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Heart of the Condor

Author: Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta

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Heart of the Condor is here to help you empower your heart, deepen your connection to Mother Earth and remember your place in the Cosmos. Traditional Andean Curandero Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta shares ancient wisdom through traditional teachings, stories, and the Andean cosmo-vision. He generously guides us in how to walk in right-relationship with harmony and reverence for ourselves, our communities, and our world.

Andean Wisdom From the Heart.
30 Episodes
In this episode, we dive into the Andean tradition's beautiful way of connecting with Mother Earth. Jhaimy shares the heartwarming practice of making offerings to honour and build relationships with our environment. Describing it as a simple yet profound ceremony, the episode highlights how these offerings help co-create realities and recognize the life present in everything on Mother Earth. It's a touching exploration of gratitude, connection, and the magic that happens when we treat nature as a dear friend and sacred ally.  ******** “Mother Earth loves the sweetness and when you give some kind of sweet vibration or energy to her.” “For the ancestors in the Andean traditions, it's really important to honour our home, our environment, and where we live.” “One of the most beautiful ways to honour Mother Earth is to create an offering for her.” To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
Jhaimy explores the significance of the Ollantaytambo Temple, emphasizing its unique focus on the four elements—earth, water, air, and fire. The temple symbolizes the origins of life, teaching that the elements are the energy of Creation manifesting in both macro and micro aspects. He delves into the Andean tradition's belief that each person is born connected to a primary element which shapes their personality and life perspective. Jhaimy also highlights the importance of embracing service and love. The temple serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness with the Cosmos and the responsibility to leave a positive legacy for future generations. *******  "The main mission of the temples is to help us to remember who we are, what we want, and what we create in our lives." “The Tree of Life helps us ground into Mother Earth and create roots.” “We need to learn from nature how to empower and connect more deeply with who we are.” “The temples are like a tree, which help us appreciate and connect with the essence of this beautiful life. “ To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
In this episode, Jhaimy shares about the concept of time being cyclical rather than linear and how this perspective influences our lives. He discusses the impact of viewing the Past with hope and cultivating the Future without attachment. The cyclical perception allows us to move through our lives while nurturing the child within and the future self simultaneously. Understanding time as cyclical enables a deeper connection with oneself and the unfolding of life's experiences. *********** "The Future is Behind you, and the Past is in Front of you" "What if you looked at your past with a feeling of Hope, that you learned something and hold understanding from there ... and that it can bring more clarity to your present and future" "Study your past, but don't bring feelings there or create attachments. Feel hopeful so you can live a better present and call a better future." To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
In this episode, Jhaimy shares about how you can support the spiritual world and have a potent spiritual practice to support those who have transitioned in life and in humanity. He also shares about the mission of humanity and how to live in the rainbow, rather than in the extremes of black and white. He explores having different perspectives on life and appreciating the diverse realities within the human experience. He invites you to be a space of honour, prayer and gratitude as a powerful gift for all of us. This message encourages a gentle navigation of life's complexities and acknowledges the reciprocal relationship between humans and spirits. ********* "Now is the time for humanity to hold the spiritual world." "The Ancestors need us. The spirits need us." "We live in the rainbow, the seven colours, the seven realities." "Gratitude is one of the most beautiful gifts that humanity has." To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
In this episode, Jhaimy discusses the importance of recognizing that everyone has something to teach and something to learn. He reflects on the misconception of knowing everything in youth and the humility that comes with experience. Jhaimy also shares more about his personal journey with his Elders and explains to simply be who you are and share your heart and that this is the best way you can inspire others. He speaks of seeing life as beautiful, not necessarily easy, and encourages you to embrace the journey with excitement and happiness for the lessons learned. **************** “Every single person is their own Master. A Master in their own life. To be a Master in your life is to take responsibility for your life.” “Life is not so easy but it is always beautiful.” “Everyone has something to teach, and something to learn.” “We need to open our hearts and share who we are.” “Always be happy with what you learn in life and what life gives you, even if it is not exactly enjoyable.” To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
