Jesus loves you dude. (I love you too, just not as well) Book: blog: Are Human. blog:
"Be fond of learning and fearless of doing." ~ @TheNakedPoet2
"You can't hit a target if you don't know what you're aiming at."~ Unknown
"Love is a serious mental disease" ~ Plato
"A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there..."~ Unknown
"Pain is just weakness leaving the body" -Unknown
"You cannot be a good person until you realize how much evil you contain inside you"Jordan B Peterson
"Depression is your true self telling your avatar it's tired of the character you're trying to play"Jim CarreyHello, My Name Is... (Amazon link)
"We are created for community.."(Buy my book yo.)
"The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step..." Lao Tzu Also, buy my book. schizo 🙃
Wilbur Lovitt
Yo… I had no idea I could comment on here. I had to go back and listen to the first three minutes of this one again. It’s exactly what I needed to hear right now! Thanks for doing these podcasts. I get little gems here and there and they seem to come when I need them.