Horus Heretics

Horus Heretics is a podcast where a couple of friends talk about the Warhammer 40k Horus Heresy books published by Black Library as if they were real literature. We'll moan about the characters, laugh at the dialogue and talk lustily about the spilling of gallons of traitorous blood. Come join us as we make our way through these books, with new episodes every 2 weeks, and laugh along with us at this excellent series.

Horus Heretics - Insert missing episode here

Hi Folks, Sorry to disappoint but we just didn't have time to put together an episode this week. New jobs, making games, new lives and new wives. Y'know? We'll be back very soon with your favourite mix of amateurishness and xenos misting.


Bonus Episode 12 - Warhammer+ TOTAL COVERAGE (of the free stuff)

Our thoughts on the Hammer and Bolter episode Old Bale Eye, which was free for 24 for hours as part of the hype campaign for Warhammer+, the Netflix of Warhammer


Bonus episode 11 - Head wound, Fatal!

The completion of our Opus - Ultramarines: the Movie. Where the training and arts of the Ultramarines show through in their otherworldly ability to identify an axe wound that slices a head in half as fatal


Bonus Episode 10 - The world famous Ultramarines movie - Free to steal now on youtube

Your Primarchs love you like sons and daughters and so have provisioned you with a bonus episode while they lock themselves away to concentrate on completing their life's works. Behold Ultramarine: the movie. We all feel bad for John Hurt.


Episode 52 - Killing people because of unforgivable ignorance? We've all been in those meetings

We're still dealing with the audio gremlins but we've returned to finish of Betrayer which turns out to be.......not a novel. It's a tone piece. Or maybe more of a pitch document for a better, more accomplished book. There are some really good bits but they aren't attached to plot or even the grander overarching heresy narrative.


Episode 51 - Our primarchs are adrift, microphoneless in the Italian warp

Today we discuss the first part of Betrayer. It's a vague and often directionless narrative with some nice moments and characterisation. We've talked about it for a bout 45 minutes and still can't really say what it's about. We've also put out a request for ideas for some upcoming bonus episodes so do get in touch at horusheretics@gmail.com


Episode 50 - Lets find out what happened in this book together.........We'll be as surprised as you

Your Primarchs apologise again (most other Primarchs would apologise eh? So....be thankful?) for missing last week's episode. To make it up to you, and to celebrate our 50th episode we've decided to make this ep an even bigger mess than our normal bullshit. But we enjoyed it. A lot.


A message from your Primarch

We had planned on having an episode this week but time really got away from us. I explain why and if you care to listen to this episode you may even learn a thing to two about your favourite heretics.\\We had planned on having an episode this week but time really got away from us. I explain why and if you care to listen to this episode you may even learn a thing to two about your favourite heretics.


Episode 49 - How heresy even effects the private lives of Insects

We discuss the first part of Angel Exterminatus, Neil's impending vaccination, insects and even the plot of this book. Perterabo seems like someone we both want to read more about and Fulgrim is...........the best Primarch??


Episode 48 - Another story about the same thing? really?? (our worst episode)

We finish off Shadow of treachery and we'll be frank, this episode sucks. We recorded it and were not on our game because of other life shit. Sorry about that. We'll improve in the next one for sure


Episode 47 - Chapbooks, books of Hours and hand illumination

We begin this short story collection with more discussion about the black library writers room which almost certainly doesn't exist and start to reflect on a series of stories with.........Character development?.......really?.........Yes really! and it's great!


Episode 46 - Amit provides a useful counterpoint and a face to punch

We finish talking about the superb Fear to Tread and sympathise (Read: Laugh at) with poor old Amit who has a lot to deal with in his life and ends up going full vampire.


Episode 45 - Sanguinius, Mate! Take the hint!

This episode we begin the Doom-like Fear to Tread. It's full face ripping, blood misting and meat smoke. So join us as the perfect moment for treachery has finally revealed itself.


Lost Episode - Another apology

We're taking a week off due to another commitments and moving to a new recording schedule. We'll still be releasing episodes at the same rate, just recording them differently so hopefully you won't even notice. Which begs the question, why am I even writing this? Find out next time on Horus Heretics!


Episode 44 - Balancing honesty, prudence, plot and characters in a profoundly unbalanced way

We finish up the final two stories in the Primarchs anthology and end up incredibly disheartened and fearing for the future. Fun!!!


Episode 43 - Novellacious

We discuss stories about Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus in the first half of The Primarchs, the first collection of novellas in the Horus Heresy series. The TLDR on this is they're crap.


Episode 42 - Best snake monster ever?

The conclusion to Know no Fear by Dan Abnett. We encounter a young dreadnought, a vacuum surviving primarch and an enormous snake with hooves. Just another normal day on the black library beat.


Episode 41 - Raining tanks

Action, betrayal and precise recording of time in the first part of Dan Abnett's Know No Fear.


Bonus Episode 9 - A festive message from Neil

Not really an episode as such. Just festive good wishes to you all and a plan to return in January with what you love best about the Horus Heretics!


Bonus Episode 8 - A Warhammer Christmas Carol

A re-imagining of A Christmas Carol in the Warhammer 40k/30k universe. The URL for the Kickstarter (which I'm afraid has nothing to do with the Horus Heresy) is https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/commonprofytgames/strange-sickness


Adam te Velde

Keep up the great work guys, loving every minute. I said to a work colleague today "I'm pretty sanguine". There was a quick "Ah, er" then they moved on without comment.

02-23 Reply


Shit man, probably the best heresy cast I've heard. Great work lads!

09-24 Reply

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