Holistic Hotties

<p>This is the holistic hotties podcast. I’m your host Cat Mansfield. I’m a yoga and meditation teacher who’s traveled around the world in search of all things healing and true. In searching for healing, in searching for truth, I uncovered the answers to all my ponderings. I grounded into peace amidst the chaos. I found myself. This podcast is about breathing life into who you already are. It’s about remembering the truth of your power... of your perfection. In each episode, we’ll talk about the beliefs, the self imposed limitations, and the mindsets that are keeping us small and how to cultivate safety in our body so that we can feel safe enough to be bigger. To take up more space. To truly and deeply love ourselves. On this journey together, day after day we’re choosing intention. We’re choosing growth. We’re choosing to dissolve our veils & breathe into our most authentic, and thus, most radiant selves. We’re choosing to feel good naked. Let’s dive in.</p>

Disengage From Your Identity to Step Into Your Authentic Self

In this episode, I talk all about identity. What it is and more importantly, how to disengage from identifying with your identity. Our identity is the framework for everything we create in our lives; everything we create is in an attempt to maintain our sense of Self - and thus, our sense of safety. In this episode, I talk about how to start noticing what parts of your identity you are attached to and how to slowly unlatch, question, let go, and all for the most Authentic version of Self to c...


Cat + Nathan: On Living Life to the Fullest

In this episode we begin by reading an excerpt from a deeply transformative book "The Daily Stoic". From there, we dive into a conversation about how to cultivate a full body presence in every moment so that, no matter how long our life is, we are living it the very fullest.


5 Lessons I Learned From My Dad's Life & Death

I just returned from Toronto where I spent the weekend celebrating my Dad's life. Surrounded by his friends, family, neighbors, and classmates, I got glimpses into seasons of my Dad's life before he was a Dad. In reflecting on this weekend, the anecdotes, and ultimately, his life, I am sharing 5 lessons I've learned from my dad in his life and in his death. Hope 1 or all 5 resonate with you.Follow along on instagramHow to work with me


The Subtle Art of Letting Go

In this episode, I get real about what I've going through. The grief & everything that comes with that - this episode feels a little more like a narrated journal entry to me. Anywho, while in this grief portal, I've been feeling extremely disoriented - like I'm inside a fun house and I can't find my way out. If you've ever felt like you had clarity - on what you wanted to do with your life, on what your "plan" is, etc - but then all of sudden that clarity is gone and everything you once "...


Cat + Nathan : Breaking Down "The One"

In this episode, Nathan and I talk about how we knew each other were "the one" - how we knew this was something different. We talk about each of our journey's to collide with each other + our perspectives on "the one". This conversation is a little window into our love story - I hope it can be insightful + expansive for you listening. <3Follow along on instagram How to work with me


Deepen Intimacy in Your Relationships With 5 Tools To Consciously Communicate

In this episode, I walk through 5 tools to consciously communicate. Conscious communication is a way of communicating that doesn’t ignite the ego's defense mechanisms and, instead, creates a portal for deeper understanding + intimacy in relationship (any relationship). We dive deeper into what conscious communication is, it's overall purpose, and 5 tools to start practicing it in your relationships. Follow along on instagramHow to work with me


How to Embrace Sensuality to Live Embodied Sexually

In this episode I talk about how to utilize sensuality - deriving knowledge + pleasure from our senses - to eventually step into an embodied sexuality. Our sexual nature as human beings is quite dynamic - for most of us there is a lot of shame programming around our sexuality. In this episode, I offer insights + tools to begin unlearning this shame programming & begin to live a life full of pleasure so that our sexual nature is free, revered, and cherished. Follow along on instagramHow to...


How to Choose Transformation Within a Grief Portal

In this episode, I talk about grief - what it is and how to use a grief portal to transform. Grief is a complex + difficult portal AND there are so many gifts + opportunities within this portal for us to learn + grow from. I talk about some of the ways grief is manifesting in my life since my dad passed and how I'm consistently learning how to reorient around grief to embody more grace + compassion.Follow along on instagram How to work with me?


We're Back! Life Update + Current Struggles

I'm so excited to be back!! In this episode, I talk about what's been going on over the last 10-11 months and some of the things I'm currently struggling with + tools I'm utilizing right now. I'm so excited to be creating this podcast again and everything this season will offer!Follow along on Instagram


Overcoming Birthday Blues + Aging Gracefully with Aliya Gorelick

In this episode, Aliya + I talk about how to overcome the birthday blues, some of the narratives that live inside of each of us around aging, and how to welcome new seasons / age gracefully. Tulum is FULL! Join us in Guatemala in March '24


Divine Feminine: My Practice to Embody Divine Feminine Energy

In this episode, I talk about what the divine feminine is and the biggest shifts I've experienced on my journey to embodying the divine feminine. Join us in Tulum... one spot left!!!!


Divine Masculine: What is it & How to Manifest It

In this episode, I talk about the divine masculine energy is AND HOW to manifest the divine masculine energy (embodied in a partner) into your life. I talk about what the practices are to call in a partner that embodies the divine masculine energy!Join us in Tulum!!


How To Dissolve Resistance

In this episode, I talk about the trials + tribulations I have recently encountered traveling on the road and the practices I've been using to dissolve resistance to exactly what is.Join me & Aliya in Tulum


How To Interpret Signs

In this episode, I talk about how to be open to & interpret signs from the universe.Join me and Aliya in Tulum


Following Your Heart & Receiving Love

Season 2! Welcome back! In this episode, I give a little life update & talk about what I've been focusing on in my practices over the last couple of months: Moving from my heart & receiving love in all forms.Retreat in Tulum with me & Aliya


Overcoming Fear of Failure

In this episode, I talk about how to re-orient yourself around the fear of failure. I discuss how to use mindfulness tools to not only reframe + recreate your relationship with failure, but transmute this fear into aligned action.Join me + Aliya in Tulum - more info released June 9!


Navigating The In Between

How to navigate the "in between" - the transition from old version of Self to new version of Self.


Root To Rise

In order to rise, we need to root. Root into this Earth - into exactly what is here in this moment. The more we reject the experience we're having in this body, on this Earth - exaclty as it is - the further we move from transcendence, from rising - from peace.To work with meJoin me in Tulum!Follow along on instagram


Direction vs Destination

Feel like you're in a rut? Do you feel like you've been stagnant and aren't "moving" anywhere? In this episode, I talk about how to shift from moving towards a destination and, instead, embracing direction. It will help you shift your perspective to begin to co-create with the universe and discover the direction that is truly meant for you - that is in alignment with your highest, most authentic, Self.


Permission to Change Your Mind

In this episode, I dive into how to go about giving yourself permission to evolve + change your mind. There is so much peace + freedom in not only releasing old versions of self, but in fully integrating past versions of self to create space for a new + more aligned version of Self to come into existence.To work with me Follow along on instagramTULUM!


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