Health Longevity Secrets

<p>A podcast to transform your health and longevity with evidence-based lifestyle modifications and other tools to prevent and even reverse the most disruptive diseases. We feature topics including aging, fasting, ketosis, biohacking, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer, consciousness, and much more so that you can find out the latest proven methods to optimize your life. It’s a mix of interviews, special co-hosts, and solo shows that you’re not going to want to miss. Hit subscribe and get ready to change your life. HLS is hosted by Robert Lufkin MD, a physician and medical school professor focusing on the applied science of health and longevity through lifestyle and other tools in order to cultivate consciousness, and live life to the fullest .<br><br>'Envision a world of love, abundance, and generosity'.</p>

Is EMF Healthy? with Dr. William Pawluk

This week we unlock the secret to a healthier, more vibrant life with Dr. William Pawluk, a holistic physician and pioneer in the field of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). As my esteemed guest, Dr. Pawluk takes us on a fascinating journey from his traditional medical roots to the innovative realm of PEMF therapy, a journey inspired by his quest to alleviate the suffering caused by conventional pain treatments. We look at how this powerful tool enhances the body's natural healing abilitie...


What About Galectin-3 for Health? with Dr Isaac Eliaz

This week we get to dive into the mysteries of longevity and discover how to outsmart chronic disease with Dr. Isaac Eliaz, a trailblazer in the realm of holistic health. In this episode, we journey through Dr. Eliaz's remarkable transition from Western medicine to the wisdom of Eastern practices, revealing how such an eclectic background has shaped his approach to wellness. Prepare to be enthralled by his insights into the 'survival paradox' and its profound implications on our health, as we...


Rapamycin for Longevity? with Dr. Matt Kaeberlein

Imagine unlocking the secrets to a longer, healthier life. That's exactly what we're discussing with Dr. Matt Kaeberlein, a pioneer in longevity medicine from the University of Washington School of Medicine. This episode promises a journey through the realms of aging biology, where we unpack the inspirations behind Dr. Kaeberlein's dedication to this field, tracing back to a pivotal seminar with Professor Lenny Guarente. As we age, the pursuit of extending our healthspan becomes deeply person...


Lies I Taught with Lillie Kane

This is a co-broadcast with the great Lillie Kane on her amazing show that reached hundreds of thousands of people with this episode. I urge you to check out her program and her other many amazing guests. We discuss the myths surrounding a low-fat, grain-heavy diet and expose how meats and fats might not be the villains we've been led to believe they are. We offering listeners a chance to rethink their food choices and the profound impact those choices have on their well being.Navigatin...


How Dangerous Is Junk Food? with Dr. Robert Lustig

Embark on an enlightening journey with us as we uncover the delicate balance between hormones, diet, and longevity. Joined by the esteemed Dr. Robert Lustig, our conversation traverses his transformative work on leptin and obesity, challenging conventional wisdom on weight management. Dr. Lustig's tale of triumph in treating children with hypothalamic obesity underscores a crucial lesson: hormonal regulation can profoundly affect our quality of life and energy levels, setting the stage for a ...


The Longevity Magic of Nitric Oxide with Dr. Nathan Bryan

Unlock the secrets to a longer, healthier life with Dr. Nathan Bryan, an esteemed nitric oxide expert. Together, we explore the groundbreaking work that has placed this molecule at the forefront of longevity science. From his early days as a curious student to his innovative contributions alongside Nobel Prize laureates, Dr. Bryan takes us through the intricacies of how nitric oxide impacts everything from cardiovascular health to cellular repair. Delve into the compelling distinction between...


Cancer: A Food-Borne Illness with Grace Price

When Grace Price watched "Fed Up," a documentary that exposed the unsettling truths behind our diet, it ignited a spark within her that grew into a fierce crusade for metabolic health awareness. At just 18 years old, this visionary filmmaker is now steering the conversation with her own project, "Cancer: A Food-Borne Illness." Grace has allowed us to included the full 20 minute documentary at the end of this interview.So stay tuned to watch the whole thing for your self.Before we do tha...


Why We Need to Be Brainwashed with Dr Austin Perlmutter

Unlock the door to a vibrant future for your brain with guidance from Dr. Austin Perlmutter, as we navigate the complexities of brain health and longevity. Our brains aren't just central to our thoughts and feelings; they dictate the quality of our decisions and, ultimately, our life trajectory. Together, we dissect the perils of 'stuckness'—that all-too-familiar inertia impeding our pursuit of wellness. Dr. Perlmutter offers a treasure trove of insights on mitigating lifestyle habits that co...


Why Doctors Lie with Dr Ken Berry

Unlock the hidden truths behind the medical curtain as we converse with Dr. Ken Berry about the often-untold realities healthcare professionals face. Our exchange promises to illuminate the dark corners of medical practices, revealing why some doctors might withhold the full spectrum of information. Prepare to have your understanding of traditional medical teachings challenged, as we dissect the significance of lifestyle and nutrition in preventing and managing chronic diseases. This ep...


