Holistic Mental Health and Healing

Holistic Mental Health and Healing is a weekly radio program hosted by Tyler Woods. A holistic approach to mental health care does so much more than just manage symptoms, it's an approach that emphasizes the interrelationship between mind, body, and spirit and can be any form of practice that is outside the realm of conventional western medicine. Holistic mental health and health is an ongoing journey of discovery and ultimately is about living better, being healthier, and striving for wholeness. Tyler Woods, Ph.D. board certified holistic health practitioner through the American Alternative Medical Association who concentrates on healing mental health issues through a holistic lens. Tyler retired as a clinical therapist in 2004 to concentrate on holistic mental health. She understands that as human beings we are multi-dimensional, interlinked and inseparable. Her work hinges on a variety of theoretical perspectives covering a broad view of health and wellness, addressing the multidimensionality of human beings.

Judging Others

  Dr. Tyler Woods is back after a long break for two years. Enjoy her talk about judging others and how it affects you.


Apologize Because You Are Strong

Dr. Woods talks about apologizing.  She believes that there are times when saying you are sorry means you feel the energy of someone's pain or anger as well as your own. She stresses that sorry does not mean you take it all back rather it means you are ready to move forward. Sorry is an offering that comes from strength and compassion. It is the real sign of strength. She also shares that if someone will not accept your apology, do not let it upset you and don't take it personal.  You have done your best to remedy the situation, and you offered a sincere apology and the person has made a choice to not accept it, bless them and move on.


Are You Suffering Because You Suffer?

  After a year off, Dr. Woods joins Septic Radio and talks about suffering. She believes often  people are passionate about their suffering and thinks that some people suffer because they are suffering. Dr. Woods explains that it is hard to believe that people are attached to their own do not want to heal rather they want to feed their emotional suffering. She talks about once people step up to the plate and make the choice to change, they can then make the choice not to suffer because they suffer. In order to do this, she feels people need to believe themselves and build better self-esteem.


The DSM 5

Join Dr Tyler Woods as she talks about the DSM 5. Many in the field of psychology arr statting that the approval of the DSM 5 is a sad day indeed for because virtually every emotion experienced by a human being — sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, impatience, excitement — is now being classified as a “mental disorder” demanding chemical treatment (with prescription medications, of course). Tyler talks about how the latest manual will result in the mass over diagnosis of people who are actually quite normal. She believes that people with actual psychiatric problems and effectively treated are already badly shortchange. She shares her concern about damaging conflict of interest with the financial ties between drug companies since of the  68% of the experts appointed by the American Psychiatric report economic ties with drug companies. Join her and she shares her concerns and a great tip for your mental well being.


Storms Make us Stronger

  Dr. Woods talks about when she was a kid living on a ranch and how tall the trees were. She remembers the during lightening storms, she would get upset thinking one of the very tall trees that surrounded her ranch would fall over and crush her.  What she failed to recognize as a child that she recognizes as an adult is that the rains made the trees strong and the roots deeper. Join Tyler Woods as she talks about how life's storms can actually make people stronger much like the trees. She agrees that life will offer us many scary storms and our goal is to learn how to get strength and grow tall from the storms life offers us.


Walk In Peace

    This week Dr Tyler Woods talks about teaching people to walk in peace one-step at a time. She says that she loves what peace symbolizes and how it feels. Finding peace isn’t always easy, yet it is necessary to achieve a balance in our life to keep us healthy. This week she will examine ways to find peace whether it be through gratitude, understanding fear, steering clear of negative people, or even dealing with regrets. Maintaining  your inner peace can be difficult however, learning what affects our peace of mind, and discovering ways to keep the peace, is a sure way to walk in peace.


Grief Is A Journey Not a Prozac Deficiency

  Dr Woods asks the question, since when did a normal response require an antidepressant? She questions why people are put on antidepressants for grief. According to the Mayo Clinic, Prozac and other SSRI'S are used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bulimia nervosa, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and panic disorder. Nowhere does it say Prozac or any antidepressant of any kind is used to treat grief. That is because grief is not a pathology, and it certainly is not a medical condition. Grief isn't something that people just get over. Grief is a part of life.Grief is missing someone we once loved who is no longer here with us. Grief just means we loved. Love does not require medications with horrid side effects. Grief requires our attention that is because it is a process, a journey.


