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Author: Dr. Leslie Wakefield, PT

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Listen in as we talk about all things her-sex related: from pleasure to dysfunction, from the physical to the emotional, and everything in between. Dr. Leslie Wakefield, Pelvic Physical Therapist, bring her sexuality into the forefront and discusses topics that have been hush-hush for far too long. Wondering if this podcast is for you? If you are "her" or were once assigned "her" or are interested in "her" then yes, yes it is!
11 Episodes
Alyssa Chavez is a nutritional coach who specializes in helping women with endometriosis and other menstrual disorders heal their bodies and improve fertility. We chat about her work but the bulk of the conversation is her sharing her personal journey of discovering that she had endometriosis, learning to heal her gut, navigating IVF and miscarriage, and having excision surgery. This interview took place in 2022. You can learn more about Alyssa personally and her work on her podcast, "The Endo Belly Girl Podcast!" Instagram: @endobellygirl ,  ⁠⁠ Also, big brag, after our first season we were named #10 in women's sexual health podcasts by @feedspotdotcom! 0:00:00 Introducing Alyssa Chavez and her work with endometriosis patients0:03:10 Seeking medical help and discovering endometriosis0:06:04 Opting for IVF but experiencing a miscarriage0:09:01 Embracing holistic healing while also undergoing endometriosis surgery0:10:09 The Impact of Experiencing Endometriosis, IVF, and Surgery0:13:05 Discovering discomfort and changes in clothing choices0:17:18 Recognizing the Fatigue and its Impact on Daily Life0:19:50 Challenges of Irregular Ovulation and Timing Sex0:23:00 Transitioning to IVF and the Regimen of Injections0:25:17 Physical Discomfort and Limited Activity During IVF0:26:43 Emotional Rollercoaster of Fertility Treatment0:29:08 Exciting News of Successful Second Transfer0:31:37 Opening up about the emotional journey of miscarriage0:34:02 Finding support and strength in a loving partner0:38:02 Consulting with an endometriosis excision specialist0:40:46 Emphasizing the importance of rest and recovery after major surgery0:40:54 Surgery and Post-Surgery Experience0:42:08 Relief from Painful Periods and Improved Menstrual Health0:53:08 Sharing Resources and Final Words
In her 20s Maya escaped an abusive engagement, and ran as far away from traditional relationships as she could.  Over the years in non-monogamous relationships she learned a lot about herself and her own boundaries, and healed.  She was also able to satisfy her high sex drive and desire for sexual novelty and exploration through these non-traditional relationships.  Now, 15 years later, Maya has come full circle and is now looking for a committed, monogamous relationship and family.  She tells her story and gives advice to women wanting to satisfy their own curiosity.
From cyclical living to period sex!  Leslie Draffin is a menstrual cycle coach, feminine embodiment mentor, podcast host of "The Light Within" and former news anchor who is passionate about eliminating shame and fear around women's bodies, cycles, and sex.  Leslie believes in empowering women to come home to their bodies while embracing their divine, cyclical natures. We cover topics including: What is a menstrual coach?     Leslie's personal story of connecting with her cycle, overcoming post-pill PCOS.    What is normal cycle length?       What is the difference between a menstrual cycle on the pill vs a natural menstrual cycle?     How does hormonal birth control work to prevent pregnancy?     Does the pill treat hormonal problems?     What are the phases of a menstrual cycle and what do they feel like?     How these phases of the cycle are our super powers!     What does a business based in cyclical living look like?  The Infradian rhythm, and how men and women are different.     How can people without a natural menstrual cycle live cyclically?     Connecting with your authentic yes and your authentic no.     Libido throughout the month.     PERIOD SEX!  the how-tos.     Taboos around vulvas.     Leslie's free resources and paid coaching.     Passing on this knowledge to our daughters and sons.    Here is how to connect directly with Leslie Draffin, menstrual coach:  instragram @lesliedraffin or      FREEBIE: Awaken your Period Power Bundle: Self paced course, Cycle Codes:  use code HERSEX for a discount. LINK TO COURSE: FREE CYCLE CONSULTS: Menstrual Mentorships - 1-on-1 coaching over a 3 or 6-month time frame depending on client needs, link: And the products she mentioned:  splash blanket from Yoni Pleasure Palace use code LESLIE for 10% off uberlube  - her favorite lube
Ellaraisa is a 70something year-young woman, who was a professional ballerina, and still works in high-level dance and choreography.  She talks about physical and emotional intimacy in this season of her life- she is single but wants to be in a committed relationship. She will talk about a skin condition on her vulva called lichen sclerosis, which makes sexual penetration difficult, as well as the therapy and treatment for this autoimmune disease.  She talks about her history of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma, and how she recovers from this trauma and the deep joy she takes in life.  She tells humorous dating stories, the physical and emotional challenges of dating in this season of her life, and tells us about the generational gap between her age group and younger women, and how that manifests in love and love-making.  She is the embodiment of fireworks!