How to Reverse Alzheimer's Disease

Unlock the secrets of cognitive rejuvenation as Dr. Heather Sanderson joins us to share a groundbreaking narrative of hope and renewal, inspired by Dr. Dale Bredesen's visionary work. Witness the inspiring transformation of Linda, who, with unwavering dedication and a holistic lifestyle overhaul, remarkably improved from a severe stage of dementia. Our discussion extends beyond the worn path of beta-amyloid focus, venturing into the realms of diet, inflammation control, and the profound effec...


Does Junk Food Make Us Crazy?

Unlock the transformative secrets to mental wellness with our esteemed guest Dr. Chris Palmer, a Harvard psychiatrist who brings a revolutionary perspective to the table. Together, we unravel how dietary strategies like the ketogenic diet hold the potential to reverse serious mental health issues and delve into personal experiences and clinical success stories that could reshape our approach to mental health care.During our conversation, Dr. Palmer and I explore the metabolic roots of mental ...


What Is The Role of Mitochondria In Health?

Embark on an electrifying journey to the core of our cells with myself, Dr. Robert Lufkin, and a panel of esteemed guests, including Dr. Monisha Bhanote, Sarah Turner, and Dr. Hemal Patel. We're unpacking the enigmatic world of mitochondria, revealing how these microscopic powerhouses fuel every aspect of our health. From the energy surging through your veins to your body's ability to combat aging and disease, our conversations shed light on cutting-edge therapies like red light therapy, the ...


Longevity Escape Velocity with Dr. Peter Diamandis

Prepare to be inspired by our esteemed guest, Dr. Peter Diamandis, as we explore the realm of extending human lifespans through exponential technologies. His wealth of knowledge, from a background in a medical family to pushing the boundaries of space exploration, sets the stage for an episode packed with innovative ideas. We delve into the exciting world of regenerative medicine, discussing the promising future of placental derived cells and the tiny powerhouses known as exosomes. Dr. Diaman...


Supplement Secrets for a Longer Lifespan with Sandra Kaufman MD

Unlock the secrets of longevity with Dr. Sandra Kaufman, who introduces us to the fascinating world of cellular aging. On our show, we unravel the mysteries of why and how our cells decline with age, with a specific look at post-reproductive evolution's impact on this process. Dr. Kaufman, with her unique blend of expertise in cell biology and anesthesiology, outlines the seven tenets of aging and shares her personal journey that led her to create the Kaufman Protocol, a personalized strategy...


What Is The Modern Fountain Of Youth? | Fountain Of Youth

Unlock the mysteries of aging with our fascinating guest, Dr. Nir Barzilai, as we embark on a journey through the science of longevity. This episode promises to reveal the biological secrets that could redefine your approach to living a long, healthy life. Dr. Barzilai, with his wealth of knowledge, decodes the process of antagonistic pleiotropy where the very mechanisms that protect us in youth may become our foes in old age. Together we scrutinize inflammation's role in aging, explore the i...


Reverse Chronic Disease Through Lifestyle Change

Confronting the silent epidemic of chronic disease, I found liberation not in the latest pharmaceuticals, but in the transformative potential of lifestyle changes. My personal pilgrimage through the gauntlet of ailments such as gout and hypertension revealed a truth that traditional medicine often overlooks: wellness is often rooted in our daily habits. Join me as we unravel the deceptive web spun by common misconceptions surrounding diet and chronic illness. As we unfold the pages of our upc...


Secrets of Brain Health- Drop Acid and Grains

Unlock the secrets to a sharper mind and a healthier life as we navigate the profound insights of Dr. David Perlmutter, a leading neurologist and acclaimed author. Our journey with him reveals the pivotal brain-gut connection that dictates our mental clarity and longevity. Discover why your gut health and diet are not just about waistlines but about safeguarding your brain from the perils of modern living. Through Dr. Perlmutter's expertise, we learn how the everyday choices on our plates hav...


What Is The Fasting-Mimicking Diet?

Unlock the power of your next meal to not only nourish but also rejuvenate and extend your life. I’m thrilled to share the enlightening conversation I had with Dr. Joseph Antoun, CEO of El Nutra and Prolon, who brings a wealth of knowledge from the fields of medicine and nutritional science. Dr. Antoun delves into the intricate ways food can act as our most powerful medicine, highlighting the significant role fasting-mimicking diets play in cellular health and disease prevention. We tackled p...


The Biology of Belief

Unlock the secrets to your genetic potential as Dr. Bruce Lipton, a trailblazing biologist in the field of epigenetics, joins us to challenge the notion that our DNA is our destiny. Prepare to be empowered with the knowledge that your environment and belief systems have a profound impact on your biological outcomes. Dr. Lipton's extensive research on stem cells reveals how our cells are influenced by their surroundings, offering a riveting glimpse into how we can actively sculpt our health an...


How to Optimize Your Health Using Nutrition

Embark on a transformative exploration of health with Dr. Robert Lufkin, who, through his own battle with health challenges, advocates the profound benefits of lifestyle changes over medications in treating chronic diseases. Our conversation dismantles the deeply-rooted misunderstandings around obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. It's not just about what you eat, but the types of macronutrients that shape your well-being. Discover how diet and fasting can do more than just mana...



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