You Can Become Stronger Than Your Injury

Dr Woods talks about emotional injuries today and suggests that these injuries should not define us. It is important to recognize it happened, and she even suggests that  maybe it is there to awaken us, to inform us, to remind us how strong we have the potential to be. She believes pain gives us the possibilities to living in peace.  Life is the evolution of consciousness. When we become more conscious, we begin to realize how attached we are to our injury, our emotional hurt or pain. By staying in the present with our pain and healing it rather than using it as a crutch, we become stronger and more accountable in our life. You don't need to be your pain and emotional injury, you can be the strength that comes from healing it and letting it go by recycling it for the greater good.   Septicradio.com


Faith Whether we Like it or Not

Dr Tyler Woods talks about faith. She explains that losing faith isn’t about religion as much as just being able to trust the process in the very moment. Sometimes, all we can do is just be in that moment and have faith that the next breath will come and that is not losing faith as much as recognizing that we all still have faith. She explains how looking at faith from a “religionless” point of view can be interesting.  She states that faith is not about  God as much as faith is in the universe and trusting it’s process. Faith should come from within. She explain that life happens and when we begin to understand to understand that, we are able to breathe deeper and more fully and trust. Learn a little about faith whether we like it or not.


Gossip Spreading Discontent with Intent

Join Dr Woods as she talks about gossip.  She examines what is gossip and why do people do it. She believes that gossip is spreading discontent with intent. It is nothing more than insults, judgments and criticisms. She shares how it is people needing to feel good about themselves by talking about others’ errors and faults.Tyler explores some of the reasons why people gossip and believes there are  there are several reasons why people have the need to spread gossip. People are discontent with their own lives and need to feel the drama. When you think about it, drama gives these people attention. People get in the habit because that may be the only way they can get attention. She talks about how gossip is about making others look bad so the person gossiping looks good. Listen to the advice she offers so you can clear yourself from these perpetrators of character and learn to ignore the gossiper. It is important to know that the people who gossip about you are suffering from emotional imbalances and they need to create imbalance for others. Remove these people from your life and maintain your balance.


Kindness Not Prozac

Dr. Woods explores kindness. She asks, what is kindness? The dictionary would say it is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.  Kindness is to live to one’s essence to live in touch with our very soul. I think kindness is a way of being, a way of acting and clearly a way of responding. Kindness is the universal language we all know it. All of us have experienced random acts of kindness, and we all love it no matter how grumpy and angry you are. Kindness is love in action, and whether you are kind or not, learn the acts of kindness to all, because it is the greatest healer of all time. Kindness is the original antidepressant. You see , when you receive an act of kindness or when you see kindness, or when you offer kindness, the serotonin in your brain increases.  That is what antidepressants do. So why take harmful medications that only work for 50% of the people, when you can just live a life incorporating kindness? In fact, Scientific studies show that there is a strong link between gratitude and  kindness and overall good health, including stress reduction, depression, inner peace and happiness. This could help issues such as PTSD, anxiety, anger issues, and addictions. kindness may have profound effect on our happiness and mental health according a study conducted by researchers at Harvard Business School and the University of British Columbia. They concluded that kindness gives a sense of euphoria may add a heightened sense of well-being. The initial reactions from an act of kindness may lead to a sense of connectedness with others. Even just thinking and talking about kindness can improve happiness and peace. A great quote from the Dalai Lama sums it all up;  “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”


Vitamine D For Mental Health

Vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin because the sun itself has a strong source of vitamin D. An estimated one billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. Vitamin D as a hormone assists with the absorption of calcium, helping to build strong bones, teeth and muscles. Mental health is one of many types of ailments connected to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D's effect on mental health extends beyond depression. Eating foods high in D such as fish like Pickled Herring , salmon, Sardines, Oysters,  Caviar, Fortified cereals, Fortified Tofu, Dairy products are already high in calcium, eggs, avocados, almonds, green leafy vegetables and mushrooms. More studies are showing more and more that depression is not a Prozac deficiency rather a diet that lacks the needed vitamins and minerals we need for the brain to fully function.


Optimism Best Medicine

Today Tyler Woods talks about a great natural remedy for depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. You cannot buy it at a drug store, you doctor cannot prescribe it to you. It does not come in a pill or a bottle and your insurance company does not cover it. It is called optimism. Dr Woods knows that optimism is the tendency to believe, expect or hope that things will turn out well. Even if something bad happens, like the loss of a job or money, an optimist sees the silver lining. Everything is a possibility and nothing is a crisis. A person is optimistic believes everything happens for a reason and trusts the process. The emerging field of positive psychology studies the positive impact that optimism has on mental health. Other research shows that optimism may be good for my physical health too—optimists are sick less and live longer than pessimists. Apparently, a positive outlook on life strengthens the immune system (and the body's defenses against illness. Being an optimist or a pessimist boils down to the way you talk to yourself. Optimists believe that their own actions result in positive things happening, that they are responsible for their own happiness, and that they can expect more good things to happen in the future. Optimists don’t blame themselves when bad things happen. They view bad events as results of something outside of themselves. Because of their thought processes, optimists have much brighter futures. A bad circumstance or event is taken in stride, viewed as a temporary setback—not a permanent way of life. Even if something bad happens today, a positive thinker believes that good things will come again in the future. So how can we stay optimistic? Listen to days show


