Heart II Heart with Mike and Shiko

Two single parents, one blended family. Navigating this world alone is hard enough, how do you do it together? This is our story.

EP 6 | Deuteronomy - Faithfulness and Loyalty

What is it you would want to have? A faithful partner or a loyal partner. Or maybe a little bit of both. Join us to find out more


EP 5 | Numbers - Wondering the wilderness

Have you found your prince/princess charming, or are you still wondering the wilderness in hopes of finding them? Or did you find him/her and still found yourself in the wilderness in your relationship?


EP 4: LEVITICUS | Rules of engagement

Life is full of rules. Rules in your country, rules at work, rules in religion. But what about rules in your relationship? Tune in and find out about the 7 rules we are trying to practice in our relationship, and maybe you can try them for yours.. https://www.yahoo.com/news/7-relationship-rules-actually-worth-104508815.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGUsz4T3rmMMoa9s9I6EzrPZiipHz_3vDRM_JQbCXMDyUOsVyYxXR6UQdyAMGVp9Z_26lQTZgGaGiM1LT2FTGGPhiwZCfCfolOjQJ7Gzir4Fx1VbKEWozQQ0Hl6XP0ORchAkGNnvtan3gr1KsuaYqYnJ72lqRAa0w7L2L3DqFDqZ


EP 3 | EXODUS II - Healing after a toxic relationship

So you have found the courage to leave a toxic partner, how then do you heal from the trauma? Listen in to find out more about how we are dealing with it.


EP 2 | Exodus I - Leaving toxic relationships

What does Toxic even mean? When should you fight? When should you flee? How do you know if and when you should call it quits?


EP 1 | Genesis - How it all began

Meeting & falling in love in the 30s and 40s - The good, the bad and the messy.


Welcome to "OUR PODCAST!!!!"

Listen in Sunday 12th, 12 noon for our first episode.


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