Jhaimy reflects on nearly 20 years of leading community within C7Rays and our spiritual family of Ayllu Kallpa. He shares insights on the diverse transformations he has witnessed in other people's lives. He expresses deep gratitude for the community's growth, highlighting the shared journey and the beauty of working together. The mission is defined as helping people continue their life journey, offering support, and creating a sense of family for those who may feel internally alone. *********** "Whatever we try to do, we always try to do with so much Love." "Life continues. You continue. You need to continue standing up and moving, and continue walking. Learn from what is happening." “Our main mission in 20 years is to help people to walk. And when we see the transformation, the only thing that is possible to do is smile and say thank you." "Working and walking together is more enjoyable than just walking through life on your own.” To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
In this episode, Jhaimy is asked about the essence of Yachay Wasi, the vibration that it holds and why it is a House of Sacred Learning for us and for the community. He explores the importance of learning in everyday life and how community is key to understanding and addressing shared experiences and emotions. He speaks of self reflection and learning from our mistakes to create better realities for ourselves. ******** “ To learn is always a privilege. I don't know if people are really aware of this power.” “Without fear, look at your internal world.” “Every single human being is all one world and is all one process.”  “You are a temple of sacred learning. Your life, your body, it’s all one temple.”  “My mission, my journey is to help people see things with their own eyes.” To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
In this short yet powerful episode Jhaimy discusses the Andean teaching that views every day as a ceremony, emphasizing two interconnected realities. He talks about the meaning of external and internal ceremonies and the importance of recognizing your relationship with all that is. Peace is a strong theme in this episode and how to navigate both pleasant and challenging aspects of life, allowing harmony to flow within and around yourself. *********** "A ceremony is when you do something in a sacred way, when you sacralize some kind of activity." "When you sacralize your activities, you are honouring the existence and the relation that exists between what you know and what you don't know." "If you have a beautiful attitude, everything is going to work in perfect harmony for you.” “In work and in nature, everything is in relation to us.” To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at:
In this episode Jhaimy discusses the significance of the name "Children of the 7 Rays” and its connection to the rainbow, representing diversity and unity. He explores the concepts of light and dark frequencies and the path of living in between the two. Before the recording, Jhaimy was asked how the essence of Children of the 7 Rays could support someone in their day to day living. He answers this question in the episode and highlights the importance of choice and taking responsibility in one’s life.  *********** “The Sun of Suns, the Creation, the Creator, the place where all life emerges, from here we recognize that we are all coming from the same light, but we have different colours and different realities.”  “Every single person is unique.” “The dark and the light are the same light, just different frequencies.”  “What is our space? What is our place in this reality? We either live in one extreme or the other, or in the middle.” “Everyone needs to choose, everyone needs to walk their own path and be responsible for the steps they take in life." To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
In this episode, Jhaimy focuses on harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit within the context of the Andean traditions. Jhaimy emphasizes the importance of recognizing and respecting the unique qualities of each realm—mental, physical, and spiritual. He delves into the idea that true power lies in the harmony of these three dimensions, encouraging listeners to appreciate their own unique perceptions and learnings in each reality. Ultimately, the episode encourages acceptance, exploration, and a positive attitude in navigating the complexities of this multi-dimensional human experience. ********* "Your perception in each world is unique, so is your perception about each of these realities." "The real power is to have the capacity to feel Mother Earth and to experience and to walk in this reality." "Life is simple, but really complex in one point. I love to stay with the simplicity and try to be present, feeling free, and always try to have a good attitude." "Accept the reality that we live in, accept our human existence, accept our blessings and our limitations." To learn more about upcoming classes, retreats and Journeys to Peru with Jhaimy visit us at: ⁠⁠