Endometriosis is a painful condition that affects more than 1 in 10 women and unknown numbers of transgender and gender diverse people.  It can be challenging to receive timely diagnosis, and people can often go years without effective treatment.  One of the hallmark symptoms of endometriosis, although not always present, is painful sex.  Dr. Bridge-Cook discusses endometriosis in general, as well as the specifics of endo-related sexual pain.   For more information on endometriosis, The Endometriosis Network Canada is an trustworthy resource and a group where Dr. Bridge-Cook volunteers her time:, or Resources Dr. Bridge-Cook mentions in her interview:  the book Beating Endo, by Dr. Iris Orbuch;  Sex Pain and Endometriosis website Another resource:
After 30 years of pain with deep penetration during sex, Annie finally found a solution.  She tells us about the long journey it took to get there, including scores of physicians, multiple surgeries, diagnoses including endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts, the challenges it presented in her relationship, and how she had lost hope.  Fortunately, she never gave up.  
Annie returns for part 2, describing how a stuck tampon lead them to find her daughter's septate hymen, and the surgical procedure that resulted.  Annie talks about the physical experience, as well as her parenting experience.
50 year old Annie discusses the labiaplasty she had age 17:  what it was like to discover that her vulva was different, how it affected her, why she chose to have a labiaplasty at a young age, and her thoughts since then.  This is part 1 of a 3 part interview.
In this candid conversation, we delve into the nuances of asexuality with Emilie Cabot, an asexual individual who shares her personal journey and experiences with discovering and understanding their sexuality. From navigating societal expectations to finding acceptance within herself, Emilie opens up about the challenges and triumphs of being asexual in a world where sexual norms often dominate the narrative. Sections: Discovering Asexuality: Emilie recounts their journey of self-discovery, from questioning traditional labels to finding resonance with asexuality. They reflect on pivotal moments, such as encountering AVEN (Asexual Visibility and Education Network) and realizing that their experiences didn't align with societal expectations of sexuality. Challenging Assumptions: The conversation explores misconceptions surrounding asexuality, including the difference between low libido, celibacy, and asexuality. Emilie shares personal anecdotes and discusses how societal pressure and cultural narratives can impact individuals' understanding of their own sexuality. Shifting Perspectives: Can sexuality, particularly asexuality, change over a lifetime? Emilie offers insights into the fluidity of sexuality and how deeper self-awareness can lead to a better understanding of one's identity. They emphasize the importance of ongoing dialogue and education to foster acceptance and inclusivity. Navigating Relationships: From dating to family planning, Emilie discusses the unique challenges faced by asexual individuals in romantic relationships. They share experiences of disclosing their asexuality on dating platforms and navigating conversations about intimacy and partnership. Embracing Diversity: The conversation concludes with a reflection on the importance of embracing diverse identities and experiences. Emilie highlights the value of open communication and mutual respect in fostering understanding and acceptance within relationships and communities. Guest Bio: Emilie E. Cabot is an anxious, introverted, asexual being crushed by capitalism who shares poetry and essays that illuminates asexual queerness, mental health struggles, and how systems and societal norms make living harder than it needs to be. Her book can be found on amazon: Processing Sh!t: A collection of writing by an anxious introverted neurodivergent asexual stuck in quarantine being crushed by capitalism trying to figure things out IG: @asexualintrovert
Melissa is a Sexological Bodyworker, and is the owner/operator of Soma Temple in Greece. She describes what sexological body work is, who it can help, and how. She works only with women, and helps them heal body image issues, dissociation, lack of orgasm, trauma, and more. She discusses consent, boundaries, learning what you like, and the life changing skill of receiving. 0:00:00 Introduction to Sexological Bodywork with Melissa Lumina0:02:06 The Practices and Benefits of Sexological Bodywork0:11:08 Emotional Release through Pelvic Floor Therapy0:16:54 Ritual de-roping: Letting go of beliefs and constructs0:19:17 Open Conversations about Personal Pleasure0:19:32 The Power of Self-Love Coaching0:20:51 Establishing Boundaries in Client Communication0:22:51 Partner's Support and Involvement in the Work0:24:45 Legal Differences Between Europe and the U.S.0:27:07 Transformational Story: Overcoming Trauma and Finding Healing0:29:06 Feeling Safe in the Body: A Key Aspect of the Work0:30:40 Introduction to Month Three: Body Work Sessions0:32:45 Superimposing Clock on Vulva for Client Understanding0:33:42 Exploring Pleasure and Different Tools0:36:01 The Power of Receiving and Accepting Pleasure0:38:10 The Power of Sexual Energy0:41:11 Exploring Different Aspects of Month Three0:43:19 Breath as a Tool to Stay Present and Connected
Kendra talks about her experiences with vaginismus, shaped by purity culture, sexual trauma, relationship pressure, and lack of information. She is now 18 years into her journey and has chosen to opt out of "P in V" pressure; she is instead focusing on self acceptance and finding a partner who loves her for who she is, rather than what she can do. She wishes that young women had more information and more self acceptance, and felt less pressure to perform. Resources we discuss: Gyno-Ready Vaginismus Checklist: Vaginismus Support for Women Facebook Support Group: Stretches that Kendra found so helpful: ⁠   • Pelvic Floor Release Stretches | FemF...  