Healthy Habits That Don't Suck

Giving you tips for a healthy habit overhaul in an easy, manageable way! It's not possible to do a complete lifestyle overhaul overnight. It's not practical to deprive yourself of behaviors & foods you've been used to for so long. Life's too short to not have fun & it's too short to be unhealthy!

The grieving process & how to cope after losing a loved one

Many of you may be wondering why you haven’t heard from Schanen and I as of recent. Over the past 6 months we’ve both lost our beloved pups aka our best friends, and have been dealing with overwhelming grief. Losing a loved one is like losing a part of yourself. It has left us feeling vulnerable and most comfortable in solitude. However, this coping mechanism isn’t the most beneficial way to heal and progress forward. Schanen and I are both still coming to terms with our loss, but we want to offer you some insight on what helped us get through the hardest, “crawl in a hole & hide” moments. So listen up friends, we are here for you!


Never do a crunch again!

Never do a crunch again! Core & pelvic health with Dr. Angie • Today we introduce the newest member of our Kale Whale Pod - Dr. Angie Mueller, founder of Core Recovery.


Erin healed her stomach ulcer

This is the story of how Erin healed her stomach ulcer just by changing her diet. Coughing up blood, heartburn, etc. all changed when she went VEGAN!


Where do YOU get your protein?

Where do you get your protein? Why is everyone so obsessed with protein anyway? Here’s what you need to know about protein and how to get it from non-animal sources. Plants DO have protein ☺️


Eating seasonally - but WHY???

Winter is coming: Why you should EAT what's in SEASON • Winter is coming: Why you should EAT what's in SEASON • Winter is coming: Why you should EAT what's in SEASON • Winter is coming: Why you should EAT what's in SEASON


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