Hebrew Podcasts

Hebrew Podcasts makes learning to speak conversational Hebrew practical and enjoyable. Each lesson covers a topic with a Hebrew dialog that is explained in detail. Each Hebrew lesson is enhanced by a lesson guide that provides further information. The guide includes a full transcript, translation, explanations, additional examples, and exercises.

Lesson 207 - A Child's Nightmares

Yaron has nightmares that keep his parents up at night as they try to comfort him. The parents understand what he’s going through and try to find a solution.


Lesson 206 - Yoga

Naomi invites Adam to a Yoga retreat. She thinks he can benefit from yoga and become more flexible and physically fit. Adam is not so easily convinced.


Lesson 205 - Mahane Yehuda Market

Yigal and Dorit are heading to Mahane Yehuda Market. They love shopping there, and eating at many of their favorite restaurants.


Lesson 204 - Yossi Banai

Yigal hears Dorit laughing hard and learns that she is listening to an old sketch of Hagashash Hachiver. They are reminiscing about the writer of the sketch, Yossi Banai, a prolific Israeli artist.


Lesson 203 - Department Store

Uzi is shopping at the department store with his toddler son. He asks Dana at the customer service desk for help navigating the store.


Lesson 202 - House Cleaner

Ilan is speaking with Dina. He wants her to recommend a house cleaner so that he doesn't have to do the Passover cleaning this year. The thorough cleaning is just too much for him.


Lesson 201 - Dog Trainer

Tami invited Yoel, who is a dog trainer, to help her train her dog Simba. She doesn’t seem to manage his behavior and she is worried that he will put himself and others in danger.


Lesson 200 - Hebrew Language Day

Leah and Benny are both teachers that are preparing lesson plans for the upcoming Hebrew Language Day. Every language evolves over time and the Academy for the Hebrew Language introduces new words periodically.


Lesson 199 - The Photographer

Nily and Meir are hiking but Nily stays behind to take photos. Meir is worried for her safety because she sometimes immerses herself in taking photos while not watching where she stands.


Lesson 198 - Yehuda Amichai

Yael is hosting the weekly book club meeting. She is welcoming Ariel who joined the book club when he heard that the club members are going to discuss his favorite poet, Yehuda Amichai.


Lesson 197 - Cartoon Museum

Aliza is a curator at the new Israeli Cartoon Museum. She invites the mayor to the opening of the museum, recognizing his role in raising funds for the museum.


Lesson 196 - Mobile Dog Spa

Ilana was surprised to see a mobile dog spa near their home. When Yossi confessed that it was for their dog, Lola, Ilana thought it was too much pampering. But Yossi soon convinced her that it will make their lives easier.


Lesson 195 - Spice Farm

Batya and Moti are brother and sister that inherited the management of the spice farm from their father. They are excited to assume the responsibility of being the third generation to manage the farm and to inject their own new ideas.


Lesson 194 - Apollonia National Park

Keren and Rami are invited to a birthday costume party. The theme is historical figures. For their costume, they look for inspiration in the photos they took while visiting Apollonia National Park.


Lesson 193 - Clocks Theft Mystery

Sarit and Danny are police detectives. Danny complains to Sarit about an investigation that is proving hard to solve. Sarit recounts the great mystery of the theft of the clock collection.


Lesson 192 - Ecological Garden

Adam is jealous of Naomi's garden. He doesn't think that he could have such a nice garden in his small apartment, but Naomi encourages him and gives him some tips.


Lesson 191 - Adopting a Dog

Orly and Yoav are Talia's parents. They decided to adopt a dog for her and they are excited to iron out the details of the adoption.


Lesson 190 - Climate Change

Tamar, the office manager, called a general meeting of all the employees to brainstorm ways of combating climate change.


Lesson 189 - At the Beach

Yuval and his grandma are going to the beach. They are debating which Tel Aviv beach is the best and safest.


Lesson 188 - Park Fitness Equipment

Naomi called City Hall to lodge a complaint regarding accessibility to public fitness equipment. She spoke with Adam. Let's hear how Adam is trying to resolve her complaint.


محمد کوشکی

free palestine

03-15 Reply

Kathie Stasewicz

Could you add a link to your website?

06-06 Reply

jordan herling

Could you please upload all of the older ones?

04-28 Reply

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