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Hoodrat to Headwrap: A Decolonized Podcast
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Hoodrat to Headwrap: A Decolonized Podcast

Author: iHartEricka

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A Decolonized Podcast for lovers on the margins, join your resident sexuality educator Ericka Hart and Deep East Oakland's very own Ebony Donnley, as we game give, dismantle white supremacy and kiki in the cosmos somewhere between radical hood epistemological black queer love ethics, pop culture, house plants and a sea of books.

Light an incense to this. #nigchampa #hrhw #theblackpoweredpodcast

To monetarily support Hoodrat to Headwrap Venmo @Ericka-Hart or PayPal:
56 Episodes
Intro: Fannie Lou Hamer's Credentials Committee Testimony (1964) for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party which she co-founded. Alt episode titles: Vote and/or Die The Revolution Will Not Be TikTok'd at the DNC Voting in this country was created as a means of giving those least empowered the veneer of control over a democratic system that was designed to be autocratic really and only with the interests of a small few white people in mind. And by those—I mean those constitutionally considered human. The constitution and declaration of independence could have been written w the blood of Black indigenous and Indigenous/First Nations so much of it was spilled to birth the current system whose efficacy and legitimacy we all find ourselves in constant debate about online and elsewhere. So yes ima think voting is the only means to achieve change or the most powerful change in a system that tells us routinely how to go about change and how not to go about change so that nothing will ever change, because if I stopped believing that, I’d have to actually do something more than what I’m told, I’d have to imagine, I’d have to create, I’d have to divest from whiteness, I might not make a million dollars, I might make a million enemies, I might have to go out after I vote and hit the streets and never leave, I might have to care about people the system has deemed undesirable and disposal I mean that’s a tall order for the average person in a white supremacist capitalist society that works me til I’m broken and breaks me til I’m dead I’ll take the fucking sticker instead!! Is that how the song goes? Join us for a special election episode exploring: Electoral College Origins and Inexplicable Explanations for Its Continued Use 200 plus years later Kamala Harris criticism - unprincipled and legitimate, misinformation and who it serves surprisingly, a critique of Harris is an endorsement of trump? The anxiety and fear around critiques of Kamala being co-opted and bastardized by white supremacists People online defending electoral politics by positing that there are no revolutions happening despite the fact that current revolutions happening everywhere...maybe even next door. - [ ] Mayamar - [ ] Kenya - [ ] Venezuela - [ ] Cop City - [ ] Land back campaigns - [ ] Palestine Outro: el Hajj Malik el Shabazz "Democracy is Hypocrisy Sticker" Recommended Reading and Resources Forthcoming at
Alt episode titles: Somewhere Over the Chase Bank, There is Community and Solidarity They Just Want Our Money, Not Our Pride: The Rainbow Capitalism Episode Intro Audio Excerpt: Sylvia Rivera (Rest in Power) interview from NYC Pride 2001 Who does rainbow capitalism benefit most? Who does it protect? What it is and what it is not Who gets seen in rainbow capitalism and who gets left out? What do we do without white cis het corporate crumbs? Will we be forced to rely and lean on each other, community, village and return pride to its roots as a riot, a protest? Rainbow capitalism is racism, facism, the anti-thesis to queer. It's not the queer celebrities making millions from marketing to and profiting from Black and Brown queer and trans folks on the margins that are going to save us, just US. If we are fighting for us to take back our resistance and liberation from the very apolitical, corporate, white pride structure. And we're fighting to liberate ourselves and to liberate one another, and we're doing so with a strong framework of solidarity, the question is not necessarily what's our responsibility, what's our response to anti-blackness, transphobia, cisheteronormativity, imperialist capitalism that attempts, with gusto, to pervade our movement and end our lives? The Origins of Pinkwashing and its connection to the apartheid state of Israel For a free list of recommended readings, materials and resources, visit To purchase merch: Portion of the proceeds go to Celebration of Black Transwomen Cookout, Within Our Lifetime, Friends of the Congo and Hometax Sudan. Let's run it up for them. This episode is sponsored by Find a local Black queer and/or trans owned bookstore near you: Editors note: the podcast about the genocide in Sudan I referenced is called, Society of Strife, NOT Society of Destruction.
