Heightened Life

A place for meaningful conversations that spark insight, and inspire growth.

#10 Anderson Charles: Convesations on Life with a Long-time Friend

This week, I had so much fun chatting with my longtime friend Anderson Charles. He is the creator the the great YouTube Channel Bombastic Nation 2.  Check it our here: https://www.youtube.com/user/obeahnovel Until next time, much love!


#9 Natasha Wordsworth - Creating an Empowered Life

In this week's episode I had a lovely chat with Natasha Wordsworth.  Natasha is an NLP certified Life Coach. Through her coaching program Empowered with Natasha, she helps women create their best lives by developing greater relationships with themselves. We discuss the importance of mindset and self-love among other things.  It was great to chat with her and I am excited to share it with you.  Empowered with Natasha:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/empowered_withnatasha Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/empoweredwithnatasha Heightened Life: Podcast: https://anchor.fm/heightenedlife Website:  https://heightenedlife.org/


#8 Ben Ortiz: Life, Communication, and Keeping our Heads above Chaos

In this weeks episode, I chat with my friend and fellow content creator Ben Ortiz.  We discuss several things including: life in general, communication, and keeping our heads above the chaos. I really enjoyed our conversation, and I am excited to share it with you. Ben's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/always_b3n/ Heightened Life:  https://heightenedlife.org/ https://www.instagram.com/heightenedlife/ MtB9DPhWakAe8gcF58Na


#7 MJ: Celebrating Consistency and Conversation

#7 Celebrating Consistency and Conversation In this week’s episode, I have a great chat with my friend MJ. He is one of the hosts of the Inside the Sound Podcast.  We discuss a myriad of things including; lessons that I’ve learned from my guests, consistency, and the pursuit of our dreams.  It was great fun to sit down and chat with him. I hope you enjoy it. Links: Inside the Sound: Podcast Site:  https://anchor.fm/insidethesound Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insidesoundcast/ Heightened Life: Podcast Site: https://anchor.fm/heightenedlife Website: https://heightenedlife.org/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heightened_life/


#6 Nate G: Keys for Remodeling Lives

#6 Nate G: Keys for Remodeling Lives It is always good to sit down and talk with someone inspiring. This week, I had the opportunity to chat with Nate G.  Nate is the host of the Extraordinary Podcast, as well as the creator of the innovative personal growth program 8 Keys 2 Great.  He shares a bit about the podcast, then we dive into the 8 Keys 2 great program.  The program focuses on redesigning lives using similar methodology as used in designing and building a home. It was a fun and insightful conversation, and I am excited to share it with you. Noteworthy Links: The Extraordinary Podcast:  https://www.8keys2great.net/podcast 8 Keys 2 Great Program:  https://www.8keys2great.net/ Heightened Life Links:  https://linktr.ee/HeightenedLife Be sure to give follow the podcast on Facebook and Instagram! Until next time, Much love -Amanda


#5 Wes Annac: Staying Centered in Love and Rising Above Chaos

#5 Wes Annac:  Staying Centered in Love and Rising above Chaos In this episode my guest Wes Annac and myself discuss love-centered living, the importance of staying in alignment with this intent, and rising above chaos.  This year has been steeped with chaotic circumstances. Staying centered in love allows us to avoid getting swept away by drama or circumstance. Wes is a blogger who focuses on  empathy, love-centered living,  and spirituality. We had a great conversation that I am really excited to share. Links: Wes’ Blog:  https://openheartedrebellion.com/ Heightened Life Website: https://heightenedlife.org Podcast: https://anchor.fm/heightenedlife Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heightened_life/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heightenedlife


#4 Inside the Sound: A Conversation on the Intersection of Music and Life

SHOW NOTES: Inside the Sound In this episode I have a conversation with MJ and Ryan from the podcast Inside the Sound.  They are excellent musicians as well as podcast hosts.  We discuss life, music, and the intersection of the two. Also, MJ and Ryan perform one of their original songs, “Take Me Home.” It was great fun! Links: Inside the Sound Podcast:  https://anchor.fm/insidethesound (Also available on all common podcast platforms.) Heightened Life: Website:  https://heightenedlife.org/ Podcast: https://anchor.fm/heightenedlife (Also available on all common podcast platforms.) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heightened_life/ Amanda on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaDawnGoin1


#3 - Anne Bonney: Igniting Courage through Uncomfortable Change

#3 Anne Bonney:  Igniting Courage through Uncomfortable Change In this episode, I share my conversation with Anne Bonney. Anne is a fascinating individual. She is an amazing motivational speaker, best-selling author, and host of igniting courage podcast.  We had a great conversation about how to navigate through uncomfortable change. Anne shares a bit about her strategies for navigating change, a bit of her backstory, and some amazing stories. Check it out! Check out here book: Get Over it! Order on Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/Get-Over-Embracing-Discomfort-Change/dp/0578590794/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UCLAAG4QFSJE&dchild=1&keywords=anne+bonney+get+over+it&qid=1602456017&sprefix=anne+bonney+%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-1 Follow along with the latest on Heightened Life: www.heightenedlife.org And be sure to follow along on instagram, and social media. Let’s connect: Follow me, Amanda Goins, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaDawnGoin1


#2 - Updates on Life and Exciting Things to Come

Episode #2 - Updates on Life and Exciting Things to Come In this episode, I give a quick update on my life, recent things I’ve discovered, and share some exciting news! Episode Summary: Explanation of the intent of this podcast, and where it will go from here. Brief update on my  life. Three lessons I learned over the past week. The importance of stepping out of your comfort zone. Consistency Connecting with others Exciting news about things to come on Heightened Life. Quotes: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsh “So, I pushed through my initial tendency to be shy and awkward and I dove in.  I challenged myself to learn as much as possible, and to truly connect with as many people as I could.” -Amanda Goins Resources/Links Website: https://heightenedlife.org/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/AmandaDawnGoin1 Referenced Website (Inside the Sound: https://anchor.fm/insidethesound


#1 Personal Alchemy: How I Turned my Trauma into Triumph

Heightened Life| Meaning PodcastEpisode #1: Show NotesIntroduction:I created this podcast to share my experiences and insights, and encourage my listeners to create the lives they want to live.  It is an exploration of ways to level up life, and shatter...


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