Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast

Energetic,nurturing & fun explorations of your Yoga practice can make your day more enriching. Hillary guides you in her live/recorded private classes; it's like you are right there doing a private yoga session. Classes have a strong sense of alignment blended with inspiring themes that will take you deeper into the heart of your own practice on and off the mat. She offers 30min, 1hr beginner to advanced yoga classes along with short interviews with yogi's about their relationship to their practice.

Hello & Surprise!!!

t's been almost 2 yrs since I've posted a podcast. Over 10 years since I taught yoga. Since then I've became a coach and coach trainer then left to raise my son Odin who is about to turn 5.  Time flies when you're in life. I'm still practicing yoga and happy to be able to give these classes to you.  Love to those of you who are doing the classes and still giving reviews. Thank you for saying you'd like more classes, for now this is not going to happen.  What is is my BRAND NEW PODCAST!!!  Create Like A Mother has launched... check out the trailer and subscribe to go on this journey with me.  Create Like a Mother is not another mom podcast!  It’s your safe place to hear what other mamas who are just like you do to stay connected to their creativity. We’re going to dive deep into real conversations with mothers who are doing it, figuring it out and still seeking what works for them creatively.  You’ll walk away knowing you can do it your own way and make it happen too. It’s time to Create Like A Mother and celebrate being unconventional. ;)  See you there!   


Episode #74 The Art of Becoming You Level 2/45 Min Class

In this episode get ready to move your body, flow into forgiveness and enjoy the ART OF BECOMING YOU! *Not for Beginners Join me for a special free tele-workshop on 1/25 : Sign up here: http://bit.ly/XiaIxkA special Thank you to Alexis Wolfer of the Beauty Bean - http://www.beautybean.com Get rid of back and neck tension and feel AMAZING in your body. - Hip openers - Shoulder openers - End with a yummy relaxation See you on the other side. xo, Hillary


*HYP Bonus Video: The Myth of Self-Sabotage

What is up with SELF SABOTAGE? It is totally a myth. It is not real.Check in with our environment - Are you putting yourself in situations where you will THRIVE or where you will DIE? The people, places and things have to lift your vibration to support your dreams and your truth. www.HillaryRubin.com


*HYP Bonus Video: Motivation is Personal

Do you have issues with motivation? Do you start things and then lose steam? Where does that energy go, if you lose track from your initial goal? Motivation is sacred, unique and personal.www.HillaryRubin.com


*HYP Bonus Video: Overcoming Obstacles

Think about the obstacles you find on your yoga mat. What do we do? BREATHE! Look at the obstacles in your life... they are challenging and hard, right? What is the obstacles in your life were there to help you grow and become more of who you are. Try today to see if you can embrace your obstacles instead of resist them www.HillaryRubin.com


*HYP Bonus Video: Moving Forward with Your Health

It's possible to move past an illness or injury and move forward with your health. People have a tendency to want to go back to a different state of health. I invite you to get excited about moving forward. For a free introduction to Hillary's Living Wellness Kickstart Program vist www.HillaryRubin.com/livingwellness


*HYP Bonus Video: Yoga for Overwhelm

Yoga does not mean saying yes to everything! Are you staying busy because you don't want to stay present? This video is a great reminder to choose self nurturing habits and say goodbye to overwhelm! Get your free gift here: www.HillaryRubin.com/livingwellness


*HYP Bonus Video: The Importance of Rituals

We all want freedom, right? Finding Ritual in our daily life helps us to: 1.Stay Grounded 2. Get clear 3. Find a sense of yourself.  In this video I encourage you to find the ritual in our daily life that we can count on and support us. How do you create ritual in your life? Get your free gift here... www.HillaryRubin.com/LivingWellness


Podcast #73, Dare to Dream... In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King's B-day, (45 Min) Level 2/3 Class

This free yoga podcast is inspired by the famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- I HAVE A DREAM. Click here now to get a LOVE NOTE  from your SOUL Get Your Free Dream Committment Guide, Now. In this Anusara Yoga Podcast, you will go deep into your heart of hearts, souls of souls and challenge your body to identify your SOULS DREAM. THIS IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS! We begin with a warm up, then standing poses, a few cool transitions to challenge you, basic back bends then some supine poses. It's perfect to get clear, reduce your busy mind and have fun. Grab a journal and keep it by your mat, it may inspire you to jot down some insights. Mentioned in this Yoga Podcast: Your Souls University A bad day for your ego is a good day for your soul. - Michael Beckwith, Founder Agape Spiritual Center Let me know in the comments what you think about this class. Namaste.