Family Dysfunction

In today's show we try to understand what family dysfunction is. Text books have been written about it, however in a quick nutshell, family dysfunction is a family where there is an abundance of conflict, but not just conflict but where these conflicts create misbehavior. These behaviors can turn into abuse, addictions, such as substance abuse, alcohol, drugs, prescribed medication, and very often an untreated mental illness. Dysfunctional families often live with lies, anger and confusion. There is often dysfunction in a family, however too much dysfunction turns into problems that can have a profound impact on family members. In a functional or healthy family, you will find respect between all the family members. treat the children with respect and the children treat the parents with respect. In a dysfunctional family respect is hardly ever found. As you grow older and more independent, you begin to realize the dysfunctional tendencies of the family no longer conducive to your lifestyle. By now, you might have learned that the dysfunctional family harmed your self-esteem and confused you. You come to terms that it causes havoc in all relationships in your life. The idea is not to get discouraged. Know that you can make change and this change will not happen overnight, but it will happen. It is vital that you keep in mind as you make the changes that it does not mean you are going to get along much better with your relatives. It simply means you are going to learn how to deal with their dysfunction and feel good about who you are. You will begin how to unravel the dysfunctional. Dysfunctional families have a tendency to rob people of self worth and esteem. Make sure you work on this by doing esteemable acts for yourself. In addition, make sure you show yourself compassion. Often there is no compassion in dysfunctional families and it is key to understanding the root of healing is through compassion of self and others.


Simply Your Life

Do you remember how you felt when life was simple? Well the truth is truth is life still is easy.  It always will be.  The only difference is we are older, and the older we get, the more we complicate things for ourselves. You see, when we were young we saw the world through simple, hopeful eyes.  We knew what we wanted and we went for it...it was simple.   We ate when we were hungry, drank when we were thirsty, and slept when we were tired. As we got older life became more complicated-we have jobs, family, friends, relationships, debt, worry, stress, lack of communication, and everything begins to stack up. The problem is we complicated life as we got older and when that happens we feel trapped, we feel like there is no way out, but I can tell you there are so many ways to make your life simple, and today i am going to give you a handful of ideas. Okay so Don’t try to read other people’s minds.  Don’t make other people try to read yours.  Communicate. Put the cell phone away and talk! Be polite, but don’t try to be friends with everyone around you.  That is just ridiculous and complicated Instead, spend time nurturing your relationships with the people who matter most to you. Your health is your life, keep up with it.  Eat right, drink responsibly, take supplements, don't smoke, sleep, exercise, use a common sense approach to your health. You don't have to have it all....so  Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.  Don’t waste your time on jealously.  The only person you’re competing against is yourself. i see this all the time people jealous so much so that women are not allowed to have men friends and men cant have women friends, and I always wonder if you are in a relationship and you are not allowed to have friendships with the opposite sex are you in a relationship or a hostage situation. Here is a good one, how about you Get rid of stuff you don’t use. Really I see people put stuff in storage and they will never use the stuff but they keep it....it's like keeping track of junk....it is not productive. Ask someone if you aren’t sure. It is a simple rule, rather than making assumptions, just ask.... Don’t try to please everyone then we get into enabling and we get with people who want us to take care of them, and then our life becomes so complicated the next thing you know we are going to alon meetings, on a tons of medications, and wonder how we got there....take care of yourself! Be sure to pay your bills on time. Handle important two-minute tasks immediately. Why wait until the 2 minute tasks become 10 twenty minute tasks. Finish one project before you start another. We complicate life by having so many unfinished things that nothing ever gets done and we feel like a failure. Here is a big one and I see it all too often....DRAMA so Stay out of other people’s drama.  And don’t needlessly create your own. If you are living your life to its fullest, you wont need the drama. It is that simple. I do this, and it keeps me on a good path, I only buy things with cash. PERIOD....I refuse credit cards I do not want the hassle of bills and debt, so I pay cash, and I will get into this one more in another show because finances really does create havoc. Most important make mistakes, make lots of them, it is how we learn and be willing to learn from them, laugh about them, and move along. You can see there are many things you can do to simply your life and improve it, I am sure can think of a great deal too, so make it a reality and remember keep life simple.... For today, this is Dr Tyler Woods saying walk in peace


