Hearing God

<p>Most people struggle with hearing God for themselves, so this podcast will equip you with tools and practical examples so you can confidently hear God.</p>

Hearing God in the face of adversity

Despite being described in the Bible as a man after God’s own heart, David had many failings. Yet, repeatedly, he displayed courage in the face of adversity and quickly repented when he was wrong. When David was faced with a problem, he enquired of the Lord. When he had trouble hearing God, he did the work to distinguish God’s voice from the noise around him and the ‘noise’ within him. Join us as we unpack the story of David in the Bible, the principles we can learn from it, and how to apply ...


Hearing God when you feel unloved

The story of Leah in the Bible is a messy, complicated, and beautiful story from Scripture. A whole gamut of emotions is displayed – deception, lies, jealousy, envy, desperation, disappointment, despair, heartache and longing, comparison, bitterness, pain and agony with unfulfilled promises. Betrayal. Competition. Fighting. It encompasses God's ability to redeem broken heartedness, meet us in our imperfections, show up in our dysfunctional families, and fulfil the delayed dreams in our hearts...


Hearing God when things appear dead.

Have you ever felt disappointed with God? That He could have prevented someone from dying? That He didn't come through on something you were desperately longing for? How do you respond when God is silent? When it appears that you can't hear God? Join us in this latest episode of the 'Hearing God' Podcast as we look at these issues and unpack how Lazarus in the Bible heard God.garyandjane.co


Hearing God requires change or action.

Nehemiah in the Bible is an excellent book for looking at how to prepare to hear God and how to pray when there is no easy solution to our problem. Nehemiah is a fantastic example of knowing the Word of God and the character of God. This meant he could quickly determine if he had heard God correctly. Join us in this latest episode of the 'Hearing God' Podcast for encouragement as we look at these issues and unpack how Nehemiah in the Bible heard God.garyandjane.co


Hearing God in bizarre ways and trusting that it is God

How do I know if the crazy vision I had was from God? How do I know if the voice I heard was God, myself, or something else? In the Bible, Ezekiel faced these issues, believed them to be from God, and willingly obeyed. What 'checks' do I need if I experience these things? Join us in this latest episode of the 'Hearing God' Podcast as we look at these issues and unpack how Ezekiel in the Bible heard God. Also, if you have ever wondered 'why Lord?', the book of Ezekiel is about restoration when...


Hearing God through my spirit being stirred up

Sometimes, we can get comfortable and 'forget' the bigger picture. We can misplace our priorities. That's what happened to the Jewish people after the exile. But, in the book of Haggai, we finally see that the people of Judah listened and obeyed a prophet!! This is an excellent example of a time when God spoke, stirred up their spirits, and the people listened. They heard. They changed their behaviour. God chose to work out His purposes through the faithfulness and obedience of His people. Wh...


Hearing God by Positioning Myself in the Right Place at the Right Time

Lydia was a mover and a shaker. She didn't hang around waiting for opportunities. Lydia courageously stepped out and used what was in her hand. She positioned herself in the right place at the right time. She had the gift of hospitality and welcomed those not always accepted by society. Join us in this latest episode of the 'Hearing God' Podcast as we look at how Lydia in the Bible heard from God.garyandjane.co


Hearing God through the Bible and how it can change us

Josiah became King when he was eight years old. He didn't have the family heritage of following God, yet he heard God and followed Him. Josiah did what was right in the eyes of God. The story of Josiah is a reminder to have a 'backbone' and stand up and be God's person where He's placed us. Join us in this latest episode of the 'Hearing God' Podcast as we look at how Josiah in the Bible heard from God.garyandjane.co


Hearing God when I don't want to

Jonah is a fantastic story of a God who never gives up on us despite our attitudes and actions. A God who cares for everyone no matter what they have done. A God who values honesty and isn't afraid of our anger. A God who loves our questions. A God who desires relationship. The story of Jonah can be likened to the story of the Prodigal Son – the lost, repentance, forgiveness, the elder son's bad attitude, the Father who keeps reaching out. Join us in this latest episode of the 'Hearing God' P...


Hearing God when no one listens, or you're struggling with God's call on your life.

If you are struggling with God's call on your life, the story of Jeremiah and his response to God is extremely relevant. Jeremiah is a story of ups and downs, redemption and bitterness, rejection, loneliness, ridicule, backstabbing, murder, deceit, courage, imprisonment and danger – all for being faithful to what God said. If ever there was a time for someone to say, "I told you so", Jeremiah had the right. Jeremiah is a reminder that we are to go directly to God and not base our 'hearing fro...