No Pride without Black Trans Liberation and Reparations--Not Rations, Pooh. Black trans liberation, much like Black liberation and the liberation of all oppressed peoples across the globe, requires a complete redistribution and reorganization of the current power structure/status quo--is GLAAD ready? Is GLSEN ready? Are you ready? Alt episode titles: How do we respond to white violence? (aka what's the proper procedure?) Coddling of the dominant narratives and who gets permission to be tardy to the party? The faux care economy and celebrity machine--who actually cares and do we, as marginalized peoples, need them to? Hoodrat to Headwrap to Lacefront ft Elle Moxley What resistance will require of us? What does solidarity demand of us? Recommended Reading and Resources: Go see the I'm Your Venus film, executive produced by our homegirl, the artist, filmmaker, director and icon Jonovia Chase: Tix here: BK's own Ms. Boogie's newest slapper, The Breakdown: Subscribe and check out: FQ Crazy, Sexy, & Cool Podcast hosted by Asia Snowden, Tabytha Gonzalez and Tempress: Episode dedicated in loving memory and honor of Tamir Rice Places to Support: Tamir Rice Foundation: Within our Lifetime: Marsha P Johnson Institute: Black Trans Femmes in the Arts: Episode this month sponsored by, use code PRIDE24 for 15% off select LGBTQIA+ titles For more recommended reading materials and resources, visit
For Hind, For Dexter, For Wadea, For Jordan and all others whose names go underreported, whose lives are undervauled, whose resistance is met with no fanfare. Support Within Our Lifetime, Palestinian led NYC based community organization: The genocidal settler colonial regime of Israel will be brought to heel, the genocidal settler colonial United States government will be brought to heel. We must do this together and resist the allure of anti-Black divisive voices and agents of the state, would be movement detractors seeking to undermine and silence hundreds of years of Black and Palestinian coalition building and solidarity. We will win. Source: Audio excerpt from YouTube, “Kwame Ture’s Debate with a Zionist” (1973) Recommended Readings/Resources,their%20government%20to%20change%20direction.
Parts 1 and 2 If the shoe fit, go grab some socks "without community, there is no liberation, only the most vulnerable and temporary armistice between an individual and [their] oppression."--Audre Lorde Join us for a special episode of Black People Tell Black History (yes, it's giving very much Anita Baker 365 days of the year same ol love) with our love Elle Moxley talking about community, how some of ya;ll wouldnt know what it is if it fell and hit you in the head and how market forces, capitalism and white supremacy are driving us away from each other, the theft of our culture is driving us away from each other in an attempt to lessen our pride in our shared identity and even that's not enough to assure solidarity, gentrification is physically doing the job of isolating Black folks from one another. So what do we do? When it comes to liberation, everybody won't come (and don't want to) Everybody is not your friend and how we (mostly Ebony) are resisting all of that and subsequently learning the hard way. Thank you, ReesaTeesa.
Alternate episode titles: -Be a Revolution or Keep it Moving, either way don't step on a n*gga toes -Just Circling Back to Next Steps from 2020 -Ijeoma is about to go chill and write mysteries cus a lot of yall dont want to be a revolution nor talk about race Join us for a very special episode with Ijeoma Oluo talking about her new book, "Be a Revolution", out now, the racism in the publishing world as a Black writer and a path forward. Ijeoma Oluo is a writer, speaker and internet yeller. She is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller So You Want to Talk About Race, Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America and, coming in January 2024, BE A REVOLUTION: How Everyday People are Fighting Oppression and Changing the World - and How You Can, Too. Her work on race has been featured in The Guardian, The New York Times and The Washington Post, among many other publications. She was named to the 2021 TIME 100 Next list and has twice been named to the Root 100. Intro Music: @patience.sings on IG Consider becoming a patron to support this podcast:
...and can save your life. Join us for a very special episode of Black People Tell Black History with the one and only Tricia Hersey (IG @thenapministry) as she gives you a quick 30 minutes of necessary game on this Monday afternoon made for wage theft and dream death on how imagination was a requisite for our ancestors' freedoms, the blueprint they laid out for revolution and how to take back your body from the State from can't see in the morning to can't see at night. Support for Tricia and more resources: If you don't do nothing else today, please check out her new book, Rest is Resistance, a guide and manifesto on Black liberation's departure from white supremacist capitalist grind culture Playlist: Tricia is the founder of The Nap Ministry, the originator of the ‘rest as resistance’ and ‘rest as reparations’ frameworks, and creates sacred spaces where the liberatory, restorative, and disruptive power of rest can take hold. Tricia’s work is seeded within the soils of Black radical thought, somatics, Afrofuturism, womanism, and liberation theology, and is a guide for how to collectively deprogram, decolonize, and unravel ourselves from the wreckage of capitalism and white supremacy. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from Eastern Illinois University and a Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling book Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto and The Nap Ministry’s Rest Deck: 50 Practices to Resist Grind Culture. Intro Music: Patience Sings (@patience.sings on IG) Consider becoming a patron to support this podcast: is now a multiracial collaboration, an amerikkkan "folk" tradition, if you will. From its pseudoscientific, colonial roots to nick cannon, join us for another episode of Black People Tell Black History and a deep deep conversation with one of the leading voices drawing attention to and upending colorism as it iterates itself in all facets of life, across the globe, @mayowasworld. We cover what it is, what it's not and how to stop it. Mayowa is a writer, stand-up comedian, and discourse girlie who has spent the past decade between London, Berlin, Lagos & and now back in Atl. Their work discusses anti-blackness and how it shows up within: colorism, texturism & desirability. Support for Mayowa: Instagram: @mayowasworld venmo @mayowasworld Intro Music: Patience (@patience.sings) Consider becoming a patron to support this podcast:
“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” ― Audre Lorde Join us in discussing the Black intersex revolution, imagination beyond violence visited upon our bodies and community as home with our dear love Saifa Wall. Sean Saifa Wall (he/him/his) is a Black queer intersex activist and rising scholar. Born and raised in the Bronx, Saifa attended Williams College and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Huddersfield in England examining the erasure of intersex people from social policy in Ireland and England. Saifa is the former Board President of interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth and a former advisor to the Astraea Intersex Fund for Human Rights. Above all else, Saifa is determined to end harmful and invasive genital surgery on intersex children and advocate for affirming healthcare for all people with intersex variations. In addition to his work and activism, he is a loving dad to his dog, Justice. Support for Saifa: Every Body film: Personal Website: Black Intersex History: Venmo: @seansaifa-wall Paypal: Consider becoming a patron to support this podcast:
Alternate episode titles: -Dr. Joy James Might Break the Internet If You Would Let Her Upgrade You -This is a wonderful, Establishment, Trump and Swiftie friendly episode, absolutely nothing to shadow ban here, nope not at all (devil emoji) If you couldn't tell, we are super juiced to invite you all to a very special, mind reconfiguring politic shaking and shaping episode of Black People Telling Black History with the Icon herself, Dr. Joy James. Join us in chopping it up with Dr. James in what was a rich discourse spurned from her new book, In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love and New Bones Abolition: Captive Maternal Agency and the (after) life of Erica Garner, out now. This pre-Valentine's Day episode is all about love (see what I did there), but not the hallmark card consumer capitalist iteration of love but the love that has us stop our movements from being exploited and destabilized by capitalist interests from compadors or even well meaning actors who are subservient to the system. Agape driven love, what Dr. James demarcates as, "love as political will, communal care and protections...a spiritual, political phenomenon...our capacity to care for and defend ourselves from state violence while also nurturing and being nurtured by individual selves and communities." A love that Assata Shakur and Erica Garner had; both captive maternals, Dr. James argues, who driven by a love for Black people,  forged maroonage in their own right--"unrepentant insurrectionists, the unembraceable against whom the state exercises severe sanctions. A love Black political prisoners who are still being detained in US prisons today had, risking their lives and freedoms on behalf of Black liberation, a love beyond sentimentality, a love perhaps even for those who don't love us back (working on that).  Do not miss out on all this free game and don't say we ain't never did nothing for you. “Despite our care, emotional intelligence and political determination, without collective strategies, our caretaking freezes or falters. Becoming trained maroons capable of coordinating war resistance deflects or defies predatory violence." --Dr. Joy James Support for Dr. Joy James: Intro Diddley: Patience Sings (@patience.sings) Consider becoming a patron to support this podcast:
Traditional Midwives were criminalized, exploited and erased, their 1000 year old practices mined to create the field of obstetrics and this marginalization of Black and Indigenous midwives continues today. Learn more about the origins of the Black maternal health crisis in this country and movements to resist it--one birth at a time. Alternate episode titles: -We gone be known as the niggas that be crying on here podcast -A Black Queer Midwife Saved Our Life -Racha owns the only Black owned and operated birthing center in the entire state of Virginia--why is that? Join us for another episode of Black People Telling Black History with Los Angeles' own, the incomparable Racha Tahani Lawler Queen, our midwife turned family. Support Racha's work and continue to invest in the birthing cottage: Venmo: @Black_Midwife Racha Tahani Lawler Queen is a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), Licensed Midwife (LM), Registered & Certified Sangoma (South African Traditional Healer Herbalist), fourth generation midwife, farmer, and textile artist. A practicing traditional midwife of 20+ years, supporting families in hospitals, birth centers, and in homebirth. Lawler Queen has supported over 1,600 families in their out-of-hospital birthing, and for over a decade prioritized Black & Brown midwifery students as a clinical preceptor and academic preceptor. She is the co-founder of the nonprofit Black Farm Studio House with her spouse dana washington-queen that amplifies artists, Black, Brown, Indigenous farmers, and provides subsidies to aid reproductive wellness of LGBTQIA2 folks across the African diaspora. On August 1st 2023, she opened Gather Grounded Midwifery's - Birth Cottage in Midlothian, VA. A reimagined birth cottage (center), modeled after how her great great-grandmother's midwifery cared for Black & Indigenous families in Elmo and Forney, Texas. Social Media: Instagram: @gathergroundedmidwifery @Blackfarmstudiohouse Tik Tok: @gathergroundedmidwifery For more information on the birthing cottage in Virginia, visit: Intro Diddley: Patience Sings (IG: @patience.sings) Consider becoming a patron to support this podcast:
It's me again...and we're back... Alternate episode titles: -One genocide minds -Destabilize, Disrupt and Destroy: US Foreign Policy in Palestine, Syria, Yemen and the entire Middle East -AFRICOM: Obama's Scramble for Africa Still Scraping By Under the Doppler in 2024 -Freedom ain't free: On a politics of indifference to Black death From Congo to Tigray to Darfur, there are multiple genocides happening on the continent of Africa and the United States' government is complicit in ALL of them just as they aid and abet Israel's genocide against the Palestinian People to shore up its political and economic power in the region. There is a genocide against Black people here in the US, the same US that still has a one million dollar bounty on Assata Shakur but ya'll don't hear me tho. Consider becoming a patron to support this podcast:
Gettin’ Free! : A Juneteenth Collaboration brought to you by Sistas Who Kill: A True Crime Podcast. We know that history is told from the side of the colonizers but that leaves room for misinformation and false narratives. We are on a mission to change that. 11 Black podcasts have come together to reclaim our history and tell it our way - flavor and all. Welcome to a chronological journey to get free. Learn where we’ve come, what we’ve overcome, and how much further we need to go. Let this be the soundtrack to your Juneteenth afternoon and evening, gather around with the family, play it at the function or kickback before the food come out or on the way to the juneteenth umoja festival somewhere or meditate on it in the silence and peace of solitude. How ever you choose to spend juneteenth, get into this Black education, history, mystery, intrigue and delight in being Black everyday. Sistas Who Kill IG: @SistasWhoKillPod 22:16 Hoodrat to Headwrap IG: @ihartericka 42:25 Black Millennial Marriage IG: @blackmillennialmarriage 54:03 Journey to Launch IG: @JourneyToLaunch 1:05:36 So what are you reading IG: @sowhatareyoureadingpodcast 1:22:28 Chile, Please IG: @itshoneychile 1:34:36 The Professional Silly Podcast IG: @itsprosilly 1:47:00 Jokes on You IG: @JokesOnYouPod 2:04:07 Black Fashion History IG: @blackfashionhistorypodcast 2:15:31 Zora’s Daughters IG: @zorasdaughters 2:26:35 Black True Crime IG: @blacktruecrimepodcast
And disco and every other offshoot and derivative therein. Argue with my mom, who was there and could tell you. Black queer and trans people were forced to build space, shelter and sanctuary in the dancerie so we could all be free…follow us and Deborah Conton (@deeeebo_x)as she leads us through cultural memory, history, place and legacy. Part 2 coming soon!! Deborah Conton is an Atlanta native and Brooklyn resident actively involved in the club scene in Atlanta with many nights spent on the dancefloor, listening to Club Classics and House Music. She continues to create movement-based work for the Liberation of Black bodies. Her work led her to stage solo pieces for Movement Research (Judson Church), Performance Mix Festival, That's What She Said!, Sisterhood Summit, and the Center for Performance Research in Brooklyn via dance residency in 2020. She has also performed at Joe’s Pub and SummerStage, under the guidance of The Illustrious Blacks. She is part of a Brooklyn-based dance collective known as Afro Mosaic Soul. This collective threw events with Ian Friday and The Illustrious Blacks, known as Libation in New York City. She is also a part of the Dancing Black Bodies Project via Ladies of Hip Hop, which sheds light on Black Women in the club, Hip Hop, and other Black Social Dance movements. House Music was the catalyst that led her deeper into her spiritual practice. She is also a practitioner of Isese Lagba, a tradition based out of Nigeria and also an Ifà practitioner. This work has led her to do collective work under the moniker of Dee Spark Tarot and create an Oracle deck that expands outside of divination work and mentorship. She is also in the process of launching a Tarot Deck this upcoming Spring 2023. Venmo: @ deborah-conton PayPal and Zelle: Cashapp: @deesparktarot1 @deeeebo_x @deesparktarot - Divination and Spiritual work @afromosaicsoul - Dance collective I am a part of - footage from House In The Park Atlanta, Labor Day 2021 - Praise dancing at Adult Skate, MJQ - Ash Lauryn spinning at Public Records - (First photo: Club Shelter party with Chicago DJ, Ron Trent spinning, 3rd photo from the Frankie Knuckles exhibit in 2021, Kerri Chandler and Merlin Bobb - nightlife legends, and a 2nd photo from House In The Park, Atlanta). White Racist Backlash Against Black Music During Disco Era: Intro Music: BPTBH by Patience sings Outro Music : Apathy Happy by Benjamin Earl Turner
Or alt title: Stealing Negros Spiritual Experiences. And I don't know how many times we have to say this. Even the existence of such a thing as "American" music is dubious. Black people created all genres of music in the US and despite the global influence and unabashed imitation of our Black American cultural art forms, we've profited the least from their reach and much propaganda persists: Black music is NOT the "soundtrack to America" nor did it arise from a blend of styles from a "multi-ethnic" population and when you say every genre has "Black roots", that's just an unnecessarily genteel way of saying that we created all genres of music in this country. Join us and the inimitable @patiencesings as we talk negro spirituals, the afropessimisms of prayer warriors and the merits of Black music made for and by Black people. Patience Sings is a vocal prominent creative certified Reiki practitioner and writer native to Washington, D.C; Ever learning Afro-futurist, an advocate for fat Black folx, a champion for Black and Brown Youth and a proponent for Black mental health and healing through grief. Patience is most recently recognized as the "Scat" of the Peace & Bodyroll Duo BOOMscat, and CEO of Mojuba, a rental space and artist collective in Silver Spring MD. Patience is currently most proud of her collaborative work as an inaugural Cultural Work fellow at the Highlander Center for Education and Research, and for BOOMscat’s contribution to The Black Sound Lab at Dartmouth College and their Black Covid Care project. Support their work: Venmo: @patiencesings Cashapp: $patiencestaysinging Paypal: Intro Music: "Black People Tell Black History" by Patience! Outro Music: "Apathy Happy" by Benjamin Earl Turner References: Helen Baylor Kurt Carr Richard Smallwood Maurette Brown Clark I'll Fly Away by Hezekiah Walker Goin Up Yonder by Walter Hawkins
Day 3: Black People Tell Black History feat Liz Thompson. 69 Years after Brown v Board of Education and 59 years after 464,000 Black NYC public school students and teachers staged one of the largest protests in US history, led by Reverend Milton Galamison on Freedom Day, we are still questioning whether or not the US education system is still as racist and inequitable as ever (it is). Elizabeth (she/her) is a queer Creole-Ghanaian writer and educational equity researcher based in Washington, D.C. With over a decade of experience in student affairs, alumni relations, & development, Elizabeth’s background centers on engaging alumni from marginalized populations and the socio-historical impact of U.S. public school desegregation on Black students and educators. Elizabeth earned her B.A. and M.A. in English Literature from Hood College and George Washington University, respectively. She is a member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and an alumna of the Public Leadership Education Network, a national, nonpartisan organization that prepares college women and marginalized gender groups for leadership in the public policy arena. Elizabeth currently serves as editor of Politics and Advocacy at @mixedmag, an online multimedia magazine dedicated to promoting creatives of color and celebrating multiethnic & multicultural voices. Venmo - @baaba-mensima CashApp- $lizthom86 Intro Music: "Black People Tell Black History" by Patience Sings Outro Music: "Apathy Happy" by Benjamin Earl Turner
Day 2: Black People Tell Black History featuring the number one cheek-clapper-in-residence---activist, researcher and scholar Saifa Wall (@saifaemerges on IG) who is making Black history by highlighting the contributions, age old existence and movement building of Black intersex folks across the globe. Sean Saifa Wall (he/him/his) is a Black queer intersex activist and rising scholar. He is a Marie Skłowdoska-Curie fellow at the University of Huddersfield in England examining the erasure of intersex people from social policy in Ireland and England ( Saifa is also committed to racial equity and a radical vision of bodily autonomy for intersex folks. As co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project (, a grassroots initiative by intersex people of color, he is determined to end harmful and invasive genital surgery on intersex children and advocate for affirming healthcare for all people with intersex variations. In addition to his activism, he is a trained somatic awareness practitioner and loving dad to his dog, Justice. Paypal: @seansaifa Venmo: @seansaifa-wall Cashapp: $saifaemerges Resources: (Here is the article that accompanies this tweet: Intro Music: "Black People Tell Black History" by Patience Sings Outro Music: "Apathy Happy" by Benjamin Earl Turner
Day 1: Black People Tell Black History with J Mase III (@jmaseiii) In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was with God but it was also likely Black and it certainly wasn't just cisgender and straight. I'm sleep tho, in Jesus Name. J Mase III is a Black/Trans/queer poet & educator based in Seattle by way of Philly. As an educator, Mase has worked with community members in the US, UK, and Canada on the needs of LGBTQIA+ folks and racial justice in spaces such as K-12 schools, universities, faith communities and restricted care facilities. He is founder of awQward, the first trans and queer people of color talent agency. J Mase is author of And Then I Got Fired: One Transqueer’s Reflections on Grief, Unemployment & Inappropriate Jokes About Death as well as White Folks Be Trippin’: An Ethnography Through Poetry & Prose. He is head writer for the theatrical production Black Bois. He is co-director of the forthcoming documentary, the Black Trans Prayer Book and is finishing his latest solo work, Is Your God a Violent God? Finding a Theology for Survivors. This year he will be leading a series of workshops on Reparations Frameworks, called "All That DEI & Still No Reparations?" Find out more on IG & TikTok @jmaseiii and sign up for the mailing list on his site: How to support his work: My Cashapp is: $jmaseiii Venmo is : @JMase-Mase Intro music: "Black People Tell Black History" by Patience Sings Outro: Apathy Happy by Benjamin Earl Turner Excerpt: Reverend Valerie Spencer at the 2010 TransFaith Summit, courtesy of Diamond Stylz:
BIPOC, POC, NBPOC and other acronyms for Others...what are their origins and how do they inform a desire for and distance from Blackness across nation-states? Is the term POC a relic from slavery legislation in the US or a useful modifier that can unify the "global majority"? Leading up to Transgender Awareness Week we get deep into it all and mo' with our love and special guest, afroindígena poet, award winning author and artist Alan Pelaez (They/Them)! Support for this episode can go directly to Alan: Venmo--@migrantscribble Recommended Reading: All things Alan:
A longie but goodie just in time for the fall of US imperialist projects in Afghanistan...and autumn. TLDR: It’s giving very much hating on the not rich who did not understand the assignment of shutting the fuck up and running politicians their propers for re-election. A tax on vibes. If "Taliban" means "student" in Pashto--the US is the teacher. Have you ever asked yourself why tax reform is such a contentious issue and has been for decades? Have you ever stopped to think that politicking, grandstanding and "fashion diplomacy" is part of moderate, centrist Democrats' pandering to a more leftist, "progressive" voter base but without alienating their prioritized white voter base too much (think Nancy Pelosi kneeling in the kente cloth sash in 2020)? There's a slavery era explanation for that: The tobacco rice and indigo that our ancestors grew and produced were considered in Alexander Hamilton’s own words “which must be capital objects in treaties of commerce w foreign nations” and precipitated the events that led to this country’s independence in 1776 following the Revolutionary War. His more famous quote, though, "no taxation without representation" portends a more glaring contradiction: imagine being mad you have to pay taxes to enrich the British whose royal companies, militaries, fleets and slavers sold and transported the Indigenous Africans you enslaved and calling TAXATION slavery while actually enslaving people? Tax the rich is again policy sloganeering and is a liberal democratic/partisan rallying cry that can’t happen in good faith in an oligarchy that siphons all its resources to an already massive defense budget. Just earmark our reparations, will ya? Maybe the majority of folks who at least have some semblance of a revolutionary or radical politic aren't hating on rich people or Met Gala attendees or AOC herself, but instead recognizing that she and other politicians across the spectrum are sworn to serve a country that used the international slave trade between Britain and Spain to generate revenue to build a domestic manufacturing infrastructure to keep taxes lowered for their most invaluable taxable import--Black people and whose Central Intelligence Agency created the Taliban to wrest power from the USSR's puppet pro-soviet government during the Soviet Afghan War in 1979-1989 as part of plan to distort the public's view of the barbaric, warmongering, misogynist primitive backward United States to continue competing for oil and other natural resources in Central Asia, including the global heroin trade to finance the invasion of other countries, arm the genocide of their number one ally in the region (the Israeli Government. See Kamala Harris's comments on Israel)while pretending to care about "women's right's" and immigration while whipping Haitian immigrants at the border. That said, shirking accountability for their complicities in systems of oppression to remain elected isn't above any of their paygrades--even the politicians you like! Eyes On Haiti Oligarchy: US mass deportations of Haitian Immigrants: Recommended Reading: Tariq Ali: Global Heroin Trade Links to US presence in Afghanistan: AOC:
Comments (4)


Couldn’t wait to destroy the white privileged and smash the patriarchy if it actually existed.

Jun 17th

Alexandra Tsantes

Would love to hear an Ericka + Ebony music collaboration, but whatever you both choose will be great. 💗

Nov 3rd

Melissa Mick

Also the original caretakers of the land were many various Indigenous Nations including but not limited to the Hupa, Yurok, Miwok Pima and more.. You calling them Indigenous Mexicans is saying Indigenous Americans. You are disproving your own point with the wrong language

Feb 27th

Melissa Mick

what do you mean there was no culture? This whole topic you discuss is completely devoid of Indigenous recognition.

Feb 27th