Hope Renewed

Ministry life is challenging – to say the least. Many pastors need encouragement as they face a time of uncertainty, crisis, or transition. Drawing from the experience and wisdom of those who deeply care for the lives of pastors, their families, and the local church, these podcasts speak to many of the core issues facing today’s ministry leaders. Join the PIR Staff and others as they offer a message of Gospel hope as well as insights on how pastors can protect their future and guard their present.

41 - Shame and the Pastor - Mike Gorr

Shame. It’s the lie that says, “You’re worthless. You're a mistake.” It can get to the root of our being and poison our lives. Pastors and ministry leaders face unique battles with shame even as they hold out the Word of life that heals. What is it about shame that is so devastating? When and how does it attack? What are some ways those in ministry can unmask shame, build “shame resilience”, finding freedom and renewal? Join us as we talk with Pastor Mike Gorr (D.Min.) whose own confrontation with shame became the focus of his doctoral work and the basis of a new and healthy way of ministering God’s grace! Resources Referenced Brené Brown's “Men, Women and Worthiness” Curt Thompson's “The Soul of Shame” Gershen Kaufman’s “Shame: The Power of Caring” Robert McGee's “The Search for Significance” John Trent’s “People Fuel”


02 - The Importance Of Sabbath Rest - Tom Jameson

The idea and principle of Sabbath keeping is often incredibly difficult for ministry leaders to put into practice. Like Martha, the many good and necessary things of life can distract us from what’s best. Sabbath is about choosing the best among all the good and necessary things of life. It nurtures our soul and brings us hope. Roy Yanke continues this theme in this part of his message on Living According to God’s Sabbath Principle.


01 - Embracing God’s Culture of Rest - Tom Jameson

From the moment of creation, God instilled a pattern – a rhythm – of work and rest for our lives. How well do we embrace that? In a continuation of Roy Yanke’s message on Living According to God’s Sabbath Principle, we’re encouraged to live into God’s perfect plan for His people.


79 - DeSizing the Church - Karl Vaters

Karl Vaters joins Tom and Sean to talk about his new book De-Sizing the Church and how our obsession with bigness is hurting our witness.


78 - Preacher to Preacher - Dan Borg

Dr. Dan Borg, Regional Director for PIR Ministries joins Tom and Sean to talk about how pastors can help one another grow as preachers with a new initiative he calls Preacher to Preacher.


77 — Hope in the Wilderness of Ministry — Tim Young

Tim Young, PIR Regional Director, joins Tom and Sean to share his framework for working through the wilderness places in ministry.


76 —Serving Under a Narcissistic Leader — Chuck DeGroat

Chuck DeGroat joins Sean to talk about what an associate pastor should do if they find themselves serving under a narcissistic leader.


75 — Finding Hope through Discernment — Tom Jameson & Sean Nemecek

Tom and Sean talk about how to form a discernment group to help you get "unstuck" or to clarify your way forward. Learn how discerning God's will as a group can be a hope giving experience.


74 - Hope in Contentious Times - David Henderson

Pastor David Henderson joins Tom and Sean to talk about how pastors and churches can maintain a spirit of love in the face of anger, bitterness, fear, and contentious times.


73 - Sabbatical Planning - Karl Vaters

Karl Vaters joins Tom and Sean to talk about his sabbatical experience. Karl worked with Sean to plan his sabbatical and he shares what that was like and how it helped his whole sabbatical. For more on Karl Vaters' sabbatical listen to this episode on The Church Lobby Podcast: Ep 055: What I Learned By Taking A Sabbatical, with Karl Vaters https://megaphone.link/CHRTDY1587100718


72 - The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout (Part 4) - Sean Nemecek

PIR Executive Director Roy Yanke joins Tom once again to help interview Sean about part 3 of The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout. This discussion centers around the spiritual practices of lament, surrender, and abiding in God's love as the keys to the transformation into being a burnout-proof leader. They guys also discuss the characteristics of a healthy Christian leader and the importance of practicing Sabbath and forming a Rule of Life. 


71 - The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout Part 3 - Sean Nemecek

Tom, Sean, and PIR Executive Director Roy Yankee discuss part two of The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout. They cover the necessary steps to recover from burnout and develop resilience and discuss the theological heart of the book - what it means to be in Christ. To learn more, or preorder a copy of the book visit wearyleadersguide.com


70 - The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout (Part 2) - Sean Nemecek

PIR Executive Director, Roy Yanke, joins Tom and Sean to talk in more detail about the first part of The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout. This section of Sean's new book asks "What is burnout and what causes it?" 


69 - The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout - Sean Nemecek

In this episode, Tom and Sean introduce Sean's new book The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout: A Journey from Exhaustion to Wholeness. This first of four episodes on the book, gives an overarching view of the book and Sean's story of burnout. In the next three episodes, the guys will be joined by PIR Executive Director, Roy Yanke, to explore each section of the book in more detail. You can learn more about the book at wearyleadersguide.com 


68 - Roy Yanke on the Conversations Podcast

Roy Yanke, Executive Director of PIR Ministries, was a guest on the Conversations Podcast provided by the Center for Thriving Leaders sponsored by Grace Theological Seminary. They have graciously allowed us to share that interview with our listeners. 


67 - The Bomb of Forced Exit - Monty Harrington

Monty Harrington joins Tom and Sean to talk about the aftermath of forced exit because of a new lead pastor. Monty, the events coordinator for Renovare, shares a little about the Renovare Pastor's Retreat in Colorado Springs.


66 - Hope is Fuel - Chris Davis

Pastor and Author Chris Davis joins the guys to talk about his new book Bright Hope for Tomorrow, an in-depth look at how the return of Christ gives us hope and strength for today. We also talk about how pastors can combat isolation and loneliness in ministry.


65 - The Sacred Journey - Joe Chambers and Jeremy Frye

Joe Chambers and Jeremy Frye join Tom and Sean to talk about their Sacred Journey Retreats and how they bless ministry families. These free retreats are offered every year and focus on learning to rest in our belovedness in Christ. Show notes will be available on hoperenewedpodcast.com


64 - Bivocational Ministry and Coaching - Cedrick Barrett

Bivocational pastor, Cedrick Barrett, joins Tom and Sean to talk about how clergy coaching has helped him navigate the challenges of life and ministry.


63 - You're Only Human - Kelly Kapic

Author Kelly Kapic joins Tom and Sean to discuss his new book Your Only Human. If you are continually driven to do more or try harder but end up feeling exhausted, guilty, or ashamed, this conversation is for you. Learn how your limits are part of God's good creation.


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