Podcast #72 : Lift the Veil + Ignite Your Souls Healing Power (35 min ) Mixed Level Yoga Class

YES : a new class I know it's been waaaay too long. It's up and you are gonna love it. This is a great free yoga podcast to get clear from any anxiety, feeling of being alone or not knowing what to do. Enter to win a free spot to Kripalu for a weekend retreat with me June 24-26. Click this link to enter... it's that simple. A good balanced with: Sun salutes, hip openers, shoulder openers, twists, thigh stretch + simple back bends. mentioned in this free online yoga podcast: Quote by Dr. Douglas Brooks : "We are home wherever we are, right now. What's crucial isn't that we make our way back home to our original nature but that we learn how to experience our current condition, whatever it may entail, as the very gift of embodiment." Tribal Truth We explore the mala's : dust, film on the mirror of the heart, a veil that creates a feeling of separation. Anava Mala : heart : veils our divine will.  you feel sense of lack, unworthiness, incompleteness, sadness. Mayiya Mala : veils divine knowledge. creates a perception of being separate, leads to anger, conflict, hatred. Karma Mala : veils freedom of action. you feel feelings of being not able to accomplish actions, anxiety, fear of resources. and the 3 A's of Anusara Yoga. Dig Yoga : great yoga studio in lambertsville and soon in philly.


Podcast #71 - How Do You Show Up in the World? (60 Min) Mixed Level Class

Go here for Your FREE GIFT! Living Wellness Kickstart 3 Week Living Wellness Kick Start Program with Hillary YES, Radiant health and well-being can be yours! YOU need to get my FREE 3 Simple Step “Living Wellness” Kick Start Program that will give you the real tools that work to Stop feeling all alone, worried that there is no one to help you. Find peace in your life & never lose yourself again to your suffering Discover balance and let go of the prison of overwhelm. I would love for the next life I change to be yours. GO here to Get Started! So happy to offer you #71 mixed level free yoga podcast that will take you deep into your being. You will  discover how you can shift how you show up in the world to be more receptive and loving. Disclaimer: if you are a newbie please check the beginner classes here in the podcast:  Here is a good one! Namaste! Hillary Mentioned in class:   The Incredible Dr. Douglas Brooks What is my Hyoid Bone SEE BELOW:         Join my community networks: ADD YOURSELF to my facebook group Hillary’s Yoga Practice Podcast & Be one of the First to Find out about New Happenigs!


Podcast #70 - Exploring Expectations (40 min) Mixed Level Class

Whowsa! I did it #70 free online yoga podcast - never expected I would do it. And this class is chock full with my special guest Kris Ward of Abundant Yogi. We work on how we have expectations of others, ourselves and then find the truth within our practice of Yoga. Here are quick links so you can further your practice on and off the mat. Kris Ward - Abundant Yogi.com HillaryRubin.com - grab your free Audio Series to relax, renew & de-stress! Yoga Hub.com/Hillary (March 25th Get on this ASAP!) Join my community networks: ADD YOURSELF to my facebook group Hillary’s Yoga Practice Podcast & Be one of the First to Find out about New Happenigs!


Podcast #69 - Gratitude For Your Practice (45 min) Level 2

Are You used to running yourself on empty during the holidays? (from: exhausted) You have your practice to refill, revive and remember all your blessings. Enjoy this class it was specifically designed for Your to honor yourself then take care of Your to do lists!!!!!! (to: excited) Enjoy this as a gift from me to YOU!(and let me know what you are wanting in your life) Your partner in transformation, Hillary For my DVD Foundations  CLICK HERE NOW!!!! Join my community networks: ADD YOURSELF to my facebook group Hillary’s Yoga Practice Podcast & Be one of the First to Find out about New Happenigs!


Podcast #68 - Your Life is a Work of Art! 60 Min - All Levels Class

Enjoy this FREE online audio yoga podcast class and to click the following link to get a a taste of my New Yoga DVD Foundations. (In order to receive your copy of the Ultimate Relaxation Healing session sign up for the newsletter) or Get Your Copy of Yoga Foundations with Hillary Rubin Today! You will be happy you did and please share this with your friends & family! (pls forgive me for not having the yoga pictures and yoga sequence listed, hey but I got this up!!!) My Free Monthly Tele-classes to help those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis & Autoimmune AskHillaryNowAnd there is a special Facebook Page!!!!!!! I am so happy to share with you The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz & Tell me what you thought of the theme on my facebook group page !!!!! Join my community networks: ADD your FACE to my facebook group Hillary’s Yoga Practice Podcast


Join The Movement & Get Empowered

You are invited to be part of my movement to take any diagnosis (Multiple Sclerosis, auto-immune disease and others) and transform them into a platform for healing. As you know I have offered over 60 yoga classes in the style of Anusara. Now is the time to take the teachings and apply them as I have to my diagnosis of MS and transform our challenges into opportunities. Tell your friends, family, co-workers and even doctors to come aboard!!!! Ask your questions and see how our coming together will shift how we see diagnosis as a problem into a teacher. Join my facebook group http://www.iamnotamess.com