Reduce Stress and Anxiety by not What ifing

Today Dr Tyler Woods talks the what if's in our live and how it affects us as well as ways to work around it. She realizes we say what if a great deal. What if I lose my job, what if the other shoes falls, what if I am not always happy, what if my spouse isn't always happy,  what if they leave me, what if I can't pay rent, what if...? Dr Woods says that more people seem to be preoccupied with “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios than the positives in life. What ifs become worries and worry's becomes problems and these problems can lead to unrelenting doubts and fears and can be paralyzing. They can sap your emotional energy, send your anxiety levels soaring, and interfere with your daily life. When you do the what if's, you discredit your own ability to handle life’s problems, assuming you’ll fall apart at the first sign of trouble. These irrational, pessimistic attitudes is not healthy for you. Join Dr. Woods as she talks about chronic worrying or the constant what if as she believes it is a mental habit that can be broken. You can train your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more positive perspective.


Forgiveness part 3

  Forgiveness Today Dr. Tyler Woods talks about forgiveness and it being deliberate choice or decision to let go of resentment, bitterness and anger. Forgiveness allows you to cope with the hurt that remains a part of your life and helps lessen its grip on you and help you. In turn, this allows you to focus on other, positive parts of your life. Tyler talks about how forgiveness liberates your soul, it frees your soul, it releases your mind and it heals your body. More important it can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion not just to the one that hurt you, but to yourself. So join Dr., Woods as she talks about how to prepare to forgive and move forward into your life. Check out Health And Wellness Anxiety http://natural-health-and-wellness.com/dealingwithanxiety.php www.tylerwoods.org Listen to other episodes of Holistic Mental Health and Healing  and download the companion to this podcast The Three Pillars of Strength at http://septicradio.com/HolisticMentalHealth.php Music: Living Voyage, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) A production of Septic Radio.


Anxiety And Exercise

  Dr. Tyler Woods talks about anxiety the physical ways such as exercise, Yoga, gardening, dancing and other ways to physically reduce anxiety. Seven out of ten adults in the United States say they experience stress or anxiety daily, and most say it interferes at least moderately with their lives, according to the most recent research from the American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/ . In order to successfully treat anxiety with physical activity you will need to have to actually be engaged in some form of physical activity, but don't worry, there are so many things you can do besides just exercise. Check out Health And Wellness Anxiety http://natural-health-and-wellness.com/dealingwithanxiety.php www.tylerwoods.org Listen to other episodes of Holistic Mental Health and Healing  and download the companion to this podcast The Three Pillars of Strength at http://septicradio.com/HolisticMentalHealth.php Music: Living Voyage, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Image via Wikimedia Commons A production of Septic Radio.


Stop It

Why do we do things that are not good for us? Some say it is human nature, others say it is habit but no matter what you call it, it can be stopped by using the simple skill and two words that are STOP IT. Truth is the basic life skill called "stopping it" isn’t typically taught in families, schools, businesses, or at church so we never think just to stop the negative self talk. The good news is that stopping it doesn't have to be filled with intense emotion, tearful confessions, and drama. It doesn't have to cost a fortune or require the strength of an super hero . And best of all, it doesn’t have to involve suffering and It's called simply learning to art of saying STOP IT. You can purchase Tyler's Health And Wellness System at http://natural-health-and-wellness.com www.tylerwoods.org Listen to other episodes of Holistic Mental Health and Healing  and download the companion to this podcast The Three Pillars of Strength at http://septicradio.com/HolisticMentalHealth.php Music: Living Voyage, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Image via Wikimedia Commons A production of Septic Radio.


Blame Game

So today I want to talk about the BLAME GAME. Recently I have had several wonderful opportunities of people blaming others for their behaviors. Family members blaming family members, spouses blaming spouses, and I knew a person who lacked complete compassion and understanding but he blamed the people who had compassion and understanding because of his lack of it. Each time I witness blame, I feel good about who I am because I know that taking responsibility and not blaming others mean I responsibility for my actions. It means we are accountable, and accountability is the signature of self. I love the reminders that life gives me and it keeps me on my toes and is an ever reminder that I need to take responsibility for myself, my feelings and my actions. Read the blog entry Blame Game. You can purchase Tyler's Nature Health And Wellness System at http://natural-health-and-wellness.com www.tylerwoods.org Listen to other episodes of Holistic Mental Health and Healing  and download the companion to this podcast The Three Pillars of Strength at http://septicradio.com/HolisticMentalHealth.php Music: Living Voyage, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) A production of Septic Radio.


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