Health + Dwellness: Everyday Living in Health, Wellness and Design

A quaint warm space where Sheri Davidson, Acupuncturist and Integrative Health and Wellness Coach together with Candice Rogers, Interior Designer and Wellness Designer, share their passion for well-being and explore everyday living in health, wellness and design to help you thrive in your life. This podcast will inspire, educate and expand your knowledge of wellness living. You’ll hear stimulating and fun discussions along with interviews about bringing together the powerful elements of health, wellness and design so you can live a more healthy, joyful, happy, and fulfilling life.

#016 | Live in Rhythm with Nature Using Biophilic Technology with Luis Cortes of Echo Workshop

We spend 90% of our time indoors. This disconnection with nature has a negative impact on our health and wellbeing. If this is our future, how can we create our indoor spaces to be more in rhythm with nature and gain all the amazing health benefits? Join us in this great conversation with Luis Cortez of Echo Workshop on how Biophilic Technology can enhance your health and wellness. It's the wave of the future. EPISODE NOTESThis post may contain affiliate links to products. We may receive a sm...


#015 | Travel to Health and Wellness with Tami Hiraoka of Fresi Travels

Before the pandemic, more people were beginning to seek vacations with healthy food options, fitness, and nature experiences. In a post-COVID world, it is anticipated that health and wellness will be even more at the forefront of travel plans. In this episode, discover wellness travel to kick-start a healthy lifestyle or maintain your wellbeing, as well as tips to stay healthy while traveling with Tami Hiraoka of Fresi Travel. EPISODE NOTESThis post may contain affiliate links to products. We...


#014 | Spring into Home Garden to Table with Shana Tatum

Shana believes in finding wellness through the power of food balanced with holistic, healthy lifestyle practices; you can achieve health and well-being. Food is medicine, and starting a garden in your backyard can bring more health benefits to your table. In this episode, we will discuss eating for optimal health and gardening with Shana Tatum, a registered dietitian nutritionist.EPISODE NOTESThis post may contain affiliate links to products. We may receive a small commission for purchases ma...


#013 | The Powerful Benefits of an Uncluttered and Organized Space

Clutter can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. In fact, many psychologist are starting to discover that having a clean, decluttered and organized home is essential to health and wellbeing. It is becoming part of the wellness paradigm. It is also a lifelong journey. Like most healthy choices, it is a lifestyle change, not a short-term solution. In this episode Sheri and Candice will dive in to the health benefits of decluttering and share tips to help you live a m...


#012 Sleep, Part 2 | The Integration of Sleep Science and Acupuncture with Expert Dr. Tracy Rupp

Today more research is being done to fully understand the benefits of sleep and the importance of it for maintaining health. Scientist are discovering that sleep plays a critical role in metabolism, immune function, memory, learning and other vital functions. In this episode, join Sheri and Candice in an interview with Tracy Rupp a PhD. in Experimental Psychology and acupuncturist. Her research is focused on sleep and cognitive performance and resilience. She believes ...


#011 Sleep, Part 1 | The Infinite Benefits of Sleep and How Interior Design Can Help You Achieve a Restful Night

If you were able to get more and better quality sleep, how would that impact your life? Scientists now believe sleeping well is the most important thing you can do for your health. Learn to sleep like a pro. In this episode, Sheri and Candice explore the benefits of sleep; and how to improve your sleep with good habits, Eastern medicine and interior design to live a health, vital and productive life. EPISODE NOTESThis post may contain affiliate links to products. We may receive a s...


#010 | Learn How to Start a Meditation Practice and Design a Calming Space

Meditation is a practice of training the mind in attention and awareness of the present moment. Studies have shown many health benefits of meditation. It can reduces stress, improve focus, increase creativity, improves memory, reduces chronic pain, increases performance; and help you achieve mental and emotional calm and stability. In this episode, learn how to start a meditation practice and design a calming space that will support you in living a healthy life. EPISODE NOTESThis post may con...