Podcast #67 - Dancing Fearlessly- Approx. 60 Min - Level 1-2 (not for total beginners)

CONTEST • CONTEST • CONTEST • CONTEST • CONTEST • CONTEST • CONTEST ENTER NOW TO WIN MY YOGA DVD!!!! Take 2 Action Steps NOW: 1. Sign up for my newsletter and you will be one of the first to know when the new site is launched, save a spot for my free upcoming tele-seminar and other groovy discounts for products I LOVE!!! 2. Leave a Comment and share how you are Dancing Fearlessly in YOUR Life! _____________________________________________________________________________ Join Intent.com - This is an amazing community - set your Intent today! Join my community networks: ADD your FACE to my facebook group Hillary’s Yoga Practice Podcast _________________________________________________________________________________ PRESS LOVE - Please leave a comment!!!!! thank you stacie for the love...  Samadhi in the City thank you kasey for the love...  JOIN YOGA MATES: Interview with Hillary _________________________________________________________________________________ All levels Anusara ® Yoga Podcast Sequence: SukhasanaAll 4's - Hands & KneesDown DogUttanasana - Standing Forward Bend  Samasthiti or Tadasana with Hands in Anjali Mudra Urdvah Hastasana - Hands Over HeadUttanasana - Standing Forward BendLunge to a Deep LungeDown Dog Plank PosePlank to Chattarunga Dandasana to CobraDown DogLunge to Twist  Down DogPlank to Chattarunga Dandasana to Cobra Down DogVashistasana - (A) Side Plank /(B) Variation (A)  (B) Down DogVira II - Warrior II to Reversed Warrior Chattarunga to Down DogVira II - Warrior II to Ostrich/Bound Warriorr w/hands clasped behind back Straight Leg Lunge then Bring Arms Inside - Hip Opener -  Bound Parsavakonasana - Bound Side Angle -  Down DogTrikonasana - Triangle Down Dog to Down Dog Split   Balasana - Childs Agnistambasana - Fire Log   (watch out for sickling ankle)  Eka Pada Bekasana - Thigh Stretch - Dhanurasana - Bow   Balasana - ChildsDown DogAnejaneasana Thigh Stretch-  Down DogDhanurasana - BowBalasana - Childs Supta Padangusthasana - Supine Hamstring StretchSupine TwistsSavasana - Corpse Pose Namaste!


Podcast #66 - Create Space and Listen to the Yes of Your Life - Approx. 40 min - All Levels w/Extented Relaxation

THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVING SUPPORT!!! YOU MAKE MY LIFE RICH AND MEANINGFUL!!!!! Please enjoy this free online podcast you can enjoy at the end of the day, in the morning or anytime you want to de-stress and connect to the true essence of yourself. Mentioned in this yoga podcast: Yoga Month Denver - Sign up and share with your friends...... check out the zineFit Yoga pg. 67 - buy the issue (The lovely Sara Avant Stover - check her out)TwitterItunes - write a review and share with your friends & family they will love you for it!!!! (Please forgive me for not posting yoga pictures for you to view hopefully this week I will get to it ;) Podcast Yoga Sequence for All Levels: Yoga stretches and relaxation.. yummy and great to calm down Sukhasana - Easy PostureAll 4's - Hands & KneesDown DogUttanasana - Standing Forward BendUrdvah Hastasana - Hands Over HeadStanding Forward BendLunge to a Deep Lunge Down DogPlank Pose to Belly then Locust Variation (Salambasana)Lunge to TwistSun Salute - Plank, Belly to Cobra to Down DogStanding Forward Bend with Shoulder Opener (Hands Clasped)Urdvah Hastasana - Hands Over Head Samasthiti or Tadasana with Hands in Anjali MudraHands Over HeadStanding Forward BendLunge to Anejaneasana - Lunge with Knee on Floor Variation of Parvritta Parsvakonasana - Revolved Side AngleDown DogChild'e PoseExtended Savasana with Blankets


Podcast #65 - Video - Foundations First Stretch Your Feet

Purchase my new I AM NOT A MESS (tm)  YOGA DVD FOUNDATIONS - this is where you begin from the base to become stronger and feel better! Get to the foundation, your feet how do you walk and if you want to find better health in your knees, hips let's begin with our feet. [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=jpr1cr0c0Uc] Check out these great products (the clothing I am wearing & props) to better assist YOU with your foundation off the mat: Earth Shoes - These shoes rock and keep your in great alignment Beyond Yoga - Great clothes and listen to my interview with the designer/owner Jodi GuberAlternative Apparel - Conscious clothing for the people!!!!! Hugger Mugger - Looking for a meditation cushion - seek no more... Namaste!


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