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Horror Stories Podcast
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Horror Stories Podcast

Author: Robert Crandall

Subscribed: 267Played: 6,413


Audio versions of short stories by authors like Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, H.G, Wells and others.
204 Episodes
A man spends the night in a haunted house and things don't go well.  Something strange about my neighbors death, and a horror word of the day. To order the audiobook I recorded about AI click on the link below, see if you think this could really happpen.  
In this episode. Jubilation and exhalation,  despair and bereavement, a nightmare and a creepy story. by H.P. Lovecraft. You can Help support the show by ordering the audiobook Source A Souls Journey by Richard Bunce. It's AI fiction that will make you wonder, what are we in for ?  Click on the link below and Thank You for your support.
In our feature story a man accidentally becomes immortal. He falls in love and she ages but he does not. Help support the show by ordering the audiobook Source A Souls Journey by Richard Bunce. It's AI fiction that will make you wonder, what are we in for ?  Click on the link below and Thank You for your support.
A man doesn't believe in the supernatural until he sees a grusome murder. Read by Robert Crandall. Now available an audiobook I produced about AI fiction , this book will make you think and make you afraid, and make you wonder, what are we in for. Click the link and Thank You for your support.
A young man and his Aunt dare to inspect a haunted house and things get really strange. Plus dystopian fiction. Have you exceeded your illness allotment ?  Read by Robert Crandall All Rights Reserved.
A chapter from an audiobook about AI. The audiobook will make you think,and will make you afraid, and will make you wonder. What are we getting into ? Read by Robert Crandall All Rights Reserved.
In this story a man sells his soul to the devil and suffers an agonizing death. Read by Robert Crandall, All Rights Reseved. Thank You for listening.
In this story a woman is sick and frail and needs help, but whenever someone tries to help her, they, get weak and sick, and die. Read by Robert Crandall All Rights Reserved.
A strange story about a strange house that sits high on cliff. If you're afraid of heights, this story may be disturbing. Read by Robert Crandall. All rights reserved. Thank you for listening.  
A Strange murder and the biopsy on my thyroid is benign. I hope you are well.  Story read by Robert Crandall, All rights reserved.
Be sure to log into life and scan for viruses. Listener email and a creepy story about a man who rents a haunted room. Could you be a murderer someday? Read by Robert Crandall, All rights reserved.
Podcast Update

Podcast Update


Hope to return with full episodes soon. For now please enjoy 186 episodes in the back catalog. Thank you for your patience , and thanks for listening. 
Known as the father of cosmic horror H.P. Lovecraft has written some truly creepy tales and this is one of them. Had a nightmare lately send it to I will read it on the show.  Story read by Robert Crandall All Rights Reserved.
Our feature story is about a man who marries a woman who dies , but comes back tom life, but not in a good way. Plus a listener nightmare. Read by Robert Crandall All rights Reserved, Please tell a friend.
In this story a young man is deprived of a glorious future and inheritance when an old man swaps bodies with him.  Read by Robert Crandall All Rights Reserved. Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise. H.G. Wells
In this story  a man takes short cut through a wood and very creepy things happen. I hope you enjoy Ancient Lights by Algernon Blackwood. Read by Robert Crandall. All rights reserved. Please tell a friend.
A man who receives a letter from a friend pleading him to come visit he is in need of help. When arrives at his friends house , things get creepy. Read by Robert Crandall All Rights Reserved. 
Two men who set off to find a forbidden city and what they find is not what they anticipated. Be sure to make your travel plans carefully. Read by Robert Crandall All Rights Reserved.
The story of murder and haunted dirt. You'll never look at a cemetary the same way again.  Read by Robert Crandall. All rights reserved.  About 30 minutes
In this episode. My 3 days in the hospital I see an image of an ominous face in the image of my heart during an ultra sound procedure,  and a story of a careless undertaker who locks himself in a tomb. Why not invite a friend to listen with you. Read by Robert Crandall. All rights reserved. About 33 minutes.