#009 | Move Yourself Into Fitness with Exercise and Home Gyms

Being physically active is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your health at any age. In our current situation it has never been more important for our health and wellbeing; and we are turning to our homes for support. Big our small, creating space for a home gyms is a wellness trend for 2021. In this episode Sheri and Candice will explore the benefits of exercise, finding joy in movement, and how your home can move you into fitness. EPISODE NOTESClasses with SheriY...


#008 | Build New Habits that Will Support You in Living a Healthy Life

Have you tried to change a habit but give up a few days later? Unfortunately, this is a common experience. It can be a struggle and discouraging. There is good news! The process can be easy and rewarding if you know what to do. Habits live in our subconscious and silently rule our lives. If you want a habit that sticks, you must turn a new habit into an automatic behavior. Sheri and Candice talk about successfully creating new habits; and how your space can support you in creating lasti...


#007 Part 2 | Explore the Future of Kitchens and Ignite Healthy Cooking with Suly Weissman of Thermador Luxury Appliances

Research shows that when we make healthy choices convenient we are more likely to make healthy choices. What if that choice was not only convenient but also enjoyable? In this two part series, Suly Weissman with Thermador Luxury Appliances will explore the power of the steam oven to help you achieve healthy eating with taste, texture, and quality you seek in every meal. We will also explore the future of kitchens, cooking with smart appliances and Home Connect. An app that w...


#006 Part 1 | Explore the Future of Kitchens and Ignite Healthy Cooking with Suly Weissman of Thermador Luxury Appliances

Research shows that when we make healthy choices convenient we are more likely to make healthy choices. What if that choice was not only convenient but also enjoyable? In this two part series, Suly Weissman with Thermador Luxury Appliances will explore the power of the steam oven to help you achieve healthy eating with taste, texture, and quality you seek in every meal. We will also explore the future of kitchens, cooking with smart appliances and Home Connect. An app that w...


#005 Biophilic Design Part 2 | Discover Ways to Landscape for Good Vibes at Home with Expert Designer Jackie Barry

Biophilic design reintroduces nature into our home and work spaces for many health benefits. It is not limited indoors. It also incorporates what’s going on outside of our home and work spaces. We spend 90% of our time indoors, away from nature. Our landscape plays a vital role in reconnecting us. In this episode, explore in the concepts, views of nature, movement, restorative spaces, natural sounds, and natural light with expert Jackie Barry, a landscape designer reconnecting us to nat...


#004 Biophilic Design Part 1 | Be Happier and Healthier by Bringing the Outdoors In.

Biophilia is our innate connection to nature. Research shows this connection to nature can have many positive health benefits. This is the foundation of biophilic design. It utilizes natural materials, patterns, light, sensory stimuli, water and plants to encourage and maintain a connection to nature within the built environment. Biophilic design can reduce stress, enhance creativity, and improve overall physical and psychological well being.


#003 | Super Charge Your Immune Health

Immunity is our frontline of defense against infectious and chronic diseases. In the wake of COVID, we have witnessed the effects on those with lower immunity. Today, it has never been more important to support our immune health. We can take action and make choices daily in our lifestyle and living environments to SUPER CHARGE OUR IMMUNITY. Explore and learn some easy, healthy solutions for everyday living in health, wellness and design.


#002 | COVID-19 is Redesigning Our Lives

The pandemic has greatly effected us all at home and work. It is redesigning our lives as we know it and creating a new norm that is here to stay. Explore these changes and learn some easy, healthy solutions for everyday living in health, wellness and design.


#001 | Start Your Dwellness Journey, Meet Sheri Davidson and Candice Rogers

Meet Sheri Davidson, acupuncturist, integrative health coach, former interior designer and Candice Rogers interior designer and wellness design consultant. They will share how they met and their passion for everyday living in health, wellness and design.


Health + Dwellness Trailer

A quaint warm space where Sheri Davidson, acupuncturist and integrative health coach together with Candice Rogers, interior designer, share their passion for well-being and explore everyday living in health, wellness and design to help you thrive in your life. This podcast will inspire, educate and expand your knowledge of wellness living. You’ll hear stimulating and fun discussions along with interviews about bringing together the powerful elements of health, wellness and design so you can l...


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