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Hi guys! Real Talk With Tracy.

Author: Tracy

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Lots of great stories to inspire you.
89 Episodes
My experience after 18 months on Ozempic
My story.....
A story about boundaries.
My story!!! Great results at age 60.
Here is what you can do!!! Free yourself!!
Love each other...we are all humans.
How to be happy and save for your future!! Please listen and share!
How companies take your money without you knowing!!!
My story. You may relate to this. You are not alone and you don't have to put up with this anymore!!.
What the heck is going on in our society? Can we please stop dumping dogs off at high kill shelters?
Pearls of wisdom from my real life experience!
Always educate yourself on what's in your area before buying a home.
Educate your friends and family please.
Great advice if you are thinking about getting a puppy or dog.
Are you 60 or older ? Eat for free and learn how to paint at the senior center near you!!! Make new friends!
My rant for today on selfish people and much much more.
How to keep it together after hearing everyone's problems. How to let it all go......
My story
My experience with my narcissist family. It's ok to cut the cord and say goodbye. Stop thinking that they will change.
Our trip with Gate 1 tours to Israel...Jordan..and Petra.