History – Going Postal

History – Going Postal

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The History of Pop Music – 1974

Featured song:  Mud – Tiger Feet This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they stopped making it. One [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1972

Featured song: Dr Hook and the Medicine Show – Sylvia’s Mother This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when [more...]


Elizabeth Bentley, Part Four

Elizabeth Bentley was another American born Soviet agent who turned against the Soviets. Whittaker Chambers became disillusioned with the Communists. Elizabeth was the woman scorned. She was the lover of Jacob Golos who ran quite [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1971

Featured song: Slade: Cuz I Love You This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they stopped making it. [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1970

Featured song:  Simon & Garfunkel – Bridge over troubled water This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1969

Featured song: The Rolling Stones – Honky Tonk Women This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they stopped [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1967

Featured song: The Monkees This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they stopped making it. One article for [more...]


Whittaker Chambers, Part Three

In 1938 Whittaker Chambers defected. Well they call it defected but he was an American in the USA who worked for the NKVD but saw the light and severed relations with the Soviets. Defection is [more...]


The Venona Project, Part Two

The Venona Project was launched by the US Army Signal Intelligence Service in February 1943. The Russians had sent thousands and thousands of coded and enciphered messages over commercial telegraph services. The US Army decided [more...]


Stalin won the war, Part One

Instead of diving further into the UK’s entanglement with the commies in the thirties, it’s time to take a look at what was going on over the pond. Much of the thirties antics over here [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1964

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94J1-XdJS1A Featured song: Roy Orbison – It’s Over  This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they stopped making [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1963

Featured song: The Beatles – Please, Please Me This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they stopped making [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1959

Featured song: Bert Weedon – Guitar Boogie Shuffle This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they stopped making [more...]


A History of Pop Music – 1958

Featured song: Jerry Lee Lewis – Great Balls Of Fire This is a series of articles looking at pop music from 1955 when in my opinion proper pop music began up to 1999 when they [more...]


Are all civilisations doomed to fail?

  Throughout history we have seen great civilisations rise, decline and fall. History has this annoying habit of repeating itself, none more so than in the case of human endeavour. As someone famous once said [more...]


Elementary, my dear Watson – H Hydrogen

In the previous article, we looked at the development of the Periodic Table (a.k.a. the Periodic Table of the Elements). The time has come to have a more in-depth look at the story behind some [more...] The post Elementary, my dear Watson – H Hydrogen first appeared on Going Postal.


Who Do I Think I Am?

I think I’ve mentioned this before on these very pages. Perhaps it’s because I am of a certain age and demeanour. Is it the slightly haggard, worldly look or a hint of exotic places in [more...] The post Who Do I Think I Am? first appeared on Going Postal.


The Adam and Eve Story

I came across this book that had been scanned into a PDF and loaded on a website.  Not a book that I would normally read, but it piqued my interest. It proffers the theory that [more...] The post The Adam and Eve Story first appeared on Going Postal.


Three Gyroscopes – Part 4

Introduction As a child I loved playing about with magnets – I still do. They can move heavy objects – such as lifting cars at a scrap yard. They can also move light (-weight!) objects [more...] The post Three Gyroscopes – Part 4 first appeared on Going Postal.


The Stockwell Shooting – A Failure of C3I?*

Operation Kratos In 2001 international terrorist events directed security services to conclude that terrorist events involving suicide bombers, were not only likely but sadly inevitable in any country. Among many other agencies, the Metropolitan Police [more...] The post The Stockwell Shooting – A Failure of C3I?* first appeared on Going Postal.


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