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Heppoko Japanese

Author: Yukiko

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Welcome to Heppoko Japanese! Learn beginner Japanese with me as I tell stories from my everyday life. I will explore topics about Japanese culture, food, lifestyle, language, and more! Enjoy my Heppoko, but happy life in Japan.
12 Episodes
お久しぶりです。 みなさん夏はどう過ごしましたか? 今日は日本の夏のお盆という習慣についてお話しします。 Long time no see! How did you spend your summer?  Today I would like to talk about the custom of Japanese summer festival. Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
私の仕事についてと、最近興味のある、オンラインレッスンについてお話しします。 みなさんはオンラインで何かを学んだことはありますか?? I would like to talk about my work and an online lesson that I have recently been interested in. Have you learned anything online? Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
今回は夏の国内旅行についてお話しします。 日本で話題になっているgo to travel キャンペーンとは?? This time I will talk about summer travel in Japan.  What is the "go to travel" campaign that has become a hot topic in Japan? ? Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
今回は、最近ハマっている 韓国のドラマや音楽についてお話しします。 韓国ドラマ面白いですよね〜。みなさんは見たことありますか? Today, I talk about Korean dramas and music that I've been into recently. Korean dramas are interesting, aren't they? Have you ever watched a Korean drama? Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
みなさん、"梅雨" これはなんと読むかわかりますか?? 雨の日が続いていますね。 今回は日本の”梅雨”についてお話しします。 Hey everyone, do you know what to read this? "梅雨"  It's been raining a lot lately. This time I will talk about the "rainy season” in Japan. Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
今回は、テラスハウスにでていた、木村花さん。 フロイドさんについて、おはなししました。 このような悲しい事件が起こらないような、美しい世界になりますように。 お二人のご冥福をお祈りいたします。 This time, I talk about Hana Kimura from Terrace House and George Floyd.  I hope we can have a beautiful world where such a sad event will not occur. We wish you the best of luck. Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
先週の日曜日は、母の日でしたね。みなさんは、お母さんに何かプレゼントしましたか? Last Sunday was Mother's Day! Did you get anything for your mother? Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
みなさん、宝くじが当たる神社があるって知っていますか? 今回は、日本のゴールデンウィークについてお話しします。 Did you know that there are shrines for those looking to win the lottery? This time, I will talk about Golden Week in Japan. Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
みなさん。日本の食べ物は好きですか? 今回はやさしい、かんたんな日本語をつかって、ウイルスに負けない体をつくる、元気になる食べ物(発酵食品)のおはなしをします。 Everyone. Do you like Japanese food? This time, we will talk about healthy foods (fermented foods) that will make your body resistant to viruses by using easy and simple Japanese!
やさしい、かんたんな日本語をつかって、おうち時間の過ごし方についておはなしします。 ネットフリックスで見れる、おすすめの日本アニメについてもお話ししています。 はやく、みんなが安心(あんしん)して笑顔(えがお)で過ごせるひがきますように! Today I will talk about how to spend your house time using easy and simple Japanese. I also talk about and recommend a Japanese anime that can be seen on Netflix. I hope everyone will be able to smile and have peace of mind!
やさしい、かんたんな日本語をつかって、日本のコロナウィルスの現状(げんじょう)をおはなしします。 はやく、みんなが安心(あんしん)して笑顔(えがお)で過ごせるひがきますように! Today, I talk about the corona virus situation in Japan by using easy Japanese! I hope the situation will change quickly and everyone will be able to smile and have peace of mind. Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!
はじめまして!Welcome to Heppoko Japanese! やさしい日本語で、日本の文化、食べ物、生活などを紹介していきます。 第一回目は、私、ゆんちゃんの自己紹介です。 Please enjoy listening while I introduce various topics about Japanese culture, food, lifestyle, and more. This podcast will introduce easy and useful Japanese for beginners! In this episode I included my self-introduction. Please enjoy and wait until the end for this episodes vocabulary list. Lets learn Japanese together!