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Hijabi Diaries

Author: Malaika ♡

Subscribed: 571Played: 2,027


Assalamualaikum everyone in this podcast I talk about the path to spiritual growth, give out advice, Islam, stories, and much more! Come with me on this islamic journey as we strengthen our relationship with Allah :)
The Prophet ﷺ said, "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence.”♡
48 Episodes
The Life of Nuh (as)

The Life of Nuh (as)


In this episode, I share the background of Prophet Nuh (as) life and how he rose to prophethood.
The Life of Idris (as)

The Life of Idris (as)


In this episode, I uncover the trials of Prophet Idris (AS), a man of wisdom and faith who called his people back to righteousness in a time of corruption. Despite rejection and opposition, he remained steadfast, spreading knowledge and justice. His patience was ultimately rewarded by Allah, elevating him to a high station.
The Life Of Adam (as)

The Life Of Adam (as)


In this episode, I explore the life of Prophet Adam (pbuh), from his creation and life in Paradise to his fall and journey to prophethood. His story sets the foundation for humanity's guidance and offers timeless lessons of faith and patience.
In this final series episode, I share two tahajjud duas that were sent in by two of my listeners. insta:
In this episode, I talk about life after death and how to deal with a loss of a loved one. Insta: @_hijabi.diaries
In this episode, three other listeners share their successful dua's that were accepted! insta:
This is a new short series of your tahajjud dua’s that have been accepted including my own to bring light and motivate everyone to wake up and make dua for what it is that they so dearly want because you'll get it!insta:



In this episode, I give you all advice on how to quit or try to quit the sin and the history behind tabarujj. source:



In this episode, I give advice on how to stop engaging in free mixing and how to decrease it in our everyday lives.
FAQ'S💬: Ep 3

FAQ'S💬: Ep 3


In this episode, I answer more of your questions. This is the last episode of this series but in'shaa'allah in the near future there will be more soon! Jazakallah Khair for your questions, hope I helped!Dr. Zakir Nakir:
FAQ'S💬: Ep 2

FAQ'S💬: Ep 2


Ep 2 of the frequently asked questions series! :)
FAQ'S💬: Ep 1

FAQ'S💬: Ep 1


This is my first ever series on the podcast where I answer your frequently asked questions about Islam or myself. This will be a short series that’ll consist of 2-3 episodes. Send in ur questions to my insta: @_hijabi.diaries
In this episode, i give advice on how to balance deen with dunya as a student. what to cut out, fix, and do to ensure ur doing the best for both. insta: @_hijabi.diaries
the angel of death🖤

the angel of death🖤


In this episode, I talk about Malʾak Al-Mawt and cover the basics of who he is, what he is, how he takes souls, etc.



In this episode, I talk about naseeb and what it means. If something is meant for you, it’ll find you and if it isn’t then it’ll never be yours. I have a guest speaker Hiba who shares her story of an interracial marriage, with her being Palestinian and her husband Pakistani. She gives advice to fellow young Muslims on how to navigate through marriage and matchmaking. Hiba’s instagram: My instagram: _hijabi.diaries Hiba’s email: My email:



In this episode, I discuss the situation that’s happening in Rafah, Palestine. All of the money made on this episode will go to many charities, so please share this as much as you can! Insta:
realm of souls🌌

realm of souls🌌


In this episode, I talk about how we instantly click with certain people like we’ve known them for a long time and that’s true! Our souls met in Alam Al-Arwah which is the Realm of Souls in Islam.
In this episode, I talk about the journey we’ll go thru walking The Bridge of Sirat and teach the basic Islamic knowledge behind it. Insta: _hijabi.diaries
In this episode, I go into detail with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ prophethood. It recounts the nature of Rasurallah. The situation revolving around the revelation, and the effect he had upon not just his people but the whole world. Youtube vid links:
In this episode, i go into detail about 10 minor signs before The Day Of Judgement happens. - *advice & motivational motivation included* ~ My instagram: @_hijabi.diaries