In this episode Jhaimy reflects on the times that we are living in and how his Elders share that one of the biggest challenges right now for humanity is how to be in relationship with ourselves and with others. This translates into how we are then with our relationship to the Cosmos and to Mother Earth. He shares how the two Andean principles of Munay (Sweetness, Beauty, Love and Magic) and Ayni (relationship) can support the cultivation of healthy relationships with self and with others and the importance of "how you feel" more than "how you think" as being medicine.  He also shares teachings connected to the difference between rights and responsibilities as well as why he believes in the importance of respect more than tolerance. Quotes: "It is not the words that you say but the way that you feel in the moment that you say something, there is the medicine, there is where we need to give our attention." "We are really busy as humanity looking at all of the big things, if you pay attention to the little things these are going to bring you more happiness, more joy." "When you feel sweetness and the beautiful part of everything you feel love and if you feel love and connect with this vibration magical things are going to happen, situations will change." "The teaching is not to give to receive, you just give to give…its the only medicine we have.  Give your love, your understanding, the best of you and the universe is going to bring back to you what you give in a beautiful way." "And maybe we need this vibration of Munay to heal our relations…with ourselves and with each other." "Be gentle with your process, maybe now is the beautiful time to be gentle with you…empower your relationship with you in a beautiful and gentle way." *This powerful episode was originally recorded during a FB Live teaching with Jhaimy in our Children of the Seven Rays Community Group...the teachings were so deep and potent that day that we wanted to share with our Heart of the Condor podcast listeners as well.   To join our FB group and connect with Jhaimy live online throughout the year visit: For more information about upcoming events, classes, workshops and retreats with Jhaimy visit:
In this episode, Jhaimy goes deeper into our unique relationships with Master Plants and how our intentions can impact our experiences. When connecting with Master Plants, we must honour and learn from the Indigenous people who know these plants and respect the traditions that have been formed over thousands of years. By acknowledging our responsibilities and opening our hearts to greet these Masters with reverence, they are then more able to open their world to receive us. Quotes: “My motivation is to try to be free of my own fears.” "Be responsible. Remember that exists one society that worked thousands of thousands of years to protect - to be the warriors - of this tradition. And if you want to learn, first, be a good helper. Not just for a month. Not just for one ceremony. Be a good helper for life. Because this is what’s going to help you to receive the blessings that exists in the medicine journey.” “To interpret the experience, you need to learn the language of the medicine, and the language of the medicine comes with the idea of learning about traditions.” Want to hear Part 1? Go listen to Episode 5 - Working with Medicine/Master plants begins with the Relationship Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
In this episode, Jhaimy introduces the Andean principle of Illawy. While this principle is perhaps most simply described as parity or partnership, Jhaimy shows us how Illawy helps to shape our reality. Illawy helps us to remember “the origins of everything” and can support our understanding of how our intentions and feelings give rise to our experiences. Integrating this principle helps us to transform and transmute any intentions that may not be in harmony with what we want to receive in life. Quotes: “The Ancestors always say, “Be a little more aware of what motivates you to create things in your life.” “My master says one day to me, “Who you are to judge yourself? And who you are to judge others? You do the things that you need to do because it's already things that you need to learn. So don't be so hard with you because whatever you do in life is what you need to learn. And this is the Illawy. This is what this medicine brings to us and this principle teaches.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
In this episode, Jhaimy talks about the sacred journeys that he leads in Peru and explains why he calls them a “pilgrimage”. In older times, such trips to these temples and Andean sites would have been much more difficult to make than today, and so Jhaimy helps us to understand the sacrality and symbology in these places, while also guiding us to walk with deep reverence on these paths to honor both the Ancestors and ourselves. As a Traditional Curandero, he guides these journeys to not only share his wisdom about these sacred spaces, but to help people to transform and transmute their perceptions, ideas, and feelings along the way; to see their current lives with new eyes. When we travel in a sacred way to these sites and temples, we transform and transmute ourselves, and we are more open to recognizing our day-to-day lives as an ongoing sacred journey – a pilgrimage for our soul. Quotes: “In the pilgrimage, we don't focus so much on where we go … we focus more on how we're going to do this process.” “The process of transformation and transmutation is not so easy. It’s not an easy journey to transform your perception, transform your ideas, transform your feelings. You need to have patience. You need to move step by step. You need to learn how to walk.” “We do this journey in a sacred way, and we live in a sacred way.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
Description: In this episode, Jhaimy describes the Andean vibration of the Allin Kausay (living in a good way), and how it compares to typical human patterns which may be more commonly associated with a difficult way of living. He offers guidance for healing our hearts, and our world, through awareness and appreciation of the gifts that Mother Earth and the Cosmos provide us with every day. We are reminded to walk on our paths gently, humbly, and with compassion for others along the way, and when in doubt – pray, sing, and connect with the roots of life. Quotes: “Maybe you don’t need to know.  Maybe just trust. Have faith in the eyes of your feet. Let your feet guide you, on your path back home.” “Be humble. Remember that sometimes you made the same mistakes.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