Hearing God as Carriers of God's Presence

I wonder how we would have reacted if we were Mary or Joseph and an angel appeared to us and told us we would have a baby supernaturally. Imagine the emotions. Mary and Joseph trusted God that He was orchestrating the miraculous in their lives while not restricting God to what their knowledge and experience said of God. They were both willing participants in God's story, open to the mystery and adventure, displaying the courage required to partner with God. Do you believe God can do the impos...


Hearing God with Peter Yaxley

How do you know whether to rent or buy a house? This was the dilemma facing Peter Yaxley (our guest on this episode of the Hearing God Podcast.) So, together with his wife Kathryn, they asked God and clearly heard an answer through separate Bible verses. Peter and Kathryn are good friends of Gary & Jane. They operate a ministry called Kingdom Presence Ministries that equips people to hear God and grow in their journey of hearing God. You can find Jane’s interview with Kathryn in Episode 4...


If a donkey can hear God, what about me?

How often do we miss what God is trying to say because we are not looking or listening? At what point are we willing to disobey God? What is our breaking point? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack the truths in this story and how Balaam and his talking donkey met and experienced God. This story is a great reminder to first seek God for ourselves and not go running to others to hear from God for us. For more information, please go to garyandjane.cogaryandjane.co


Hearing God when feeling unseen, uncared for, abused, or overlooked

Hagar's story includes exclusion, oppression, jealousy, desperation, powerlessness, hopelessness, uncertainty, cruelty, humiliation, impatience, broken promises and flawed people. It is messy and chaotic. It is life. God met Hagar in the middle of her pain and abandonment. God meets us amid our sorrow, pain, brokenness, and desert experience. Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack all these truths and how Hagar met and experienced God.garyandjane.co


Hearing God when we don't see evidence of God at work in our life.

I don't want to be known as someone who couldn't see God's goodness. Do you? The story of Ruth in the Bible and how she encountered God is a reminder to focus on God's goodness. The story of Ruth is also full of 'coincidences' – times when God chooses to remain anonymous. Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack all these truths and how Ruth heard and experienced God.garyandjane.co


Hearing God before and after being disobedient

When we create, we partner with God and His creativity is expressed through us. Creativity can be a fantastic way of hearing and experiencing God. Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Adam and Eve's story in the Bible and how they heard and experienced God, both before and after they disobeyed Him.garyandjane.co


Hearing God with Kathryn Yaxley

Kathryn Yaxley is a guest on this episode of the Hearing God Podcast. Kathryn and her husband Peter are good friends of Gary & Jane. They operate a ministry called Kingdom Presence Ministries that equips people to hear God and grow in their journey of hearing God. Listen to Jane and Kathryn's conversation as they chat about Kathryn's healing journey, how she first recognised God speaking to her and several powerful examples of actioning what she thought God was saying to her, especially i...


Hearing God when you are called to be a Courageous Leader

Are you in a leadership position and desperately need God's help? Do you need God to give you a strategy for the way ahead? Do you need courage for something you are facing? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Joshua's story in the Bible, how he was repeatedly told to be courageous and not afraid, and the unusual strategies God gave Joshua. garyandjane.co


Hearing God when you are unsure who is speaking.

Have you ever been unsure if it is God who is speaking to you? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Samuel's story in the Bible, how he initially didn't recognise God's voice but began to hear God, and how hearing God influenced his decision-making. The story of Samuel is an excellent reminder that we are to seek a relationship with God first and foremost, not just chase after hearing God. Relationship and intimacy with Him is what God desires. garyandjane.co


Hearing God while Living an Influential and Extraordinary Life

Have you ever wanted to do more with your life? Have you felt called to have a greater vision and stop playing small? Have you ever wanted to make your life count by influencing other people? Join us in this latest episode of 'Hearing God' as we unpack Deborah's story in the Bible, how she heard God, and how it can apply to your life. Deborah didn't play small. She lived an influential and extraordinary life, fully committed to God and fearlessly trusting Him.garyandjane.co


Ken Norman

I've been hearing God lately more strongly than ever and feel his presence around me. family think im some nut case, I just pray God lets them feel his splendor one time, they would all feel what I feel the love and warmth or his presence

11-04 Reply

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