Homeschool Works

Power your homeschool with tangible takeaways from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and education. Featuring homeschool authors and mother-daughter team, Dr. Debra Bell and Kathryn Gomes. Find us at and @homeschoolmathmom on Instagram.

24. Back to Homeschool

Tips for how to mark the start of your school year in a memorable way that sets your children (and you) up for success!


22. HW Skinny: Chunking

Kathryn and Debra discuss chunking, a strategy that will help students increase their working memory. Debra gives a quick test to help you assess your child's working memory and then discusses ways to extend their ability to work with a lot of new information at once.


21. HW Skinny: Focused and Diffuse Modes of Thinking

In this episode, Kathryn and Debra discuss how students can use their understanding of the mind's two modes for thinking to better apply their attention to their studies.A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley: How to Learn by Barbara Oakley:


20. HW Skinny: Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is an effective strategy to promote durable learning. When kids struggle to recall what they learned about previously, they strengthen the neural pathways that deepen their understanding and connections to prior learning. Celebrate the struggle! Tell your kids their brains are working properly.Our skinnies are designed to give you quick bursts of teaching tips based on the science of learning that will revolutionize your homeschool program.


19. Teaching Math and Science Together with Sherri Seligson, Author and Marine Biologist

Kathryn sits down with fellow Apologia author Sherri Seligson to talk about teaching math and science together. Sherri explains how math functions as the language of science while Kathryn chimes in with ways you can use science as a context for teaching mathematics. The result is a two-for-one punch, more learning with less effort.Sherri's website:'s Instagram: @sherriseligson


18: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia with Amy Bodkin

Kathryn discusses the neurodivergent child with Amy Bodkin, a homeschool mom, autistic adult, and licensed school psychologist. We discuss learning differences and recent dramatic changes in the research and our understanding of these very common differences in children. Amy offers lots of expert advice while also giving practical tips for designing a homeschool program that positions all children--even those who are neurodivergent--for success.Amy's website:


17. Determining Your Child's Learning Style: Part 2

In part 2, Kathryn and Debra dive into the four types of learners researchers have found in an educational setting. This model is an easy one for homeschool parents to use because the clues are the observable preferences you can readily see in each child. You'll also learn how to recognize your teaching style and get lots of tips for choosing curriculum and activities that correlate with each learning style. The good news is you can use the same materials with most learners--you just hav...


16. Determining Your Child's Learning Style: Part 1

What does the research say about learning styles? How can homeschool parents leverage this information to algin with how each child learns best (and still keep your program manageable)?We open with a discussion about the Big 5 Personality Traits, which are the foundation for how kids will process information and be motivated to learn.Here are the visible clues that tell you how each child prefers to learn with plenty of tips for making the curriculum you're currently using work best for each ...


15. Understanding Your Teen's Personality Traits

We look at 5 dimensions of personality that influence how our teens interact with others and how they respond to new experiences. We also touch on other areas of individual differences parents should be attuned to so they can calibrate their program to how their teen learns best.


14. Understanding Your Teen's Brain

Your teen's brain changes and develops during early adolescence as dramatically as it did from birth-3 yrs of age. Learn how to work with (not against) those changes. Be the source of stability and wisdom your teen needs. Kayte and Debra talk about the risks and advantages during adolescence, a finite window of opportunity parents will not want to miss.


13. Homeschooling through Grief and Loss

Grief and loss can be overwhelming for a child and their grieving process is often different from adult grieving. Parents may not recognize the significance of a loss in a child's life that we may take in stride--the loss of a pet, changing churches, or moving, for example.Bonnie Gonzalez, licensed counselor and Aim Academy Online psychology teacher, joins Debra and Kathryn to talk about how to recognize the signs of grief, how to keep homeschooling when you are grieving, and how to be attune...


12. Preschool Homeschooling: Part 2

Play is essential to your preschooler's optimal cognitive development. Here's the confidence you need to give your little ones freedom and leisure!


11. Preschool Homeschooling: Part 1

What three ingredients are most important to help your preschoolers get ready to learn? You'll find out in this episode. Plus, we talk about lots of EASY ways for parents to support their preschoolers' cognitive growth and language acquisition during this CRITICAL time.We're joined in the studio this week by Kayte's friend, Joanne, who also has preschoolers and is interested in learning more about homeschooling.


10. Introduction to Online Learning and Aim Academy

Online learning is a major reason homeschooling is growing rapidly in the U.S. and around the world. Here's an inside look at Aim Academy Online, a learning services provider founded by Debra Bell more than a decade ago. Kate and Debra discuss how online learning works and what parents should look for when choosing online classes for their kids.


9. Choosing Curriculum to Fit Your Child--From the Research

Support your child's optimal learning with the right curriculum fit. Let the research guide your decision-making. Here are three questions to ask yourself as you look at all your curriculum choices. We also talk about how text, images, headings, and white space should be organized on the page to support student learning.


8. Teaching Writing: The Nuts and Bolts

In our final episode of Season 1, we talk about the six traits of great writing, how to evaluate your child's writing, and wrap up with a hot take on avoiding the pitfalls of teaching writing. From the research, folks, here's what you need to know.And that's a wrap -- we'll release Season 2 spring of 2022.


7. Teaching Writing: Big Picture

Why should writing be a central component of your homeschool program? Because writing is a learning tool. Children learn what they write about. In this episode, we talk about the writing process--the key steps students should step through as they compose. And, we end with a discussion about why writing is a gift from God we should all treasure.


6. Teaching Reading: The Nuts and Bolts

In this episode we talk about how to use the preschool years to get your child ready to read. Then we look at how to teach reading and what to do once your child is reading independently. We also give listeners tips for the middle school and high school years, and finish with strategies for helping a struggling reader. Thanks for listening!


5. Teaching Reading: Big Picture

Here are the high level goals for teaching a child how to read and what to do once they are reading independently. We start with an overview of the research into how children learn to read.


4. Teaching Math: The Nuts and Bolts

Kathryn gives an overview of the scope of math education from K-12. Then she drills down into the priorities at each grade level. Finally, we close with a conversation about how to make math fun, and why you should!


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