Description:  In this episode, Jhaimy shares the Andean perspective on how we can use our own personal symbology to assist in our experiences of dreamtime. Whether it’s using the 4 elements or allowing an animal totem to “eat you”, he encourages us to remember the power that we have to create within our dreams and the importance of the correct interpretation to guide us deeper on our dreaming journeys. Quotes: : “Because it's your world, because it's your reality, you have the power. Maybe one of the most fantastic and beautiful powers that exists - you are free to create whatever you like.” “Every single dream has something to teach, so learn. But also remember; it’s your world, it’s your reality, it’s your own space.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
Description: In this episode, Jhaimy describes the Andean social structure known as the Ayllu. The Ayllu is both a chosen spiritual family and a community of shared practice. People come together to support each other through day-to-day life and the processes of Yachay (Sacred Learning) and Llanquay (Sacred Work). Within this community, all experiences are shared energetically and held sacred. Quotes: “When somebody is sick, all of the community is sick, but when somebody arrives to another point of view, another reality, or learns something amazing, the community also energetically arrives to this space more quickly.” “In the Andean tradition, when you live in a community, you need to be responsible and be more impeccable with your ideas, with your feelings, because this is going to help you and everyone – all of your Ayllu, all your spiritual family.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
Description: In this episode, Jhaimy shares the Andean wisdom of Pacha – time and space; “…two beautiful vibrations that move together”, with a focus on how we experience time. Today, we commonly view the past as behind us, and the future as being ahead of us. However, in Andean traditions, the future lives behind us, unseen and unknown. The past, on the other hand, is seen as in front of us; it is what we must face, learn from, and walk through each day. When we see our past in front of us and learn to witness, embrace, and learn from our patterns, then we will have the insight to make better choices and create a more peaceful, harmonious life. Quotes: “One of my elders said something beautiful. ‘Study your past, and in this way, you’re going to live a better present and call a better future’. And maybe this is a big medicine.” “When you are in peace with you, everything is fantastic. Everything’s going to be OK, because you’re already finding the medicine that your heart needs to navigate this human existence, and this is everything that we need.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
Description: In this episode, Jhaimy introduces the Andean concept of Ñyo Kan Kani (I Am Me). He shares that one of the main sicknesses for humanity today is the need for “understanding”. Ñyo Kan Kani is not simply understanding yourself, but it is an action; a relationship that goes beyond knowing yourself and looks deeper at how you act in relationship with yourself, and how you hold yourself in this relationship. While we may not have the capacity to understand ourselves, or our full reality, we can accept that we exist and respect who we are – I Am Me. This relationship with ourselves, between I and Me, then leads us to a greater ability to live in harmony with the “we”. Quotes: “Who are we to understand everything? Accept - And when you accept that you exist, when you accept your Ñyo Kan Kani – or that I am me - you are beginning to create a relationship between me and I.” “When you live in a beautiful relationship with you, you have the way to create beautiful relationships with the others; internally and externally, in macro and in micro, in the physical form, and in the spiritual form.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here:
In this episode, Jhaimy reflects on the meaning of love and how as human beings we are always in search of this seemingly abstract idea. He shares that in the Andes there is a Quechua word - Munay - which is one of the Seven Andean Principles that embraces the energy of sweetness, beauty, love, and magic in the same moment. He explains how each of these aspects of Munay provides a step to enter into the doorway to experience this energy in its fullness. "In the Andean tradition love is one step that we need to walk in our way of finding and expressing Munay.” “Munay is such a big and beautiful medicine that teaches us how to embrace in a beautiful way everything, or all our relations, in the conscious and unconscious way.” “Munay is an energy that moves in four steps. These four steps are four different realities or windows, doors that bring communion. The union of all of the different parts, pieces, realities of your life. And it also brings communion to all of your relations around you. Human, animals, nature.” “Sweetness, Beauty, Love and Magic. These four steps hold each other. Walking together. Working together.” “Munay is a power, a responsibility, an energy that grows inside of us and that we need to cultivate in our hearts and in our day to day. This brings a lot of medicine and healing for ourselves and for the others.” Receive a FREE guided meditation for healing and balance with Jhaimy here: