Hope After Child Loss/The Empty Chair Endeavor

<p>An outreach of The Empty Chair Endeavor designed to support and equip survivors of child loss in rediscovering life, hope, and joy after unspeakable tragedy. Additionally, our mission involves educating the public about the life altering impact the death of a child has upon survivors, both parents and siblings, and equipping them to better support and minister to them. Join us as guests share their stories of heartbreaking loss and how God has shown up on their journeys to restore hope, meaning and purpose. The host, Greg Buffkin, lives with his wife Cathy in South Carolina. Because Cathy and Greg lost their beautiful son Ryan to suicide in 2015, they understand the trauma and pain of losing a child. On a journey that began 8 years ago out of unspeakable trauma and brokenness, GOD has brought them through to a place of restoration, hope and joy with a passion to help fellow survivors on their journeys.</p>

A Rediscovery of Hope After Unspeakable Loss with Yolanda Martinez, David's Mom

Every 39 minutes of every day, someone in the U.S. dies senselessly at the hands of an intoxicated driver! On January 20, 2015, Yolanda Martinez and her family experienced their worst nightmare when their 14 year old son, David, was killed when their family van was hit by a speeding drunk driver. Although badly injured, their daughter and a niece survived. Listen as "Yolie" and I talk about the trauma of losing her only son that evening, how she and her husband began trying to process the unt...


Navigating Life After Suicide with David Szweda, Hudson’s dad

The unthinkable happened on January 17, 2023. David Szweda and his family’s lives would never again be the same, as they learned their 24 year old dearly loved son, Hudson had taken his own life. Such pain and loss leave parents utterly broken, wondering if they’ll survive it … and if they even want to.A father’s heart is to protect and care for his spouse and children; the death of a child not only leaves him broken, but often dealing with a sense of guilt because he failed to protect, and a...


Navigating Stillbirth with Erin Maroon, Ashlie’s Mom and co-founder of Ashlie’s Embrace

After nine long months of waiting for the much anticipated arrival of their first child, a daughter,Ashlie, Erin Maroon and her husband Anthony were crushed and heartbroken as her doctor delivered Ashlie and discovered she was stillborn at full term. Without warning, their long awaited joy and dreams abruptly vanished. How do young parents even begin trying to process something so unspeakable with the unbearable pain and unanswered questions? Grief isn’t supposed to accompany the birth of a c...


A Conversation with Kim Erickson, Austin's Mom

"GOD rescued me when Austin went to Heaven by allowing me to understand that Heaven is a real place, more wonderful than we can imagine." Kim Erickson, noted speaker, and author of "Surviving Sorrow: A Mother's Guide to Living with Loss." Losing her beautiful 3 year old son, Austin, to a strep throat infection in April 2008, Kim's life was shattered and put on a trajectory she could never have imagined. Join us as Kim and I talk about her grief journey, how she and her husband Dev...


Our Story Part 2 with Guest Host Danielle Zapchenck

A continuation of Greg and Cathy Buffkin's story of losing our beautiful 26 year old son Ryan to suicide in October 2015. Ours is a journey from the brokenness of unspeakable loss and pain to experiencing GOD's goodness as He began making something beautiful from all those broken pieces and restoring meaning, purpose and hope to our lives. Please click here to let us know your thoughts about this episode. If you find our episodes meaningful and helpful, we invite you to follow us on your...


Our Story with guest-host Danielle Zapchenck

In this 2 part interview, our friend Danielle Zapchenck , host of The Parable Podcast, guest-hosts for me as we dive into the journey my wife Cathy and I have been living since October 25, 2015 when our beautiful 26 year old son Ryan took his own life. While our story is one of deep tragedy and brokenness, it's more than that. It's one where GOD enters into our pain and suffering and demonstrates His love, kindness, compassion and grace in ways that we could never have imagined. You will lear...


From a Crisis of Faith to a Discovery of Hope with Teresa Davis, R.N., Andrew's Mom

What do we do when our deepest fear suddenly becomes our new reality? How do we even begin to process and navigate the pain and grief we never could have imagined? This is where Teresa Davis found herself on November 28, 2018 when she learned that her 32 year old son, Andrew had died when the plane he was piloting crashed in a very remote area, leaving behind a young wife and two children. Desperately wanting answers to so many questions, Teresa experienced a crisis of faith for the first tim...


"Walking Through Fire" with Vaneetha Risner, Paul's Mom

In this episode, well known author and speaker Vaneetha Risner and I talk about her long journey of loss and suffering beginning with childhood polio, several miscarriages, the death of her infant son Paul, post-polio syndrome, betrayal and abandonment by her first husband, and caring for young daughters alone while battling illness. We talk about how GOD lovingly met her in the fire of suffering, using it to radically transform her, and then "watched Him turn her suffering into a conduit of ...


A Conversation with Jenny Leavitt, Jacob's Mom

Every year, approximately 11,000 people are killed by drunk drivers, an astounding number. Jenny Leavitt's 17 year old son, Jacob, was one of them in August, 2015. Miraculously, her 29 year old son, Caleb, survived, but was left with catastrophic injuries requiring a long period of healing and recovery. How do parents survive and navigate something so traumatic and senseless? Jenny, already a stage 4 cancer survivor, candidly shares her journey from brokenness, pain, and anger towards GOD, to...


Navigating the Devastation of Suicide with Tobe and Amy Witmer, Abbie’s parents

As the day began to unfold on June 28, 2023, life as they knew it would never again be the same for Tobe and Amy as they learned their precious, beautiful 28 year old daughter Abbie had taken her own life after a long battle with depression and PTSD. Tobe and Amy had witnessed the pain and suffering of others as they grieved their loved ones in his role as a church pastor, but nothing could have prepared them for this. The death of a child leaves parents feeling shattered and empty; suicide a...


A Grandparent’s Grief Journey with Dr. Michael Bullock, Miles’ grandfather and President of Miles’ Mission

In our previous episode, Michael’s daughter, Jennifer Bullock-Moore, shared the story of the tragic loss of her beautiful son Miles to stillbirth in September 2021. Grandparents, like surviving siblings, are often overlooked following the death of a child, but their grief is just as real. In this episode, Michael describes the heartbreaking pain of losing his grandson and the intense weight of trying to navigate his own grief journey, while also grieving for his precious daughter and the pain...


A Conversation with Jennifer Bullock-Moore, Miles' Mom

2022 statistics from the National Institutes of Health mirror findings of an investigation by ProPublica into the U.S. stillbirth crisis in which more than 20,000 pregnancies every year are lost at 20 weeks or more with the baby being born dead.As the news anchor for the local NBC affiliate in Columbus, Ohio, Jenn’s pregnancy was celebrated and followed in a very public manner. But on October 11, 2021 tragedy struck when her beautiful son, Miles Owen, was stillborn at 33 weeks with little war...


A Conversation with Aubrey Sampson: Author, Church Planter, Podcaster, and Speaker

In this episode, noted author, speaker and podcaster, Aubrey Sampson, talks with me about her personal grief journey and a crisis of faith following the sudden, tragic death of her cousin Cameron in a snow hiking accident. Describing Cameron as being like a brother, his untimely death resulted in a season of very deep grief and depression. As if that weren’t enough, after waking up one morning suddenly unable to walk, Aubrey was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease … all within a matter of mo...


A Conversation with Tim Challies, Nick's dad

How is a parent supposed to accept and begin processing the sudden, unexplainable death of their child? Healthy 20 years don’t just die suddenly without warning or symptoms of some sort. Sadly, a phone call brought this devastating news to Tim Challies and his family on November 3, 2020. His precious son Nick, engaged to be married, and working towards a seminary degree, passed away suddenly while participating in a school activity. In this episode, Tim, a noted author, speaker, and blogger t...


A Conversation with Jessika Stephen Sanders and Eric Schumacher, authors of "In His Hands, Prayers for Your Child or Baby in a Medical Crisis"

What do we do when the news we receive changes everything and we suddenly find ourselves in the middle of a crisis without warning? It leaves us paralyzed with fear and uncertainty so deep we don’t even know if we can pray, or how we can pray. If that’s where you find yourself as you’re reading this, please listen to this conversation.In this episode, authors, Jessika Sanders and Eric Schumacher, talk with me about how GOD used the crises and loss they faced in their own lives, to inspire the...


A Conversation with Terry Sternad, T.J's dad

For Terry Sternad, the cold, icy December day on a horse ranch in Colorado, was to be one of watching his daughter take a riding lesson while his 5 year old son T.J. enjoyed exploring around the stables where he had played on previous trips. What happened over the next few hours would forever profoundly alter Terry’s and his family’s lives.In this episode, Terry and I talk about the heart wrenching loss of his precious son that day, how GOD lovingly revealed Himself in the pain, and put him o...


Navigating the Nightmare of Suicide with Stephanie Carducci, Daniel's Mom

January 31, 2018 should have been a "normal", otherwise uneventful day for Stephanie Carducci and her family. They would soon discover that was not to be the case, when they learned their beloved 17 year old son, Daniel, had taken his own life. The death of a child by any cause is such an unthinkable, unspeakable event for parents, but suicide compounds the pain and trauma with all the unanswered questions it leaves coupled with confusion, guilt, and a need for answers.Listen as Stephanie and...


A Dad’s Journey Through Miscarriage with Eric Schumacher

The death of a child at any age is a traumatic, unspeakable loss for parents. All too often, however, the emotional, mental, and even physical pain suffered by parents as a result of miscarriage or stillbirth isn't afforded the same level of compassion or understanding as loss from other causes. In this episode, author, pastor, and podcast host, Eric Schumacher joins me to discuss the impact such a loss has had upon him and his wife Jenny, not just once, but four (4) times. If you have ever e...


A Conversation with Dr. Amy Ocasio, Thomas's mom

As a licensed professional clinical counselor, Amy was well acquainted with clinical depression, it's prevalence and impact on the lives of teenagers, and associated risk of suicide. But on July 28, 2019 it suddenly became very personal when she discovered her precious, beautiful son Thomas had taken his own life at the young age of only 16.A single moment in time had turned her world upside down and would forever, mark hers and her family's lives. I invite you to listen as Amy shares her hea...


A Conversation with Danielle Duffey, Blake's mom

The death of a child is so heart wrenching that it often leaves parents feeling as though they might suffocate under the weight of the grief. We desperately want answers about why it happened. How do we process such trauma and begin to navigate through the grief when there are no answers? Join me as Danielle Duffey sits down and shares the story of losing her sweet, beautiful 17 month old son, Blake, to a very rare condition known as Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC). Unlike SIDS, ...


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