & show up as your authentic self

Journaling Prompts to discover your true self: When do i feel energized, happy, in flow?  When do i feel drained, unhappy, burnout? What are my authentic feelings and thoughts about the life I have right now? Why do I numb my difficult emotions? What am I trying to avoid and why?  How can I process my emotions in a healthy way? Describe your authentic self as a seperate person: Where would they live? Who are their friends? - What do they do? - Get super clear on your true vision ACTIVITY: Allow yourself the gift of discomfort - Try not to rush in to save yourself everytime it gets a little awkward. ACTIVITY: Practice staying present with yourself and your emotions - Meditation and journaling helps with this! Links: People Pleasing journal prompts (free): Book a consultation:   ALL MY LINKS: TikTok:


23 things I learned in 2023

On this episode, I will talk about all of the MAJOR things I learned in 2023. The past year taught me a lot of lessons (happily) and I want to share with you my findings! I have seperated the lessons into 5 categories - mindset, home, finances, friendship and relationships. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to share with me the biggest lessons YOU learned in 2023! Links: FREE Goal Setting Guide:  Join the 'Self Healers Circle':  ALL MY LINKS:  TikTok:


Preparing for the new year - things to do before 2024

This episode is all about organizing, decluttering, setting goals, new year resolutions and so much more. If you are looking for a fresh start, this is a great episode for you! Links: FREE Goal Setting Guide: Join the 'Self Healers Circle': ALL MY LINKS: TikTok: Wheel of life:


My problem with Manifestation & New Age Spirituality

On this episode we will talk about toxic positivity, victim blaming and escapism. I will also touch up on get rich quick scams, the law of attraction and consumerism. If you will listent to ANY manifestation content, let this be one of them.  What to watch next: ✨New Age Spirituality - ✨New Age Thought - ✨Law of Attraction - ✨New Age Gurus - Goal setting guide:   Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


How to become your FUTURE SELF in 2024 (new year new me)

SOCIALS: Goal manifesting guide:   Sign up to my Vision Board Course:   Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


How To Love & Accept Yourself Unconditionally

SOCIALS: Sign up to my Vision Board Course:   Work with me 1:1 -   Website: Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram: Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


How to STOP overthinking + 6 Ways To Calm the Mind

Overthinking is something we all deal with, it's only human! But, it can get really annoying and get in the way of our daily tasks or big dreams. This is why I made this episode! So you can learn how to stop your overthinking for good. Hope you enjoy!  SOCIALS: Sign up to my Vision Board Course:   Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


How to build REAL confidence in 6 easy steps

In this episode we will discuss why you may think you lost your confidence, how to build it and why it is so important for us to build confidence today. Tune in, enjoy and let me know what you think about it!  SOCIALS: Sign up to my Vision Board Course:   Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


How Manifestation Changed My Life

SOCIALS: Sign up to my Vision Board Course:   Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


The Voice In Your Head & How To Stop It

On this episode I share with you the first time I realized I had an inner voice and what I did to stop those critical thoughts I kept having. I give you 3 different metaphors to help you calm your own inner voice and homework for the week that was a big part of my healing journey.  SOCIALS: Join the waitlist:   Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


Vulnerability: How Opening Up Can Change Everything With Kamila Erkaboyeva

Join us as we explore the transformative power of sharing our truths, fears, and emotions with the world. Discover how embracing vulnerability can lead to profound personal growth, authentic connections, and life-altering change. Through inspiring stories and insightful discussions, we'll unlock the valuable rewards of being open, honest, and true to ourselves. Don't miss this episode if you're ready to embark on a journey towards a more genuine, fulfilling, and authentic life. SOCIALS: Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


How Forgiveness Changed My Life & How It Can Change Yours

Forgiveness changed my life, transformed it into a dream I get to live in everyday. On this episode, I share with you not only HOW I learned to forgive but WHY forgiveness is so important in healing, manifestation and success. I will share my own story with you, talk about common limiting beliefs around forgiveness and give you my favorite technique on letting go.  SOCIALS: Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


Are you stopping yourself from success?

This episode explores something a bit strange - why are we sometimes afraid of doing really well?  We'll chat about how our minds work, especially the part that's like a little alarm bell when things change too much. Plus, we'll talk about common things we do, like putting things off and avoiding stuff, that stop us from getting where we want to be. But here's the good part: I'll also give you easy ideas to break free from these habits. So, join me, and let's figure out why we're sometimes scared of success and how to grab it with both hands! SOCIALS: Website:  Tiktok:   Youtube:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


Let Go Of Control & Expectations

Letting go of control can be really tricky. This episode is meant to make it easier for you. We will discuss where our need for control comes from, ways to overcome this and so much more about letting go of expectations and actually creating success and happiness in your life. SOCIALS: Website:  Tiktok:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


The Power Of Pausing To Improve Your Relationships/Life

Have you ever found yourself trapped in the same old patterns, repeating the same reactions, especially in challenging situations? You're not alone. We all face this, but there's a remarkable tool that can transform your responses and enrich your relationships—pausing.  SOCIALS: Website: Tiktok:   Instagram:   Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:


Allowing Yourself to Begin

In this podcast episode, I delve into the power of letting go of perfectionism and embracing the beginner's mindset. I share personal experiences of how perfectionism held me back and prevented me from pursuing my passions. I discuss the harmful impact of the ego and how it stops us from taking risks and learning. Discover the key to overcoming these barriers and unleashing your creativity and potential. Embrace the beauty of being a beginner, and watch how it unlocks a world of growth, learning, and success.


The Habits That Healed Me & Led to Success

In this transformative episode, join me as I share the powerful habits that paved the way for my healing journey and led to remarkable success. Discover how I silenced the ego's voice, embraced consistency, and unlocked the secret to making these habits stick. You'll gain valuable insights and practical tips to empower your own growth and create a life filled with purpose and authenticity.


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