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History of Liberalism

Author: History of Liberalism

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A podcast about the history of liberalism. It is about the men, women and events that advanced liberty and brought about the world of today.
20 Episodes
E19 – Rawls and Nozick

E19 – Rawls and Nozick


The last episode, in which we deal with the two intellectual giants of the 20th century – John Rawls and Robert Nozick.
In this episode we take a closer look at first Ayn Rand, and then Barry Goldwater.
In this episode we discuss Milton Friedman and some of his colleagues in Chicago.
In this episode we take a closer look at three thinkers who spent most of their lives in the UK: Keynes, Popper and Berlin.
In this episode we take a close look at the Austrian School and two of the most famous members – Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek.
A short overview of some of the most important neo-classical liberals, anarchism and lastly, a quick bite of the early 20th century.
Today’s episode is about the small topic of the 19th century. We try to sketch the outlines of the most important historical events that went down during this time in order to better understand the world liberalism evolved in.
E12 – Laissez Faire

E12 – Laissez Faire


  In this episode we discuss Laissez Faire, the Corn Laws and Bastiat.
In this episode we talk about when liberalism split into two. We also adress the main ideological opponent to liberalism that got going during this time – socialism.  
E10 – Utilitarianism

E10 – Utilitarianism


In this episode we have a closer look at the men who creates utilitarianism – Bentham and the Mills.
In episode nine we meet some of the most interesting men round about this time: David Hume, Immanuel Kant and Alexis de Tocqueville.
In this episode we talk about the men who invented economics; Say, Malthus, Ricardo and last but not least, Adam Smith.
In this episode we discuss the French Revolution. We begin with a short overview of what the revolution was and then move on to the causes and the implications of the revolution. In the end we talk about Burke and Paine and their views of the revolution.
In this episode we lay the foundation for the French Revolution by looking at Voltaire, Diderot and of course Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
In this episode we wrap up the American Revolution. We do this by examining how the Constitution came to be, discussing Hamilton, Madison and the Federalist Papers.
In this episode we take a first stab at the American Revolution. We take a closer look at the lead up to the revolution and the men in the center of it; Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Thomas Paine.
E3 – John Locke

E3 – John Locke


In this episode we take a closer look at John Locke – the father of liberalism.
In the second episode of the History of Liberalism we start of with the English Civil Wars. We then go on to Thomas Hobbes, a man whose thoughts were deeply influenced by the wars.
The first real episode of the history of liberalism podcast. In the first half we talk about Machiavelli and then we transition in to a brief overview of the world in the 16th
E0 – About the show

E0 – About the show


This is an introductory episode with some background info etc. Ain’t much fun, but short and filled with practical stuff.  
Comments (4)

Open Your Eyes

liberalism is a mental disorder.

Oct 8th

Peter Chaloner

To attempt to discuss 1700s history, without being able to distinguish between Catholicism and Anglican Protestantism, is vain. Read up on the difference and try again.

Oct 23rd

Shane Braden

Bro I really love listening to your podcasts. Hope you do not stop! :)

Dec 14th

Shane Braden

Loving your casts bro! Keep them coming! <3 :)

Oct 25th