Hisposition - The Disposition Of A Man

Hisposition - The Disposition Of A Man
Author: Terrance L. Moore
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© 2023 Hisposition - The Disposition Of A Man
The disposition of a man is multi-faceted. Being subject to the human condition, we’re both strong and weak. Courageous and fearful. Loving and unkind. Grateful and envious. Brilliant and mindless. Honorable and immoral. Saint and sinner. A paradox. The goal of Hisposition is to conduct a deep dive into the struggles men face and provide direction as we maneuver our way through this journey called life.
48 Episodes
You never really know what life is going to present you with & when. It’s like riding a rollercoaster blindfolded. And there are times when the restraints feel ineffective, and that you could fly out of your seat at any given moment. * Transcript available at
You’re never too old to find a mentor beneficial. A trusted mentor who’s been where you’re trying to go can shave years of pain & frustration off your journey. There are so many things we have yet to be exposed to, and all it takes is the right person to pull back the shade to reveal the path to the unrealized dreams you locked away in the basement of your mind.
During moments of darkness, sometimes the hardest thing in the world to do is keep the faith. When situations become grim and there doesn’t appear to be any relief in sight, it’s easy to lose hope, even if only temporarily. If we’re not careful, moments of weakness will become a permanent part of our psyche.* Transcript available at
Are you building monuments or expecting moments? Monuments to the past. Monuments to what you had in mind. Monuments to old ways of thinking. Monuments to old patterns. Or are you expecting moments? Moments of new revelation. Moments of new understanding. Moments of new blessings & new ways of thinking. When you’re rigid & inflexible, it makes it difficult to question your truths. How stable is the truth you stand under?* Transcript available at
When a goal is accomplished it’s easy to become complacent. You get comfortable. The problem with comfort is growth normally comes to a halt during this phase. Instead of the realization of a dream being the prelude to the next phase, it becomes a resting place. Your new seed becomes stuck in transition, attached to what you’ve already accomplished.* Transcript available at
Sometimes your presence is your purpose. You don’t have to perform grandiose actions to serve a purpose in someone else’s life. In most cases, an encouraging word is enough to breathe life into the soul of another. Sometimes just being there is enough, even if you’re not sure what to say in the moment.* Transcript available at
Uncertainty can be unsettling. Our minds tend to always be pondering what’s going to happen next. And for those who crave stability, the fear of the unknown can lead to feelings of anxiety. But if we knew everything that was going to happen in our lives, what would be the purpose of living? It’s the uncertainty that makes life compelling. Embracing the unknown can be liberating.* Transcript available at
No matter how extensive your skillset may be, there’s only so much you can accomplish on your own. Our capacity is limited in several ways…time & energy being the biggest limitations. Asking for help can be critical to your future success. We’re all human. And being human means, you will experience moments of weakness. There’s no shame in asking for help. What is a shame is suffering in silence when you don’t have to.*Transcript available at
One of the biggest challenges is opening your heart and mind to the plan God has for your life. His plan may be for the best, but it comes with a lot of unknowns. And not all those unknowns will be comfortable. How do you know if something is for you? Prayer, meditation, and learning to listen to that still, small voice we call intuition is vital to making wise decisions.* Transcript available at
Are your glasses dirty? Not the physical ones…your mental & emotional glasses. The lens covering your mind’s eye. Have the trials & tribulations of life distorted your view? Perspective is everything. Dirty lenses make every situation appear worse than it really is.* Transcript available at
There will be moments in life when something needs to be removed. Whether or not you decide to let it go will determine the direction your life takes. When you make the decision to do what’s necessary to discard the baggage of the past into your emotional trashcan, only then will you feel free enough to move in alignment with your spirit. Making room for what’s next opens your life to a world of possibilities.* Transcript available at
The simple laws of cause and effect permeate throughout our existence. For every action there’s a reaction, and the consequences of our decisions can be far-reaching. What we do in life does echo in eternity, and the choices we make during our time on this earth will impact generations to come.* Transcript available at
After being alone for an extended period, you get comfortable. The peace becomes addictive. So, when the opportunity to explore the possibility of love surfaces…you push it back under. You talk yourself out of it saying you don’t need it. You don’t need it, and it doesn’t need you. But if you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you may hear your heart asking, “Are you sure?”* Transcript available at
Distractions are everywhere. Family. Friends. Social media. Television. There’s always someone or something lying in wait to divert your attention from the task at hand. Making time for the people you care about is important, but you’ll never accomplish anything in life if you don’t set boundaries. Your purpose is not to be taken lightly. You must use discernment to know who / what needs your focus and when.* Transcript available at
It’s a tradition for many to make a resolution at the beginning of each year. The goals can range anywhere from losing weight to eating healthier to eliminating debt. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to improve your life, but sometimes our goals are influenced by the judgment & insecurities of others. If we’re not careful, the result could be the betrayal of our own souls. If you’re going to be true to anyone…be true to yourself.* Transcript available at
Coming to the realization that the life you built isn’t as fulfilling as it used to be isn’t reserved for a particular age group. Midlife moments can occur at any stage in life. We’re constantly changing, and what we need in one season will no longer be applicable in the next. *Transcript available at
We tend to take for granted what deserves our gratitude the most. Count your blessings. Be thankful for every good thing in your life. When you practice gratitude, what you have in the moment feels like enough.*Transcript available at
Life is a balancing act. Family. Friends. Love Relationships. Career. Hobbies. Even when you have your priorities in order, the challenge to keep them there is never-ending. They’re all extremely important, and they all demand your time & energy. Bringing your life into alignment requires finding the balance between meeting your goals & feeding your spirits.*Transcript available at
True love is reciprocal. But reciprocity doesn’t necessarily mean giving each other the same things. It means making the effort to meet the individual needs of each other. This is where communication & effective listening play a major role. Clear & consistent communication will enable you both to remain on the same page and love each other in a way that feeds both your souls.*Transcript available at
Fear can be paralyzing. But the key is to not allow the paralysis to become permanent. There will be times when you must face your fears and fight through the feelings of anxiety. Facing your fears takes courage, but you were built for it.*Transcript available at
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